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Upick Pokémafia... Game over! 2% Milk wins!

Best milk?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Zen I do find a little suspicious. This attack on gheb is a little out of the blue and I don't feel like its enough info atm to lynch. Also doctor is a powerful role.

With why you voted gheb it was basically why you chose him out of the 3.

The fluff basically the whole Buddha and Morgan freeman thing. Wasn't needed.

Anyways I wanna hear your accusation of gordito because I was thinking of voting for him.

One last thing: request deadline extension. too many people aren't here iirc and I feel like it will benefit them.

Please play here way more often.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Washed hold my hand
only if you give me a reason to hold it

i've been exploded too many times in the past.

I like Zen's push on Gheb but wouldn't being selective with his pushes fit that whole "selective with his information" M.O.? While I agree, there really hasn't been any teeth to them, I'd think that lines up at least somewhat.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Extend deadline

Gone all of yesterday and a bit of the day before. Been focusing on Time Travelers which just reached a point where Day 1 was reset. Now I'm a topic of interest in that game, so I'm not focused here. Lynch me if I don't post something else here before the end of the day.

Unvote Vote Panta
Unvote Vote Vocal
Dec 15, 2010
Can't get onto hydra on this hotel CPU so I am just gonna say this quick.

Zen, y? Your Gheb case isn't good nor does it convince me of anything, however I do want to thank you with what came about from it.

Vote: Vocal

This side dislikes the extremely quick hop on onto Gheb on a case that isn't even that good with what is based on the little posts he does have.

@Mod: Request deadline extension and I will be quoting this post when I get home. ALso prods possibly?

Zen tentatively however has moved himself back up to null-leaning town(for me) but he really needs to stop trolling the people who just don't know lol. Gord can still die with his most recent post because it is terrible.

Gord/Vocal need to die toDay and one of them. Vocal more so but god damn I want Gord dead too. Double lynch please?
Quoting this post for ISO purposes and saying that I am back from V/LA. (Sang is beat so she won't be back till tomorrow most likely.)

@mod: Thanks for counting my vote on my normal account. <3

Grabbing posts now.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
only if you give me a reason to hold it

i've been exploded too many times in the past.

I like Zen's push on Gheb but wouldn't being selective with his pushes fit that whole "selective with his information" M.O.? While I agree, there really hasn't been any teeth to them, I'd think that lines up at least somewhat.
Being selective with his questioning and pushes certainly doesn't line up with that. In fact it's the very opposite. It was quite apparant that he apparantly liked my play (ie had a town read). If you were to question everyone, that would conceal more of who you thought was town and who you thought was scum. Furthermore Gheb went completely against his belief by calling for scum to night kill Vocal and DH.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
My reasoning is that of all the roles to flip on, you chose doctor. I might be inexperienced but I know how powerful a role doctor is. Its not a role I see someone would flip on. I really don't understand.

Also I have a question about your scum claims. You said you needed more information iirc but gheb and gord didn't post between the time vocal asked you to post your claims and when you finally posted them and RR posted very little. Why the wait and refusal to post?

As I said to Ryu, I really did think I was doc haha. It adctually wasn't a gambit. I can actually claim if Washed, TSN, and Ryker want me to.

I really don't understand your last question. Are you saying why did I just no out with my scum read on Gheb whe I first got it? Because usually in games I get ahead of myself. From past experience I learned that just flat out lynching scum on the first day isn't always the best because they haven't made any connections to other players so you have to start from scratch to find their scummates. I simply wanted Gheb and others to prounce around a bit. I felt that if I just jumped at Gheb from the start, all that would go on is our back and forth and we would not really get any other information on who else was scum.
Dark Horse... I was mocking J.

I reread what I skim'd, and all that I said stands. I wish I can do more toDay, but it's my grandpa's birthday and we're gonna spend all day with em, so like Laundry would say... :|

Obtw -dead- @426
Vote for Gheb, Gord you can do it. I feel like if we don't get the Gheb lynch then you're ultimately going to be the play.
But the effort wasn't there. You sat on Red Ruy's posting restriction and barely commented on anything else. Even when told that you were going to stop, you kept going. And then, at the end of it, you said there wasn't any point.

So you essentially sat there on bull**** commenting on that and really that alone while doing nothing else. The deflections to SilphCo (who has actually given me stances and a read on him) and myself, as well as other people who hadn't posted is entirely not reassuring of that doc-but-not-doc claim.
Yeah dude but you're not realizing that it was the beginning of the day. I'd understand if this was the middle of the day or something, but at that point the game had really just began. You're changing up the chronological order of events. When I was asking Ryu why he was posting in red and stuff, nothing else had gone on at that point. And you should know just from reading recent games, I tend to just make little remarks when the game starts or I first enter a game, or even just not post at all until it gets going. I really don't get where you're drawing the scum motivation here.
And Broto?
I didn't know what you meant by this. If you mean my read on Ryker, I initially had a town read on him, but I don't know why he has been pushing the weaker players as of late.
While this is directed at Red Ruy, I don't care. I don't see the point in continuing to talk about it when you explicitly said it all should be null and ignored. I don't see anyone other than Ryker explicitly taking it as town. Despite all the fuss that people might take it as town, no one is. No one's even talking about it that much other than you.
Read my post after that. His restriction isn't some forbidden topic. If you can explain to me how talking about it is a scumtell that would be great.

Ryker is an influential player, so showing him why it's null is helpful if I want to push Ryu. And only a couple of people said it was null. Actually the only person I remember is Gord.

I don't even @ Ryker


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ryu, make a case on me. You flat out ignored my last post directed at you which pretty much defeated your argument against me. Your tunneling is nasty. You usually at least try and play critically. I feel you are just trying to be manipulative here coming in and bashing, then leaving when someone actually trys discussing things with you.

I reall don't like playing with people like you to be honest. You have a real bad problem with actually trying to determine someone's motivations or their actual alignment. You simply take everything at face value and go from there without any reasoning through it. I don't get it. You did this same thing to Ryker in Detectives.
Dec 15, 2010

Really? Really?

State your case just so I'm not mistaken about your reasoning here.
I dislike this because it's over-defensive to just a little tip of the hat from RR saying he thinks you are "leaning scummy"

TSN placing flaming super justification to make sure he had an out to anything he did.

No we didn't...? But this reminds me of another post we saw.

Broto brought up a good point about TSN. They were playing hyper-defensive when they really didn't need to do it. I also didn't like how they didn't throw a vote out, albeit we covered that.
We weren't hyper-defensive though...? Goodness people this game :rolleyes: I also wanna bring up this next post.

no, this is bad, stop.

FoS: Vocal

still deciding where to put my vote, i kinda procrasinated my re-read, i'm doing a full skim look right now.
Lol this is hysterical to me(J). Considering the heat we caught when we only put an FoS on the exact same person when Soupa's only vote is RVS on us.

w.r.t SilphCo

i somewhat feel you with not caring for this game.
It's a S2/Glyph hydra...js...lol....

Regardless, Soupa I like you a lot this game. Btw, you left out Gord on your reads list so what do you think of him?

Can't say much, but I am still not sold on Gheb scum and wouldn't be willing to lynch em toDay, at this point. I'd still much rather that Nymph go. I still don't see a viable case on Zen, and am loving Soup. Vocal seems to get on my nerves, just because something seems so... fake about him, but I can't put my finger on it. Dark Horse makes me want to go to wherever "The pink name complements it" is and strangle him, and I can't constitute a read. It's a less genuine Ran to be quite frank. I have yet to see Panta make a contribution, and ultimately, I feel similarly (but not as severely) about Silph Co. Any of Nymph/Vocal/DH/Panta/Silph have my vote if a wagon ensues, and the only reason I am not avidly pursuing any of them at the moment is because I have minimal time. My vote will NOT go anywhere else. Possibly Ryker, but that's only if this town has the balls to put him at L-1. Which we don't. Gosh, I feel like Sue Sylvester from Glee writing that post. I just hope that y'all feel like Will Schuester ;)
This post is a whole lot of nothing. He says he'd rather have us go but there is nothing to back this up. It's like a kid just stamping his foot into the ground and not saying anything else. His points have been refuted by Sang and the only thing he did when she hit him back was post pics to her. Then he says about half the player list (not including himself) are good lynch candidates...? Then he throws Ryker in who he has been buddying but says it's not going to happen.

Vocal how was Gord's post AtE?

J, you're going to have to tell me how that case was bad. I don't think you really read it, or rather took it in. I'd like Sang's view on it. If anything you should be paying attention to his selective hunting.

J, the sooner we join forces, the sooner we can eliminate all the evil pokemon that stand in our way.

Also I miss Ryker.
Dude, I like when you buddy me in other games but this game it just feels weird and softly off. I'm usually all gung-ho but honestly i'm worried cuz you are just playing so off. ">.> I'm gonna re-read the Gheb case again later with some snacks and caffeine but at the current time, I see Gheb as town and I am standing by that.

Did you read pulp fiction after you replaced out? I want that out of the way before we continue.
And after I tried so hard for our slot. =<

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Nymph said:
This post is a whole lot of nothing. He says he'd rather have us go but there is nothing to back this up. It's like a kid just stamping his foot into the ground and not saying anything else. His points have been refuted by Sang and the only thing he did when she hit him back was post pics to her. Then he says about half the player list (not including himself) are good lynch candidates...? Then he throws Ryker in who he has been buddying but says it's not going to happen.
My post is a whole lot of nothing guys.

Zen said:
Vote for Gheb, Gord you can do it. I feel like if we don't get the Gheb lynch then you're ultimately going to be the play.
Zen, unless you can successfully get Gheb to L-1, have em claim, and keep em at L-1, my vote won't go on em. I've read your case on em... THREE TIMES. And I'm still not sold on GBizzle scum. What's wrong with Vocal being the play?

I had something else I really wanted to say but I can't remember it :/... Gonna eat dinner to remember.
Dec 15, 2010
Yo Gord, I know you like to troll and not take like anything seriously, but if you wanna live, I suggest you stop. I'm trying to help you here mang. I have no problem with seeing go if you won't be serious.

Plus you're just becoming childish at this point. :rolleyes:


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I dislike this because it's over-defensive to just a little tip of the hat from RR saying he thinks you are "leaning scummy"
It wasn't in the tone of "OMGNOWAI HOW COULD YOU ACCUSE ME!!" It was "Wait - how did this suspicion just apparate out of thin air? " It struck a dirty note, for the plain reason that it more or less seemed to appear from nowhere, and that made me suspicious of what was actually going on.
I see Gheb as town and I am standing by that.
Ok. Can we lynch Gordito then?
What's wrong with Vocal being the play?
Use your words, Gordito. Unless I somehow missed it, you haven't given a solitary reason for my lynch except for:
Vocal seems to get on my nerves, just because something seems so... fake about him, but I can't put my finger on it.

Any of Nymph/Vocal/DH/Panta/Silph have my vote if a wagon ensues
You're saying that town should use their first day lynch on me because you have a bad feeling? With not even a single post to backup this opinion?

@The rest of town: How is this flying with you? Am I simply experiencing clouded judgment that this entire push reeks of scum?
Dec 15, 2010
I'll take it seriously in a bit. Promise.
You better or I'm gonna make your life hell, js.

I think I have some good photos I'd like to show you. ;)

Ok. Can we lynch Gordito then?
If you want Gord lynched, why is your vote not on him? If you have had this train of thought, why did you hop on Gheb almost immediately after the Gheb case arose? You seem opportunistic to whomever is getting heat that isn't you and your vote follows that train of thought.

Vocal said:
@The rest of town: How is this flying with you? Am I simply experiencing clouded judgment that this entire push reeks of scum?
Gord's push on you a bit? His push does reek because he hasn't done anything with any of his scum-picks in regards to pushing them. He just says they are scum and sits on that. Plus I don't even know why he is suspicious of you besides he just is. I don't even know why he's suspicious of us besides the just is thing.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
If you want Gord lynched, why is your vote not on him? If you have had this train of thought, why did you hop on Gheb almost immediately after the Gheb case arose? You seem opportunistic to whomever is getting heat that isn't you and your vote follows that train of thought.
My vote was on Gordito, and I made my whole case on him - and what happened? Did anyone follow? Did anyone even state him as a primary suspect for lynching today? No. Not a single switch, not a single vote. When I saw the case on Gheb, I saw something I could agree with and possibly others would as well, which is why I moved my vote. If I move my vote right now, will you move with me? Or will that simply become more "evidence" in the future of me jumping on bandwagons at the slightest indication?

I want Gordito dead. I said this, no one does anything, and in resignation I move my vote to someone else I'm comfortable with dying. Lynch Gordito with me or stop berating me for not moving my vote to a wagon that will only work to split town's votes.
Gord's push on you a bit? His push does reek because he hasn't done anything with any of his scum-picks in regards to pushing them. He just says they are scum and sits on that. Plus I don't even know why he is suspicious of you besides he just is. I don't even know why he's suspicious of us besides the just is thing.

You know, I could swear that was something regarded in this game as scummy.

TSN, why are you defending Gordito so strongly?
Dec 15, 2010
I'm not defending Gord lmao, da hell are you reading? I have been pushing him for that reason too. Your reaction to me not voting Gord with you is ugly as balls and you have locked in this sides vote on you for the day. You're gonna have to convince Sang otherwise. Did you realize I had been pushing Gord this whole time and there was a wagon forming (a.k.a. we had about 3/4 votes at the time)?

Gord, you aren't just gonna like us, you are gonna love us because how obvtown we are this game, js.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
J, mind bringing up all the times before 452 where you attacked gord?

Gord, are you going to explain anything in depth?

Kinda like how you put me through a ****ing boot camp to get me to explain things and DnD?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@J: Usually I have to question your read more but you're playing so obv town and I just want to join forces and for you to vote Gheb.

@Gord: Explain to me what you disagree with on my Gheb case and why you find him to be town. Also explain to me your town read on me. I want details and actual quotes on both of these, not the half-thought answers you've been giving. Also vote Gheb.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
My words?








You're scummy. Problem?
Can't have a problem with a dead man.

So who will vote Gordito? Who will vote Gheb? The only way I'm voting Zen is if the rest of town piles onto him and he's at L-1 and my vote is necessary to close the deal. Otherwise, my vote today is for either Gordito (my preferred choice) or Gheb (a solid second choice).


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ryu, even though you didn't read it and probably never will, what are your thoughts on the Gheb case and his alignment as a whole?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ryu, make a case on me. You flat out ignored my last post directed at you which pretty much defeated your argument against me. Your tunneling is nasty. You usually at least try and play critically. I feel you are just trying to be manipulative here coming in and bashing, then leaving when someone actually trys discussing things with you.

I reall don't like playing with people like you to be honest. You have a real bad problem with actually trying to determine someone's motivations or their actual alignment. You simply take everything at face value and go from there without any reasoning through it. I don't get it. You did this same thing to Ryker in Detectives.
I appreciate the honesty, Zen. And I apologize, I have been flaming told this a lot, that don't take other motivations into account. It's burning true sometimes, since I try to determine if something looks fake or not, which is more or less how I feel about this.

I still don't burning understand why you claimed at all, even more so when you were the doc. No one was burning asking you for a claim, and you layed down doc on top of it. Why would you burning do it then? Is it a gambit? Could flaming be, creates WIFOM and distracts a bit. Adds incentive to not lynch you.

Vocal asked for your reasoning and why you have scum picks, you hesitated and said no. He proceeded to delve in further and further,

I'd like to see Zen's case. Not saying it's going anywhere, but the more content the better.

If it's all filled with fluff and baseless assumptions then I might jump on that wagon with you. I'm hunting Nymphs at the moment.
Wrong guess then.

I got a Rare Candy here for the next person to vote Gordito.

*hopes no one brings up EVs*
You know, the reason I thought it might be me is because of the sudden certainty you had about having found scum. I can understand withholding information, but I'm not comfortable with you not listing any of your scum picks yet; it'll be too easy later in the game for you to just bend your early posts through whichever lens you want to.

You say you have two scum down. Give us one name and your reasoning behind it.


Ok. Just how long do you think you're going to need before you divulge your game-solving case?

@Panta: You don't exist in this game. I want something that makes you worth more to town than a marshmallow (at least we can roast a marshmallow, though 1 marshmallow 12 ways isn't much.....I digress). 1) Give a scum read. Find one, place your vote on him, and give us your reason for doing so. 2) Who do you believe has done the most for town so far? 3) Who is your nullest tell? Bonus: ask him a question to help remedy this.

@Silph: You exist even less. Come back and say something.

@Gordito: Make a case on someone. Anyone.

@Soup: I'd still like to know if you still believe Ryker is town. I'd also like to know who you think needs to be looked into more.

@Washedlaundry: Why is your vote on Zen?
Valid point. I'm extremely uncomfortable just sitting around waiting for him to bestow his great knowledge upon us.

Zen, SAY SOMETHING. I really, really, really do not like this and I don't care if you have some grand master plan - I don't trust that.
I'm not posting anything period until Zen posts his reads.
Oh good idea


Ok now not saying anything.

A claim? Practically out of nowhere? For one of the most important roles in the game? Instead of just posting your reads to get people off of your back and thus keep your incredibly important role secret?


What is this how do i understand it


I want Gordito to die, that's why. I don't want to vote for you. What I want from you is to matter instead of acting like you matter. Seriously. There are three days left in this game. If you expect to pull your scum team out at the last second and have the entire town follow you blindly then you are sorely mistaken.

What more is there to say here? I have asked questions of some players and reviewed the play of others so far. You are a piece of the puzzle that refuses to cooperate and for that reason you are the person I want to hear from most. I don't want to vote for you, but you pull some last minute shenanigans so help me god I will.


@MOD: I'm not currently voting for anyone.
This doc claim...seriously, what the hell does that even mean? I honestly do not understand why a townie would sacrifice this role just to keep his scum picks a secret. Zen, I do not get you at all and that worries the hell out of me.
I was flaming fine with this until here,

Zen refuses to talk. He gives me nothing to go off of. I cannot read him. What do?

Simple: talk to everyone else about Zen.

@Everyone: I want every thought you have on Zen so far. Things you think he's done well. Things you think he's done badly. Things you think are helping and things you think are counterproductive. Take note: I do not purely want a "he's scum/he's town" post. I want your actual thoughts.
This seems to be flaming trying to push away from Zen onto Gord. I dislike this, I really don't see a flaming reason why Gord is a step above Zen at all. What has flaming Gord done that incriminates him that much worse than Zen? You people can tell me a blazing reason why Gord is worse first.

Now the question(s),

Ryu why do you think tsn is scum?
Let's flaming see,

My friend SangfroidWarrior. ^^

Vote: Red Ryu

Can't not be a man of my word. :rolleyes:

@Mod: You are doing fiiiiine.
Poor Red Ryu haha.

Also it wasn't a "random" reason for either myself or Gord because we said we'd vote the person who didn't have color first vehemently. Grrrr. xD
Haha it's quite alright. I voted you because you are the newest player in this game I haven't seen play/played with before. (This side of the hydra at least haha)

RVS is as said above. It's the place where people joke vote and throw out joke accusations to get the game started in some way shape or form. =P
It's random for a reason but okay then Ryker how would you explain it? I mean yes, RVS can be used later on to establish connections but for the time being it's random.

@SilphCo: Whichever of you two did that is my hero lmfao. Like dear lord haha. xD So you had that thing in there too?
Buddying people? Also I didn't make an excuse...?
Ryker, if it's BS, use your words and explain please.

First thing was a joke to Gord, Second was following through with the joke, and Third was explaining it to RR.

How are those excuses?
Lol you are not smart. Dude, I always FoS/HoS whenever I feel like it. Plus me and Sang are both cautious voters because we dislike throwing our votes out haphazardly. Plus using FoS/HoS isn't scummy at all.

No it's not...?
So many flaming ways out, they admit to being careful, I dislike this. Town should be more reckless with voting and not be afraid to put themselves out to be damned if called out to be wrong later. There is not flaming reason he should be like this even with his RvS votes.

No reason, that is a burning lie. My RvS votes, have reasons, Soup vote I burning did it to point out what I thought was him condemning poetry by saying, "Let's separate the dogs from the men", so I RvS voted him. I was proven wrong later.

Now then tell me, Ryu: Do you believe that I have not scum hunted this game? If you do believe I have, do you believe that you have scum hunted more than me? I'm very curious in this.
Have you scum hunted? hellfire no. I think you are faking it like burning scum would. I do not feel like it is real to me, your burning case on Gheb he bleck to me. Have I done more than you? Yes I am burning not afraid of saying that.

You are burning focusing on a null tell from me, to state on Ryker who took it as a town tell. Do I disagree it is a town tell? Burning Yes. Do I agree it is a null tell? Burning yes. Do I like you constantly bringing it up and nothing else? No.

I read you burning case on Gheb, wanna know what happened when he stopped being careful of what his poetry said in Pulp Fiction? People pushed for his lynch and it happened, though there were other blazing things going on.

Next you flaming talked about his RvS vote, which flaming surprise you did the same thing along with Gord, TSN, and Soup. Not a scum tell. His vote had reason, my blazing vote and misread of Soup. He called me out on not questioning when my reasoning was out in the open. There wasn't a need to question my reasoning of a vote because my blazing reasoning was right there.

Then his selective pushes, gonna pull blazing meta Gheb does this with info as town. This isn't new to him. He was an indy in Dexter, who had a win con that worked with town did the same thing there. SH mafia, had similar flaming thoughts there as well.

There is a point I agree on and that is his flaming selective scum hunting. That doesn't sit well with me. Gheb shouldn't be like that with scum hunting as much. Still I treat him as a null for my flaming self. I don't feel it's scummy since even with your case, there isn't a lot I can blazing go off of yet to confirm this. I do not feel he is scum based on what you have presented.

No, I really did think I was doc. The mod informed me otherwise. Answer my previous posts red ******.
Ryu, even though you didn't read it and probably never will, what are your thoughts on the Gheb case and his alignment as a whole?
I love it when people decide to do **** like this. Makes playing mafia so much fun for me and other.


If your not the doc, I'm gonna ask for your real claim. If you honestly did mess up your role, I'll bite like a burning lava shark. So let's here it.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
No, I really did think I was doc. The mod informed me otherwise. Answer my previous posts red ******.
Is it possible for the mod to confirm that Zen was informed?

Please play here way more often.
Assuming this goes well I will. I have a friend that stopped playing because of other people's stupidity so I hope this doesn't happen to me lol

As I said to Ryu, I really did think I was doc haha. It adctually wasn't a gambit. I can actually claim if Washed, TSN, and Ryker want me to.
So you tried to role claim and didn't know your role? -.-

I really don't understand your last question. Are you saying why did I just no out with my scum read on Gheb whe I first got it? Because usually in games I get ahead of myself. From past experience I learned that just flat out lynching scum on the first day isn't always the best because they haven't made any connections to other players so you have to start from scratch to find their scummates. I simply wanted Gheb and others to prounce around a bit. I felt that if I just jumped at Gheb from the start, all that would go on is our back and forth and we would not really get any other information on who else was scum.
As I said though, Gheb posted absolutely nothing between the time Vocal asked you to post your thoughts and when you actually posted them so when he asked you could've posted them.

My words?








You're scummy. Problem?
You might wanna act more seriously.

Can't have a problem with a dead man.

So who will vote Gordito? Who will vote Gheb? The only way I'm voting Zen is if the rest of town piles onto him and he's at L-1 and my vote is necessary to close the deal. Otherwise, my vote today is for either Gordito (my preferred choice) or Gheb (a solid second choice).
I do see Gord as pretty scummy but I find Zen scummier. If enough people vote on him, I will vote Gord. MAYBE Vocal but I'd rather lynch one of the other two.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Super Sexy Town Alliance -

Town -
Red Ryu
Dork Horse

Null -

Scum -
SilphCo (maybe i'll get into this later, maybe not, still a serious vote.)

lazy still, decipher them later, but don't expect a J wall
Soup, gonna flaming remind you and others to stop posting full lists like this, they only help scum. Town gains blazing little from this, Scum gets a treasure map.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
This seems to be flaming trying to push away from Zen onto Gord. I dislike this, I really don't see a flaming reason why Gord is a step above Zen at all. What has flaming Gord done that incriminates him that much worse than Zen? You people can tell me a blazing reason why Gord is worse first.
Zen at least claimed to have a reason for not posting content, and he followed through later with the content that he promised. Again, I do no like the way he decided to play ToDay but that is more a dislike than a flat out scum tell.

Gordito on the other hand has been scummy nearly the entire game with little to no reason given.

That's why. Also, the two have played different games today so I don't agree to the statement that they were acting in the same way and I thus have a double standard. (I did read that correctly, right?)
MAYBE Vocal but I'd rather lynch one of the other two.
Ok, I'm confused - WHERE is all of this Vocal aggression coming from? Up until RR's post just now the only arguable point brought against me was how I moved my vote from Gordito to Gheb. Additionally, I have explained why I took those actions. Is there something else that I'm unaware of? Or do you find my train of thought faulty? Or is this just those negative seeds that I mentioned Gordito was sowing earlier taking root?

I have no problem with pressure on me. I just want to know exactly where it's coming from.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Zen at least claimed to have a reason for not posting content, and he followed through later with the content that he promised. Again, I do no like the way he decided to play ToDay but that is more a dislike than a flat out scum tell.

Gordito on the other hand has been scummy nearly the entire game with little to no reason given.

That's why. Also, the two have played different games today so I don't agree to the statement that they were acting in the same way and I thus have a double standard. (I did read that correctly, right?)

Ok, I'm confused - WHERE is all of this Vocal aggression coming from? Up until RR's post just now the only arguable point brought against me was how I moved my vote from Gordito to Gheb. Additionally, I have explained why I took those actions. Is there something else that I'm unaware of? Or do you find my train of thought faulty? Or is this just those negative seeds that I mentioned Gordito was sowing earlier taking root?

I have no problem with pressure on me. I just want to know exactly where it's coming from.
I flaming like this post actually, If Gord keeps posting like this count me in however I feel like Zen has more blazing malicious intent behind him rather than Gord whom I feel he being more uselessTown.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

i am the hero this game deserves


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I... guess that counts?

Deadline Extension: Inferno3044, Zen, Red Ryu, Vocal, WashedLaundry, Ryker, Soupamario (7/7)

Deadline has been extended to August 4th, 11:59 PM EST!


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I flaming like this post actually, If Gord keeps posting like this count me in however I feel like Zen has more blazing malicious intent behind him rather than Gord whom I feel he being more uselessTown.
Did..you mean Vocal and not Gord? If not then I'm a little confused here
I... guess that counts?

Deadline Extension: Inferno3044, Zen, Red Ryu, Vocal, WashedLaundry, Ryker, Soupamario (7/7)

Deadline has been extended to August 4th, 11:59 PM EST!

I was getting worried. 27 hours to make a decision would have been pushing it in this situation for sure.
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