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Upick Pokémafia... Game over! 2% Milk wins!

Best milk?

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#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ryu why do you think tsn is scum?
TSN placing flaming super justification to make sure he had an out to anything he did. Really hasn't done flamethrower much to want me to be friends with me as townie.

Explain why are you flaming still posting about my restiction. What is the purpose your burning getting at with it?


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
DH, apologies if I missed this. Who is your third scum pick?
ghebbers. See my 293 and 277 for why.

On the other hand:

His post restriction btings in some mod-meta WIFOM that my mind wont stay away from. It seems odd that the mod would give RYU that restriction as scum. Since he's had it previously as scum, it doesn't seem like something the mod would give him. But we can't go off that.
HAs anybody even cared about RR's restriction besides you? HAs it even been mentioned since page 2?

So why are you saying that we should not make anything out of it when nobody has tried in forever?

**** you RR, beat me to it.

Zen, you had a scumread a me since my second post. You never seemed to pursue it, and, looking at that log, it seemed to have fizzled out.

You aren't inferno, you don't have a "noob" excuse.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
TSN placing flaming super justification to make sure he had an out to anything he did. Really hasn't done flamethrower much to want me to be friends with me as townie.
Can you show what you're talking about specifically.
Explain why are you flaming still posting about my restiction. What is the purpose your burning getting at with it?
I'm analyzing you and I want discussion over your alignment. Some may assume you are town just from your restriction. Ryker has already shown to clear you from this. I went over why it is a null tell.

Do you still not see why I am talking about it?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
DH, can you quote where I mentioned you as a scum read? Sure, I implied you were scummy with my "I think we found our third" post. If you notice, that was immediately after just glancing your post before. Not even I can gain a condemning read from just one post from everyone. I think you are suspicious, but simply assuming you are scum does no good. Do you think it's bad for a scum read on you to "fizzle out"?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Yes I still flaming don't get it. Why do you care about a burning point that is a null tell? If it is null then why do you keep going on about it like hellfire?

I understand for Ryker, and I flaming agree. But that doesn't remove any burning fault from you to continue on about it.



caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
You're contradicting yourself in the same post. You understand that I do not want others, mainly Ryker, to consider you town for it. Yet you still don't get why I am talking about it?

Your answer is right there Ryu, you just really like to insinuate that me talking about your restriction is somehow scummy. You don't want to let it go even though you see my reasoning. Let it go Ryu. We all know that your restriction at this point isn't something that you're going to be called scum for. So why on earth would it be scummy to talk about it and make sure that people know it's a null tell? You act as if talking about your restriction is some sort of taboo that is forbidden to talk about. It isn't. Quit trying to reach for this point.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
DH, can you quote where I mentioned you as a scum read? Sure, I implied you were scummy with my "I think we found our third" post.
Zen, what is the difference between implying that some one is scum and flat-out saying so? You're still making a statement about someone being scum.

If you notice, that was immediately after just glancing your post before. Not even I can gain a condemning read from just one post from everyone.
Zen, it appears you still had a bit of thought about me being scum. Otherwise, I don't see any logical reasoning for "I think we found our third scum"

So, as I was saying, whatever happened to that

Do you think it's bad for a scum read on you to "fizzle out"?
Zen, iirc, you never mentioned anything that changed your mind. I see no reason as town to do that, especially when you in a uniformed, not informed majority.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
As soon as you flaming tell me why talking about it at all is scum hunting I'll flaming listen.

That is not a burning contradiction. I'm saying Ryker calling me town because of it is not good, and the same flaming time you going on about it is not helping either. It's null people should have burning figured that out, so why is bringing it up flaming constantly good?


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

a game with only 351 posts, i will enjoy my quick re-read.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
As soon as you flaming tell me why talking about it at all is scum hunting I'll flaming listen.
Explaining why your restriction is a null tell isn't 'scum hunting' in itself, Ryu. It's simply explaining that it's a null tell, nothing more. Tell me Ryu, is it scummy to mention post about something that doesn't strictly have the purpose to hunt down scum? If so then I suppose that Gheb and TSN mentioning that they are going to be V/LA should be taken as scummy because they posted something that has another purpose other than strictly for scum hunting purposes.

Yeah Ryu, now do you see? My purpose of explaining why your restriction is null did not have the purpose of catching scum, it had the purpose of explaining that your restriction is null.

Now then tell me, Ryu: Do you believe that I have not scum hunted this game? If you do believe I have, do you believe that you have scum hunted more than me? I'm very curious in this.
That is not a burning contradiction. I'm saying Ryker calling me town because of it is not good, and the same flaming time you going on about it is not helping either. It's null people should have burning figured that out, so why is bringing it up flaming constantly good?

So you think that Ryker clearing you for that is bad, but you also think that trying to convince Ryker that it is bad is bad? Clearly I am discussing why it is null in hopes to influence others (who have not posted about the topic so I have no idea what they think) and especially Ryker who thinks that it is not null and is in fact a town tell.

So yes your post is contradictory, Ryu. You dislike Ryker clearing you, but you're also incriminating me trying to show why you shouldn't be clear.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Zen, what is the difference between implying that some one is scum and flat-out saying so? You're still making a statement about someone being scum.
True. But as I said, it was one post. My statement was more to show that you were scummy, not that you were condemned.
Zen, it appears you still had a bit of thought about me being scum. Otherwise, I don't see any logical reasoning for "I think we found our third scum"

So, as I was saying, whatever happened to that
I don't recall ever saying I don't think you're scummy. I don't know your alignment because you're a scummy person regardless of your alignment. I'm put in a "dumb or scum" situation. It's hard to tell. If you continue to play blatantly scummy, then I'd lynch you. As I said in the hydra log, you're a toss up.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
True. But as I said, it was one post. My statement was more to show that you were scummy, not that you were condemned.
You had said that you had "found your 3rd scumpick" in the very next post after I had posted that.

That, my good sir, is condemning.

I don't recall ever saying I don't think you're scummy. I don't know your alignment because you're a scummy person regardless of your alignment. I'm put in a "dumb or scum" situation. It's hard to tell. If you continue to play blatantly scummy, then I'd lynch you. As I said in the hydra log, you're a toss up.
2 things:

1: I meant how it just seemed to disappear, without you ever mentioning anything that changed your mind.

2: on the subject of hydra logs, who were those other people? Your not registered as a hydra.

a: 3 person hydra?
b: Morgan freeman came in as if he was a regular person coming in (he first asked whether you guys were talking about this or not). Is he also part of that "hydra"?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
You had said that you had "found your 3rd scumpick" in the very next post after I had posted that.

That, my good sir, is condemning.
Take it as you want. But you're not my third pick at the moment. I'm unsure on my third pick.

1: I meant how it just seemed to disappear, without you ever mentioning anything that changed your mind.
It didn't disappear because it was never there. You shouldn't take everything at face value. I thought your post was scummy. Having you set as my third scum pick, I did not.

2: on the subject of hydra logs, who were those other people? Your not registered as a hydra.
Buddha and Morgan Freeman. I, Zεη, am a hydra consiting of these people.
a: 3 person hydra?
We are actually a 5-person hydra. Jesus and your mom weren't online at the time though.
b: Morgan freeman came in as if he was a regular person coming in (he first asked whether you guys were talking about this or not). Is he also part of that "hydra"?
Zen invited him to the chat actually. And yes he is a part of the Zεη hydra.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Before I go into each of Gheb's post, I'm going to translate to standard English for clarification.
A poet I am with heart and soul, regardless of my race
Humanity don't matter - not even a pizza is too abstruse!
My word shall be in verses of beauty, wisdom and grace
And never forget this: always ask before you accuse!

I am going to post in poetry.
(I don't know what he means about pizza not being hard to understand).
Again, I am posting in poetry.
Remember to question before you accuse someone.

This I am posting to reference back to for the actual case. Just like with Ryu's posting restriction, Gheb posting in poetry is a null tell.

However something I noticed here is that Gheb is a little self-conscious about his poetry this game. The last I saw him use this style was in Pulp Fiction where he was town. He was not conscious there in the slightest and didn't even really mention his poetry unless someone asked about it. Here he comes in talking about its benefits and why he's doing it. He doesn't need to tell this to Soup as him and Soup have done this previously. So it seems like he is setting up his defenses.

Why inform people that they should question before they accuse? Clearly he was referring to himself specifically on this. Anyways this itself doesn't say Gheb scum, but taken with the posts below, I believe that Gheb has a sense of guilt and thus is playing more cautious than he has shown as town.

Yes! Why utter a mere bark when mankind has poetry so sublime?
So early I didn't expect from the Soupy-one words that auspicious!
Playfully we pretend to be monsters but ours is still reason and rhyme!
And it allows us to cloth our deeper thoughts on who we think is vicious!

Exactly, poetry is a great way to post.
Soup is promising already.
We pretend to be suspicious, but we still have reason in our posts.
Our thoughts can be better hidden this way on who we think is scum.

This is what I am referring to about Gheb explaining the benefits to his poetry. Again he and Soup were going back and forth with this the last time Gheb played in poetry (which wasn't long ago). So I don't think he was simply discussing with Soup about poetry, but prematurely setting up defense for his style.

On another note, his supposed reason for posting in poetry is quite bad. Why would you want to keep your scum reads hidden. How is this beneficial, Gheb?
Could it be that you are being fooled or is it me?
I thought the Soupy voiced delightful agreement
In either case I really don't like this reaction I see
Even if you are joking it's unnecessarily vehement

Vote: Red Ryu

Did you misread what Soup was saying or did I?
I thought that Soup was agreeing with my poetry.
Either way, I don't like this reaction from you.
Even if you're joking, you're expressing unnecessary passion.

This is in response to Ryu's #11 where he votes Soup. I surely agree with Gheb that Ryu's jump on him was awkward. Though as I went through these two posts, Gheb says some weird things as well.

The last line Gheb says that even if Ryu is joking, his passion is unnecessary...

If he was joking, then of course the passion would go along with that. It was 11 posts into the game, in RVS. I don't like Gheb's elaborate reasoning through voting Ryu here. Though now that I think about it, this could simply be because Gheb has to fill up his 4 lines of poetry and thus just puts what he can in.
And why do you ignore me when you say my ways you approve?
If I say "ask first!" is this your way to show that you understand?!?
Not even knowing what the point is you still force him to move?
When he had no chance to even elaborate on the issue at hand?

And if you agree with me, why are you not following what I've stated?
I stated to question before you accuse, but then you do this?
You accused him without even questioning him or him having the chance to elaborate.

But since he felt the need to continue on about it, I say the poetry excuse doesn't cut for his elaborate reasoning on this.

The funny thing particularly about this post is that Gheb is accusing Ryu of not "questioning before accusing" and that Ryu didn't give Soup a chance to elaborate, but here Gheb is doing that very thing to Ryu.

This furthers my belief that Gheb's "question before you accuse" wasn't a legit piece of advice as even he cannot do that. It's just not good advice really. So again this just supports that his reasoning for posting the "advice" was because he was being self-conscious about his poetry and felt the need to say that.

Ryker what good do you hope to achieve
By pointing out the dragon as a vanilla?
How can we hope the evil to deceive
If you make noise like an angry gorilla?

Ryker what good can come from you declaring that Red Ryu is Vanilla Townie?
How can we keep information hidden from scum if you play like this?

The reason why I pointed out this post is that Gheb seems to be playing selectively with who he calls out. He calls Ryker out on this and other things, but he doesn't call out a single thing I do in the game. That is in fact the main reason why I believe Gheb is scum and where my suspicious originates. I'll go more into it below.
When I look at the faithful follower of foreign religion
I see determination behind a veil of intriguing seclusion
Briefly and sparingly he offers us a look at his vision
While showing the wisdom to see through Ryker's illusion


Zen looks to me like he has scum-catching motive.
He's giving us who he thinks is scum, and showing that Ryker is wrong.

This is where I first picked up ScumGheb. This post makes very little sense in context of my posts before.

All I had done at that point were question Ryu, state that TSN was town, and state that Gordito was scum without any reasoning at all. Regardless of this, Gheb seems to pick up some kind of town vibes? I did not like this at all. He does this the rest of the day and assumes that I am town/passes over any kind of scumminess that I put out. Gheb is being selective on who he pushes and questions. This is not something you would see from town as they do not know who is town and who is scum. They need to analyze everyone. Scum, however already know who is scum and who is town. All they need to do is survive and mislynch until they have majority. Scum can already have it set for who they want to push, buddy, etc. I believe this to be the case with Gheb. He is not looking at me critically like others have been. He already has it set that he will have a town read on me, and likely has it set for who he wants to push and defend.

Gheb has mentioned quite a bit that just outing your town reads is dumb/scummy. I come out of no where stating that TSN is town and he says nothing about it. Yet later on, Gord asks me for my read on Inferno and Gheb advises me not to answer. I asked him two or three times if he missed me randomly calling TSN out as town, but he has yet to answer >.<. Despite this, Gheb buddies me saying how I am playing wise and **** wut.

Furthermore, it seems that Gheb is agreeing with me here on Gordito, as he called me wise for showing through Ryker's illusion (Ryker's town read on Gheb). Yet he never peruses on Gordito at all during the day.

Japanese Buddhist, I must ask of you to ignore Gorf's request!
The Company's post is just about as jokey as its weaker half
Fruitless is my read on him for now, just like it is for all the rest
Baseless reads can't be covered by provoking the audience's laugh!

This is the post I am referring to above. Gord asks me what my read on Inferno is, and Gheb for some reason feels the need to come in and tell me not to answer that.

The Washed one already made some interesting statement
Behind his cases there seems to be an attentive designer
In Ryker's content I can definitely see the crass abatement
Though the offenses of Zen and Gorf appear rather minor

Washed made some interesting points.
He seems to be playing with reason.
Ryker's play definitely seems off.
But the points on Zen and Gord seem minor.

OK first off, this is exactly what I'm talking about his selective pushes. He is not questioning me or Gord at all. Despite earlier agreeing that Gord was scummy. I believe this was even after the post where I stated we would quick lynch and I would disappear. Gheb doesn't question my motive at all. He is set with what his position on me will be.
Vote Ryker

The double-standard in his #165 shall not be overlooked!
For who is he to accuse others for his very own offenses?
Granted, the excuse is awkward on Batman to get hooked
But him projecting his own flaws is hurting all my senses

Yet he questions Ryker's motives and votes him on this weak sauce.

Because I wanted to make sure that you show no response
I approve how you combine your dedication with discretion
Be worried about the frog for you can't know what he wants
Answer questions on your town reads with excluding aggression

Because I wanted to make sure you didn't answer.
I like how you have been hunting with discretion.
You don't know what Gord's motives are so be careful.
Answer questions of your town reads carfully (? No idea what "excluding agression" means. Gheb, what does that mean?).

This is in response to me asking why Gheb asked me not answer Gord's question about Inferno. Again he failed to even take notice of #66 (which is in fact how I generally play the game).

The Vocal one and the Dark Horse are expendable pawns
Like scavengers they just pick out the sick and the lame
Let us hope that in this game they won't see a lot of dawns
Evil ones, please roast these worms with your hellish flame!

Vocal and Dark Horse are expendable.
They just pick out easy targets.
Hopefully they wont live too long.
Scum please Night Kill them.

Now this is quite lovely. Gheb's apparant belief is that town should limit giving scum clues on who to night kill as much as possible. Posting something like this goes completely against that. This tells scum exactly who NOT to kill. Gheb, what was your motive for posting this? Enlighten us with your flames of truth and justice.

We have been through this many times until today
Nothing wrong with ignoring what's free of worth!
Insinuate "fluff" and "misdirection" is only halfway
'Specially when it's rooted in dry and fruitless earth

Thank you for defending me.

Now then:

-Gheb what is your read on Gordito?
-Please explain anything I may have misinterpreted above or could not interpret.
-Who do you want lynched today? Do you really think Ryker is scum?
-Please anwer my questions from before and above.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Sorry for the hiatus and all that jazz, a buncha stuff's hittin irl so once I can take care of that stuff I'll figure out what's going on up in here.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Gord is one of my suspects, but I'm much more confident in Gheb, and want to lynch him today.

Vocal will you switch over to Gheb with me? Ryker are you still voting with me today?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

Buddying the mod, obv scum.

Posting fluff, obv scum

Giving scum free night kills, obv scum

I thought I was gonna have trouble finding the scum team..but then I ate some oranges and it was k.

For the non-LoLers: scum team locked down. Let's start takin 'em down one by one.

Vote: SilphCo
no, this is bad, stop.

FoS: Vocal

still deciding where to put my vote, i kinda procrasinated my re-read, i'm doing a full skim look right now.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Zen I do find a little suspicious. This attack on gheb is a little out of the blue and I don't feel like its enough info atm to lynch. Also doctor is a powerful role.

With why you voted gheb it was basically why you chose him out of the 3.

The fluff basically the whole Buddha and Morgan freeman thing. Wasn't needed.

Anyways I wanna hear your accusation of gordito because I was thinking of voting for him.

One last thing: request deadline extension. too many people aren't here iirc and I feel like it will benefit them.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
i have finished a 1/3 of my re-read.

it's safe to say that inferno is leaning more newb town rather then newb scum.

FoS on vocal can leave for now, granted that it's easy to just call something a joke, but you're good for now.

Washed hold my hand
Gheb hold my hand
Ryker, distance between us two and i'll decide if you're worthy

TSN is tentatively null for now, the stuff Gordo is spouting is pretty dumb, but i don't like the approach that TSN is taking it, such as beating the arguement with "gord u dubm."

i do like the other head, i'm getting a rather better read over J, if it were merely sang as the hydra, it'd be easier, but J likes to come in and broil some bull**** now and then but it's always such a chore trying to figure out what kinda bull**** it is, scummy or not.

i feel gord is a dubm, but he's my dubm. <3

Zen..hmm..needs more reading.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Zen I do find a little suspicious. This attack on gheb is a little out of the blue and I don't feel like its enough info atm to lynch.
Out of the blue? I stated quite early on that I would be giving my scum read when I felt they had enough connections. Unfortunately he did not make a lot of connections, but the day is ending soon.

Read my case Inferno. We are lynching today, it's how you play the game. There isn't always a lot to go on day 1, but you make best with what you have. I am confident on my Gheb read.
With why you voted gheb it was basically why you chose him out of the 3.
He is my strongest read. I am unsure on Ryu as well as Gord. Gord is stronger than Ryu however. I listed them in priority. Also you didn't ask it this way the first time.
The fluff basically the whole Buddha and Morgan freeman thing. Wasn't needed.
No, it wasn't. But did it hender me from giving content? No. Interesting how you have not called SilphCo out on posting fluff in every one of his posts.
Anyways I wanna hear your accusation of gordito because I was thinking of voting for him.

Request deadline extinsion

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Super Sexy Town Alliance -

Town -
Red Ryu
Dork Horse

Null -

Scum -
SilphCo (maybe i'll get into this later, maybe not, still a serious vote.)

lazy still, decipher them later, but don't expect a J wall

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Panta wagon is ******** and Ryker should feel bad for it.

but i might like him again if panta keeps up with no-content

Vote: SilphCo


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
no, this is bad, stop.

FoS: Vocal

still deciding where to put my vote, i kinda procrasinated my re-read, i'm doing a full skim look right now.

are you taking into the fact that vocal was joking or not?

Panta wagon is ******** and Ryker should feel bad for it.

but i might like him again if panta keeps up with no-content

Vote: SilphCo

Mind explaining this vote? you definitely seem to consider silph scummier than the rest of your scum

I hope I die tonight.
If you did post a hydra log, then you're dying today.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
in due time Dork horse, continue your rambling.

i have changed my mind, zen, you can be town, go forth.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
w.r.t SilphCo

i somewhat feel you with not caring for this game.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@Zen-ok. Out of the blue was a bad choice of words. I expected gordito. I can understand RR to some extent. Gheb really surprised me. I haven't had problems interpreting his poetry and I have just seen him as a null tell.

With silphco I have taken his fluff into account and I don't know whether he is scum or not atm. I would've preferred a post that was more to the point but you're right that you gave your point at least.

@dark-his hydra log is fluff. take the time to read it and you will see his suspicions.



caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@Inferno, it's actually not really all that fluffy. You just see the names and think "zomgfluffz". But it pretty much layed out my thought process. I highlighted the only fluff bits below.

[collapse=hydra log]Zen: What do you think about Vocal?
Buddha: meh lookin town to me
Zen: Why? He thinks we are town yet he also has this weird fixation/paranoia with who we think is scum. Why is he so focused on that?
Zen: Looking at the roster, there's quite a few people who haven't contributed at all. Yet he's so so focused on us.
Zen: Soup is inactive. Ryu has like what 5 posts? And he's still voting us for RVS wut.
Zen: In fact now that I think about it, what do you think about RyuScum?
Zen: He voted us after because I was asking about his restriction. But his recent post was just leeching off of SoldGlyph's reasoning. Then he goes on saying how he would ISO us. Wut. Looks to me like he already has it set that he's gonna call us scum. He hasn't done anything else this game.
Zen: You there?
Zen :O
Zen: heg7hhrby
Zen: bleh
Buddha: ye sori bout that. was doin ****.
Zen: Doing what?
Buddha: doin ****.
Buddha: like literally
Zen: ???

Buddha: forget it. i agree on ryu scum.
Buddha: plus inactive ryu = scum ryu. looks lot like FE.
Zen: kk. Yeah. The only thing that makes me think he's town though is that when he was scum in FE he was much more wishy washy. Here he reacted to our surface value crap like instinctively. Like when we attacked Nabe in Superheros and he claimed our Mason and voted us right away.
Morgan Freeman has joined the chat
Buddha: ye i was thinking that too.
Buddha: wow Freeman sup
Zen: Hey Morgan
Morgan Freeman: Hello Zen. Hello Buddha.
Morgan Freeman: You are talking about Pokemafia, I see?
Zen: Yeah you been reading?
Morgan Freeman: I have.
Zen: Thoughts?
Morgan Freeman: Oh my, Buddha...

Morgan Freeman: Zen, I disagree with the two of you over the meta-game on Red Ryu. Fire Emblem was some time ago, I'm sure his scum game has developed since then. I recall reading a game he was mafia in a bit a go, in fact. His play there was quite different from Fire Emblem.
Buddha: huh? @ freeman
Buddha: o the **** thing. yeah lmao
Zen: o_O
Zen: @ Morgan, I guess. So you think he's scum?
Morgan Freeman: I am not positive, but I would say that his lack of contribution this game as well as his unreasonable push on our slot warrants placing him in that category.
Zen: Alright I agree.
Zen: Morgan, what's your read on Vocal. Some of his posts look kinda fake. Like that post where he's asking people questions. I don't see ehat he gained from them. Why did he ask Laundry why he was voting us when it's been pretty clear? Buddha thinks he's town. I'm not sure.
Buddha: ur kinda makin me think he's scum from that
Morgan Freeman: I have been getting town vibes from Vocal's posts. The "STATE. YOUR. CLAIM." post in particular I am fond of. He gave a very reasonable response to your accusation, and I don't get any sense of guilt. He has been able to reasonably back up previous accusations made against him as well.
Buddha: yea that's where im pretty much at with that.
Zen: Alright. Still suspicious to me a bit though.
Buddha: if anything i don't think he's the play for today.
Morgan Freeman: I agree, I would like to keep him around.
Zen: kk
Zen: Thoughts on everyone else?
Zen: When do you guys think we should post our reads?
Buddha: probably soon. deadline is soon.
Buddha: btw did you see the claim lol
Zen: Yeah xD
Buddha: should be interesting
Zen: Yeah
Zen: Man I was hoping to get more from the day, but our main scum pick has hardly been posting.
Morgan Freeman: I have a town read on The Savage Nymph, Ryker, Inferno, WashedLaundry, Vocal, and Panta. My scum reads are as before.
Zen: Why Panta?
Morgan Freeman: His catch up post appeared thought out. The fact that he analyzed his aggressor, Ryker, critically also leads me to believe that he is without guilt.
Buddha: agree with those town reads. Soup is town also
Zen: Soup hasn't even posted. And Morgan agree woth that and the rest of the town reads.
Zen: with*
Buddha: he did a bit at the beginning. i think i can read him pretty well and just from that I'd say he's town.
Zen: Buddha you say that about everybody.
Buddha: nah dude trust me hes town.
Zen: fine fine so we have as town: Larxine, Ryker, Inferno, Laundry, Vocal, Panta, and Soup. And as scum: Gheb, Gordito, and Ryu, yeah? What about DH and SoldGlyph?
Buddha: eh dh is toss up. id lynch him based on policy
Morgan Freeman: I agree. I feel sad for Dark Horse, really.
Zen: Yeah.
Zen: SoldGlyph?
Morgan Freeman: SilphCo could possibly be scum. They haven't said enough to have a definite read on. I am leaning town on their slot, however.
Zen: Same
Buddha: good with me
Zen: Alright. Since deadline is soon I'm just gonna go head and post our reads. might as well post our log.
Buddha: asdioh's allowing that?
Zen: Yeah
Buddha: ok i see no problem then
Morgan Freeman: Go for it.
Zen: kk posting now

Vote: Gheb


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I guess you're right. Honestly what I saw as fluff was the fact that you used Buddha and Morgan freeman in your explanation.

Im not really sure what to think of most people. I have noticed some people have posted fluff but im not sure if that alone is worth calling someone as scum. Atm panta and washed seem town. gord seems suspicious and mostly everyone else is null. You personally are very confusing now. I did see you as suspicious but now its really confusing.



Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
@Inferno, it's actually not really all that fluffy. You just see the names and think "zomgfluffz". But it pretty much layed out my thought process. I highlighted the only fluff bits below.
I am about to head out the door, but why are you allowed to talk about this game outside of the thread? With 2 other people? Are you a hydra?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Votecount 1.09

SilphCo :pokeball: Soupamario
Gordito :pokeball: :pokeball: ~TSN~, Panta
Dark Horse
Red Ryu
~TSN~ :pokeball: Gordito
Zεη :pokeball: :pokeball: :pokeball: Red Ryu, SilphCo, WashedLaundry
Inferno3044 :pokeball: Dark Horse
Vocal :pokeball: Ryker
Gheb :pokeball: Zen
Ryker :pokeball: :pokeball: Gheb, Inferno3044
No Lynch

Not voting: Vocal

Deadline Extension: Inferno3044, Zen

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline has been set to August 1st, 11:59 PM EST.

For a list of hydras, and the players in them, look at the first post of the thread.

edit: before anyone asks, the picture in this post is a joke. If you don't get it, don't bother asking :p


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Reasoning on Gheb.
This is actually better than I was expecting. I don't think your secrecy was all that necessary, but I'm glad that you didn't end up posting a sheet of tissue paper.
Sorry for the hiatus and all that jazz, a buncha stuff's hittin irl so once I can take care of that stuff I'll figure out what's going on up in here.
I hope things pick up soon :(
Gord is one of my suspects, but I'm much more confident in Gheb, and want to lynch him today.

Vocal will you switch over to Gheb with me? Ryker are you still voting with me today?
After your analysis, I'm fine with either of them dying tonight. I'd be unhappy with a no lynch occurring due to people being split on votes.

Unvote Vote: Gheb

Let it be known though that I will switch back to Gord if necessary.
Super Sexy Town Alliance -

Town -
Red Ryu
Dork Horse

Null -

Scum -
SilphCo (maybe i'll get into this later, maybe not, still a serious vote.)

lazy still, decipher them later, but don't expect a J wall
Give me your reasons for RR, DH, and Inferno being town.
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