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UMCP smashers


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
College Park, MD
their are characters that dont require that much tech skill and the bit u need isnt really hard to learn u should give it another try and theirs plenty of people who are willing to train you *looks at chivalruse* lol
Well I'll definitely check out the tournament at the CCC and probably some people on my floor are gonna end up playing melee between now and then (I already murdered them all in brawl...). So I'll get some practice.

May as well try someone like DK since I play him in brawl anyway...


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2009
Fort Washington,MD/ College Park, MD
Just play Peach. You really don't need any tech skill for her.
ehhh thats debatable in the sense that while u dont need alot of tech skill as in wavedashing etc u still gotta learn how to float cancel and all that other good **** which is why i dont play peach lol but honestly if u dont want to learn a ridiculous amount of tech skill id say marth or sheik at least out of like the top - high tiers


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2009
Fort Washington,MD/ College Park, MD
@joe well i was comparing marth and sheik to fox and falco and the spanimals need more tech skill than any other character imo

@ chris u play puff get that outta here their is nothing wrong with playing puff like hbox he plays to win he outspaces his opponent then rests the *** out of them if the oppurtunity arises as long as u dont plank like a ****** their is nothing wrong with playing puff

that being said yea puff is low tech skill all spacing


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Marth doesn't need that much tech skill. Double fairs, dash dance pivots, JC grabs, ledge hop aerials, and wavesmashes are all you really need. Falco has so many different things out of shine that he's definitely harder. Shine-bair, shine-dair, waveshine, shine wavelands onto plats, shine OOS, SHDL from ledges, retreating lasers, Firebird stalling. Then you can get into even crazier ****. I STILL can't consistently laser drop through platforms, and when you fast fall on stages with low plats like Yoshi's it is pretty difficult to time aerials so you don't land on the plat but the hitbox still comes out before you hit the ground.

I just wouldn't recommend Peach to any beginner tbqh. Floating crap is weird and I feel like getting good with Peach's tech skill won't really help you with anyone else.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
Marth doesn't need that much tech skill. Double fairs, dash dance pivots, JC grabs, ledge hop aerials, and wavesmashes are all you really need. Falco has so many different things out of shine that he's definitely harder. Shine-bair, shine-dair, waveshine, shine wavelands onto plats, shine OOS, SHDL from ledges, retreating lasers, Firebird stalling. Then you can get into even crazier ****.
Thing is, Falco's "crazier ****" isn't necessary to high level play. Look at Justin for example. His Falco isn't even very technical, yet he got second at Graphix.

People who think Marth isn't a technical character are doing it wrong.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Thing is, Falco's "crazier ****" isn't necessary to high level play. Look at Justin for example. His Falco isn't even very technical, yet he got second at Graphix.

People who think Marth isn't a technical character are doing it wrong.
Well all the national level Falco players do laser plat drops and turn around shines and shine-grabs, etc. Just cause Voodoo can win a small local without a bunch of tech skill doesn't mean much. lol Not knocking him though; but it would be pretty stupid to try and say that he wouldn't be better if he could do all the crazy hard tech stuff. I've seen M2K win entire matches with 90% grabs and fsmashes. With Falco you at least have to combo decently because you can't reliably gimp like Marth.


Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2008
EC or a mitten
Unfortunately I have beaten competent players with Marth's FSmash alone. My friend in UChicago won Melee tourneys there using wavedash backwards FSmash. Needless to say, UChicago sucks at Melee.


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2009
Fort Washington,MD/ College Park, MD
honestly joe falco's need more tech skill only because when they *** up lets say missing an lcancel or some **** it can lead to their deaths alot easier than fcking up techs leads to marths death since falco be mad combo fodder and chaingrab fodder to like the entire cast in the game and tbh i think falco requires more than fox tech skill wise only cause cactuar who is known for ****** with fox by just nair planing across the stage well that and after watching foxs vs jiggs and falco vs jiggz i see more technical **** with falco wit fox its just laser laser laser grab and up throw rinse and repeat and maybe a lil nair thrown in nothing super technical at all there that isnt to say foxs cant be super technical but cactuar has shown u dont have to be super technical to do well with fox at all


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
Having more techs doesn't make a character more technical. It's all about effective APM. Since Marth is floatier, the emphasis is much more on spacing, timely fast falls, and things like that, which require equivalently as many inputs as are needed for Falco's movement. Directional inputs are still inputs ...

@ Wenzel: if Marth misses an l-cancel or misspaces vs Falcon or Sheik, he gets comboed just as heavily as Falco does.


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2009
Fort Washington,MD/ College Park, MD
Having more techs doesn't make a character more technical. It's all about effective APM. Since Marth is floatier, the emphasis is much more on spacing, timely fast falls, and things like that, which require equivalently as many inputs as are needed for Falco's movement. Directional inputs are still inputs ...

@ Wenzel: if Marth misses an l-cancel or misspaces vs Falcon or Sheik, he gets comboed just as heavily as Falco does.
but thats not the entire cast which was what i was getting at plus marth cant get chaingrabbed to kill percents by falcon or sheik unless u have ****ty DI where as fox and falco even with DI can still get chaingrabbed and due to spanimals fast fallingness and watever da reason they stay in hit stun so long (i forget how long a person stays in hitstun is calculated) they have a harder time getting out of combos than marth does

but as for who requires more tech skill i think its just a matter of opinion some say fox > falco or falco < fox but i think the general consensus is that spanimals require the most tech skil only because their style involves working out of the shine for the most part and theirs so much **** u can do out of the shine it makes them the most technical

oh i should also point out that marth can be played with very little tech skill and still be **** and my example is none other than azen


Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2008
EC or a mitten
oh i should also point out that marth can be played with very little tech skill and still be **** and my example is none other than azen


To be fair, I've seen Shiz do this with Falco.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
LOL @ wenbo telling me not to make useless posts

Joe it really depends on your standards. I think Falco isn't more technical than Marth at our level, but once you get to the top level Falco gets more benefits from being technical.

At the top level both require really good precision and spacing anyway, which is the main part of Marth's tech skill.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
CTY is going for sure. Is it really being sponsored by UMD Scholars?
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