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Upick Pokémafia... Game over! 2% Milk wins!

Best milk?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Unvote, Vote Gheb

Haven't read the past few pages. Literally voting him just because he has a vote from Zen.

Well, that and he's complete trash.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I didn't push Ryker much so far because I didn't get to do it yet. I'm more surprised that Laundry didn't seem to take note of the points I made about Ryker before I left but I feel like by now there should plenty of things that Ryker is guilty of that could've been pointed out without my presence.

Players like Vocal make this game hard to play. I agree with everything Gorf posted in his #506 but I'm still more hesitating to move my vote because I'm more inclined to buy Vocal playing this bad as town than Ryker plays as town. Can't blame Gorf for being suspicious of Vocal though because a townie has definitely no reason to play the game in a fashion that Vocal does.
I like Inferno's reserved play a lot more because he can make valid points without risking a switch of momentum that he couldn't forsee yet. If Vocal is town then he really should take a step back and think more before he posts. I definitely consider him a lynch target at this point.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Zen, you know as well as a bunch of other people in this thread that I greatly disapprove of the way you make your case on me. Honestly, if it weren't for the extremely inconsistent skill-level of this game's roster I would've directly counter voted you but that might've convinced people that I'm scummy for "OMGUS"ing you or something among those lines.

A good case is not the same as ripping apart every line in my poetry and immediately interpret it in a most negative fashion. A bunch of half-***** accusations to lines taken out of context doesn't accumulate to one strong point that shows how I'm suspicious - that's a fallacy a lot of new players fall for and a huge reason why mainly scum prefer to make such long-winded cases. If you actually have aything concrete to hold against me you could probably say so in one sentence and back it up with multiple quotes. That would also show that you're interested in a constructive solution to the problems you have just in case I'm town. The way you presented your case you already exclude that option to begin with - you're more interested to foment the town against me the an actually resolving the issue. That's fairly suspicious.


I will probably not vote anybody at the end of the Day other than Ryker, Zen or Vocal. I'd like to see Laundry's response to my objection and see if he can also see things in Ryker's play that hint at him being scum. I remember him mentioning something earlier about Ryker that caught his attention - I wonder what happened to that?


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Also, RR isn't scum and I don't understand why everyone is so fixated on him being scum.

Zen harping on RR for his Post Restriction that Ryker claims is a scum tell is dumb and a waste of time. I would say that trying to outguess the mod and such is a waste of time, but seeing as RR's restriction has already happened and Asidoh was in the game, there might be some merit to it since the roles, at least RR's, are not randomized.
Flaming Ryker claimed it was a town tell, not a scum tell.

RR's suspicion of Zen is possible. Zen has been playing weird.
Zen's flaming gambits are not helping himself. The RvS nature is burning off putting.
Dec 15, 2010
Alright so this is just me rambling a bit now that I am finally caught back up from my V/LA.

Most, if not all, of the people in this game seem to be taking it as a serious joke, and it's hard to get reads on them from it, but, for people like Gord, it makes them seem very scummy.

Ryker is being a total ***, but I don't feel that he's scum for it. He's just being full of himself. He, too, takes this as a joke.

The newbie Inferno seems like a confused townie. Not much to say there.

Gord is forever thinking he is right (like in his #195) in the argument against us when most intellingent people on this thread have completely dropped it because they don't even care. He's very blind wrt #225. "if he's posted, i like it" in reference to gheb. He's assuming that actually posting can just automatically clear you?

DH seems just like a whiney *****. He first really comes on complaining about getting a guitar slide but having to post, and in that post he makes very lame arguments against Inferno and Vocal that don't really add up.

I agree, wrt #236, that Zen does think the scum team is DH and Gord, but not so much with ryker.

Zen, to me, seems like town. I don't see what everyone else has against him thinking he's scum. To me, Zen was just being defensive because he hadn't thought everyone else had really dropped it and he was trying to clear up a misunderstanding with some people. What do you think of Zen?

Vocal is being very defensive, and yet decides to call us defensive?

RR says that everything we did we made sure we had an out to... whuuuuttt? I mean, weren't we justified in everything we did, and wouldn't not explaining something have been very scummy? To me, a person doing what RR is claiming us to be doing would have to be the best scum on the planet to have a fallback for EVERYTHING.

LULZ for Zen's "hydra" post. I probably should have read it all but I was lazy.

But, his post on Gheb is pushing some weird stuff and putting some accusations out there. I'm not sure what to think of it.

Lol to Soup's post and this is just directed towards you ^_^ "TSN is tentatively null for now, the stuff Gordo is spouting is pretty dumb, but i don't like the approach that TSN is taking it, such as beating the arguement with "gord u dubm."

i do like the other head, i'm getting a rather better read over J, if it were merely sang as the hydra, it'd be easier, but J likes to come in and broil some bull**** now and then but it's always such a chore trying to figure out what kinda bull**** it is, scummy or not."

Either way, I did go back and read Zen's "hydra" and his accusations in it seem thought out. Just getting a town read from him.

LULZ for the "I was just informed I'm not doc" He's been joking so much, though. I'm not sure if it's a joke or not, but I'm almost positive he's just messing with people.

Vocal just seems to be trying to defend himself for things that nobody even really cares about, like his new playstyle. That just makes him way overdefensive because playstyle has nothing to do with anything, really. Just they way you try to hunt scum. Plus, he just seems to be jumping on any wagon there happens to be without really a mindset of his own, and then backs it up with "evidence".

Zen's such a troll.

There was something earlier, though, that Zen said that struck me as... off. I think it was his push on Gheb. His claim... doesn't really do much for me. Like, is he even telling the truth?

Vocal's wagon jumping is annoying.

Panta I think I already talked to you about.

I really don't like Vocal... at all.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Gheb first off I didn't just look at every line in your posts and make them negative. If that's what you think then you didn't really read it. You said that what I should have done was make my point and then quote posts showing that, but that's exactly what I did. You're interpreting it as otherwise merely because of the way the post is formated. But I typed out the point I was making and then showed what I meant with the quotes below. Others picked up on my points, I don't know why you couldn't.

My main point against you: You were selectively questioning/pushing/hunting certain players. You pushed/questioned one person (Ryker) for the same/similar tells that you showed no concern for others doing (Me/Gordito).
Why this is scummy: You're not realky hunting this way. You're simply pushing a player on points you can work with. If you find one person suspicious enough to question for certain play, you should find others with similar play suspicious enough to question as well. But instead instead you were giving us a pass and even praised my play. This is why I think you are faking, and you had it preset for who you call scum and who would be your town reads.

(For specific quotes, simply look at my original case)

Along with the above Gheb, there are still things I need answers to:

-How did your post calling for Vocal & DH to be NKed not imply you had a town read on them?
-How did it not go against your belief that town should give little clue to scum on who to NK? By making that statement, you basically told scum who they shouldn't kill.

-Why did you praise me voting Gordito, and then never even look in his direction after that?


Smash Rookie
Jul 22, 2011
Okay I entirely did not know that today is the deadline. Or is it?

Either way, real stuff incoming I guess. +1 post count.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Can people please look at Red Ryu? I really don't believe his push on me is genuine. Everytime I dismantle his points, he just ignores my post and comes in a day later still expessing that he feels I'm scum for no new reason. I'd really like people's opinion on this.

Yeah I'm not sure what to think about Gord atm. Recently he's been doing things I get a town impression from, but there's still some issues I need to address. Right now he is null I suppose. Gheb, Ryu, and Silph need more attention.

My current read of Vocal is town. I'm pretty sure 1-2 scum is pushing for his wagon. I don't really like it.

TSN what makes the difference between my being defensive and Vocal being defensive? You said mine looks like I was just clearing things up, but that Vocal's was scummy. How come?

Pantas last post was really not good. There were so many mistakes, I don't feel like he really thought it out.

If I don't die tonight I may possibly replace out. Only a few of us are even really trying to play this game :/

Daykill: Zen

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Morgan Freeman: I have a town read on The Savage Nymph, Ryker, Inferno, WashedLaundry, Vocal, and Panta.
I agree with Freeman's town list sans Panta. He's a study in useless. If he's not scum, then whatever, still a mighty fine vig.

I'd throw Ruy in the toss-up category for scum reads.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL

Zen is...Zen.

I could sum up my thoughts on zen, and just about everytime, with telling you this:

Made me die with laughter about how hypocritical it was.

In an ongoing game, zen replaced in, then, in his first post, asked if he needed to claim. It's as if he didn't even care about his role.

But the bizarre thing is... a hydra log?

Zen's not registered in a hydra, I haven't seen him post as a hydra, that log obviously refers to this game (Mentions silph and inferno, who I don't think in any other games.)

But why should I bother? he's just broken two rules, I think ("no hydra logs and no communicating with outside players"), so he probably has a countdown on his head.
My God, you're dumb.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
TSN said:
*waits on baited breath*

Also why should we lynch Silph for any reason besides he is just a non-presence?
He fluffed himself as an entity in this game then did nothing with it.
Dec 15, 2010
@Zen. Your defensiveness stemmed from people attacking you for arguing RR's posting limitation and not really posting anything. These seemed legitimate excuses. Vocal, on the other hand, is saying why he's acting different upon a new playstyle when nobody was really getting on his case about it. He's assuming we know that he's playing with a style different from his own when we really would have to take his word for it. He's being defensive for no reason.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
@Zen what is my mom's and Jesus' opinions of my, Vocal's, and GBizzle's alignment? Idk if I skimmed through hydra logs but I haven't seem em talk about me, GBizzle, or Vocal..


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Okay, there has been a question I've been meaning to ask. Why have some people said "*insert person here* can die" or some variant of that? It kind of implies that you don't think they are scum but it's ok for them to die. Isn't every townie viable?

@Gheb- Thank you for complimenting my play style. It's good to know I'm not terrible lol.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I mad. I REALLY mad. Just finished up a big ol' reads post, and because I don't have myself as staying logged in, it timed me out... So allow me to summarize that -__-. I'm not gonna be fancy with quotes and whatnot, so at least it's not a wall O.o

First off, Unvote Vote Vocal. This guy's been totally fake and pseudo scumhunting all game. I wouldn't be surprised if he's whole "new playstyle" thing is a cover for possible bad play. He's very easy to predict, actually: If a strong or popularly smart player, or a general opinion, goes one way, he'll follow like a puppy. Notice how, once Zen came up with that Gheb case, Vocal hopped on it like it was nothing. And the way he went onto my wagon was seemed totally fake. It's funny, he told me to use MY words. Hey Vocal, why don't YOU use YOUR OWN words instead of just latching on to somebody else's idea and running with it. Basically, this guy's all bark and no bite, and I don't like it. Lynch the scum bag. Another player I don't like is Panta. Although my opinion of him is not so strong, Panta doesn't really scum hunt. It seems like, if he's going to try and poke at somebody, he's gotta make it as sweet as he can. It's past J level AtE. Hell, it's like he's running his post through a preschool teacher to make sure it's nice enough... Just ultimately doing nothing while trying to please everybody. Rings noob scum to me. Gheb and Ryker are two players that I can't seem to get a read off of. If either of them were up to lynch, at this point, I wouldn't mind being on either wagon. Gheb's been getting a free pass from me just cuz of the poetry. But looking, content wise, he's been kind of allusive. So I'm gonna wait till he gives us that reread to really determine what I feel about his alignment, but I don't like the fact that I don't have a read. I feel similarly about Ryker. I'm not getting a town or scum Ryker feel. I'm getting a Ryker feel. Nothing he's been doing all game has really been constructive or pro town, or really the way that I know Ryker. But at the same time, there's nothing that I can call scummy from his play, which is what really makes me weary to call him town. I have no read, simply. And I wouldn't mind lynching him (assuming you guys can get em to L-1). SilphCo, however, has been utterly useless when that playerslot has the ability to be a really strong entity. Total vigbait imo, but if the wagon goes to em I'm totes on board.

Basically, if you're not listed, I either have you as town, or I don't mind you living past toDay. Simple.

lrn2paragraph kthnx

I like this post though, and it makes me feel a bit better about you. I don't agree with your SilphCo read (he's at least given me some content), and I wish you wouldn't sit there and be content with nulls on two stronger players that you have to string along for reads, but I'm okay with it.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Ryker are you still voting with me today?
Probably. My issue with Gheb's play that I've seen thus far is that his push on me is ********. I state a couple of different things fresh out of RVS and he stretches it into a reason to vote me. I saw these posts farther ahead, though I'm missing the context in between then and now, and it's awkward.

I didn't push Ryker much so far because I didn't get to do it yet. I'm more surprised that Laundry didn't seem to take note of the points I made about Ryker before I left but I feel like by now there should plenty of things that Ryker is guilty of that could've been pointed out without my presence.

Players like Vocal make this game hard to play. I agree with everything Gorf posted in his #506 but I'm still more hesitating to move my vote because I'm more inclined to buy Vocal playing this bad as town than Ryker plays as town. Can't blame Gorf for being suspicious of Vocal though because a townie has definitely no reason to play the game in a fashion that Vocal does.
I like Inferno's reserved play a lot more because he can make valid points without risking a switch of momentum that he couldn't forsee yet. If Vocal is town then he really should take a step back and think more before he posts. I definitely consider him a lynch target at this point.

@Bolded - I haven't even been playing this game for the last 7ish pages, but what you're saying is that I've done stuff that others should've picked up on and called me out for, but you specify nothing. Even if you're talking about from before I disappeared from this game, you don't specify anything here.

Zen, you know as well as a bunch of other people in this thread that I greatly disapprove of the way you make your case on me. Honestly, if it weren't for the extremely inconsistent skill-level of this game's roster I would've directly counter voted you but that might've convinced people that I'm scummy for "OMGUS"ing you or something among those lines.

A good case is not the same as ripping apart every line in my poetry and immediately interpret it in a most negative fashion. A bunch of half-***** accusations to lines taken out of context doesn't accumulate to one strong point that shows how I'm suspicious - that's a fallacy a lot of new players fall for and a huge reason why mainly scum prefer to make such long-winded cases. If you actually have aything concrete to hold against me you could probably say so in one sentence and back it up with multiple quotes. That would also show that you're interested in a constructive solution to the problems you have just in case I'm town. The way you presented your case you already exclude that option to begin with - you're more interested to foment the town against me the an actually resolving the issue. That's fairly suspicious.


I will probably not vote anybody at the end of the Day other than Ryker, Zen or Vocal. I'd like to see Laundry's response to my objection and see if he can also see things in Ryker's play that hint at him being scum. I remember him mentioning something earlier about Ryker that caught his attention - I wonder what happened to that?

In this follow-up (it's a double post), I see an unvote after clearly stating that he still thought I was scum. Then he says he won't vote unless the lynch ends up on one of two unlikely options and an eaaaaaaaaasy lynch (Vocal). He ends it by trying to incite Laundry to go chasing me instead of him doing it.

My vote will probably stick unless something radically read altering happens in between those posts and the Zen quote.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
i have finished a 1/3 of my re-read.

it's safe to say that inferno is leaning more newb town rather then newb scum.

FoS on vocal can leave for now, granted that it's easy to just call something a joke, but you're good for now.

Washed hold my hand
Gheb hold my hand
Ryker, distance between us two and i'll decide if you're worthy

TSN is tentatively null for now, the stuff Gordo is spouting is pretty dumb, but i don't like the approach that TSN is taking it, such as beating the arguement with "gord u dubm."

i do like the other head, i'm getting a rather better read over J, if it were merely sang as the hydra, it'd be easier, but J likes to come in and broil some bull**** now and then but it's always such a chore trying to figure out what kinda bull**** it is, scummy or not.

i feel gord is a dubm, but he's my dubm. <3

Zen..hmm..needs more reading.
What had Gheb done at the time of this post to warrant the offer?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Man flaming hell, Zen pulling his I lied bro, is bull. I'm not playing these flaming games like in SH mafia, burn and die. I flamethrower refuse to put up with it again. Your on the chopping block and you flaming think it is ok to troll town, no you die.
He's not on the chopping block at the time of this post. Why are you tunneling?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Zen, you're entertaining.

Laundry, I don't think we've EVER had such opposing reads with you managing to stay on my town list. Vocal's obv town and he won't get lynched. Zen is the obvest town and you should vote Gheb.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I didn't push Ryker much so far because I didn't get to do it yet. I'm more surprised that Laundry didn't seem to take note of the points I made about Ryker before I left but I feel like by now there should plenty of things that Ryker is guilty of that could've been pointed out without my presence.
I'd like to see Laundry's response to my objection and see if he can also see things in Ryker's play that hint at him being scum. I remember him mentioning something earlier about Ryker that caught his attention - I wonder what happened to that?

The ****? You're going to sit on your hands and expect me to dance like your puppet? How's this:

vote: Gheb

I'm dancing.

Zen, you know as well as a bunch of other people in this thread that I greatly disapprove of the way you make your case on me. Honestly, if it weren't for the extremely inconsistent skill-level of this game's roster I would've directly counter voted you but that might've convinced people that I'm scummy for "OMGUS"ing you or something among those lines.

A good case is not the same as ripping apart every line in my poetry and immediately interpret it in a most negative fashion. A bunch of half-***** accusations to lines taken out of context doesn't accumulate to one strong point that shows how I'm suspicious - that's a fallacy a lot of new players fall for and a huge reason why mainly scum prefer to make such long-winded cases. If you actually have aything concrete to hold against me you could probably say so in one sentence and back it up with multiple quotes. That would also show that you're interested in a constructive solution to the problems you have just in case I'm town. The way you presented your case you already exclude that option to begin with - you're more interested to foment the town against me the an actually resolving the issue. That's fairly suspicious.
"Walls are anti-town, guys, Zen's just trying to con you."

"But I'm not going to pursue him on it."

I will probably not vote anybody at the end of the Day other than Ryker, Zen or Vocal.
"Just slightly give him a shove so you know that I don't like him."

Why. Would. You. Ever. Sit. On. Your. Hands. In. This. Situation. It does not make sense. Instead of giving us solid stances marked with logical progression, you sit down. Like, that's it. You just sit down, clam up, and deflect to myself and Ryker. Textbook newbscum play.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
The ****? You're going to sit on your hands and expect me to dance like your puppet? How's this:

vote: Gheb

I'm dancing.


"Walls are anti-town, guys, Zen's just trying to con you."

"But I'm not going to pursue him on it."

"Just slightly give him a shove so you know that I don't like him."

Why. Would. You. Ever. Sit. On. Your. Hands. In. This. Situation. It does not make sense. Instead of giving us solid stances marked with logical progression, you sit down. Like, that's it. You just sit down, clam up, and deflect to myself and Ryker. Textbook newbscum play.
Ugh, I really didn't like this post at all, just fyi. I take full credit for the vote because I've been talking to him Skype about the game for the past hour. We're neighbors, we've got a crumb left out there that you won't find that will explain our characters and there's a couple of places I said something like, "I'm glad I have more to go off than the **** in thread."

Soup, how does that affect your read on me?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
EBWOP: First sentence implies I think he's scummy. I do not, I think he's town. I heard his thought processes about the whole thing.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
My main point against you: You were selectively questioning/pushing/hunting certain players. You pushed/questioned one person (Ryker) for the same/similar tells that you showed no concern for others doing (Me/Gordito).
Why this is scummy: You're not realky hunting this way. You're simply pushing a player on points you can work with. If you find one person suspicious enough to question for certain play, you should find others with similar play suspicious enough to question as well. But instead instead you were giving us a pass and even praised my play. This is why I think you are faking, and you had it preset for who you call scum and who would be your town reads.
Actually, that's not a bad thing to do. I'd be more worried if he was doing that. Newer players will look at something one person they believe is scum is doing and then try to apply it to anyone else is doing it and get them lynched, despite the circumstances being different. It's called mechanically scumhunting, and if you catch better players who know that scum tells are not universal (albeit some are widely applicable in most situations), that's a scumtell.

It's why I didn't buy your case at first. Albeit, that response was probably by far the worst Gheb could've made. I see no reason for townGheb to sit on his hands.
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