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Upick Pokémafia... Game over! 2% Milk wins!

Best milk?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
@Laundry, I brought it up 1-3 times kind of.
Sure, three occasions. But those were coincidentally the number of occasions you posted in the thread and a majority of your "content' was devoted to Red Ruy's posting restriction. I'm glad you think it's over the top. But, again, is him being annoying a scumtell?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Everything else going on in the thread? Elaborate.

Why did you find tsn and gord scummy at the time of your 142?
Red Ruy wagon. GorfvTSN. Broto's antics. There wasn't that much going on but there were at least more significant things to talk about than Red Ruy's posting restriction.

Broto brought up a good point about TSN. They were playing hyper-defensive when they really didn't need to do it. I also didn't like how they didn't throw a vote out, albeit we covered that.

I thought Gorf was reaching for a point to make a ****ty case on TSN. I didn't like it.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
The Dark Horses case on Inferno smells worse than Ryker on a bad day
And I don't see the warrant of the washed one calling him dumb either
Poking a new player who's trying to get a grip in this game is just gay
Nothing so far I have found that he's done wrong - so give the guy a breather

I wasn't calling Inferno dumb, just new. I have a newtown read on him, he's not really fitting textbook newbscum play. :|

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
For all you telling me to back off inferno because he's new:

Is that really an excuse for not explaining anything?

An excuse for technically being deadweight?

It explains things because a newtown can really change the difference between a mislynch and a lynch. I don't see how he's useless. He's given me a couple of stances and I've managed to get a read on him. He's also asked questions, even if they're not in good directions, so he's trying.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge

@Washedlaundry: Why is your vote on Zen?
He's coasting trash, pushing the game in the wrong directions. He's not giving me stances, so therefore he's not giving me reads, and all of you are satisfied to ask him about it when the only way he'll give it up is to actually vote him on it. Not giving information is scummy play.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
He's coasting trash, pushing the game in the wrong directions. He's not giving me stances, so therefore he's not giving me reads, and all of you are satisfied to ask him about it when the only way he'll give it up is to actually vote him on it. Not giving information is scummy play.
Valid point. I'm extremely uncomfortable just sitting around waiting for him to bestow his great knowledge upon us.

Zen, SAY SOMETHING. I really, really, really do not like this and I don't care if you have some grand master plan - I don't trust that.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Votecount 1.08

Gordito :pokeball: :pokeball: ~TSN~, Panta
Dark Horse
Red Ryu
~TSN~ :pokeball: :pokeball: Soupamario, Gordito
Zεη :pokeball: :pokeball: :pokeball: Red Ryu, SilphCo, WashedLaundry
Inferno3044 :pokeball: Dark Horse
Vocal :pokeball: Ryker
Ryker :pokeball: :pokeball: Gheb, Inferno3044
No Lynch

Not voting: Zen, Vocal

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline has been set to August 1st, 11:59 PM EST.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
DH, I do not understand your mentality. Every game you play the same horrible way. You never try to improve. You just keep doing it over and over again. It's really difficult to understand and honestly I feel sad about it. I don't think you will ever improve, and ontop of that you some how feel the need to act like a jerk towards people when they try to help you through your (what I assume to be) mental disability. It's likely pointless to tell you how your tunneling on Inferno is just not a good way to play this game, but I'll tell you anyway. It's not good, DH. You're assuming Inferno is scum and thus trying to make everything he says out to be scummy. It's not though, and the more you press on this the more and more I feel really bad for you :c
Sure, three occasions. But those were coincidentally the number of occasions you posted in the thread and a majority of your "content' was devoted to Red Ruy's posting restriction. I'm glad you think it's over the top. But, again, is him being annoying a scumtell?
I posted 7 times actually. And it was about 30 or so posts into the game. There is hardly any content at that post. It's silly that you and Silph are trying to call me out on not posting any content during RVS/transition out of RVS. In fact all Silph had posted at that point was a gigantic fluff post and all you had posted was nothing. Don't try and call me out for posting nothing when half the players hadn't even gotten into the game at that point.
Red Ruy wagon. GorfvTSN. Broto's antics. There wasn't that much going on but there were at least more significant things to talk about than Red Ruy's posting restriction.

Broto brought up a good point about TSN. They were playing hyper-defensive when they really didn't need to do it. I also didn't like how they didn't throw a vote out, albeit we covered that.

I thought Gorf was reaching for a point to make a ****ty case on TSN. I didn't like it.
Ryu's wagon was RVS, nothing of value. I posted my opinion on TSN. I posted my opinion of Gord.
I'm not posting anything period until Zen posts his reads.
Why is this? I clearly said I would post them when I felt they had enough connections. This makes me feel you are trying to avoid that (make connections that is). Why would you stop talking instead of simply voting me as Laundry proposed?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I'm doc lmao
A claim? Practically out of nowhere? For one of the most important roles in the game? Instead of just posting your reads to get people off of your back and thus keep your incredibly important role secret?


What is this how do i understand it

Why is this? I clearly said I would post them when I felt they had enough connections. This makes me feel you are trying to avoid that (make connections that is). Why would you stop talking instead of simply voting me as Laundry proposed?
I want Gordito to die, that's why. I don't want to vote for you. What I want from you is to matter instead of acting like you matter. Seriously. There are three days left in this game. If you expect to pull your scum team out at the last second and have the entire town follow you blindly then you are sorely mistaken.

What more is there to say here? I have asked questions of some players and reviewed the play of others so far. You are a piece of the puzzle that refuses to cooperate and for that reason you are the person I want to hear from most. I don't want to vote for you, but you pull some last minute shenanigans so help me god I will.


@MOD: I'm not currently voting for anyone.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
This doc claim...seriously, what the hell does that even mean? I honestly do not understand why a townie would sacrifice this role just to keep his scum picks a secret. Zen, I do not get you at all and that worries the hell out of me.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music

Zen refuses to talk. He gives me nothing to go off of. I cannot read him. What do?

Simple: talk to everyone else about Zen.

@Everyone: I want every thought you have on Zen so far. Things you think he's done well. Things you think he's done badly. Things you think are helping and things you think are counterproductive. Take note: I do not purely want a "he's scum/he's town" post. I want your actual thoughts.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
[collapse=hydra log]Zen: What do you think about Vocal?
Buddha: meh lookin town to me
Zen: Why? He thinks we are town yet he also has this weird fixation/paranoia with who we think is scum. Why is he so focused on that?
Zen: Looking at the roster, there's quite a few people who haven't contributed at all. Yet he's so so focused on us.
Zen: Soup is inactive. Ryu has like what 5 posts? And he's still voting us for RVS wut.
Zen: In fact now that I think about it, what do you think about RyuScum?
Zen: He voted us after because I was asking about his restriction. But his recent post was just leeching off of SoldGlyph's reasoning. Then he goes on saying how he would ISO us. Wut. Looks to me like he already has it set that he's gonna call us scum. He hasn't done anything else this game.
Zen: You there?
Zen :O
Zen: heg7hhrby
Zen: bleh
Buddha: ye sori bout that. was doin ****.
Zen: Doing what?
Buddha: doin ****.
Buddha: like literally
Zen: ???
Buddha: forget it. i agree on ryu scum.
Buddha: plus inactive ryu = scum ryu. looks lot like FE.
Zen: kk. Yeah. The only thing that makes me think he's town though is that when he was scum in FE he was much more wishy washy. Here he reacted to our surface value crap like instinctively. Like when we attacked Nabe in Superheros and he claimed our Mason and voted us right away.
Morgan Freeman has joined the chat
Buddha: ye i was thinking that too.
Buddha: wow Freeman sup
Zen: Hey Morgan
Morgan Freeman: Hello Zen. Hello Buddha.
Morgan Freeman: You are talking about Pokemafia, I see?
Zen: Yeah you been reading?
Morgan Freeman: I have.
Zen: Thoughts?
Morgan Freeman: Oh my, Buddha...
Morgan Freeman: Zen, I disagree with the two of you over the meta-game on Red Ryu. Fire Emblem was some time ago, I'm sure his scum game has developed since then. I recall reading a game he was mafia in a bit a go, in fact. His play there was quite different from Fire Emblem.
Buddha: huh? @ freeman
Buddha: o the **** thing. yeah lmao
Zen: o_O
Zen: @ Morgan, I guess. So you think he's scum?
Morgan Freeman: I am not positive, but I would say that his lack of contribution this game as well as his unreasonable push on our slot warrants placing him in that category.
Zen: Alright I agree.
Zen: Morgan, what's your read on Vocal. Some of his posts look kinda fake. Like that post where he's asking people questions. I don't see ehat he gained from them. Why did he ask Laundry why he was voting us when it's been pretty clear? Buddha thinks he's town. I'm not sure.
Buddha: ur kinda makin me think he's scum from that
Morgan Freeman: I have been getting town vibes from Vocal's posts. The "STATE. YOUR. CLAIM." post in particular I am fond of. He gave a very reasonable response to your accusation, and I don't get any sense of guilt. He has been able to reasonably back up previous accusations made against him as well.
Buddha: yea that's where im pretty much at with that.
Zen: Alright. Still suspicious to me a bit though.
Buddha: if anything i don't think he's the play for today.
Morgan Freeman: I agree, I would like to keep him around.
Zen: kk
Zen: Thoughts on everyone else?
Zen: When do you guys think we should post our reads?
Buddha: probably soon. deadline is soon.
Buddha: btw did you see the claim lol
Zen: Yeah xD
Buddha: should be interesting
Zen: Yeah
Zen: Man I was hoping to get more from the day, but our main scum pick has hardly been posting.
Morgan Freeman: I have a town read on The Savage Nymph, Ryker, Inferno, WashedLaundry, Vocal, and Panta. My scum reads are as before.
Zen: Why Panta?
Morgan Freeman: His catch up post appeared thought out. The fact that he analyzed his aggressor, Ryker, critically also leads me to believe that he is without guilt.
Buddha: agree with those town reads. Soup is town also
Zen: Soup hasn't even posted. And Morgan agree woth that and the rest of the town reads.
Zen: with*
Buddha: he did a bit at the beginning. i think i can read him pretty well and just from that I'd say he's town.
Zen: Buddha you say that about everybody.
Buddha: nah dude trust me hes town.
Zen: fine fine so we have as town: Larxine, Ryker, Inferno, Laundry, Vocal, Panta, and Soup. And as scum: Gheb, Gordito, and Ryu, yeah? What about DH and SoldGlyph?
Buddha: eh dh is toss up. id lynch him based on policy
Morgan Freeman: I agree. I feel sad for Dark Horse, really.
Zen: Yeah.
Zen: SoldGlyph?
Morgan Freeman: SilphCo could possibly be scum. They haven't said enough to have a definite read on. I am leaning town on their slot, however.
Zen: Same
Buddha: good with me
Zen: Alright. Since deadline is soon I'm just gonna go head and post our reads. might as well post our log.
Buddha: asdioh's allowing that?
Zen: Yeah
Buddha: ok i see no problem then
Morgan Freeman: Go for it.
Zen: kk posting now [/collapse]

Vote: Gheb


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I should have waited til morning when I actually have good judgment once again to check this thread. Yea I'm gonna reply to this then. I will say that anything that says "hydra log" spells "poison" to me...I just do not like them.

But toodles til the later AM or possibly PM!

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010

Zen is...Zen.

I could sum up my thoughts on zen, and just about everytime, with telling you this:

DH, I do not understand your mentality. Every game you play the same horrible way. You never try to improve. You just keep doing it over and over again. It's really difficult to understand and honestly I feel sad about it. I don't think you will ever improve, and ontop of that you some how feel the need to act like a jerk towards people when they try to help you through your (what I assume to be) mental disability. It's likely pointless to tell you how your tunneling on Inferno is just not a good way to play this game, but I'll tell you anyway. It's not good, DH. You're assuming Inferno is scum and thus trying to make everything he says out to be scummy. It's not though, and the more you press on this the more and more I feel really bad for you
Made me die with laughter about how hypocritical it was.

In an ongoing game, zen replaced in, then, in his first post, asked if he needed to claim. It's as if he didn't even care about his role.

But the bizarre thing is... a hydra log?

Zen's not registered in a hydra, I haven't seen him post as a hydra, that log obviously refers to this game (Mentions silph and inferno, who I don't think in any other games.)

But why should I bother? he's just broken two rules, I think ("no hydra logs and no communicating with outside players"), so he probably has a countdown on his head.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Ok so the deadline is nearing and people are still away. this day is probably going to end with either gord or Zen being lynched. I have a couple of questions for Zen though:

1. Why did you reveal your role? Better yet why would you reveal such a powerful role this early?
2. What are the reasonings behind your accusations?
3. Why did you vote gheb?
4. Why so much fluff in your accusation?


Also too many people gone and this day is moving real slow. Can we extend it if possible?


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You could have just pointed out why DH moving on Inferno was bad like a forest fire. The pokes at him add flaming nothing to this game.



caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I'll post my thoughts on Gheb in a bit when I'm on a CPU and go through his posts. Gordito is a good play as well. My meta wants to have him as town, but he's surely been the scummiest other than Gheb. They both haven't been giving much though which is a little frustrating. If Gord were more active it would help with the read a lot. Ryu is my third at this point. He has been stalling with posting content for a while. His post restriction btings in some mod-meta WIFOM that my mind wont stay away from. It seems odd that the mod would give RYU that restriction as scum. Since he's had it previously as scum, it doesn't seem like something the mod would give him. But we can't go off that. Asdioh could have just not considered there would be DR players or he could have just realized it would be WIFOM. So yeah, it's all null and shouldn't really be considered.

@Ryu: I'd really like your reads on everyone.

DH: You shouldn't talk about on going games. You can reveal more than you intend to. But it is your game, so hell.

As for th difference between me and you: I am aware of how I am playing. You are not. I seek to improve and alter my play. You do not. I am reasonable and discuss my reads. You are not and do not. Rather than discuss, you assume someone is scum and push with all your might regardless of what others have to say and regardless of evidence that refutes your assumption.

DH, apologies if I missed this. Who is your third scum pick?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ok so the deadline is nearing and people are still away. this day is probably going to end with either gord or Zen being lynched. I have a couple of questions for Zen though:

1. Why did you reveal your role? Better yet why would you reveal such a powerful role this early?
Why do you want to know? Do you think I'm scum? If not, it doesn't matter.
2. What are the reasonings behind your accusations?
I'll get to Gheb and Gord in a bit.
3. Why did you vote gheb?
Isn't this the same as above?
4. Why so much fluff in your accusation?
What do you mean?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Flaming scum reads atm,
Zen, TSN.
Vocal, Ryker

Flaming Ryker is more of a TvS feel I'm getting from him and TSN otherwise he would be more hellfire null.

Not posting flaming town or null reads other than Ryker, that only flaming helps scum as I learned in Fire Blast Pulp Fiction.



Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
...you can flaming die right behind Zen, basing your flaming content on another player.
It worked, and within a reasonable time frame, didn't it? And didn't I even break my own rule and keep posting after that? Let's not be fiery foes.

I'll post my thoughts on Gheb in a bit when I'm on a CPU and go through his posts. Gordito is a good play as well. My meta wants to have him as town, but he's surely been the scummiest other than Gheb. They both haven't been giving much though which is a little frustrating. If Gord were more active it would help with the read a lot. Ryu is my third at this point. He has been stalling with posting content for a while. His post restriction btings in some mod-meta WIFOM that my mind wont stay away from. It seems odd that the mod would give RYU that restriction as scum. Since he's had it previously as scum, it doesn't seem like something the mod would give him. But we can't go off that. Asdioh could have just not considered there would be DR players or he could have just realized it would be WIFOM. So yeah, it's all null and shouldn't really be considered.

@Ryu: I'd really like your reads on everyone.

DH: You shouldn't talk about on going games. You can reveal more than you intend to. But it is your game, so hell.

As for th difference between me and you: I am aware of how I am playing. You are not. I seek to improve and alter my play. You do not. I am reasonable and discuss my reads. You are not and do not. Rather than discuss, you assume someone is scum and push with all your might regardless of what others have to say and regardless of evidence that refutes your assumption.

DH, apologies if I missed this. Who is your third scum pick?
What happened to all that certainty? How has all of your scheming and laying in wait not led to greater results? Waiting on that Gheb reasoning.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@Vocal: Gheb is scum. I am confident in that.

btw you did not affect me posting. I said I would begin posting before the day end.
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