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[VIC] Melbourne CouchWarriors 2011 - AGM News

Would you like to see a cash prize pool? (Public vote)

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Oct 29, 2004
Many thanks to everyone who came out to play at my place last night and this morning. I hope you all had a good time

Nay Nay

Smash Rookie
Sep 23, 2007
im cool if u guys just throw in this one melee tourny but if it is indeed just melee i dont think ill show.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2007

I challenge X's Crew to a drinking match - like a money match but with beer involved. Only once, so we don't wreck the tourney
Devil's crew more like it.
Challenge accepted

On the topic of drinking i will also definitely be attending both Blazey and Nicks Drink-a-thons

Oh and Nay teamsies next monthly??


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
Brawl and Melee with singles and teams single elimination would be best imo then you please everyone :)

Many thanks to everyone who came out to play at my place last night and this morning. I hope you all had a good time
Dammit I would have gone if i knew about it (that is if you wanted me there) :( oh well too late now i suppose :ohwell:


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Drop teams...wtf...Just coz I happen to be a part of both of the winner teams - Melee and Brawl....you can all just admit it - you ph33r me!
It comes down to time for sure - but as far as running both Brawl and Melee goes....now that both are second natures switching between the two shouldn't be nearly as mind boggling for a noob like me...so with any luck I'll be half a challenge to most of you.

Suntan Luigi

Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Bethlehem PA, Lehigh U.
I think Melee singles takes roughly the same amount of time Brawl doubles takes. I could be wrong though. And what happened to last weeks results? I need some points already. So does Jei and X.


Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2008
The heavens! which mean melbourne XD
yea melees are cool an all of course i wont play i cbf learning to wave dash...XD
but yea i love wathcing my mouth drops in awe at (i think his name is) cobalt,
anyway as long as thers always brawl...been working on my falco and i got brawl the other day too...so im more confident (not alot though still onfident ill get owned by half of you)


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
yea melees are cool an all of course i wont play i cbf learning to wave dash...XD

I don't see what's so hard about it, and especially not to mention all the duration aspects too.


Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2008
The heavens! which mean melbourne XD
lol awsome vid yea i falcon punched my friend nows thers a rift in time outside his bedroom...but serioiusly not that i dont want to learn to wave dash i mean i respect melee but i dun like the idea of using a games um....how to say, sorta glitchy but made fair rules...?

any way its not hard i mean i can do em but not good...but im a brawl fan...its just ta wayz i amz

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
word up

melee is in the past...quit livin in the past XD
whos getting drunk with me at ranbats?

EDIT:who's getting responsively drunk with me at ranbats? *ahem*


Smash Ace
Sep 22, 2004
Geelong, Australia
word up

melee is in the past...quit livin in the past XD
whos getting drunk with me at ranbats?

EDIT:who's getting responsively drunk with me at ranbats? *ahem*
Lies! Melee is like good food, you may leave it for a while but it makes you wanting to come back later. And you facing my falcon is like good sex, it hit's you hard and fast. ;]


Oct 29, 2004
I will not resurrect Melee in the Ranbats because I do not think it is a sustainable activity. There is no point trying to keep an old game alive, which will inevitably be (and already has been), buried by the new game. Brawl has just been released in Australia and it demands a high level of commitment from myself as a tournament organiser for the months to come. I will only continue to support Melee in major events where there is a national demand for it.

I would encourage those who wish to have a Melee tournament to set one up on their own using their own time and resources, preferably outside of CouchWarriors activities. Having it at CW will only distract from the real growth product, which is Brawl.

Melee was honestly an astonishingly good game. Many of us (myself included) are still addicted to it. However, running two games side by side has proven to be unsatisfying. That is why I will push for Melee to be run as a separate independent scene. If it’s really that popular, it should and will happen.


Oct 29, 2004
Jei - omg drunken rockband <3 you can be lead singer

Oh - How much did the JAM-FUND raise last month? We need to combine that with what I have saved.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Australia, Victoria, Melbourne East
I will not resurrect Melee in the Ranbats because I do not think it is a sustainable activity. There is no point trying to keep an old game alive, which will inevitably be (and already has been), buried by the new game. Brawl has just been released in Australia and it demands a high level of commitment from myself as a tournament organiser for the months to come. I will only continue to support Melee in major events where there is a national demand for it.

I would encourage those who wish to have a Melee tournament to set one up on their own using their own time and resources, preferably outside of CouchWarriors activities. Having it at CW will only distract from the real growth product, which is Brawl.

Melee was honestly an astonishingly good game. Many of us (myself included) are still addicted to it. However, running two games side by side has proven to be unsatisfying. That is why I will push for Melee to be run as a separate independent scene. If it’s really that popular, it should and will happen.

10 char.

PS. Also Cao I'd like to note that I played quite a few matches last ranbat with Fox (info for the Mains thing), thanks.

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
Ah lol your Fox is scary.
Taks' Fox is crazy scary.
My Fox is a pansy.

This mains thing, if I choose Yoshi in teams, could he possibly be included as my main or should I just suck it up and admit that I'm a Pit main and my love for Yoshi can no longer be displayed publicly?
I guess it's okay as long as I remain a Yoshi main at heart (and if my Yoshi continues kicking a$$ at a mediocre level.)

P.S. I accept the invite of being lead singer.

P.P.S. I'm definitely coming to Hotham, my car may not be able to handle the drive there but count me in, no doubt.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
phil and i will have contest of making love to forte to decide who plays drums

or just make love to forte

or each other


Oct 29, 2004
Rules & Common Sense

1. No bringing outside food or drinks, within reason. The guys are letting us use the venue for the business that they are getting out of it, so please make it worth their while so we will be welcome back.
2. No food and drinks up stairs. We're not drinking out of cans anymore, we're drinking out of glasses, so spills are almost expected. We might have a small area for food and drink at some point, but for now it's safer just to go downstairs to eat and drink.
3. No buying alcohol for people under the age of 18. No attempting to buy alcohol under the age of 18. We may ask you to leave if you cannot back up your claim that you are 18 or above. If you are under 18 that's fine, you're allowed to attend but please be upfront about it, do not attempt to do either of the above.
4. No intoxication. If you find you've had a few too many then stay down stairs. If we think you've had too many, we'll ask you to stay down stairs or leave, typically if you are showing signs of aggression or lack of coordination.
5. You are not allowed to assault people, physically or verbally. Trash talk is cool if the receiver is OK with it. If you aren't sure then don't do it. Aside from possibly being removed, you'll sound like a tool.
6. Please respect peoples property. It's volunteered for the cause and if **** happens to it, people will be less willing to put their stuff in and the event becomes less awesome. If you break it, you take responsibility for it. If you steal it, we'll have to implement bag checks at the entrance and things like that which are quite lose.

Common Sense
7. It's BYO controller, so please come prepared. We at least expect you to bring dual shock, gamecube or whatever else that you use. If you're used to arcade sticks and you don't have one, most people are fine with you using theirs, but understand that it only takes one idiot to make owners think twice about lending their stuff.
8. Please, if you drive then don't leave any valuables in your car. If you bring equipment, even if you feel it won't get used then don't leave it in your car. The area will be generally safe and quiet, however we'll have an area cordoned off for equipment and bag storage on the day and it will be in much better hands there than outside.
9. The new location is sure to attract a new bunch of people, so when playing casuals please be courteous and try to include onlookers into your games, whether you are playing winner stays on or whatever. On the flip side, if you want to get in on the action, just ask!
10. Hygiene. Have some. We're in a bandroom now, I don't know how great the circulation is going to be. I want as little gamer smell as possible. No one likes to tell someone they smell and mean it, so please for the love of all that is holy, don't make it me.
11. No johns. Smiley

Most of the rules are common sense already, and most of the common sense stuff is just stuff we would do if we didn't have complete moments of fail. With us getting bigger and all it's inevitable we have to tell people how to not fail!


Oct 29, 2004
June Ranbat Results! Thanks Sam

31 entrants, yey - back on track!
1: Cobolt
2: Jei
3: X
4: Faildact
5: Ice K
5: Em
7: Tak
7: Dekar
9: Shaz
9: Atticus
9: Devil
9: Cats
13: Jess
13: Myst
13: Zack
13: Nick
17: Forte
17: Jared
17: UnluckyXIII
17: Wayne
17: Viper
17: Matt
17: Nay
17: Syrick
25: Plasia
25: Feri
25: Sedgie
25: Shade
25: Linx
25: Sekh
25: Adam

1: Yian kut ku (Cats + Shaz)
2: Blue Team (Dekar + Nay)
3: Team NecoArc (Tak + Unlucky13)
4: MeltyBloodWIN (Forte + Cobolt)
5: CallofFortress4 (Plasia + Viper)
5: Whatever (Nick + Jared)
7: Redact carries this team (Em + Redact)
7: Melty Blooooddddd (Myst + Syrick)
9: Young Fools (Jei + Bryan)
9: Black Jack (Devil + Ice K)
9: I am Green (Wayne + Reeve)
9: Whyshoulditevenmatter (Matt + Jess)
13: Team Attack (Adam + Zack)
13: GODMODE (Atticus + Batasan)
13: RealManPower!!!one1 (Sekh + Sedtie)

The VPR is updated on the first page!


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
Rules & Common Sense

1. No bringing outside food or drinks, within reason. The guys are letting us use the venue for the business that they are getting out of it, so please make it worth their while so we will be welcome back.
2. No food and drinks up stairs. We're not drinking out of cans anymore, we're drinking out of glasses, so spills are almost expected. We might have a small area for food and drink at some point, but for now it's safer just to go downstairs to eat and drink.
3. No buying alcohol for people under the age of 18. No attempting to buy alcohol under the age of 18. We may ask you to leave if you cannot back up your claim that you are 18 or above. If you are under 18 that's fine, you're allowed to attend but please be upfront about it, do not attempt to do either of the above.
4. No intoxication. If you find you've had a few too many then stay down stairs. If we think you've had too many, we'll ask you to stay down stairs or leave, typically if you are showing signs of aggression or lack of coordination.
5. You are not allowed to assault people, physically or verbally. Trash talk is cool if the receiver is OK with it. If you aren't sure then don't do it. Aside from possibly being removed, you'll sound like a tool.
6. Please respect peoples property. It's volunteered for the cause and if **** happens to it, people will be less willing to put their stuff in and the event becomes less awesome. If you break it, you take responsibility for it. If you steal it, we'll have to implement bag checks at the entrance and things like that which are quite lose.

Common Sense
7. It's BYO controller, so please come prepared. We at least expect you to bring dual shock, gamecube or whatever else that you use. If you're used to arcade sticks and you don't have one, most people are fine with you using theirs, but understand that it only takes one idiot to make owners think twice about lending their stuff.
8. Please, if you drive then don't leave any valuables in your car. If you bring equipment, even if you feel it won't get used then don't leave it in your car. The area will be generally safe and quiet, however we'll have an area cordoned off for equipment and bag storage on the day and it will be in much better hands there than outside.
9. The new location is sure to attract a new bunch of people, so when playing casuals please be courteous and try to include onlookers into your games, whether you are playing winner stays on or whatever. On the flip side, if you want to get in on the action, just ask!
10. Hygiene. Have some. We're in a bandroom now, I don't know how great the circulation is going to be. I want as little gamer smell as possible. No one likes to tell someone they smell and mean it, so please for the love of all that is holy, don't make it me.
11. No johns. Smiley

Most of the rules are common sense already, and most of the common sense stuff is just stuff we would do if we didn't have complete moments of fail. With us getting bigger and all it's inevitable we have to tell people how to not fail!
dude, these rules like wreck everything

"4. No intoxication. If you find you've had a few too many then stay down stairs. If we think you've had too many, we'll ask you to stay down stairs or leave, typically if you are showing signs of aggression or lack of coordination.
5. You are not allowed to assault people, physically or verbally. Trash talk is cool if the receiver is OK with it. If you aren't sure then don't do it. Aside from possibly being removed, you'll sound like a tool."

aggression or lack of co-ordination? that means x, devil, and ice-k are banned before they even get there, bl guys.... actually more like good riddance
there's other aggressive people, like Plasia (so much rage he cannot show it), or em (she literally attacks me, pretty sure that's against the rules)
also i don't like it how some people trash talk me, as per such:
Atticus: "Get out"
Redact: "Sadface"
clearly those sort of things have negative effect upon me

also we need a rule 12; no sexual exploitation of any kind, dekar and jei are getting out of hand now days, this is a smash community, not a brothel, clean it up guys

oh and....
rule 13: Redact is awesome, Redact is God

Suntan Luigi

Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Bethlehem PA, Lehigh U.
Sorry for trying to bring Melee back for one monthly. Yeah it's stuck in the past I guess.

When is Sam ever going to spell my name correctly?
Cao- I don't use Marth at all anymore so hopefully next monthly you can take that off (the VPR). Thanks.


Smash Ace
Sep 22, 2004
Geelong, Australia
Melee just needs it's own home, people still like it and want to play it. We just have to find someone that would organise it.

Anyways, I want to head up to melbourne and play some smash this weekend, does anyone want to organise a meet for saturday or sunday?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
as long there's one tv screen with melee, that should be ok with everyone :)

and July 20 is too long to wait for ranbat. im pumped this time. im sick of wifi as it fails, i dont bother trying anymore. :(


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2004
Melbourne, Aus
there's other aggressive people, like Plasia (so much rage he cannot show it)
Plasia has said that he won't be coming to CW anymore, mostly due to the Sunday factor, and his friend Benji losing interest in fighters. :(

There is slight update of the rules which you can read at CW. The basics of it though is that you can eat and drink upstairs now in a couple of places, and to stay away from the soundboard and the rest of the equipment.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Australia, Victoria, Melbourne East
Ah lol your Fox is scary.
Taks' Fox is crazy scary.
My Fox is a pansy.

This mains thing, if I choose Yoshi in teams, could he possibly be included as my main or should I just suck it up and admit that I'm a Pit main and my love for Yoshi can no longer be displayed publicly?
I guess it's okay as long as I remain a Yoshi main at heart (and if my Yoshi continues kicking a$$ at a mediocre level.)

P.S. I accept the invite of being lead singer.

P.P.S. I'm definitely coming to Hotham, my car may not be able to handle the drive there but count me in, no doubt.
Well if you play him I don't see why not, although you should prolly play him in singles too, he's not so bad.

phil and i will have contest of making love to forte to decide who plays drums

or just make love to forte

or each other

dude, these rules like wreck everything

"4. No intoxication. If you find you've had a few too many then stay down stairs. If we think you've had too many, we'll ask you to stay down stairs or leave, typically if you are showing signs of aggression or lack of coordination.
5. You are not allowed to assault people, physically or verbally. Trash talk is cool if the receiver is OK with it. If you aren't sure then don't do it. Aside from possibly being removed, you'll sound like a tool."

aggression or lack of co-ordination? that means x, devil, and ice-k are banned before they even get there, bl guys.... actually more like good riddance
there's other aggressive people, like Plasia (so much rage he cannot show it), or em (she literally attacks me, pretty sure that's against the rules)
also i don't like it how some people trash talk me, as per such:
Atticus: "Get out"
Redact: "Sadface"
clearly those sort of things have negative effect upon me

also we need a rule 12; no sexual exploitation of any kind, dekar and jei are getting out of hand now days, this is a smash community, not a brothel, clean it up guys

oh and....
rule 13: Redact is awesome, Redact is God


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2008
I'm new to these boards and to Brawl (I haven't played since SSB64), but this thread caught my eye. I'm living at a residential college at UoM, so I (and possibly a couple of others) would be very keen to have a look-see at this tournament in Carlton, just a few blocks away.

From what I've read, I understand that new players and spectators are welcome, especially given the venue is a public one. If, however, I need to contact someone beforehand in order to enter the singles or doubles competition, please let me know.

Naturally, I have many questions. Answers to any of these will be much appreciated.

What is the typical age of an SSB player in Melbourne?

Is the level of competition too stiff for a fairly new player, if I decided to enter? (I plan to come and spectate nonetheless.)

Do you plan to revisit the John Curtin Hotel for future events?

How large is the active SSB community in Melbourne, and how well do players know one another?

Thanks in advance for any information and advice anyone can give me.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Australia, Victoria, Melbourne East
I'm new to these boards and to Brawl (I haven't played since SSB64), but this thread caught my eye. I'm living at a residential college at UoM, so I (and possibly a couple of others) would be very keen to have a look-see at this tournament in Carlton, just a few blocks away.

Naturally, I have many questions. Answers to any of these will be much appreciated.

What is the typical age of an SSB player in Melbourne?

Is the level of competition too stiff for a fairly new player, if I decided to enter? (I plan to come and spectate nonetheless.)

Do you plan to revisit the John Curtin Hotel for future events?

How large is the active SSB community in Melbourne, and how well do players know one another?

Thanks in advance for any information and advice anyone can give me.
Let me be the first to welcome you to you to the boards and this ramped social circle we call the Melbourne smash scene.

To answer some of your questions:

Smashers in Melbourne seem to age between 16-20-something, although it's never really come up. I'm shocked how well everyone gets along, aside from a few of the 'shy-er' kids who are MADE to fell the love, LOVE IT **** YOU!

Our community is, in terms of Brawl, extremely new. There are at least 30 active smashers who come to the ranbats monthly, and numbers are growing due to the Australian PAL release. The funny thing about our little community is people seem, and I know do, to come with a tight group of friends they play with. Being new to the scene i would also recommend bring another interested friend to explore the scene with. Personally I found everyone , really easy to get along with and soon found myself getting drunk with some at Irish pubs, and every even schooling with them (WTF REDCATZ).

Anyway the people who should be doing the introductions are Cao and the kids who take the time to run it.


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2008
Thanks for the swift reply. I'll most likely do what you suggest and bring along a friend or two from college.

Also, on a related note: whether or not my interest in the competitive scene quickly disappears, I and others living on campus would love the idea of playing some casual games at uni between classes, as I think Caotic mentioned in this thread. If there ever (or already?) is a club or society at Melbourne Uni for SSB I'll almost certainly join.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
i wonder if anyone took my post seriously
like x
yeah thats right
i know you did
you were scared
also sealock, <3 i liek new people :3
but myself, and X and im pretty sure some others are on MSN right now, you could just hit one of us up for any queries, like me, im lonley, and sad q_q
an i have a new logitech g9! yay!


Oct 29, 2004
Hey Sealock, I graduated from Melbourne last year, but Atticus just started. He plays at this club which you should join:

I think the plan is to keep regular events at the Curtin, but we occasionally run national tournaments, the last one was held in Melbourne's Old Arts Hall with 60-odd-something entering.

Some of us aren't that competitive, some just play for fun, so hopefully you find the scene enjoyable enough to stick around. We like having new players.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2006
Also, on a related note: whether or not my interest in the competitive scene quickly disappears, I and others living on campus would love the idea of playing some casual games at uni between classes, as I think Caotic mentioned in this thread. If there ever (or already?) is a club or society at Melbourne Uni for SSB I'll almost certainly join.
Awesome to see some potential competitive Smash interest from other UoM students. I personally live an hour off campus, but I'd love to play some games between classes with you guys if you're willing to have a Smasher over :)

The Society for Electronic Entertainment CAO linked plays a lot of Brawl at weekly meetings (which have been Tuesday and are looking to be the same for semester 2), but generally expect more of the free-for-all with items kind of games there. Even so, it's a fun group and you should come play games with us :lick:

To answer a couple of your questions:

Don't let the level of competition at Couch Warriors deter you from entering the events, or be discouraged if you lose your early matches. Although you can learn some stuff by spectating, the only real way to get better is to play. A lot of the fun in a competitive scene is in improving your ability to be able to overcome opponents that may initially seem difficult. Brawl also happens to be more forgiving to new entrants than Melee or 64 due to the game still being young and an easier technical learning curve.

The John Curtin Hotel is currently looking to be the new regular venue if the upcoming event goes well. Despite having been at La Trobe for this long, Couch Warriors has been aiming to get into a central location for a long time.

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
I know most of us have been aiming to get into some female's central location for a long time...
Right? Right? *Highfive.*


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
90% chance I'll be heading to Melbourne in about a month just for a few days with a friend just to play DDR! lol. He wants to check out the Melb arcades. We may be going to Adelaide tho.

Will keep you informed, would love to catch up with some of you. But I won't be there to play brawl! However if I don't get to see Jei I'll cry a lot.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
yeah uhh, melb arcades are like fail heaven
srs, any other state ***** it
we have no itg, no custom song place, all local moded supernova 2 or worse, but come for smash instead <3 i want to beat you sloth!

forteeeesss wwuuraaagghhh was good :O feed less forte


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2007

Bishop orchestra, which is made up of the most talented student musicians from all over the state, are performing TOMORROW, or SATURDAY 5/07/2008 AT 7:30 PM at the CAMBERWELL CIVIC CENTRE!

IT'S 10$ for STUDENTS, no idea the price for everyone else.

They are performing PINES OF ROME, Cao's fave musical piece thingmajig, and there will be other orchestras performing as well although the standard is not as good as the bishop orchestra.

I'll repeat important details:

Saturday, 5/07/2008
7:30PM (Might want to get there at about 7:15, cuz I am)
Camberwell Civic Centre
$10 for students

My friend just told me about it tonight, even though I reminded him time to time again and again ugh.

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