People are ignoring the fact that what makes a good villain isn't that what he's doing IS right, it's that the villain sees himself as doing the right thing. It doesn't matter what other solutions there was to the situation. Thanos, in his mind, was a prophet who predicted the fall of his world and could have saved it if the others would've listened to him. It's not about his success being the most logical thing to do it's about him being unable to cope with the failure that was Titan. His plan would've worked, in his mind, for Titan. Everywhere else? Who knows? But to him it only mattered that that happened to Titan. In his mind if it could've worked for Titan it would work anywhere.
And on the Time Stone. You have to think that at the point Thanos and Strange had their first encounter he already had the Space Stone. Space and Time are two equal opposites so if Strange were to use the Time Stone Thanos could have folded space around Starnge to prevent the Time Stone from even working. Not to mention Time is a figment of Reality and Thanos had the Reality stone at this point as well. So, hm, Reality, Space, Soul, and Power versus Time? Yeah, it wouldn't have worked. Strange new that.