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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Sorry, pal

The current tier list goes

1. Bowser
2. Waluigi
3. Wario
4. Rosalina
5. The Koopalings
6. Yoshi
7. Mario & Luigi (I could never pick a favorite bro)
8. Daisy
9. Peach
10. Bowser Jr.

Now I know sixth place looks bad, but I really do love Yoshi.

I see it like this. The top half are the characters I really love now, and the bottom half is characters I still love but liked a little more as a kid, But Yoshi's in the middle, because now I love him as a symbol representing my childhood. Like Toothless and Stitch.

My interests will always change, but some characters i'll love eternally. Yoshi is one of those.
I hope I can contribute to that list.

I love Bowser too, but in comparison to my boi..... it's not even close


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
For context yes, the Sora leak was a 4Chan text leak but it came from a guy that has apparently gotten Smash stuff right before. He said that as far as he's heard Sora JUST entered development. Which means that he's likely the 4th chracter in the pass if true.

Either way, it's not much but it's cool to speculate on nonetheless.
4th character? Who's supposed to be the third?
  1. Joker
  2. Erdrick
  3. ???
  4. Sora


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
-"Characters being important because a relative of theirs is important"
Admittedly I’m kinda guilty of having this in mind for the lead of an animated series concept I’m working on. Her grandmother was a highly respected leader and warrior who’s death (potentially) ending up changing the status quo of the world big time, but I want my lead to learn to stop worrying about living up to her grandmother’s legacy and focus on forging her own story.

Deleted member

I would day Black Panther outdid both in pure story. Spider-Verse was pure damn fun and Infinity War was appropriately epic but Black Panther just, wow. The cinematography, choreography, dialogue, everything just hit home so well.
I never seen Black Panther, but it is on Netflix, so that is a big relief.
Netflix is so reliable.
You got One Punch Man, FMAB, a lot of the Marvel movies, the Dark Knight trilogy, Castlevania, Naruto, the Godfather and a ton of other classics.
They are missing some cool stuff that I really want though.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
There were also so many times the heroes could had won but it was all obviously avoided for plot and so there'd be an Avengers 4 like how HISHE covered some of it.

-Destroying Vision a lot sooner especially given he was willing to give up his life.
-Doctor Strange using his "I've come to bargain" or rewinding time when Star-Lord had to screw things up.
-Gamora going into hiding rather then seeking Thanos out given she was the source to getting the Soul Stone.
-Mantis keeping her damn mouth shut preventing the others to ask why Thanos was in anguish (I blame her the most for making everything worst).
-Nebula knocking Star-Lord out.

Just to name a few.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Admittedly I’m kinda guilty of having this in mind for the lead of an animated series concept I’m working on. Her grandmother was a highly respected leader and warrior who’s death (potentially) ending up changing the status quo of the world big time, but I want my lead to learn to stop worrying about living up to her grandmother’s legacy and focus on forging her own story.
Aw schnap, that sounds cool.

Deleted member

Luigi / Mario will always be my favorite Mario characters.
Original, but they stuck with me the most for some reason.
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
I would day Black Panther outdid both in pure story. Spider-Verse was pure damn fun and Infinity War was appropriately epic but Black Panther just, wow. The cinematography, choreography, dialogue, everything just hit home so well.
Black Panther? Not to **** on someone's taste but the only thing that movie has going for it is the visuals and a well-written villain. Other than that, the movie is kind of bland and predictable, and kind of treats the viewer like an idiot for a good portion of the movie.

They actually tried to make us think that chadwick boseman died like come on

Masked Marshmallow

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2019
Poor Kurapika, I'm supposed to be a mature adult but I just can't read his name and not chuckle
I sometimes have to contain myself to not use "kkkkk" here because I forget internet laughs aren't multilingual

Never seen that many Brazilian around here tbh, it's three with me, you and Graizen lol
It's just that we Brazilians have been raised with dirty minds :p
I think using it is acceptable when talking directly to another person of the same nationality, just try not using only 3 Ks because of obvious reasons.
I didn't know Graizen was Brazilian too. I think that may be related to how much he likes Agumon.

Deleted member

I really like Black Panther too

Not as good as Infinity War though imo

Deleted member

For context yes, the Sora leak was a 4Chan text leak but it came from a guy that has apparently gotten Smash stuff right before. He said that as far as he's heard Sora JUST entered development. Which means that he's likely the 4th chracter in the pass if true.

Either way, it's not much but it's cool to speculate on nonetheless.
Link to the leak?

Deleted member

On the topic of villains, who is everyone's favorite video game villain?

For me, it's definitely Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2. He's quite the compelling character, as he genuinely considers himself to be the hero of the story. Granted, he did start out with good intentions, but eventually went off the deep end. Plus he's hilarious.

Runners-up are Daud from Dishonored and Porky from Earthbound/Mother 3.
Good to know someone here has taste.
Sorry, pal

The current tier list goes

1. Bowser
2. Waluigi
3. Wario
4. Rosalina
5. The Koopalings
6. Yoshi
7. Mario & Luigi (I could never pick a favorite bro)
8. Daisy
9. Peach
10. Bowser Jr.

Now I know sixth place looks bad, but I really do love Yoshi.

I see it like this. The top half are the characters I really love now, and the bottom half is characters I still love but liked a little more as a kid, But Yoshi's in the middle, because now I love him as a symbol representing my childhood. Like Toothless and Stitch.

My interests will always change, but some characters i'll love eternally. Yoshi is one of those.
>Wario and Waluigi in top 3
NVM that makes two people.
> "Sora got leaked guys"

Okay, so how come we haven't seen it in the past hour or so get trending, because wouldn't that be the case? Just a simple Instagram picture from an ex-supervisor for Smash got people talking in an instant, and I haven't seen any of this at all around various sites. I'll be on my "Critique That Leak" ****, but when we see some legit stuff come out, I'm calling some BS.

Not to mention, "two Square reps".

View attachment 190703
Not saying it's a real leak (it probably isn't) but it's not like there has to be a limit or quota to fill on how many characters a third-party company can have. It's why it also feels silly when people say that Bamco is overdue for a character, as if Nintendo is obliged to put Lloyd/Heihachi/Augumon/whoever in just because. Not that it's unlikely, far from it, just that there's more to it than "This company needs another character" or "this company has too many characters already".


Sep 26, 2013
Good to know someone here has taste.

>Wario and Waluigi in top 3
NVM that makes two people.

Not saying it's a real leak (it probably isn't) but it's not like there has to be a limit or quota to fill on how many characters a third-party company can have. It's why it also feels silly when people say that Bamco is overdue for a character, as if Nintendo is obliged to put Lloyd/Heihachi/Augumon/whoever in just because. Not that it's unlikely, far from it, just that there's more to it than "This company needs another character" or "this company has too many characters already".
I don't think you're reading his sentiment right.

He's more coming from the:

"It's Square Enix, the same Square Enix with 2 Final Fantasy songs and 0 Spirits outside of Cloud, and we've yet to see what Erdrick will bring with him."

Just a penguin

Smash Master
Dec 19, 2018
Noipoi's Fan Club- Antarctica
Sorry, pal

The current tier list goes

1. Bowser
2. Waluigi
3. Wario
4. Rosalina
5. The Koopalings
6. Yoshi
7. Mario & Luigi (I could never pick a favorite bro)
8. Daisy
9. Peach
10. Bowser Jr.

Now I know sixth place looks bad, but I really do love Yoshi.

I see it like this. The top half are the characters I really love now, and the bottom half is characters I still love but liked a little more as a kid, But Yoshi's in the middle, because now I love him as a symbol representing my childhood. Like Toothless and Stitch.

My interests will always change, but some characters i'll love eternally. Yoshi is one of those.
Eyyyy! Someone else who likes the Koopalings. Hear me out, the Koopalings should be separate characters from Jr, but are all palette swaps of each other in one Koopalings character. The eigth pallete swap should be Baby Bowser. They are out of the Kart, using wands and stuff.
Also yes to Waluigi.

Deleted member

For context yes, the Sora leak was a 4Chan text leak but it came from a guy that has apparently gotten Smash stuff right before. He said that as far as he's heard Sora JUST entered development. Which means that he's likely the 4th chracter in the pass if true.

Either way, it's not much but it's cool to speculate on nonetheless.
Oh boy, is it that time? Yep, it's that time again!


"But it came from a guy that has apparently gotten Smash stuff right before", that right there is the problem. Various insiders have been in the know of Smash (not contained just to Ultimate), but not to mention they also gotten a lot of stuff wrong. "Square rep will be revealed first", "January 2017 Switch Presentation's lineup is all wrong", Metroid Prime Trilogy reveal, Katalina, what have you.

The reason I still bring up these moments is to keep expectations in check, remember what past history we've had, and still be on a ground level. It's not really anything to go off of just that alone, as the person for all we know could be Vergeben's second cousin. That's the problem with being mostly anonymous. We need them receipts, my boy. We need a full repertoire of what this guy has gotten right and what he's gotten wrong. And not to mention, this really just feels like piggybacking off of so many other regurgitated "leaks" that we have seen so many times before.

Gimme a image that's hard to break, gimme a video that's hard to call fake. After the August Direct and The Game Awards, we can't just go off willy-nilly time and time again. I know it's best for conversation, sure, but it's also best to temper expectations and not cause another blowout like what happened with the November Direct, that's really where I'm coming from when I critique these "leaks". To be clear, this isn't aimed at you, NSG, this is aimed towards the "leak" itself.
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
My most anticipated films this year are Godzilla 2, Avengers: Endgame, Hobbs & Shaw and Missing Link.

Others I look forward too are It: Chapter Two, Hellboy, Brightburn, Ad Astra and Us.

Deleted member

I hate Thanos' goals. 10 years to building him up and all we get is loloverpopulation? Doesn't help too they do the whole sympathetic villain crap about because its not like we haven't seen that before...

MCU Thanos seemed so different from comic Thanos he could be an different character. Should had given that goal to another character instead.

There were also so many times the heroes could had won but it was all obviously avoided for plot and so there'd be an Avengers 4.
I mean, it is a movie adaptation. I know that's kind of a copout argument. But I have to point that out especially since I've seen people call Homecoming the most accurate to the comics... Which is just not true. But it's still an okay movie.

TBH, I think I like every cinematic Marvel movie less over time the more I think about it. That includes Infinity War. I still think it's well made, just not amazing. And yeah, him being a "sympathetic villain" doesn't really make any sense beyond how Josh Brolin plays him. Same goes for Kilmonger being a sympathetic villain. I still think Vulture's the only one to make any sense sort of sense as a sympathetic villain when it comes to his motives. Probably because he's more on the mob boss level for starters, rather than having some big dumb plan that screws over people.

In your signature, is Alucard fighting a person that has a whip like thing with a sword and without a shirt?
Alucard sounds like a really cool person.
He's fighting Trevor Belmont. And yes, Alucard is shirtless and using his sword, he was just reawakened in that scene.


Sep 26, 2013
I'm still kicking myself in laughter that...

If Brave really IS Erdrick, then Leakypanda of all people could have been right.

Considering we know Joker and Erdrick(Assumed to be Brave) are being worked on at the same time, they 'could' have moved TGA reveal for all we know.

We'll literally never know.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
For me it goes...

1. Yoshi
2. Luigi
3. Bowser
4. Wario
5. Rosalina
6. Toad
7. Daisy
8. Waluigi
9. Peach
10. Mario

To anyone wondering where Boshi is, this is for reoccurring characters only. Think of him as a part of the Yoshi species instead...

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I mean, it is a movie adaptation. I know that's kind of a copout argument. But I have to point that out especially since I've seen people call Homecoming the most accurate to the comics... Which is just not true. But it's still an okay movie.

TBH, I think I like every cinematic Marvel movie less over time the more I think about it. That includes Infinity War. I still think it's well made, just not amazing. And yeah, him being a "sympathetic villain" doesn't really make any sense beyond how Josh Brolin plays him. Same goes for Kilmonger being a sympathetic villain. I still think Vulture's the only one to make any sense sort of sense as a sympathetic villain when it comes to his motives. Probably because he's more on the mob boss level for starters, rather than having some big dumb plan that screws over people.
Like still they had over 10 years to building him up and the best they can come up with is such a simple goal like that? I felt really letdown thinking it was gonna be very in-depth, unique and original.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
All I want is an Incredibles movie when they actually stop the Underminer.

Like, he was teased at in Incredibles 1, was there in the beginning of 2, but he disappeared to make room for Screenslaver. Like, his arc isn't complete.
not an arc...but I would love to see him again
Everyone remembers when Bowsette dominated Twitter and then Booette became super popular and everyone got horny.
Glorious Times
Spider Verse and Infinity War are easily the best movies of 2018.
I hate Thanos' goals. 10 years to building him up and all we get is loloverpopulation? Doesn't help too they do the whole sympathetic villain crap about because its not like we haven't seen that before...

MCU Thanos seemed so different from comic Thanos he could be an different character. Should had given that goal to another character instead.
MCU Thanos is the Best Thanos
I would day Black Panther outdid both in pure story. Spider-Verse was pure damn fun and Infinity War was appropriately epic but Black Panther just, wow. The cinematography, choreography, dialogue, everything just hit home so well.
Honestly that opinion isn’t a problem for anyone. All theee of those movies practically owned 2018
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