I can't believe luigi is still overrated. He's just a worse mario now. Just powershield and punish accordingly. It's simple. NOTHING was guaranteed from fireballs. You must have the reflexes of a dead cat if you get caught by fireball to grab with luigi being so slow
Alright mate, it's about time we've had an intervention. Look, as Luigi main, I was really salty about this new patch too. Hell, I still am (No Sheik nerfs my ass). But it's about time that we all put on our big boy pants and look at the positives. Now, obviously, we've been sent down a few ranks in viability, but we still have quite a few niches that make us more than just a worse mario. For one, our aerials are better. We both have a combo breaking Nair, yes. But ours can kill. Mario's Fair is a one way trip to hell, but our Fair has great range, speed, and can link into each other. It's overall more versatile than mario's Fair if you ask me. Dair gets a spike while mario's Dair is a luigi cyclone that does less damage and can't recover (though apparently our Cyclone was nerfed a bit, so hush my mouth I suppose about the damage). And while our Uair can't juggle, it does more damage, and we have other aerials to compensate. Which brings me to Bair, which is just blatantly better than Mario's.
Now, to the next point: we still have a better damage racking game than mario. I've been using Post-Patch Luigi and we can now D throw into smash attacks and then regrab if we're fast enough. And at later percents we still have the D throw combos such as D throw into Uair into Nair. Or just a double Fair if you're the kind of guy who hates creativity (in which case, Brawl is just over there. Have fun with MK). Our troubles really come with killing. Which, oh my gosh, Mario has that problem too. Mario 0.5 confirmed! But, getting back on track. All it takes is a good read. We also have a shiny new toy of a killing move that mario doesn't have when it comes to reads: Up B. Theory crafting ahead, but I hope to look forward to Boss tech chasing and using our signature disrespect move to great success. And, while it can be easily gotten out of if the opponent knows what you want to do, jab cancel (I think that's the correct term. Sue me if I'm wrong) into up B can come as quite the surprise. So we
technically have more killing potential than mario as well.
Last two things to cover is A) we still have the superior fireballs so mario can suck on that and B) we have the better recovery. While our recovery might as well be saying, "come on and gimp me, boys!" in a really seductive way, it's still much better than marios. And even though we sacrifice the utility of the cape (and FLUDD if you're into using him. Though I have to say: Cyclone gimping > FLUDD any day) I'd say it's worth it to a point.
Now, with all of these things said, Mario is still the more viable character at this point. The stronger neutral game and extremely increased mobility/heavily buffed traction alone is enough to make him worth using more. Luigi isn't as outclassed as people (and admittedly I) have been saying. He's still good in his own right and if you want to keep complaining about his nerfs, then go right ahead. But if you'd excuse me, I'm going to relearn my favorite character (though I think for now he'll be a secondary, though. For some reason, I'm just drawn to Falco's playstyle right now. Perhaps because I try to play him like a mix between my yoshi and Luigi and do it to some degree of success. Don't ask me how I came to that playstyle...)