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Official Viability Ratings v2 | Competitive Impressions

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Sir Tundra

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2014
Currently in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
that grand finals set with shaky vs zex was amazing

Like shaky straight up downloaded zex for most of the match.

Like here's a demonstration

Computer: Download complete

Computer: Activating zex slayer.exe



If only he shaky didn't SD twice that one match he would've 6-0 zex
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   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Not even trolling, can anyone link me some videos of a good marth player winning. There is nothing on the marth boards for any tournament archive videos.

Does anyone actually win with him at mid to high level?
You could've asked on the Marth boards :p
For me; No because we don't stream, save replays or remember to push the button on the portable avermedia during sets :p
False did some alright things with him, K9's dropped sets to Nicko's Marth (and he's taken out other reputable names too); Ally has won locals/regionals with him.

Just about every oldskooler Marth has a top tier "secondary" (i.e. main); Zero Suit, Sheik, Ryu, Sonic, whatever. Despite a fair reason for some of your tried rhetoric to be applicable here, I do think he's around middle despite probably not seeing as much mainstream play as some more widely perceived lower characters. He doesn't really have much of anything that deserves him being hyped up.
And there's good reason for it

I think he's still missing a few things to "finalize" his kit; and even then he'd just be a very solid middle tier character unless they decide to really bolster all the deficiencies he has.

+0.25 hitbox size on most normals. Blind spots are dumb. If max range from this is an issue (it really wouldn't) also a minor shift horizontally.

Auto Cancel on Up Air adjusted to frame 28 from 38. The lack of any dynamic features to the move in our short hop or full hop games is really disappointing. SH rising Uair is safest when we wait for our natural landing (no fast fall/etc), that to me is pretty ghastly and unnecessary.

Auto Cancel on Down Air adjusted to frame 47 from 55. In Brawl we could full hop rising down air and fast fall and auto cancel, or full hop down air and land on battlefield platforms without lag. Seeing as our "well spaced" hit for this has no knock back/reward, it should function more as a poke than it currently does. Move is pretty alright though.

Dolphin Slash Hitboxes: currently pathetic.
Brawl hitbox: SIZE = 6.5, horizontal displacement = 9 units
Smash4box: SIZE = 4.0, horizontal displacement = 8 units.
That's a HUGE range cut and we know it's too much. Every aerial trades with our recovery on the way up. We're never going to be a consistent high tier character with a recovery flaw like this. Hitbox size of 6.5 and we'll be completely fine I'd say.
The sour spot is the same data as Brawl.

Damage values on Forward Air increased by 1 (will bump shield stun up by 1 frame consistently without fresh modifier). An AC on this would be nice but not a necessary extra option. As much as I hate the fact Marth can't rising fair against any of the viable characters, it's probably better this way.

Throws = Yo it's time to just give us Roy's ****. At least Roy's forward throw specs. He is much more mobile than us and can always get the follow up while we wouldn't be able to. Only problem I have here is that customs marth would probably go full ******-broke, but I don't care about customs enough.
Higher damage on throws would be nice too, Roy does +1/2% more over us bar Down Throw which is tied.

Dash Attack = Something. Melee-ified. It has a frame 49 end in Brawl/S4, but could be acted out of frame 40 in melee. Would not break us. This should happen (I expect it too because of the Ike DA buff). The behind head trajectory may be nice as well but keeping it as a low to the ground out of dash KO option is fine.

Down Smash = really useless. Make it not useless or something iono.

Funnily enough from my experiences with Roy and seeing the [mostly] minute differences between them (with Roy being closer to what Marth was in Brawl/Melee in a lot of areas), and seeing a similar differences in Ness and Lucas, I wonder if we've been set up to be a sandbox of testing limits/abusiveness of various things.
Roy having closer to Melee/Brawl Marth specs on:
  • down tilt ending (brawl)
  • down smash ending (melee) and the first strike actually being usable as a kill move (brawl)
  • forward air and back air ending frames from melee
  • damage values on a lot of normals
  • grab game (Brawl-esque Forward Throw)
  • 3 sets of hitboxes on most moves (hilt, flub, sweetspot; Marth lost most of his hilt hitboxes in the brawl to s4 transition) with much larger hitboxes (although Marth's sword isn't less range, it's "thinner" now)
  • a large chunk of his old aerial mobility
  • and... *sadness* a much faster initial walk speed which makes his walk significantly more useful than Marth's in practice. Honestly for what's meant to be the best walk in the game it's acceleration is so trash (Sonic, Fox, ZSS, etc all get a lot more out of their walks). While the range of mobility specs in this game mostly increased, walking didn't really get better at all :(

All of these things could be handed over to Marth and he would very likely have no reason to be lower than high tier. So why give them to Roy? Well either because they really wish to differentiate the strengths two characters with similar play styles have resulting in two... mid tier characters OR they're throwing out feelers because they want to see if some of these things they culled are actually "abusive".
It isn't entirely 1-way either. Marth received aerial landing lag buffs Roy hasn't received yet (back air, up air, down air), the up tilt ending frame, the damage buff on Nair makes ours noticeably better than Roy's. The design decision (its shared on Ryu too) of ACs later than end frames seems kinda bizarre and probably makes some of the earlier end frames justified; they share auto cancel frames still though.

I guess my ability to argue Ness/Lucas is a bit more dubious, but I just plainly find it bizarre how Ness has on average noticeably better normals, specials, damage output/grab game and pressure. It's like they know Ness is silly, they just don't know how to measure how silly he is... good thing Lucas is there for a comparative... </theory>
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Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Loimaa, Finland
Atm Marth only has the theory on his side. Results wise he would be near bottom tier.

Edit: well you guys should record more of your stuff so I can avoid throwing these "lies" based on what I have seen :S
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Sir Tundra

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2014
Currently in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
to be frank there was that one time when Mr E won a tournament against m2k at grandfinals but that was a long time ago plus it was online so it probably doesn't even count now does it.

here's a vid for those who don't know

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King Marth's most trusted advisor.
Jan 4, 2015
Switch FC
I will admit Marth doesn't have results that justify his solid theory.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2014
Looking at your face
I think a lot of the top tiers will be fine if they aren't just nerfed to hell. Rather, a redistribution to their kit should do it.

Take away Sheik's needles knockback, for example, but bring back her old B-air (Seriously though. The move is laughably weak).
Take away Sheik's F-air ridiculous range (Marth. Your range is literally one fist short) and push away the autocancel window, but let her have her old damage back.

Some sort like that. My examples aren't exactly the best, and of course if there's some really janky things that shouldn't be existed in the first place (Again, Sheik's F-air range), they should be removed or nerfed. No one is going to waste their time spinning their head on how a slap can outrange a legendary sword.

But maybe people can give their thoughts to this.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Also talking about random marth things (lol), I just realised that they fixed the animation on his down tilt as such that his alterantive arm doesn't punch the opponent first before stabbing them, making it a lot safer of a move to beat other attacks with than in Brawl. Funnily enough I'm wondering if this was changed post-release, as I recall screaming into the heavens about "he still punches the air :(" during early 3DS days.


You can see that hand peeping out here, but you won't anymore now.

Also I forget to mention NickRiddle has been using and winning with Marth at locals.

Theory theory. I guess we theorize we're a better character than Roy. I find Marth has more options to deal with certain things but Roy is tuned a lot more favourably than Marth is. I don't think grand final only/first set shenanigans should mean too much in general, so I'm not sure how Roy has results going for him either to prove he's "better".

Other than that I'm not really aware of us theorizing we're a fantastic character, "underrated" or "underplayed". Buffs come, we go "OMG YES THINGS ARE BETTER... THIS FEELS INCREDIBLE", but he's still not remotely close to his former selves.

Like, I can count the objective positive changes marth's received between games on a single hand...
heavier weight, down tilt doesn't punch or move him forward on consecutive usages, up tilt is less end lag, shieldbreaker isn't awful and nair has noticeably more disjoint.
The negatives are massive and asides from shieldbreaker the rest of those things received solid nerfs elsewhere as well (weight being apart of base stats). If we're to pretend Roy is just the next edition of Brawl Marth, the negatives are... arguably less.
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PK Gaming

Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2012
Why Robin in B? Does it really matter that your grab reward is excellent when you can't actually get said grab? I don't see this character as more than a gimmick, albeit a really scary one should you screw up. Can't see Robin as able to compete vs. anyone who can outcamp him/her with that little mobility.
It's not much of a stretch when you realize his reward is pretty ridiculous. He has great damage and kill setups up the wazoo. Doesn't really get face rolled by anyone anymore either (even Sheik is manageable, as evinced by NickRiddle and Dath)


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
There really isn't much to it. All his kill moves are just bad one way or another, this issue isn't restricted to his smashes honestly.

Uair: Only links into the strong hit while rising, making it unable to punish air dodges or even pressure platforms reliably.
Bair: For such a precise, laggy, and dramatic move with a glorified tipper effect... It's laughably weak. ZSS, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Ness... Pretty much every quick killing bair is stronger than it. Often with better hitboxes and less endlag.
Dair: Laughably weak spike and being multi-hit means it loses in strength to a lot of raw recoveries.
Utilt: No sideways range at all. Not terribly strong either but is the quickest kill move he has while grounded.

The least disappointing kill move he has is nair, which had to be buffed from having 3 years of landing lag. But it's a frame 6 move with no range on a character with poor mobility so it's overall okay at best.

Then there are his smashes, which in nintendo's defense have been buffed... Just not in any really meaningful ways.
The smashes are the biggest issue though because yea, he makes large parts of the stage unsafe but the area he occupies is often the safest. He can't reliably punish idiots just blindly approaching him from the air at all which is dumb considering his design.

Main issues of each smash:

Usmash: Doesn't anti-air like a usmash should. Doesn't have lingering hitboxes in the air and more likely to let people fall out if caught in the air.
Dsmash: Hitboxes are waaaay too small and the animation is waaaaay too long for this pathetically weak move with an awkward trajectory that disallows it from killing as soon as most others.
Fsmash: Random angles make it just not worth using. Also, the longer you charge it, the bigger the deadzone in front of DHD is. Exacerbating the idiotic approach issue.
Sorry, I was looking for more of a discussion of Duck Hunt's matchups and his outlook on the metagame environment. Mechanically speaking, I don't need you to tell me how the character's moves work. (And I don't mean that rudely! Hopefully it was a helpful summary of the character and their problems to many.)

Here are the overall hopes I have for the patch in regards to the game as a whole next week:
Normally I'd discourage lists like this here, as its a silly game that goes nowhere. But some of these are interesting and bold, so whatever. In the words of Pokemon master Herman Cain, Fine: I'll play the game.

Sheik: Recovery

Her neutral and combos really aren't that ridiculous, it's just that they're mostly one-sided. There's no reward for getting past her amazing neutral because of her amazing escape options and recovery.

Bouncing fish should have more endlag after hit(specifically shield) to deter high recoveries more and vanish should go slightly less high. (Invincibility frames are fine. If she had less control over when she could use it offstage it'd be less of an issue)
This is an interesting perspective. I agree with the former and disagree with the latter, at least in the context of what should happen in a Smash 4 patch.

Even if I continue to agree with the braying masses that "it's the Needles, stupid", the idea that Sheik has serious fundamental strength in disadvantage is sort of a unique (and true) angle. It's hardly news, but we spend all our time talking about neutral and advantage states.

ZSS: Similar to sheik, though less untouchable but more "touch right or die even though you were winning" Flip kick needs an invincibility and/or power nerf to mitigate how heavily the risk/reward of using that move after already being put into disadvantage stage is.

Uair + UPb also just doesn't allow a lot of bigger or heavier characters to even play the game. One of them needs a nerf or tweak. Uair is the bigger offender imo.
I appreciate the guts to say that ZSS deserves a nerf. This should not be a gutsy statement (at all), but it is. Unlike Diddy and Sheik, there will be a lot of kicking and screaming.

I'll play devil's devil's advocate though, and point out that Flip Kick and Boost Kick are super sensitive dials. It would be laughably easy to turn ZSS into a utter trash bottom 5 character imo. (For comparison, it would meanwhile be extremely difficult to push Diddy or Sheik out of the top 15.)

Rosaluma: Luma's base knockback needs to be altered so it doesn't scale so ridiculously with rage. Jab possibly needs slight damage output nerf (functionally fine). Empty gpulls might need more endlag too. She's 95% functionally fine though.
Ding ding ding, all your answers are right!

Luigi: Cyclone kill % nerf. Makes rage a very unhealthy factor in a lot of MUs and the only consistent way for certain chars to win is gimp him every stock.
Like ZSS, it's sad that this is a gutsy, controversial position. I wish we could all just admit that Luigi Cyclone is pretty bullcrap and a simplistic interaction that oversimplifies the character.

I do think that Luigi might need some help if Cyclone got the level of nerf it deserves for Luigi to be a healthy character. He's not exactly tearing up the national scene as it is, and has a lot of known problem matchups.

Sonic: Safety nerf/Reward buff would be nice to promote more universally pleasing gameplay across the community and cast but overall pretty balanced.
I think that's a prescription we can all agree with for Sonic, but we're gonna hafta have a more specific plan before we elect you.

Ness: Mobility nerf on airdodge would be nice. Bypasses a lot of characters crucial area to kill and rage bthrow exacerbates the issue.
Eyebrow raise. Maybe I'm biased, but I'm seeing Ness just outside the realm of "needs nerfs", and a "mobility nerf of air dodge" is ambiguous, bizarre, and never-gonna-happen. I'd sooner nerf Pikachu or Fox--and I don't want to do either.

Ganon/Falcon: Less endlag on succesful upbs. Enough to retain frame advantage regardless of techs. Ideally, both of these moves should set-up for 50/50s for fairs/dairs.

This would give them a more worthwhile command grab while making their still very weak recoveries actually scary to challenge.
Sure; ship it.

Yoshi: Stronger bair with slightly larger/more consistent hitbox.

He needs a consistent air dodge punish. Ideally enable aconsistent egg lay kill set-up.
As a Yoshi-optimist, I'm skeptical.

But, if I was going to buff Yoshi, this is actually what I'd do. So...

Greninja: Better angling of shadow sneak hitbox to punish air dodges more consistently. Might need a power nerf to compensate though.
I'm having trouble visualizing it, and am going to file this under "never-gonna-happen".

Power and endlag buffs to Shadow Sneak aren't a terrible place to sneak the frog a bit more unique power, though.

Megaman: Slower crash bomber. Frame trap landings, covers his recovery better, and overall a more notable tool. (Akin to danger wrap)
I'm game. But what I REALLY want is one frame better AC window on dair: This would allow FH AC dair, which is BEAUTIFUL and just super fun.

Peach: Turnips semi-spike slightly offstage. Set up tech chases on-stage more reliably.
I see zero need to start giving Peach major buffs when we are nerfing the top tiers comprehensively. This terrifies me.

Jigglypuff: Pound very slightly less endlag on hit. Only safe when perfectly spaced on shield. However, less knockback and better angling for frame traps into rest or true combos into bair.
The frame data on Pound is so bad that you can just lower the endlag in general and get the same effect.

But please-oh-please, can we fix Rollout? (No bounce on shield, IASA on hit-bounce)

Pits: Alter arrows/throws for more consistent arrow follow-ups/kills per pit.
Sounds like a novelty/luxury change that we'd need more specifics on, like Sonic.

Shulk: Speed up airslash startup. Should be a more viable OoS and follow up/air dodge punish.
This is an interesting approach to addressing Shulk. Not sure what I think of it. Hm.

Lucas: Uair needs a stronger/larger hitbox. Character functions overall fine and has great potency at low-mid percents and very high percents but at regular kill percents just struggles to accomplish anything due to his very iffy set-ups.
I'm skeptical--if I were to make a list of moves with too-small hitboxes, I'd never think to put Lucas uair on that list. Yeah, it would make his favorite combos work better, but that feels like the most forced solution to that--why not just tune d-throw instead? Way easier and more natural.

If I wanted to make Lucas OP overnight, I'd just make nair SH AC. Done, ship it, ez.

But, what really needs to be done to Lucas, is to fix dair. It's a mess right now, and if it worked properly in Smash 4's engine would be a really cool move. Apart from a variety of hitbox tune ups, it needs to AC one frame sooner so it can be naturally FH FF AC'd.

Also, Lucas PKT/PKT2 is a sad joke and any improvement would be welcome.

DHD: Smashes need overall quicker animations with larger hitboxes.
I'm totally on-board. Key here is that I agree that for DH's design I'd sooner improve speed than power, in spite of his kill problems.

Bair should also be made stronger. Too high on the precision and endlag scale to be on the weaker end of the strength scale.
Now you've lost me. I'm totally okay with surgical bair, especially as long as it SH ACs.

Meanwhile uair needs slight fixing, and Gunman need to have 7% HP!!! This would be a game-changer against Sheik, Mario, Luigi, Pikachu, and more...

Dedede: Gordos should disappear on weak hit. (2-6%) Only stronger hits should reflect.
I see what you're doing, but it's awkward design. Inconsistent behavior on an arbitrary, non-intuitive threshold is a lazy solution that isn't up to the standards of the game--even if it might solve many of DDD's problems.

A higher threshold is not a comprehensive solution, but an okay starting point. I'd make his fair SH AC; bair already does, so why not?

Roy: Aerial Blazer knockback increased. (Kills around 140 no rage 120% with from smashville platform)
You know what, sure. I can buy this.

Falco: On-stage falco phaze should start consistently setting up tech chases around 70% and ground bouncing for 50/50s into bair around kill percent.
This is the first place I'd start on Falco. *nods*

Dr. Mario: Tornado should give significantly more horizontal movement.
Ehhhh. Doc is weird, I'm not sure buy this. I'd sooner be boring-but-unique and continue doubling down on his power and weird angles.

Ryu has set a new bar for dragon punches, and took away a little bit of the Doc's special sauce. I think it's very justified to sprinkle a little extra damage/power onto Doc's up-b, which is a notion anyone wise should be scared by.


I am not on board this train. This feels like a lazy cop-out; sorry Pac-Man.

Non-teched ground bounces at certain percents that turn into another failed tech should be considered a jab reset.

Ground bounces should have a set amount of "stun" to allow for better follow-ups.
Unconvinced on these two, might need a better explanation.

As far as I'm concerned, all mechanical changes are secondary to "no grounded spike techs" and "reset hitstun on floor bounce".

And, let's be honest: footstool-fall landings should probably be tech-able.

Revert ledge mechanics to you can only buffer ledge roll to avoid being trumped again.
I like this. It's weird, but it's the best solution to the current limitations of the ledge system.

Other changes I'd like to see:

Toon Link could use a little more reward, just a very modest tune up. He seems well-rounded as far as I can see, so for all I care you could slap a few more % almost anywhere and it'd be an okay proposal. *shrug*

I'd tweak Bowser Jr.'s rapid jab and slightly lower endlag on his unrewarding grab. I might see if (default) Mechakoopa hitboxes could be improved. I'd consider removing SDI ratios on Mechakoopa initial hit, as well as up-b. If I was really feeling cheeky, I'd add Deep Breathing style defensive interrupts to Clown Cannon, just because I could. (It'd still be a terrible move.)

Speaking of, I'd add defensive interrupts to Zelda's Phantom Charge, as I list in every patch notes wishlist. (It would become such a cool, useful move!) It's also want to fix special fall Din's Fire, if possible. I'd consider lowering the landing lag and/or increasing shield damage on fair/bair, so that Zelda can threaten the opponent and force reactions in more scenarios. I suspect these upgrades would boost Zelda's gameplan way more than people might suspect.

Just slap a little extra damage on Lucina smashes, to reinforce her limited reason for existing. It's okay if Marth is better. Whatever.

Invincibility during Wizkick. Done, easy, ship it. We know it's the best answer for Ganon from BBrawl. Also fix fair AC, because why not. Ganon otherwise seems fine, minus a trash default up-b.

I'd want to slap some modest love onto Ike, G&W, Kirby, and Shulk, but I dunno where off the top of my head.

Little Mac should be able to counter windboxes, and directionalize his counter attack. Jolt Haymaker and Grounding Blow should be safe on hit. Uair needs to SH AC to address his platform issue. In a perfect world, his FH would be one pixel higher, so he can transverse common stages properly. But at the end of the day, what LM really needs is a better-designed king-of-the-hill timeout resolution than the homebrew damage-based crap we use now. (For lack of a better alternative)

Link fair should FH AC. Beyond that tiny change, there's a lot of beneficial stuff you could do to him. Adding a percent to bombs might be a fun start, but I don't know much about Link.

I don't even know what I'd do to Samus.

Mewtwo SH AC nair would be dangerous and silly but maybe worth testing. I'd probably test giving Mewtwo ONE frame faster IASA out of grounded and aerial Confusion. One or two frames faster Disable might be a fun way to weasel a bit more lethality into our favorite glass cannon. An extra % on the tail attacks is probably appropriate. It would actually be pretty hard to make Mewtwo overpowered in his current framework, so you could actually go nuts with all of his numbers barring Confusion timings.

I think Bowser is pretty bad, but he's pretty workable and a lot of his numbers are around this shield damage tipping-point. If you slap even a tiny bit more damage around his kit, he starts getting really scary really fast. Nair and dair are easy places for improvement, though.

Palutena needs modest nerfs and fixes to Lightweight, and a litany of buffs to various things. Super Speed needs to be default, but that's none of my business.

Miis I don't know well enough, but Helicopter Kick has got to get nerfed. Yes, Brawler sucks without it, but first-things-first. I'd focus my Gunner love on damage/KO boost to smashes and charge shot.

Anyway, there's the opinions you never asked for. Please let this inform and feed back into more tangible character discussion, rather than open up rabbit-holes of hypothetical and endless personal wishlists.

Kung Fu Treachery

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2015
Thinkaman Thinkaman Do you think Zelda is salvageable (read: can we get her to at least mid tier with proper adjustments?) I feel like her kit isn't poorly designed, it's just that it's tuned all wrong. A flaw of execution rather than concept. The strictness of her lightning kicks is brutal, but maybe that's not the area we should focus on? There are so many other things to improve.

I never thought about invincibility on Wiz Kick for Ganon, but I was going to mention that it sure is annoying to be punished for landing it at early percents, so I support this.

The one thing I'm really hoping for that will never happen is a change to make Sheik's needles more visible as they fly. Am I the only one that has trouble seeing them? Smash is a very visually focused game (citation needed), and near-invisible projectiles just get under my skin. They're already fast, why do they have to be so dang hard to see? Am I spoiled by Fox's neon pink laser beams?


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2014
Uncharted Island
I don't think smash 4 needs more combos from grabs. There's more than enough of that in competitive play. Smash 4 lacks a wide variety of combos compared to previous iterations. What this game needs is less focus on grabs and more on character specific followups like wii fits nair to up smash or sonic's spindash combos.
It doesn't "need" anything.
If Smash 4 grab combos don't suffice, just don't play Smash 4. There's no point in posting what Smash 4 "lacks" here.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Ike down smash needs either a damage buff or have the move end quicker. Up smash returned to Brawl sweetspot at end of move instead of a 10 dmg 32 frame move.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2002
Also I forget to mention NickRiddle has been using and winning with Marth at locals.
Right in this thread, NickRiddle called his Marth a "Day-2 Marth." Obviously it's been more than 2 days since then, but that's pretty impressive for a character he hasn't practiced with extensively.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
I'm just going to leave this here, maybe more people will see it instead of trying to get them to see it on the mewtwo boards. This is with OPTIMAL DI, none of the cpu set to stop nonsense.

Centre stage

#1 Ness
3% gap
#2 Mewtwo
14% gap
#3 Lucas
5% gap
#4 Olimar
5% gap
#5 Charizard

Backthrow at the edge

#1 Ness
31% gap LOL
#2 Lucas
1% gap
#3 Villager
1% gap
#4 Mewtwo
2% gap
#5 Toon Link

For an interesting statistic... Who wants to guess where Sonics backthrow at the ledge stands, how much weaker is it than Toon Links, which is already 35% weaker than Ness'?

#5 Toon Link
17% gap

Smog Frog

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
i'd like to see how :4mewtwo: would do with a quicker iasa on dthrow(maybe 7-8 frames?). @KuroganeHammer doesnt currently have the iasa on throws, so i cant really tell you how it'd compare to something like :4charizard: frame 40~ iasa dthrow(?), but the angle it sends at and :4mewtwo: overall powerful attacks would make his (terrible) grab ALOT more threatening overall. dthrow itself already does 9%, combo throws generally dont do more than 6%. it'd probably be a very welcome buff that would go a long way to making him better(other than general hitbox/technical fixes)

but hey, it probably wont happen :(

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I don't understand how some people think they're able to come up with a full tier list of all characters when to this day we're not able to establish even a solid top 5. Hell, apart from Sheik being #1 and ZSS being #2 we couldn't even find a consensus on who's top 3 yet. Sonic? Diddy? Fox? Who the hell knows right now.

So yeah, maybe that's something worth discussing.



Smash Champion
May 28, 2014
Middletown, Ohio
I don't understand how some people think they're able to come up with a full tier list of all characters when to this day we're not able to establish even a solid top 5. Hell, apart from Sheik being #1 and ZSS being #2 we couldn't even find a consensus on who's top 3 yet. Sonic? Diddy? Fox? Who the hell knows right now.

So yeah, maybe that's something worth discussing.

I think diddy kong should be #3 from just being solid all-around and not being countered against anybody.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Even with komorikiri doing work with Sonic I wouldn't say he's top 5.
Who knows who 3rd would be, certainly not Rosalina or Pikachu. Tho maybe Diddy with fox 4th, whoever you guys feel like putting in those two spots.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Loimaa, Finland
I think Mario is just barely outside or barely in top 5. He has the data, MU spread, theory and he has results to justify his placing. I also believe that Diddy is at 3rd place. Just like Mario he has the data, MU spread, theory and results to justify his placing. Not sure who would be in 4th place (Rosa, Sonic or someone els?).
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Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
I think Top 5 would be:


Sheik & Zero Suit are obvious. Diddy, Fox & Mario are there for the basically the same reasons: great MU spread, they have the results and they don't get countered by basically anybody.

G. Stache

Smash Journeyman
Sep 21, 2015
New England
I'd honestly give Luigi 3rd or 4th. Sure, he has quite a few problems (Rosa and Sheik being the two biggest thorns in his side). But he's had great results in the with people like Mr. ConCon and Boss working with him, his aerials are some of the best in the game, he has arguably the best down throw in the game (though now that I've payed more attention to ZSS, I might go back on that), and a decent ground game in his own right. The only problem is that he does have a few counters, and everybody knows what Luigi does. But he honestly does have edges that put him over the likes of Mario, in my opinion.


Victory is my destiny
Apr 23, 2015
Is Rosa not considered top tier any more? If so why not? (apologies if this conversation has already been had)

While I'm here: :4sheik::4zss::rosalina::4fox:, then :4diddy: or :4sonic: for my top 5 (can't decide).

Arguably the best Mario in the world (Ally) was talking about dropping him for not being good enough at killing. I don't think Mario is as complete as the characters above and hence is definitely below them.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2002
Here's a question: What do you think happened in development that certain moves were deemed so abusable that they were made to trigger Special Fall? I'm thinking Din's Fire, Giant Punch, etc.

Like I could see them not wanting you to be able to jump out deep WITH super armor and Giant Punch someone with DK, or not wanting people to be able to stall in the air using din's fire (or jump deep into Din's fire? Could that even be a thing???).

As for Luigi, even as he gets results I can't help but feel that Top 5 is too kind to him. His weaknesses are so clear and pronounced that people not exploiting them seems to come more from a refusal to just camp him the hell out.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Loimaa, Finland
If you ask me Luigi has only results for being in top5. When we count everything els... Well I would put him barely outside top 10 (feght meh!). But ofc I don't know all the ins and outs about Luigi.

Btw doesn't Fox have bad MUs against most of the top tier?
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2014
Wait a minute.

People still think that Mario is anywhere near top 5?

I remember Dabuz put him as top 5 in his latest tier list (the one from August), and I want to say a well informed Japanese player (Abadongo?) had him as top 5 as well...you may not agree with it, but I wouldn't pretend it's some outlandish statement to make.

edit: Apparently Abadongo had him as 6th, nevermind.
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Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2014
Looking at your face
Luigi is nowhere near Top 5. Seriously.

When you lose (hard?) against two of the best characters in the game, losing against some more high tiers, losing to friggin' Little Mac, going even with the percieved worst characters in the game (Zelda and Samus), you question your place in top tier.

'But he has resul-'

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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Besides Earth, Pink Fresh, KiraFlex(?), and Nairo(also a ? since his Pit/Dark Pit seems to be rusty), are there any other Pit main that can keep him from not being a viable threat?

Is Rosa not considered top tier any more? If so why not? (apologies if this conversation has already been had)

While I'm here: :4sheik::4zss::rosalina::4fox:, then :4diddy: or :4sonic: for my top 5 (can't decide).

Arguably the best Mario in the world (Ally) was talking about dropping him for not being good enough at killing. I don't think Mario is as complete as the characters above and hence is definitely below them.
Rosalina only has Dabuz going to Big tournaments...which doesn't help her at all I guess(also kinda stupid to blame him for her not being top 5 in most people's eyes).


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2015
Is Rosa not considered top tier any more? If so why not? (apologies if this conversation has already been had)
She's still top tier for sure, just not top 5. People are getting better and better at exploiting her numerous weaknesses and her matchup spread is not that of a top 5 character, in a nutshell. In fact, Dabuz thinks that as the meta develops and people are really used to her gimmicks and know her weaknesses very well, she won't even be a high tier character. Personally, I disagree with this. I feel like Rosalina is gonna be getting lots of tech to work with eventually, but I'm just throwing Dabuz's opinion out there.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Thinkaman Thinkaman Do you think Zelda is salvageable (read: can we get her to at least mid tier with proper adjustments?) I feel like her kit isn't poorly designed, it's just that it's tuned all wrong. A flaw of execution rather than concept. The strictness of her lightning kicks is brutal, but maybe that's not the area we should focus on? There are so many other things to improve.
Not-Thinkaman here, but I think Zelda's slightly salvageable, but some of the changes I would do would make Zelda feel like a different character. For one, I would change either her Fair or Bair to be much weaker, but much more usable. Something like a Falco Bair where it's still strong, but still needs Zelda to be on-point with a move that has 1-2 active frames for the clean hit, but a less punishable late hit and much lower damage and knockback to compensate for ease of use. Something else would be simple like making her Ftilt frame 9 instead of frame 12. For one, she's not Ike; she doesn't have a sword. There's also a really drastic change I'd like to happen of making Din's Fire her Neutral Special or Down Special instead of Side Special and replacing that with something else. Din's Fire, canonically, would have been something like Ike's Eruption or Roy's Blazer and not a placed explosive. If anyone wants, I can post up what I think would make Zelda function as a better character with reasons why and such, but that will have to be after uni.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
User was warned for this post
She's still top tier for sure, just not top 5. People are getting better and better at exploiting her numerous weaknesses and her matchup spread is not that of a top 5 character, in a nutshell. In fact, Dabuz thinks that as the meta develops and people are really used to her gimmicks and know her weaknesses very well, she won't even be a high tier character. Personally, I disagree with this. I feel like Rosalina is gonna be getting lots of tech to work with eventually, but I'm just throwing Dabuz's opinion out there.
*next patch nerfs all top tiers, and buffs Pit/Dark Pit, Ike, and Rosalina, making them top tier*


Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2015
Rosalina only has Dabuz going to Big tournaments...which doesn't help her at all I guess(also kinda stupid to blame him for her not being top 5 in most people's eyes).
Falln and Xaltis are both PR in strong regions and got top 32 at Paragon, while Kirihara just placed 4th at Umebara FAT. Having one world-class player and a decent amount of regional/national threats gives Rosa more than enough in the way of results to be top 5, imo.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Rosalina only has Dabuz going to Big tournaments...which doesn't help her at all I guess(also kinda stupid to blame him for her not being top 5 in most people's eyes).
Kirihara just placed 4th out of 300 at Umebura FAT this weekend outplacing dudes like Vinnie and Ally.

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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Falln and Xaltis are both PR in strong regions and got top 32 at Paragon, while Kirihara just placed 4th at Umebara FAT. Having one world-class player and a decent amount of regional/national threats gives Rosa more than enough in the way of results to be top 5, imo.
Kirihara just placed 4th out of 300 at Umebura FAT this weekend outplacing dudes like Vinnie and Ally.

Idk why people say otherwise then.

Also, wasn't FAT the tournament where Vinnie and Earth both got 9th place?


Goddess of Storms
Jan 2, 2014
Soul Realm
Rosa is still obviously top tier, but people are starting to realize she isn't invincible. She destroys a ton of characters and has good high tier matchups, but has a lot more losing/awkward MUs than the other top tiers. Diddy's only bad MUs are Mario Bros/Rosa/ZSS/Sheik, but even then they're not stopping him. Fox gets destroyed by Rosa, and maybe loses to Luigi. Sheik and ZSS basically beat everyone except each other and Pikachu. Rosa has seven matchups that can be considered bad for her: :4sheik::4sonic::4pikachu::4metaknight::4falcon::4wario2::4olimar::4zss: (8 if you consider :4peach: bad for her (i.e; even), because I do. I've heard that ). Al of these characters exploit her main weaknesses; mobility, being T+L+F, losing Luma.

You can make this argument against :4pikachu:, but replace his bad/even MUs with :4luigi:,:4sheik:,:4myfriends:,:4peach:,:4marth:,:4mario: and the fact that he loses to disjoints/lingering hitboxes. Also that he doesn't dominate low tiers that hard.

Mario top 5 makes no sense to me when you factor in that basically anyone can beat Mario, and he doesn't particularly wreck any characters.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Here's a question: What do you think happened in development that certain moves were deemed so abusable that they were made to trigger Special Fall? I'm thinking Din's Fire, Giant Punch, etc.

Like I could see them not wanting you to be able to jump out deep WITH super armor and Giant Punch someone with DK, or not wanting people to be able to stall in the air using din's fire (or jump deep into Din's fire? Could that even be a thing???).

As for Luigi, even as he gets results I can't help but feel that Top 5 is too kind to him. His weaknesses are so clear and pronounced that people not exploiting them seems to come more from a refusal to just camp him the hell out.
I can honestly see why Din's would trigger special fall. Imagine being a character with a poor recovery like Little Mac or Doc, and then having to deal with a Zelda spending all her time off stage throwing Din's at you and using her teleport to get back to the ledge, jump away, and Din's some more. Din's planking would be awful. What could these characters do to challenge it that doesn't instantly jeopardize their stocks?


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Characters that do extremely well at most levels including majors: :4sheik::4sonic::4zss::rosalina:
Characters which show signs of applicability at the highest level: :4ryu::4diddy::4metaknight:
Characters that do pretty well at most levels: :4falcon::4fox::4luigi::4mario::4ness::4rob:
Characters that a single top level player happens to use and and maybe they're not terrible: :4pikachu::4villager:

Characters which you've seen before but should be wary of: :4myfriends::4yoshi::4wario2::4olimar::4peach::4pit:

Feasibly terrible categorization but as we're having a conversation about this, thought I'd reveal my skewed and secluded view of the world.

While Rosa may not seem like a fair and clean top 5, it's really hard to put anyone else ahead of her going by results I'm aware of. I'd put those 4 + diddy as a top 5 right now. Although I could see Fox rounding things off a bit more suitably than Rosa.

Sonic still seems like a pretty clean top 5 despite everything. Crazy to think how much stronger he used to be. He's still a heavily potent character that we see just about everywhere doing well.
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The Free-est
Nov 28, 2005
College Park, MD
Sorry, I was looking for more of a discussion of Duck Hunt's matchups and his outlook on the metagame environment. Mechanically speaking, I don't need you to tell me how the character's moves work. (And I don't mean that rudely! Hopefully it was a helpful summary of the character and their problems to many.)
I'm game for that too. An overall summary would be "Decent vs most neutral heavy characters, bad vs punish heavy"

Sheik, pikachu, and rosalina are much more enjoyable MUs than luigi, zss, and falcon simply because it doesn't feel like you're winning until their stock is gone. Which DHD has trouble with.

I'm personally planning on maining Sheik and secondarying DHD for the more... Annoying MUs sheik has like peach, jigglypuff, DK, MK, Pits, etc. Several players of these characters have noted DHD as their worst MU and I personally just like the mus more than with sheik. (And upkeeping a mario for doubles and halberd/delfino)

Now you've lost me. I'm totally okay with surgical bair, especially as long as it SH ACs.
Only one I'll respond to since you're mostly right anyway.

The main reason I think it should be stronger is the true combos off frisbee. They just don't true combo while they kill on most characters with proper DI. Just a 5-10% increase in killtime would be enough.

Also, again, being precise and surgical is fine. But the reward for doing so being so much less than the meaty and braindead is not.

G. Stache

Smash Journeyman
Sep 21, 2015
New England
Luigi is nowhere near Top 5. Seriously.

When you lose (hard?) against two of the best characters in the game, losing against some more high tiers, losing to friggin' Little Mac, going even with the percieved worst characters in the game (Zelda and Samus), you question your place in top tier.

'But he has resul-'

For one thing, everyone loses against sheik (except for ZSS). So I don't count that point as too valid. With that reasoning, fox and diddy can't be top 5 because, oh my gosh, they lose to sheik too. Rosa is a thorn, yes, but I think that's his worst MU. And, if we're being honest, not a lot of notable characters use Rosa to success. And, maybe I just haven't played any good ZSS as of late, but I don't think he loses too badly to ZSS. In fact, i think it may be a 50/50 or a 55/45 split. Sure, he has a lot of trouble with her mobility and range, but she also has trouble linking her best killing moves on Luigi. While Luigi can kill with down throw shenanigans and any of his smashes (down smash needs to hit behind, tho). He might technically lose to ZSS. As, again, I don't see too many ZSS's these days. But from what I've seen its nowhere near a hard counter. And bringing up lower tier characters, people aren't even representing those much (when's the last time you've seen a good Zelda?). So its hardly affecting Luigi to the point where it's detrimental to him being top 5. He definitely has results. It was a long time ago, but Mr. ConCon is still one of the only players to take a set off zero (y'know, the best player in the world. Granted, he still lost the next set and lost overall since he came from the losers bracket. But it still stands that you need to be a good player and character to do take a set off the best player in the world). J Miller has won regionals in the past, and Boss is definitely getting a lot better (in my opinion he just might be the best Luigi at this point). There's plenty of Rep. for Luigi and there have been results to show that he's definitely a very strong character. As far as I'm concerned, it still stands that I believe that Luigi is in top 5

(Sorry for the wall of text, I can't be asked to paragraph right now)
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