Ah ok. I wasn’t sure if it was actually getting a lot of attention or anything.
I was somewhat surprised by it, because I just kinda got the feeling “woah, this has a weird feeling to it”. I have to say, I do think it’s fake, unless of course we get more info.
1) Seems to piggyback on Edelgard leak (like, of all times NOW Edelgard has this adult form stuff for Smash?)
2) Predictable Nintendo newcomers
3) I just don’t see how Ace Attorney reaches out to new fans nearly as much as a different Capcom IP. No offense to the series, i’m interested in actually playing it soon but I just don’t think it would be effective in bringing in the maximum amount of new players...although it would be unexpected, no doubt.
4) Good name for final evolution, but i’m not sure how they would know what it was but then say, “If they can get the rhythm based attacks set for online”. Like, how would that even be a question if the information is legitimate?
It HAS made me rethink first parties as DLC. I’m still convinced we could get Edelgard but...idk. I’ll consider it more deeply if we get Erdrick and Edelgard during E3.