nintendude, this is where all the smasher discussion is.
buffalo will be hard to get housing for/in, but I may be able to hook something up for you. but whats going on in september?
james, to be honest, the only way to generate the kind of mass hype that youre referring to, at this point in time, is for the next game to come out. but you have a point in the whole where is san thing. Last I heard, he was going to Cornell U, but he should be back home in rochester for the summer now.
bcb, younger crew and interest is the way to go. thats where the new hype, talent, and numbers are going to be coming from. but yea dude, you old enough to travel on your own now so step that ish up.
Goodle, thats fine, just means youre going to have to wait a bit for a meaningful event. but Im looking forward to meeting you then.