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[VIC] Melbourne CouchWarriors 2011 - AGM News

Would you like to see a cash prize pool? (Public vote)

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Oct 29, 2004
derrr dookar, learn to know im teaching ppl how to public transport. dont forget i am the public transport man <3


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2004
Melbourne, Aus
Did you see Zans nice new suit? Where do you think he funds that shiz Dekar?xD
They actually won't let me near money anymore, I few years ago I lost $500 worth of club funds for karaoke. :(

About the $5 entry fee you inquired about... it's time CW invested in some lightbulbs LOL

Cobalt - CW is working on pushing back the start time to 12pm like it was originally in La Trobe. That wins
Light is good hmm? I actually liked the dark after it became night... think we'll look for some that are reasonably portable that isn't annoying to have to switch on and off all the time.

As for the pushing the start time back, I can't promise it. We might have to pay staff for the extra hours that they have to be there while not open.

edit: I've never used multiquote before, it rocks.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Lol Dekar stick in his mouth.
Lol Blessings are awesome if they come from me.
Lol Jei was win -go real character and actual skill!
Lol Last place is also win.
Lol at Freddo painting the ceiling.

I really enjoyed playing the drums it was cool!! ^^ Saaannkkkyooouuuu!! *bows*
Samuraike is biding his time until he knows how to win against chain throwing cop out saps. Sadly so far it seems the answer to this will be sheer domination a la Roy though Ike's speed is far less....so I have my work cut out for me. Fuggit though I love a challenge...especially one that pisses me off again and again and require near superhuman perfection to achieve.
Samuraike for the win!

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
Zomg late shoutouts.

Zan...Rockband is GREAT! and I didn't even get to play drums.

Cobalt, yay for big blue and rainbow ride, I got lucky. Good games though. Respect.

CAO <3, I am your padowan there's no pretending anymore.

IceK, for some reason we make a make a pretty decent team in both Melee and Brawl. Just some bad luck
towards the end. More IceJ in the near future.

Those two smaller white guys that hang around IceK, lublublublub more smash and beer.

Wayne, wtf G&W...nearly won too lol gg. You're like the JAM-fund's biggest fan now =\. Muchly appreciated I guess.

Dekar lol, last teams match was too entertaining. Lucky you had someone like Tak on your team. I'll try my hardest next month.

Jei, omg wtf pit's cheap.

Brad and Lee, lol.

Shaz and CATS, **** your Marth/Ike combo.

Enough now I don't usually post this long. All I will finish off with is: I introduced my fox (poxy) into his first tournament and he is undefeated so far ^_^ My good little poxy. Love the new venue, love the smashers, love the competition. Poxy doesn't afraid of anything.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
emily, cheap as always, picking the cheap and throwing cheap-faced cheapables. you can't sink much lower. lol
nah seriously though you're just too smart and disciplined for me to cheap xD
I hate you sooooo much! <3 If i went Ike, you would have put me to shame and cheaped me out lots.

Fu tho, for doing it a few times :p. Twas the funnest match I've had in a while.

Em: Peach sucks. She is no where as good as she used to be in Melee...unfortunately. It's a good thing to see that you haven't given up on her yet.
Peach is more "fairer" than what she used to be. lol @ aerial priorities in melee. But yea, I just used her for fun, and I know that it'd take me years to get up to the top ranks in brawl...She does seem like a fun character to use overall and I can sorta play melee style.

Least I'm not top tiering ***** in Brawl! *cough* hahaha jokes. You're just too good! *Respect* =D


Mini Shout outs
Dekar: You're a Sl*t. Stop coming to tournies! :p
Redact: Couldn't cheap me out lawl! Your face is a turdbine! ROFL
Cats: For the wonderful Ike advice.
Shaz: Being a reminder that I shouldn't shame the samurike [sp?]. Thanks for some pro Ike tips =)
Erick: Sl*t no.2 for not showing up for the previous monthlies! :p Much <3
Cobalt: Stop being cheap! We gotta do some 1v1 Melee. Been wanting to do some of that.
Tak: Liar liar pants on fire. [Repeat]
Lee: Awesome Sonic hehehehehehehehe.
Plasia: Good stuff. Thanks for not taking my nubness in TF2 so seriously unlike some hero I know.
Wierus kills Plasia.
"Where was my uber Em?!"
"...uh...oops. I even had my finger on it"
Hahahahaha, good times. Your comments still crack me up.
Cao: Kawaii =3. Really did feel bad for making you crack it. [Yes shaz, i know lol -_-].
Sam: For just being Sam. xD
Syrick: Too pro at Guitar rockband :p.
Our God Forte: Sorry for sucking in teams. =|
Devil: 1-1. I'll get you back! ahahaha!



Oct 29, 2004
Sorry Emily for experiencing my rage. I heard that when I rage it's not pretty. You didn't even do anything, I was just gobsmaked by the general aura of failure the smash community gave me on Sunday, so it's nothing against you at all. It's my fault ~ I had to explode at some point, you were just the unfortunate victim. There were plenty of friendlies going on, no initiative to check individual matches, idle tv's despite noone bringing TV's and a lot of rudeness in general. I was even told off by someone when I told them to stop playing friendlies and they ignored my requests to get off and resume friendling. I couldn't even eat because we were so far behind schedule.

I'm not prepared to put up with that crap especially since I know the Melbourne Community is usually far better than this. And also especially since I had to fly back from Sydney early just to run this tournament for everyone. From Bondi to Carlton, door to door that's over 8 hours of traveling. I wasn't happy.

I don't want to have to DQ people from matches, but if the behaviour keeps up, I will show no remorse. I'm not going to bother reminding everyone to do what they have to from now on, if we're shorthanded people have noone to blame but themselves.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
<3 jei
holy crap! tab odds for next monthly!

forte $1.03
jei $1.80
cobalt $2
redact $2.10
x $2.40
shaz uses ike only $3.10
chris wins with new qld tactics $4
chris comes last with new qld tactics $1.70

jei and dekar $1.01
chris and redact $19
forte and cpu $4

dw cao, new location/layout johns, next month will be fiiiiine


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Australia, Victoria, Melbourne East
Sorry Emily for experiencing my rage. I heard that when I rage it's not pretty. You didn't even do anything, I was just gobsmaked by the general aura of failure the smash community gave me on Sunday, so it's nothing against you at all. It's my fault ~ I had to explode at some point, you were just the unfortunate victim. There were plenty of friendlies going on, no initiative to check individual matches, idle tv's despite noone bringing TV's and a lot of rudeness in general. I was even told off by someone when I told them to stop playing friendlies and they ignored my requests to get off and resume friendling. I couldn't even eat because we were so far behind schedule.

I'm not prepared to put up with that crap especially since I know the Melbourne Community is usually far better than this. And also especially since I had to fly back from Sydney early just to run this tournament for everyone. From Bondi to Carlton, door to door that's over 8 hours of traveling. I wasn't happy.

I don't want to have to DQ people from matches, but if the behaviour keeps up, I will show no remorse. I'm not going to bother reminding everyone to do what they have to from now on, if we're shorthanded people have noone to blame but themselves.
Cao lays down the law... Poor Em :(

Maybe a new system/method of getting people to their matches is in order.

Oh yeah, forgot ma SHOUTOUTZ

IceK/Devil: Fail at directions, EVEN IF I FAIL AT DIRECTIONS YOU HAVE PROVEN TO FAIL JUST AS MUCH/MAYBE MORE! IT'S ON LIGON STREET FOR FORK SAKE!!! Anyway, well done boys, we placed kinda well.

IceK: Get some h4x tips from Erik/Cobolt, they're cheaters but you might learn something.

Tak: You in a playa, and my fox fails to your Metaknight.

Cao: I don't think we've ever played a match or brawl OR Melee. I'm dead serious. Awesome job, as-per. SORRY ABOUT BEING LATE BRA!! We'd have won and you know it.

Dekar: My gawd your Sexy.

Atticus: You too Atticus, the GC control/cheatzunit might make you even s3xierz than DeckCar.

Jei: Why can't I beat you, WTF IS THIS ****!! TWICE IN A FORKING ROW! But you came second last time and like won this time so I've not got too much to be mad about. My conclusion - you're a big cheater.

Em: Got Frigate-pwn'd. Gut'd much?

Streetfighter kids: You're kids are awesome (bet you didn't read this)

DOA kids: You're sweet too, but I'm just too good at that game.

Nay: Sexy-man

Nay's Bro': I didn't even know you were Nay's brother, >_>

Elf: Sweet Falco, play moar and you'll be winning xcore.

Erik: You're a cheater and I hate you! You're just too good man, we need to play some more so you can teach me your h4x.

Cobolt: "Looks like I'm stuck with you guys and my over 9000 copies of brawl". You're also a cheater.

Redact: Sweet Hoodie, Reppin' Blackburn high. D-train is too broken, ironic friendlies (they're ironic because I hate you)

Sam: Work is for losers (I also worked that day :( )

Shaz: Then you were gone. >_>

Cats: Sweet Zelda man, you're wicked good.

Forte: You're so cool.

I know I'm prolly forgetting people but that's all I can think of right now. Had a very nice time. <_<


Smash Apprentice
Sep 12, 2007
Cao lays down the law... Poor Em :(

Maybe a new system/method of getting people to their matches is in order.
Not to add to the fire but if people aren't respecting CAO's way of running it, it's not a new system that is needed, but those people need to leave. I have held most of the recent (not that there were many) events in sydney, and have hosted stuff for years. Nothing is worse than everyone pissing about when you have sacrificed your time/effort/space/money for them, and they spit in your face.

*voicing CAO support*

CAO is so cute i cant imagine him rage, it'd be like in holy grail with that rabbit.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Australia, Victoria, Melbourne East
Not to add to the fire but if people aren't respecting CAO's way of running it, it's not a new system that is needed, but those people need to leave. I have held most of the recent (not that there were many) events in sydney, and have hosted stuff for years. Nothing is worse than everyone pissing about when you have sacrificed your time/effort/space/money for them, and they spit in your face.

*voicing CAO support*

CAO is so cute i cant imagine him rage, it'd be like in holy grail with that rabbit.
Cao likes to use the honor system, and that's awesome, but with more and more people coming to these things it's going to turn into chaos. At this point it is completely manageable but if more people keep coming I'm not sure if we can keep doing it the same way.

At the very least something should be posted on the first page about being some-what response about finding your match-ups and rules about friendlies.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Not to add to the fire but if people aren't respecting CAO's way of running it, it's not a new system that is needed, but those people need to leave. I have held most of the recent (not that there were many) events in sydney, and have hosted stuff for years. Nothing is worse than everyone pissing about when you have sacrificed your time/effort/space/money for them, and they spit in your face.

*voicing CAO support*

CAO is so cute i cant imagine him rage, it'd be like in holy grail with that rabbit.
SECONDED, FORK! Cao is too much 'wubbles' *ahem* I also really can't imagine him raging. Tired, worn out, yes. But not raging...

Seriously this means others will have to pitch in and HELP at the next tournament. Not fart about, not idling as though it was a friendly meet, but a SERIOUS TOURNAMENT that needs to RUN as fast and efficiently AS POSSIBLE. It will only happen if everyone contributes as a whole - it cannot be a one man show!


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
i would run more stuffs, but well i always had my matches going on, i played all my matches as soon as i could, and an 8 match long finals for teams takes up a decent bit


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
jeez guys

cao just arrange for a couple of people beforehand to help you, make sure matches are getting done
and the rest will help generally anyway


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
LOLzZ sorry I'm lame when it comes to trying for the win in tourneys....for me it's how the win is achieved that floats my boat so yeah...my apologies for past and future cop outs of mine xD.

KO - man I didn't realise such a thing happened...but good choice of people to dish out on LOL she deserves a bit of her own med back from time to time and I'm certainly sure she'd agree xD.
But seriously - to be honest I wasn't the happiest about it either...and you know that the feeling you've had from this monthly is the same one I got from Rambo - to be frank I'm of the mind to simply evict people who smart talk back to us when we run things for them seeing as it's done out of nothing but kindness. Myself copping some forked tongue is one thing but if any of you fcukers (who although I love you all know you can be a tack in the as$-cheek at times)
I wouldn't say it was all too surprising though...the general scatteredness of smash, darkness of the place and the fact people were tending to run off downstairs willy-nilly made for an invitation for something like this to occur. The shift has proven as poor a choice in practicality as it had done in theory....with a few extra hurdles presenting themselves too. To those who are making the effort thanks from myself and KO too....despite his mood I know he certainly does appreciate those that do lend a hand.
We can make this thing work guys - it's just a matter of putting in a little to lighten the load on KO...he takes the reigns more than anyone else from the smash community, and it's totally unfair that the poor guy who is human just like the rest of us has to burden such a pain in order to give us all something we enjoy.
KO specifically: Sorry you're taking it so hard - as always I'm here at hand to help out anyhow I can. Just keep in mind the new venue, inclusion of alcohol to an already colourful bunch, new faces who are unclear of procedure and the growing size of the population of smashers is certainly going to cause more and more issues. If you want more help you know myself as well as others would certainly be happy to help where we can - and will help even more if you show us how to. Wayne for instance seems more than willing to aid however he can. Don't think it's all got to be up to you ok bud :) - PS: Woxy.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
cao just arrange for a couple of people beforehand to help you, make sure matches are getting done
and the rest will help generally anyway
You could help too Dekar...

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
That Tak, always in the as$-cheek =b
I would be happy to help with anything that needs it. Whatever that might be.
Stu do I have you on msn?


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2004
Melbourne, Aus
One of the other issues is that somebody had been playing around with the laptop and messed up some of the placements as well. So while a helping hand would make things run smoother, trying to be helpful unannounced is probably not all that great either. :p

Reg desk will be more organised next month, and the mic should be in reach in the centre of the room for tournament organisers. Since I'll be at reg anyway, if somebody shows me how the brackets work, I'm quite willing to fill in when you're playing or otherwise disposed Cao.


Oct 29, 2004
I think the most ideal solution for the time being is for me to gather everyone up early and explain their responsibilities before the tournaments start:

1. Everyone is to make sure none of the Smash designated TV's will be used for friendlies. Always be on the lookout. If you see someone playone friendlies kindly ask them to quit their match instantly. If they keep on friendling afterwards, let me know and I'll disqualify them.
2. Everyone is to make sure their match on the bracket doesn't fall behind the general pace of the progression. If there is a match that is holding up the progression of the tournament, the absent person will be disqualified upon my discretion.
3. Everyone that needs to go downstairs will need to tell me first so I can make sure they complete their matches in advance so they can remain ahead in the brackets.
4. I will be bringing a poster and markers next monthly to write down the matchups that require urgent attention. That way everyone can see if they are in danger of being DQ'ed without having to clutter around the computer screen. If the matchup on the poster hasn't been completed in a long period of time the matchup will be crossed off.

Sound fair?


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
4. I will be bringing a poster and markers next monthly to write down the matchups that require urgent attention. That way everyone can see if they are in danger of being DQ'ed without having to clutter around the computer screen. If the matchup on the poster hasn't been completed in a long period of time the matchup will be crossed off.
What ever happened to using a projector, connected to the laptop?

Still the poster/markers are a great idea to tell everyone what is happening during the tournament.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
course it's fair cao

if all the smash tvs were set up in a row, all along one wall or just in the same general area it would make it a lot easier, also
two smash tvs tucked away almost behind a wall in the very corner didn't help, amirite


Smash Apprentice
Sep 12, 2007
Willing to fly to melbourne to yell at wrongdoers. - I only charge 3 Krispy Kremes per day per trip.

Good value i swear .


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2006
I'm sorry to hear you had such a stressful time KO. I know I was guilty of having a friendly early on while we were waiting for Syrick and being a bit of a smartarse about it when you unplugged the controllers. I think forbidding them explicitly so there can be no mistake about the consequences to anyone will be helpful.

I think the event was otherwise fun. The venue had comfy chairs and good food. Rock Band was also fun! I guess I need to learn to drive so I can bring a TV though. I think my new character did well, tons of close matches in my bracket, especially Forte and Cobalt. Need more matchup experience vs. Snake. Devil was also impressive - good counterpicking in choosing Shadow Moses :)
I think the most notable set I had was with Dekar though.
Match 1: Relatively normal match against Marth, won thanks to two solid days of practice in the matchup.
Match 2: Camping festival on Corneria - trade hits, get the damage advantage, run away. Got wall infinited twice, but still managed to take the match to last stock high %, and then get killed by a G&W air boosting move I didn't even know worked that way rofl.
Match 3: Campfest v2...Norfair counterpick for shuttle loop goodness.

Congratulations to all the winners!


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
it's not an infinite, it's like 0 to 80%, not even as good as a chainthrow
my mistake was changing to dk for final match
my g and w vs your metaknight on a neutral, you got nothing =p


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Important Change For Next Monthly

The next monthly event will be held on the sunday of August 17th at the John Curtin bandroom as with the most recent event.

In light of recent events, I will be taking over the main role of supervisor for the duration of this upcoming monthly.

I will outline here the way in which the event will be run here so to have everyone well informed before the event so as to avoid confusion by any parties.

In-game rules:
These will remain unchanged from the July event.

Tournament rules (Important)
-The tournament will be run in the familiar ramdomised double elimination bracket style.
-Matches however will be played in order displayed on the brackets themselves from top to bottom without exception. Matches will be called and players will be asked to partake in their matches immediately.
-Immediately upcoming matches will be announced during the time the prior matches are underway to give warning so no-one need miss their matches.
-If you aren't present or can not be found easily when your match is due you will have 2 minutes in which to appear. Failure to do so will result in prompt disqualification for the match in question and your opponent will receive a win on technicality.
-Friendly matches are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN until otherwise instructed. This will allow for a hasty completion of the tournament matches, and with any luck allow for plenty of time for friendly, crew, money or challenge matches at the conclusion of the planned events.
-Failure to comply with instructions can lead to a disqualification. Though this is an extreme measure it is a possibility, so please do as you are asked with minimum fuss. If you have an issue you feel stops you from doing this please take it up WITH ME DIRECTLY and I will hear you out and help you solve this personally.

For further information on location, opening time and the like refer to the first post on this thread by Caotique.

Please remember to bring your controllers at very least, and where possible all wii's, copies of Brawl and TV's that can be brought along are greatly appreciated. Also remember there is a $5 fee Couch Warriors enforces so have this at the ready at entry.
-All who can bring a 60Hz television I will personally cover the Couch Warriors fee ($5) on their behalf.

If there are any queries questions or comments my e-mail address is omnimetrix@hotmail.com. Contact me there rather than in this thread to avoid congesting it.
Thanks all :)
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