Shoutouts with names in Cyan for visibility.
Shoutouts to
Matt-G and Daniel
For coming to the tournament with me

Hope you guys both had a good time and will continue to attend tournaments every now and then. Your sheik is really good btw Matt, bad luck losing to Jei. Continue to improve on Pika and Marth Daniel

Abandon Lucas you can't make him good, none of us can.
Shoutout to
Timic for giving my friends a lift home

and going into bracket to replace dekar so that switch teams didnt fail completely (just a little bit). I appreciate it heaps
Thankyou to
Dwayne for coming and getting lunch with me! Come to Phils meets more plz
Congrats to
Dean for placing 2nd in Low Tier, and thankyou very much for the great set. I had good fun, Jiggs and Squirtle are such a pleasure to play, and to play against your Ganon and Bowser is very engaging. Do you like my tactic of switching to Ivysaur as I'm about to die so you kill it instantly and I don't have to play as the Useless One?
Good work beating my Jigglypuff
Tommy, I hope to see you at later tournaments. In our second set I was going to advise you on recovery options and getting up from the ledge, but you figured out some ways to get around how I was abusing it before I said anything, which was very good. With a bit of consistant practice and play maybe you'll beat my Game and Watch one day.
Also good games vs
Danny, I'd like to teach you some Game and Watch tricks if I get the chance, I'm sorry I was too busy yesterday to get round to playing you again after our tournament set. You'll keep attending tournies, yeah?
Thanks to
Toshiba for teaming with me in Teams Item Stamina Melee. Sorry I didn't let you use whoever you wanted to play, i feel kinda awful but we won yeah?

Joey, thanks for being there, good laughs, making me feel like a bad person for having conversations at other peoples expense, being a jerk in general... etc.
PT dittoes were pretty fun too yeah?
you didn't take enough pics with the camera btw.
Congrats to
RedX for having a better MK than 99% of Australia. You're only just a little worse than Earl.
Congrats to
Dekar for winning melee and thanks for deciding to go to a restaurant that had awesome sweet and sour chicken.
Good work showing up to the tournament halfway through as always and winning Brawl Doubles with me

Thankyou very much for the lift home, and enjoyable tunes and conversation as you did so. Very appreciated