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Upick Pokémafia... Game over! 2% Milk wins!

Best milk?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Ugh, I really didn't like this post at all, just fyi. I take full credit for the vote because I've been talking to him Skype about the game for the past hour. We're neighbors, we've got a crumb left out there that you won't find that will explain our characters and there's a couple of places I said something like, "I'm glad I have more to go off than the **** in thread."

Soup, how does that affect your read on me?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Zen isn't claiming daykill abilities.

I am pretty sure he is using it as substitute for saying vote or FoS.

Also, RR isn't scum and I don't understand why everyone is so fixated on him being scum.

Zen harping on RR for his Post Restriction that Ryker claims is a scum tell is dumb and a waste of time. I would say that trying to outguess the mod and such is a waste of time, but seeing as RR's restriction has already happened and Asidoh was in the game, there might be some merit to it since the roles, at least RR's, are not randomized.

Gordito, if you are going to imply that I am scum, come right out and say it. The passive attempt at trying to call me scummy is bad. And you're being hypocritical. You admit that you aren't caring about this game and that you are posting fluff, yet you are suspicious of me not scumhunting? Pot. Kettle. Black.

Soup putting a FoS on Vocal for his obvious joke post is weird. Soup, you realize that the post was a joke for the first half and the only thing serious about it is the vote on Silph, right?

Zen botching his role pm is.. odd. Considering how he is apparently a 3 headed hydra I don't understand how all of them are acting drunk and don't understand what role they are. His defeatist attitude is odd too. Why do you want to die tonight? Eitherway, I don't want to lynch Zen now. Celebi is a legendary pokemon and he might have a special ability,most likely a protecting ability if he got it confused with a doctor.

RR's suspicion of Zen is possible. Zen has been playing weird.

I like 449 by Zen.

I am comfortable leaving my vote on Gord. His play at the very least is anti town. Then again, I geuss the same could be said for Zen's "I'm doctor", and "I want to die" play. :\
Please get vigged.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Caught up. Would lynch Gheb, RR, or SilphCo. Would like Gord copped. REALLY want Panta, RR, or SilphCo vigged.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Votecount 1.12

SilphCo :pokeball: Soupamario
Gordito :pokeball: Panta
Dark Horse
Red Ryu
Zεη :pokeball: :pokeball: :pokeball: Red Ryu, SilphCo, Inferno3044
Inferno3044 :pokeball: Dark Horse
Vocal :pokeball: :pokeball: ~TSN~, Gordito
Gheb :pokeball: :pokeball: :pokeball: :pokeball: Zen, Vocal, Ryker, WashedLaundry
No Lynch

Not voting: Gheb

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline has been set to August 4th, 11:59 PM EST.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hmm. Well I claimed because I wanted to see if it would prevent people from voting me. It just waste time to have to defend yourself over silly things that people will continue to press on.

[quoteHave you scum hunted? hellfire no. I think you are faking it like burning scum would.It's not a question over whether you think it's fake or not, it's a question of whether or not I am scumhunting. In fact I am and have probably done so the most thus far. I have both the highest post count and the most amount of content within those posts. Let's look at the specifics:

-I have given my stance on every player and reasoning behind those stances.
-I have questioned just about every person in the game and questions that matter. (You seem to focus only on 3 simple rvs questions I asked you).
-I've shown my complete throught process behind my Vocal read as well as my Red Ryu read and the other reads I discussed in the hydra log.
-I've layed out a complete case against my top scum read with actual quotes and evidence and my thought process behind it.

Can you really not say that I have not been scumhunting? Regardless of whether it's fake or not? That is the first point we must clear up.

Now for the issue of it being fake. Quote specifically and show why you think my my posts have been fake. You just keep throwing out those RVS examples. You never show why any of my other posts seem fake to you. You just say they are, but no why and how. Show us.

Seperately I will tell you how my RVS questions were not fake or even meant to be considered scumhunting.

I asked you who you kill at that point in RVS. Do you really think I could get a real answer out of this? All I care about is how you respond. And you responded by attacking me which I felt genuine at the time. You and SilphCo keep bringing it up that I dropped this, that's because there was no more to get from that. I was getting a basic idea of you.

I asked your why you were posting in red because you weren't posting in red before. It seemed like you were trying to add more to your restriction. I don't see why you and Silph are making it like this was something bad to ask.

Well then that takes care of those. I've given my thought process behind those. Whether you think they are "fake" or not I cannot choose. Regardless as I said that was at the very start of the game. I'd like for you to show me how you think my into-game hunting has been fake.
Lay out what you have done to scum hunt this game in the same fasion that I have layed out mine.
Now your previous points on me I could actually see coming from a frustrated town. This right here though is nasty.

I have not constantly been bringing it up. And I surely have not "done nothing else".

This very much looks like a push gone to far. I'm really suspicious of you for this bit Ryu. Do you honestly believe that I am constantly brining it up and doing nothing else? Furthermore you have yet to show me how talking about your restriction in the first place is in any way a scum tell.

TSN, Gord, Laundry, Inferno: What do you think about this?

I actually like this because it shows you have actually read my post. You do realize however that you just said that one point was bad, but then agree with it in the paragraph after? What is the difference between selective pushing and selective hunting??
Yeah well I actually apologize for that. I've been getting too fustrated over mafia. Sorry for that.

Hm well I suppose I may as well claim. I'm cleric (I think that is correct). I can protect pokemon from harmful status affects everynight. When I first read this I thought that was just pokemon talk for being a doc. The mod saw my claim and informed me otherwise.

No it is not. Nor can I quote or give time stamps of the PMs. It's just up to whether or not you take my word for it.

Yeah, I wanted Gheb and others to post more. I realized that I wasn't going to get that as the day was coming to an end so I decided to go ahead and get into the game.

I am confused here. Why do you think I'm lying? I need more force for the Gheb lynch.
I'll keep this flaming short.

I'm conceding on Gheb, his latest flaming post looks scummy and WL's latest post made me look at him. Selective pushing and hunting was a blazing mistype on my part. I meant Selective info, Selective info fits Gheb, selective scum hunting like he has does not.

So about my flaming restriction, I'll bite, recently you have been moving slowly away from it. Earlier in the flaming game you didn't.

For the burning scum hunting points, may I have you scum picks with reasons? I wish to inquire how you reach these conclusions. This will have me drop my points of scum hunting but still question, why you flaming brought it up in the first place?

I didn't grab quotes because I''m interested in the responses to this post from you and I'm blazing conceding to some of your points, I'll go from there.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
RR says that everything we did we made sure we had an out to... whuuuuttt? I mean, weren't we justified in everything we did, and wouldn't not explaining something have been very scummy? To me, a person doing what RR is claiming us to be doing would have to be the best scum on the planet to have a fallback for EVERYTHING.
With careful planing on your flaming questions earlier, yes.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Vocal is being very defensive, and yet decides to call us defensive?
I'm defending myself. You're defending someone else who can speak for themselves and I don't see a motive for you to do this.
Vocal just seems to be trying to defend himself for things that nobody even really cares about, like his new playstyle. That just makes him way overdefensive because playstyle has nothing to do with anything, really. Just they way you try to hunt scum.
First off, Unvote Vote Vocal. This guy's been totally fake and pseudo scumhunting all game. I wouldn't be surprised if he's whole "new playstyle" thing is a cover for possible bad play.
Plus, he just seems to be jumping on any wagon there happens to be without really a mindset of his own, and then backs it up with "evidence".
Hold on. Back up. If I'm remembering correctly, no one was strongly pushing towards you when I stated my unease with you here:
After reading through some of the game again I don't really like the way Gordito is playing. I'm fairly certain he's an experienced player and yet he seems to be phoning in comments that try to appear like he knows something or is planning something but in reality isn't. It was this post that made me start paying attention:

And things don't really get much better from there. It's almost like he's sitting back and waiting for town to determine a direction for him to go. His most notable contribution to the game is a push on TSN over their FoS but I don't count that for much. If I had to pick someone to lynch right now it'd be Gord.

Unvote Vote: Gordito
That concisely summed up all of my thoughts about you. Later that day I thought this might be enough to convince others if they weren't already suspicious and planned to make a wall of text dissecting every one of your posts (since that seems to be the only way to make a point seem legitimate to some players) but Panta did a decent enough job before I had a chance to. Additionally, the only person on you at the time I voted you was TSN:
Gord is pushing a bad point and giving bad reasonings for his reads (sans Ryker) and because of this we voted him and some people dislike him more. That's pretty much it.
And for a different reason. You're trying to paint a picture like I'm blindly following people and happened to land on your wagon, but the reality is much different. I independently became suspicious of you and started applying pressure in your direction. Your accusation is false.
It bothers me that I can literally quote the response I gave to Gordito about these same exact topics and they fit perfectly as answers.

Additionally, stop using the word wagon jumping. Immediately. I have been on two serious wagons so far - Gordito and Gheb. Anything else was RVS. Two wagons do not wagon jumping make.

Another quandry I find troubling about this statement. You all seem to love saying the phrase wagon jumping in relation to me. To this point, I've been on two wagons. These are the two players I believe should die today. What were to happen if I change my vote to a target that several other players are sure about, if a lynch of one of my two preferred targets does not occur? I feel this is a sort of trap - if I remain on my two targets, I seem stubborn, and if I move then this accusation of wagon jumping only grows.

That's my concern anyways. I really have little motivation for anyone besides Gordito and Gheb to die today. The only way I'm moving is if not moving would result in a no lynch. If that turns out to be the case, I'm confident that at least 1-2 scum will be on the wagon I'm forced to move to.

I've had a long day. I need to rest before I do more serious thinking about this game. I'll probably keep checking the thread, however.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
Ugh, I really didn't like this post at all, just fyi. I take full credit for the vote because I've been talking to him Skype about the game for the past hour. We're neighbors, we've got a crumb left out there that you won't find that will explain our characters and there's a couple of places I said something like, "I'm glad I have more to go off than the **** in thread."

Soup, how does that affect your read on me?
Why would you claim masonry unprovoked and for seemingly no reason?

What the hell.

Between wanting half the town dead and then pulling that stunt, I don't like your play.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
First of all, why is everyone pointing out zen's daykill as a gambit? That pretty much dooms it from working.

DH seems just like a whiney *****. He first really comes on complaining about getting a guitar slide but having to post, and in that post he makes very lame arguments against Inferno and Vocal that don't really add up.
When did you post this again?

I've posted a bunch, attacked zen, gheb, gord, and yet you only focus on my first post of the game?


Fine with lynching gheb, gord, and, to a lesser extent, inferno.

Come to think of it, where has inferno been?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Post 544 broski. Speaking of that somebody please answer my post 544 please.

Also as for gheb, I don't wanna lynch him because im not convinced he is scum but he seems like the most popular candidate atm


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Gheb - Zen, Vocal, Ryker, WashedLaundry

I think i remember someone asking why i liked gheb, mostly because of poetry, but then i heard Ryker stating that SilphCo would get a vigbait if there is one, so i'm fine with that.

Vote: Gheb

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
*smh* @ Soup / Ryu / DH still being the same tools as ever. Why are you so easily manipulated wtf. Responding to posts now even though I'm already losing hope in this town.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Because my wagon or where i want to go isn't getting any support, and i disagree with the counter-wagon which is Zen.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
My main point against you: You were selectively questioning/pushing/hunting certain players. You pushed/questioned one person (Ryker) for the same/similar tells that you showed no concern for others doing (Me/Gordito).
Based on this paragraph, I still highly doubt that you're aware of what my points against Ryker are. Stuff like that is exactly why I ask people to actually take a closer look at what I say.

Why this is scummy: You're not realky hunting this way. You're simply pushing a player on points you can work with. If you find one person suspicious enough to question for certain play, you should find others with similar play suspicious enough to question as well. But instead instead you were giving us a pass and even praised my play. This is why I think you are faking, and you had it preset for who you call scum and who would be your town reads.
Ignoring the fact that even as scum I never have pre-set reads this logic is definitely faulty. The same kind of play is not necessarily scummy for two different players - it's not untypical for you to be reversed about certain reads while it definitely is for Ryker.

-How did your post calling for Vocal & DH to be NKed not imply you had a town read on them?
It's hypothetical. I can say "I hope scum kills XY" but it obviously means "I hope scum kills XY in case he's town". Otherwise I'd ask scum for killing their own partners, which makes no sense. And don't go 'round acting as if I openly called them town or even implied it because I never did.

-How did it not go against your belief that town should give little clue to scum on who to NK? By making that statement, you basically told scum who they shouldn't kill.
^^^^ Implying that scum would actually NK Vocal and DH.

-Why did you praise me voting Gordito, and then never even look in his direction after that?
I didn't praise you for voting Gorf. Where did you get that idea from?


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also i do agree with you on Rykerscum though, but i doubt there is enough support for it, and i have been swaying my opnion on him so far, but i wouldn't mind it.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Probably. My issue with Gheb's play that I've seen thus far is that his push on me is ********. I state a couple of different things fresh out of RVS and he stretches it into a reason to vote me. I saw these posts farther ahead, though I'm missing the context in between then and now, and it's awkward.
For the record - this is coming from the player who claims that everything said in RVS is trackable and everybody should be held accountable to what they said in RVS

In this follow-up (it's a double post), I see an unvote after clearly stating that he still thought I was scum. Then he says he won't vote unless the lynch ends up on one of two unlikely options and an eaaaaaaaaasy lynch (Vocal). He ends it by trying to incite Laundry to go chasing me instead of him doing it.

My vote will probably stick unless something radically read altering happens in between those posts and the Zen quote.
This is so awfully convenient. Summary of your post: "You vote me and Zen said something against you so I'm for you now". Scuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumy. I can unvote and in then same post mention that I think you're scum and there's NOTHING wrong with that. You of all people should know this. Going for "unlikely" options and an "eaaaaaaaasy" target is not scummy and you of all people should know this.
The Laundry part I consider a joke. Of course I "incite to go chasing after you" like Zen or you do against me.



~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Laundry, your 554 is bad. How can you post something like that with a straight face? I challenge you to assume my point of view in regards to Ryker and think that's scummy? Sorry, that's wrong on too many levels to comprehend.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ryker + Zen are scum. Ryker would NEVER leave such a major scummy player alive THAT CLAIMED DOC. He explicitly mentioned him as an "unlikely option" ... what?!? Are you serious? If you guys believe Ryker and let him get away with that you should consider quitting this game for good.

Vote Ryker


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
No, i'm just being realistic gheb, the playerslots and people in this game aren't that strong and the ones that are presumably are on your wagon, i'm not implying that i'm sheeping because of that, but i highly doubt that without support any other wagon besides zen/you is gonna go through, Vocal has a good chance but i wouldn't join it, and then it's just obscuring the inactives and the noobs.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ryker + Zen are scum. Ryker would NEVER leave such a major scummy player alive THAT CLAIMED DOC. He explicitly mentioned him as an "unlikely option" ... what?!? Are you serious? If you guys believe Ryker and let him get away with that you should consider quitting this game for good.

Vote Ryker

I think he was joking

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
i'm not implying that i'm sheeping because of that
What you imply means nothing. YOU ARE SHEEPING.

but i highly doubt that without support any other wagon besides zen/you is gonna go through, Vocal has a good chance but i wouldn't join it, and then it's just obscuring the inactives and the noobs.
Vote Ryker and we can definitely get his lynch through. And let's not forget that there's nothing wrong with lynching an inactive Day 1. We can definitely switch to a last minute Silph lynch if needed be. But if you carelessly put ALL momentum on my wagon you shut down town's options BECAUSE YOU'RE PLAYING LIKE A TOOL.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I don't think i agree with you with trying to put blame on Ryker for what Zen did, Gheb, and it's merely just a dip of meta along with assuming that Zen was being legitimate with his Doc claim, why do you think that is? i merely took it as a joke, same with the daykill stuff.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Ryker + Zen are scum. Ryker would NEVER leave such a major scummy player alive THAT CLAIMED DOC. He explicitly mentioned him as an "unlikely option" ... what?!? Are you serious? If you guys believe Ryker and let him get away with that you should consider quitting this game for good.

Vote Ryker

Btw soupa, this is probably the main reason I voted Zen. That and he then basically said "lol jk. Im not doc." Also, I believe the mod pming him is bull because it makes no sense. Asidoh sent us all of our roles which we can access and see at any time


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Btw soupa, this is probably the main reason I voted Zen. That and he then basically said "lol jk. Im not doc." Also, I believe the mod pming him is bull because it makes no sense. Asidoh sent us all of our roles which we can access and see at any time

Flaming word.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I don't think i agree with you with trying to put blame on Ryker for what Zen did, Gheb, and it's merely just a dip of meta along with assuming that Zen was being legitimate with his Doc claim, why do you think that is? i merely took it as a joke, same with the daykill stuff.
And you think Ryker would accept this kind of joke? He'd rile the **** out of Zen just for the amount of WIFOM in his claim, not to mention the WIFOM in him RETRACTING his claim.

And let's not kid ourselves - fake claiming doc is certainly nothing to make jokes about. Would you buy his excuse if somebody actually counter-claimed? Why would *anybody* CONFUSE HIMSELF FOR A ****ING DOCTOR, jokingly or not? And just to remind you: The whole push on Zen died pretty much completely upon making his claim. AND IT WAS FAKE. How much scummier does it get for somebody like Ryker to defend that gogdammit?!?


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
And you think Ryker would accept this kind of joke? He'd rile the **** out of Zen just for the amount of WIFOM in his claim, not to mention the WIFOM in him RETRACTING his claim.
What the ****? Please don't say what I would or would not do. If I were the type to jump down someone's throat based on WIFOM, then I would probably be the kind of a guy who would do it for a post like this. I don't give two ****s about his doc claim. It's the kind of thing that is entirely based on WIFOM. I got things out of it concerning the alignments of other players. It's noted, but I am perfectly fine with that move.
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