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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Deleted member

Y'all are mentioning favorite cookies and aren't mentioning the good ol' classic?
View attachment 217876
smh my head
I've never been a huge fan of their texture, the actual cookie part of an Oreo is way too chalky for me. Also they stick to your teeth like a ************, I always felt like I needed to brush my teeth for several minutes after eating a couple.

Dr. James Rustles

Mar 24, 2008
I don't appreciate the sarcasm.

We can disagree all we want and you have to right to not debate me. But what is with this attitude?
My tone is the least of your problems. You are trapped in this fantasy that "If we let the Nazis speak, we can DEFEAT them in open verbal combat!"

Magical Thinking. You should account for who your actual allies should be and make a stand for something more than the enfranchisement of dangerous opinions

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Ubisoft needs to bring back Aisha Tyler.

Sue me. She was always the highlight of their shows and you could always tell when she thought a game was **** just by her face when they cut back to it or how bad her reaction was forced or faked.
Honestly, yeah, I didn't she was ever that bad. Not that there's much good in most of Ubisoft's presentations.

I think I prefer X-Box's the most, even if they don't always have games I like, at least it's a steady stream of content that's as relevant as possible.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
I don't even know what is going on these days...

but I did turn in my final project for my college semester earlier so yay?


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Yes. Someone had a racist avatar before.
Can you prove that? Because I feel like you're just making people up to suit your point.

What did their avatar look like?

Deleted member

We did actually. There's been neo nazi literature and stuff out there for decades. Not hard to find.

People were just much better about confronting the people themselves whether in person or through fiction.

Treat them as a problem, not a pariah. Catch my drift?
You didn't see it in mainstream media though. You didn't have literal nazis being allowed to parade on public areas or speak on TV.
We unfortunately do now.
Should I show the video of the black man who befriended the KKK Grand Dragon and got him to quit?
Maybe not an absolute "never" but it shouldn't be treated as likely or probable. It is also not a long term solution and only puts a victim's life at risk.
I don't think you watched it the last time I posted it.
I had handball class and that video was at least 16 minutes.
I'm not saying I like the idea of having to debate whether a race is inferior to another. But if we don't, things will get worse.
We shouldn't debate those things at all. Debating something implies there's at least some sort of validity to it.
If these are continued to be allowed to exist, then they'll never end. If we cut them now, eventually no one will consider the possibility that someone is inferior to them.

This just goes back to the Paradox of Intolerance. If we are to ever have a completely tolerant society, we cannot tolerate intolerance.
And, just to be real for a moment. I want to be sure that we're cool. Because this conversation we're having IS on common ground. We both agree this thing is bad, we just don't agree on how to make it better.
I'm probably a little bit heated right now and it certainly doesn't help by bolding your post in deep red which implies some sort of anger. I'n trying to be polite here regardless of my own feelings so I don't appreciate being yelled at.
I agree. And if this theoretical instance was still written into law, it could and should be debated in a civil manner.....

I hope you don't mistake me for being on the "other side" of the discussion; I'm definitely pro-trans, and am a lesbian myself. I just take issue with the idea of not letting someone voice an opposing opinion in a civil discussion.
Dunno where the guy quoted below is coming from but he's right: you cannot voice an "opinion" that someone doesn't deserve rights or that their existence isn't valid while being "civil". You're questioning someone's rights and treating them differently from another group of people, that's the opposite of civil.
If you want me to believe you're pro-trans then you should show that support through your actions instead of just trying inform it.
funny that you have a knee-jerk reaction to that statement

As with climate change, slavery, and vaccines, the dust has settled on trans-personhood and rights

So speaking against or questioning trans persons and their rights amounts to calling them subhuman

And such arguments are inherently uncivil

Therefore no debate against trans persons can be civil

So this "civil debate" about trans issues is a fantasy

gg no re

Trans rights is not fact, it is opinion whichever way you slice it.
Please tell me I'm misunderstanding this sentence.

Deleted member

I feel I am teased too much in here.
You all assume I am Russian and a robot, and you all make fun of me because I prefer Joker. Russians and robots are cool, I am just none of them.
It hurts.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
Can we toss "Shiny's logic train" in the 8 Mysteries of the General Thread, alongside "Who the peck is Freezerburn?"
This is the second time you mentioned the concept of the "8 Mysteries of the General Thread", yet you never mention what the clucking peck the other Mysteries are! Godlamb it, I NEED TO KNOW!

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I’m hoping my article gets posted soon. Maybe after the event tomorrow is finished, i’ll start a 2nd one.

I want to write articles focusing on each independent 3rd party company with playable characters in Smash. I’ll probably be starting with Capcom!

Deleted member

"Trans people shouldn't have rights" isn't an opinion, it's just hate speech and I really don't see how it can be seen as anything but. Some "opinions" just aren't acceptable and shouldn't be treated as if they are.
See, you are correct.
I see hate speech being thrown at me all the time.
Saying "bi people are not valid" is not an opinion, but it is meant to drive up hate.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I feel I am teased too much in here.
You all assume I am Russian and a robot, and you all make fun of me because I prefer Joker. Russians and robots are cool, I am just none of them.
It hurts.
Alright. First off, the whole "Russian" and "robot" things were jokes.

Second off, we never "made fun of you" for liking Joker. We just asked you to stop, because your Joker-posting went beyond the usual jokey lewd posts people make around here, and became actual thirsting that was uncomfortable. I assume I don't need to bring up the Joker picture.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Also, back on FotNS:LP, it's pretty cool that the dune buggy let's you play SEGA music. So far I got Binary Domain and Super Monkey Ball. Though honestly I wish You Wa Shock was one of the driving songs. But I've got no idea if there's more to unlock or not.
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