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Unpopular Smash 4 Opinions - share them here!

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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
We have a thread dedicated to this exactly. Don't see you around there.

I'd also like to say in relation to
"But hey, me opposing ignorance so passionately is a very unpopular view, and why many of the best users are so disliked nowadays."
i cannot consider yourself a respectable poster if you're this naive, and that this isn't the topic to measure epeens. Nor is any thread made around here for that purpose. I consider it off topic.
We have a thread dedicated to this exactly. Don't see you around there. I'd also like to say in relation to
"But hey, me opposing ignorance so passionately is a very unpopular view, and why many of the best users are so disliked nowadays."

You cannot consider yourself a respectable poster if you're this naive.
See: The OP's rules

And are insults like that REALLLLLLLYYYY necessary=???

(besides, I post in the cancer free smash 4 backroom where the best posters are at least 90% of the time)
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Deleted member

See: The OP's rules

And are insults like that REALLLLLLLYYYY necessary=???

(besides, I post in the cancer free smash 4 backroom where the best posters are at least 90% of the time)
To be completely honest you're calling people with differing opinions ignorant, you can't go around doing that and NOT expect to get called out on it.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Alright break it up and get back on topic.

If you wish to talk gameplay, take it to one of the many gameplay threads. If you wish to continue this argument, please go to Forum Support. And if you wish to complain about other users, don't, instead add them to your ignore list, potentially contact Forum Support/PM a Moderator, and report them if they cause trouble.

On a more private note, do not brag about social groups. :glare:


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
None of the newcomers in Smash are particularly unique. I feel as though Sakurai is just going for the "unpredictable" route and developing generic or redundant characters as a result.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
To be completely honest you're calling people with differing opinions ignorant, you can't go around doing that and NOT expect to get called out on it.
I was insulting mentalities more than people, and I didn't single people out.

I'm not sorry I don't take too kindly to that, or the people supporting such a thing.
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Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2010
Under The Three Spheres
You should not be able to grab a player while said player is in hitstun. Either that, or :popo: should not return.

:zerosuitsamus:'s new rocket boots or whatever the hell they are, are silly. Her stun mechanic is already really good; she didn't need buffs.

:dedede: only throwing Gordos is a terrible idea, that will 1) require nerfing Gordos beyond recognition, or 2) will be stupidly OP.

:metaknight: should be publicly executed by the other characters in a fake "reveal" trailer, and then not return. #****Nerdbat


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
None of the newcomers in Smash are particularly unique. I feel as though Sakurai is just going for the "unpredictable" route and developing generic or redundant characters as a result.
OH MY GOODNESS !!!!! YOU'VE FOUND IT!!!! YOU FOUND THE SECRET!!!! In all of your 6500+ posts this is my favorite.


Smash Rookie
May 7, 2014
-We don't need the half-million Fire Emblem characters people keep asking for. Marth's in, and Chrom's probably gonna replace Ike. Yeah, having the Avatar would be cool, but they're not going to be much use and wouldn't be that interesting. I loved FE:A, but we don't need more than one character from it.
-With the Wii Fit Trainer, Greninja, AND Sheik, it feels kinda ninja/martial arts heavy.
-They damn well better fix Mario for this one.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
-We don't need the half-million Fire Emblem characters people keep asking for. Marth's in, and Chrom's probably gonna replace Ike. Yeah, having the Avatar would be cool, but they're not going to be much use and wouldn't be that interesting. I loved FE:A, but we don't need more than one character from it.
-With the Wii Fit Trainer, Greninja, AND Sheik, it feels kinda ninja/martial arts heavy.
-They damn well better fix Mario for this one.
Wii Fit Trainer is a ninja/martial arts character? DAY ONE MAIN.


Not the Break Man
Mar 8, 2014
The "Skilled" Halidom
Characters being cut shouldn't be cut for any reason revolving around competitive play, that would be-

Anyway, if Squenix gets a rep, it's Geno, Slime, or Black Mage.

I didn't think of the ZSS jet boots as inappropriate, just a reference to all her space gear and futuristic technology (Miiverse get your head out of the gutter)

Vaati AND Tetra should be at least assists if one of them isn't playable.

Tingle would/will be hilarious.
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Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2010
Project M is not related to Smash 4 and I have no idea why it keeps getting mentioned here

This is an actually unpopular opinion

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Of the Smash Boards Elite 4, I have felt that if anyone would not make it in, Ridley would be the most likeliest, even before the Smash Direct.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Impa is still the most likely Zelda newcomer.

All leaks are fake. The Palutena one seems the only one plausible. I don't even see that one as 100% legit.

I hate all this talk about leaks to.

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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
I'd much rather have Sceptile as a character than Mewtwo.
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Richard Nixon

Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2013
Watergate Hotel and Office Building
- I couldn't care less about Ridley at this point. I never cared much about the character himself, but for a while I was at least invested in seeing whether he'd make it in or not, for the sake of his fans. By now, he's been tossed around so much that I really doubt I'll feel one way or the other about his eventual fate.

- ... Granted, I'm not especially invested in any particular newcomers. I'm just hoping to see more interesting movesets and playstyles introduced.

- I really enjoy seeing surprising, unexpected characters make it in, and I'll honestly be a little disappointed if the rest of the newcomers are all standard predictable picks like Chrom and Palutena. I won't mind too much though if their movesets are fresh and innovative.

- I can't stand the claim that any given series "doesn't deserve" the number of "reps" it already had in Brawl. It's fine if you think Star Fox isn't worthy of three characters, or that Mother shouldn't have two, but... Sakurai very clearly disagrees. If a series didn't warrant the number of characters it currently has, he wouldn't have included that many characters in the first place - simple as that. Like... it's ok to think a character is unwarranted based on what their series "deserves" - however, it has nothing to do with precedent, and is no solid basis for predictions. If characters are cut from lesser series, it'll be for reasons other than some contrived notion of how many representatives each series is allowed to have.

- I think the thing I'm most excited about so far is all the little changes we're seeing to veteran movesets. Some are getting more of an overhaul than others, but it's all really nice to see these sorts of touch-ups. If we get any shortage of newcomers, I feel as if the fresh take we're getting on several veterans will make up for it.

- Moveset customization seems awkward to me, and I probably won't use it much if at all.

- I'm very satisfied with For Glory Mode.
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2013
Columbus, Ohio
-They damn well better fix Mario for this one.
What's wrong with Mario? (Genuine curiosity, my only problem is his unfitting final smash and the fact that fludd is lame)

As for my opinion, I don't see why everyone's thinking K. Rool's chances have shot since we've got Kremlings in Smash Run. I mean, I'd *love* more K. Rool, but I just don't think it's happening.

Deleted member

What's wrong with Mario? (Genuine curiosity, my only problem is his unfitting final smash and the fact that fludd is lame)

As for my opinion, I don't see why everyone's thinking K. Rool's chances have shot since we've got Kremlings in Smash Run. I mean, I'd *love* more K. Rool, but I just don't think it's happening.
He's been getting worse and worse in general every game (shorter reach on attacks, lower combo potential, weaker recovery after the loss of Mario Tornado and less Cape propulsion, etc.)
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
- I couldn't care less about Ridley at this point. I never cared much about the character himself, but for a while I was at least invested in seeing whether he'd make it in or not, for the sake of his fans. By now, he's been tossed around so much that I really doubt I'll feel one way or the other about his eventual fate.

- ... Granted, I'm not especially invested in any particular newcomers. I'm just hoping to see more interesting movesets and playstyles introduced.

- I really enjoy seeing surprising, unexpected characters make it in, and I'll honestly be a little disappointed if the rest of the newcomers are all standard predictable picks like Chrom and Palutena. I won't mind too much though if their movesets are fresh and innovative.

- I can't stand the claim that any given series "doesn't deserve" the number of "reps" it already had in Brawl. It's fine if you think Star Fox isn't worthy of three characters, or that Mother shouldn't have two, but... Sakurai very clearly disagrees. If a series didn't warrant the number of characters it currently has, he wouldn't have included that many characters in the first place - simple as that. Like... it's ok to think a character is unwarranted based on what their series "deserves" - however, it has nothing to do with precedent, and is no solid basis for predictions. If characters are cut from lesser series, it'll be for reasons other than some contrived notion of how many representatives each series is allowed to have.

- I think the thing I'm most excited about so far is all the little changes we're seeing to veteran movesets. Some are getting more of an overhaul than others, but it's all really nice to see these sorts of touch-ups. If we get any shortage of newcomers, I feel as if the fresh take we're getting on several veterans will make up for it.

- Moveset customization seems awkward to me, and I probably won't use it much if at all.

- I'm very satisfied with For Glory Mode.
I literally share every single opinion that you stated.

Moldy Clay

Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2007
My Grandpa's Womb
Krystal managed to have potential beyond that. Female, a staff, magical choices...
Sorry, I don't think being "female" has anything to do with moveset potential unless you're assuming her boobs will be part of an attack.

You have your points with the staff and magic, but "female" has absolutely NOTHING to do with "potential" in a moveset.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Sorry, I don't think being "female" has anything to do with moveset potential unless you're assuming her boobs will be part of an attack.

You have your points with the staff and magic, but "female" has absolutely NOTHING to do with "potential" in a moveset.
I never said "potential for a moveset" in any way, so I have no idea where you got this notion I only care about moveset potential.(namely because I look at characters far more than just "a moveset". I care about it all)

I said only "potential", and that means in any way. Everything Krystal brings I find notable and important. I feel the gender itself is helpful since Smash is widely underrepped in the female department. It's a good bonus. The other stuff is a bit more important, including her being one of the more important StarFox characters, having notable roles since her debut.

Moldy Clay

Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2007
My Grandpa's Womb
I never said "potential for a moveset" in any way, so I have no idea where you got this notion I only care about moveset potential.(namely because I look at characters far more than just "a moveset". I care about it all)

I said only "potential", and that means in any way. Everything Krystal brings I find notable and important. I feel the gender itself is helpful since Smash is widely underrepped in the female department. It's a good bonus. The other stuff is a bit more important, including her being one of the more important StarFox characters, having notable roles since her debut.
Okay, you're correct. You didn't say moveset, but you led right into the staff & magic, which are moveset things.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with female inclusions. It could be primarily female for all I care. It was just the fact that I don't know what that has to do with anything. Gender's irrelevant, and should be treated as such. The game doesn't need more males or more females. There's no quota and the only reason there are so few females is because there are so few starring females in Nintendo games. Krystal herself completely devolved in Star Fox Adventures to whatever the heck she was in the last two games, neither of which involved the staff anymore.

Additionally, and I know you were specifically talking about Star Fox and not the whole roster, but her uniqueness would be lost if Palutena's in the game. They'd be introducing two characters with the same gimmick (staff/female/magic). That doesn't necessarily mean anything, though. It's not like they haven't introduced clones or characters with similar movesets at the same time before.

I just think it'd clash. Each character has something about them, and if Palutena was in, I don't think Krystal would have a good chance using her best case moveset. Unless they worked the staff, magic AND a gun into her movest, but then it really doesn't feel like Krystal anymore.

So yes. She brings "notable and important" things to the table, but there's another female character who is bringing those same things to the table, and is currently more popular and has Sakurai behind her current form as well.

Don't get me wrong. I would not object to Krystal. For the very reasons you think she deserves to be in. Including being another female to add to the current 7 (8 if we have female Villager, 9 if Ice Climbers are indeed back).

Also, just for reference, females take up one third of the roster we have so far. Even if some of them are just alternates of other characters, the game's not lacking nearly as much as people think. We're only a few away from it being half and half.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Okay, you're correct. You didn't say moveset, but you led right into the staff & magic, which are moveset things.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with female inclusions. It could be primarily female for all I care. It was just the fact that I don't know what that has to do with anything. Gender's irrelevant, and should be treated as such. The game doesn't need more males or more females. There's no quota and the only reason there are so few females is because there are so few starring females in Nintendo games. Krystal herself completely devolved in Star Fox Adventures to whatever the heck she was in the last two games, neither of which involved the staff anymore.
And that's why she gets the staff and no one else.

Additionally, and I know you were specifically talking about Star Fox and not the whole roster, but her uniqueness would be lost if Palutena's in the game. They'd be introducing two characters with the same gimmick (staff/female/magic). That doesn't necessarily mean anything, though. It's not like they haven't introduced clones or characters with similar movesets at the same time before.
That's presuming I think Palutena is in the game or should be in there. I don't think she belongs. Medusa does, however, for bringing the same, but even more choices, as having snake hair gives her way better moveset potential than Palutena could give.

I just think it'd clash. Each character has something about them, and if Palutena was in, I don't think Krystal would have a good chance using her best case moveset. Unless they worked the staff, magic AND a gun into her movest, but then it really doesn't feel like Krystal anymore.
She has way more chance of having a staff-based moveset than yet another "similar to Fox" one anyway. Keep in mind I doubt she'll be in regardless.

So yes. She brings "notable and important" things to the table, but there's another female character who is bringing those same things to the table, and is currently more popular and has Sakurai behind her current form as well.
Considering I think Palutena is one of the worst choices to bring to the game, I could care less. It's Medusa or I wouldn't even bother giving KI another rep. Should be a villain first after the hero. Not another lame hero that has no extra moveset potential that the villain doesn't already do, but brings more.

Don't get me wrong. I would not object to Krystal. For the very reasons you think she deserves to be in. Including being another female to add to the current 7 (8 if we have female Villager, 9 if Ice Climbers are indeed back).

Also, just for reference, females take up one third of the roster we have so far. Even if some of them are just alternates of other characters, the game's not lacking nearly as much as people think. We're only a few away from it being half and half.
I don't count alternates at all. They don't even count as a real gender to me for the ratio. It's both, and doesn't add nor take away. Wii Fit Trainer is basically androgynous overall to me. Only exception could be Marth, since he was male when first introduced. The Pokemon barely count too, as they(except Pikachu) have no specific gender.

Long story short, I don't even consider Palutena a worthy choice and never will. Medusa is the only Kid Icarus rep I personally think is deserving to be put in. She already has everything the other Goddess can do, and more. Krystal also has her own move choices that Medusa herself isn't as likely to do, since while Medusa has a staff, a lot of her moveset should be more based around her snake hair. Krystal also should not use a gun no matter what. Unless it's a completely different use like Wolf's was(the only non-clone Blaster of the three, mind you).


Smash Rookie
May 8, 2014
Washington, District of Columbia
I think the Kid Icarus series is fine with no extra reps. If there was one, I want Viridi.

If the leak is true. I'm excited for the Chrous men more then anything else

I think Greninja will be top tier

I'm excited for Sheik's new bouncing fish move

The most exciting part of the direct was the stages. They seem to satisfy my casual and competitive sides.
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Oh, reminds me:

--Palutena is a popular request in 2014. This much is undeniable. However, had any other person but Sakurai developed Kid Icarus: Uprising, only a tiny fraction of people would believe one of its characters was a lock for Smash; as such, less expectation would breed less popularity for those characters among the fanbase.

This expectation was visible from the very first Uprising trailer, with kneejerking fools declaring Medusa and Magnus to be shoo-ins who "look like they were made for Smash." It would have happened if Sakurai had developed any other game instead as well; if the team made Star Fox as was originally planned, for example, Krystal would have been an "OMG SHOO-IN" instead.

Palutena ultimately underwent the expected-to-requested transition due to her prominence in Uprising, but even if she or no other character did, Sakurai still would have added her into the game because of his bias (a s***load of new Kid Icarus items and prominence proves this). Palutena's current popularity is a mere excuse for this biased man (in spite of his claims to the contrary) to do something that he was always going to do.
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Moldy Clay

Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2007
My Grandpa's Womb
Long story short, I don't even consider Palutena a worthy choice and never will.
That's really beside the point, though. It's not even sort of relevant to what I was saying.

I wasn't contesting your feelings on characters, nor do your feelings have anything to do with the higher or lower likelihood of characters you don't like/want being in the game. So no, it's not "assuming" you entertain the idea. Your opinion, and my own, are disregarded in favor of the road the roster seems to be taking.

I don't think Chrom is anything special or worthy of being in SSB. I don't pretend there isn't a chance of him being in, though. Especially over characters I want in or characters I think would be better candidates in general based on movesets or what they bring to spice up the roster. I have better sword using characters in mind than him, be he is more likely to get in than, say, Isaac, who brings more to the table.

The bottom line is, a character you don't think deserves to be in has, in theory, far better chances due to various factors, and would do some of the same things as characters you'd prefer/find more deserving.

It's entirely possible NEITHER of them will be in.

As for the gender thing, that's all semantics, and irrelevant anyway.

If you want to pull it apart, removing Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Pokemon, Yoshi and technically Kirby (going by the fact Japan doesn't actually use male or female pronouns) then we're at roughly 1/4 of the determinate gender roster being definitely/only female.

And I can't tell if by "alternates" you're including Sheik & Zero Suit Samus as not counting, and if you are, I have to ask if that means you wouldn't count Toon Link either.

If you personally want to omit obvious female characters just because they have a gender swap male, that's cool. But it seems more like something done so it fits your agenda of "not enough women".

They're still there, and are still female options for girls (or guys) who want to play as a female.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
That's really beside the point, though. It's not even sort of relevant to what I was saying.

I wasn't contesting your feelings on characters, nor do your feelings have anything to do with the higher or lower likelihood of characters you don't like/want being in the game. So no, it's not "assuming" you entertain the idea. Your opinion, and my own, are disregarded in favor of the road the roster seems to be taking.

I don't think Chrom is anything special or worthy of being in SSB. I don't pretend there isn't a chance of him being in, though. Especially over characters I want in or characters I think would be better candidates in general based on movesets or what they bring to spice up the roster. I have better sword using characters in mind than him, be he is more likely to get in than, say, Isaac, who brings more to the table.

The bottom line is, a character you don't think deserves to be in has, in theory, far better chances due to various factors, and would do some of the same things as characters you'd prefer/find more deserving.

It's entirely possible NEITHER of them will be in.

As for the gender thing, that's all semantics, and irrelevant anyway.

If you want to pull it apart, removing Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Pokemon, Yoshi and technically Kirby (going by the fact Japan doesn't actually use male or female pronouns) then we're at roughly 1/4 of the determinate gender roster being definitely/only female.

And I can't tell if by "alternates" you're including Sheik & Zero Suit Samus as not counting, and if you are, I have to ask if that means you wouldn't count Toon Link either.

If you personally want to omit obvious female characters just because they have a gender swap male, that's cool. But it seems more like something done so it fits your agenda of "not enough women".

They're still there, and are still female options for girls (or guys) who want to play as a female.
Just stop.

This isn't a place for debate anyway. It's just an opinion and you're taking everything I said way too seriously. Jeez.

One last thing though; I do consider Sheik and Toon Link(etc.) to be completely separate characters with specific genders. I'm not counting anyone but Pikachu among the androgynous characters as having a gender.(Pikachu is male, the rest have no known gender and don't count towards the male/female ratio). You're also taking what I said just a bit of out of context here. And saying well more than my point. Krystal just happens to also add more to the female count, something I like. Also, I never really overall said she was unique compared to every possible entry into Smash, just talking about her relation to the StarFox characters. I probably wasn't clear enough on that.

Now please let this drop, because this is just an annoying and pointless debate. :urg:


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
What's with people trying to establish patterns, cynicism and spite from just Brawl alone? I frankly think Brawl stung so many people they're throwing a string of very stupid opinions just to feed some cynicism. Sakurai's not perfect (because surprise surprise, Brawl wasn't either!), but geez the whole "DELAYED 'TIL 2015" "SAKURAI HAS TEH BIAS" "BRAWL 2.0, STAY WITH MUHLEE" just feels like reactions to the opposite.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Project M's only cool feature is the ability to taunt during certain moves. This should be implemented in Smash 4

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
If the Sal leak is true I'm most likely going to end up disappointed with the Chorus Men's inclusion. The main reason is because unlike every single other fighter in the Smash series they don't seem to serve any significant purpose.

Unlike all of the other "WTF" characters, their series isn't largely popular (like Wii Fit) and they don't have any historical significance (like R.O.B. and G&W).

They feel random for the sake of being random, which doesn't bode well with me considering Smash Bros is supposed to be a series about Nintendo All Stars.
Jan 27, 2014
Kirby needs more faces. In most of his screenshots, it's just the lifeless -'.'- expression. It's odd that most other characters have become so expressive in SSB4, but not Sakurai's own golden boy.
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