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Social Ultimate Social Thread: Under Construction. Be Back Soon!

What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Apprentice
Aug 20, 2017
So after posting the meme of Noipoi doing the thing some pages back, I was curious on how it would be if that image was more updated. As an irrational human being, I spend time in recreating the meme.

Do the thing Noipoi.png

Notes about the meme for those that are interested
Three things:
First, for the life of me I couldn't recognize who were the people in the far middle right (where SneakyLink and Zinith are) in the original version. So I heavily apologize to those two.
Second, some profile pics aren't the current ones since I felt that their older ones were more fitting or recognizable.
Third, don't feel bad if you aren't there. I couldn't add everyone and it was hard to decide who to put besides those who were in the original and I went with who came on top of my mind.

Credit to DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon for the original version. Your memes and analyses are good stuff.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
I’ve got a (really, really awful) idea for the next thread title:

“The Strange Case of Dr. Ultimate Social Thread and Mr. Hyde”


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
i just want them to reveal erdrick already so we can get on speculating 3, 4, and 5

or hell just reveal erdrick and 3 so we can speculate 4 and 5

end the wait. end my suffering. do it sakurai

please just destroy my Hope
View attachment 216148
my last, glimmering bit of Hope
hahaha xc2 made me attached to elma cause of the challenge mode dlc
i hope she makes it in for real lol

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
i just want them to reveal erdrick already so we can get on speculating 3, 4, and 5

or hell just reveal erdrick and 3 so we can speculate 4 and 5

end the wait. end my suffering. do it sakurai

please just destroy my Hope
View attachment 216148
my last, glimmering bit of Hope
Yeah speculation has really become a slog. I basically checked out of speculation after Joker was announced, came back a few months later and we’re still on Edrick.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
So after posting the meme of Noipoi doing the thing some pages back, I was curious on how it would be if that image was more updated. As an irrational human being, I spend time in recreating the meme.

View attachment 216146

Notes about the meme for those that are interested
Three things:
First, for the life of me I couldn't recognize who were the people in the far middle right (where SneakyLink and Zinith are) in the original version. So I heavily apologize to those two.
Second, some profile pics aren't the current ones since I felt that their older ones were more fitting or recognizable.
Third, don't feel bad if you aren't there. I couldn't add everyone and it was hard to decide who to put besides those who were in the original and I went with who came on top of my mind.

Credit to DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon for the original version. Your memes and analyses are good stuff.
>Getting likes my meme
>Not even updating my avatar

the fricc bro?

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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Okay, the ideal Scorpion/Sub-Zero inclusion has them using more modern designs like the MK11 ones, while also having klassic kostume alts. Bonus points if said klassic kostumes have colors for the other ninjas so that I can feel like I'm playing my boy Rain in at least one game

I mean, if you want a purple ninja, Sheik's 4th costume works. :p

...Actually, most of these costumes are comparable to characters in MK. Funny that.

Anyway, I agree. More costumes are a great thing. One idea I was thinking of, is to have a total of 4 ninjas, using 4 Klassic and 4 Modern. Sub-Zero could have 4 alts directly related to his previous designs, with the Elder and Young Sub-Zero's, two per each. Then you could have 4 Cyber-Ninja models perhaps, Cyber Sub-Zero, Cyber Smoke, Cyber Sektor, and Cyber Cyrax. You could also have the Cyrax alts put on Scorpion instead. I don't know if Triborg is fully owned by Netherrealm studios, so he might not be easy to use. Scorpion is more associated with the undead, and not the Lin Kuei, so he could have the other types of alts, Rain, Reptile, Tremor, and a gray one for Chameleon(while Smoke would be more white-ish). I don't know if I missed any ninjas though. For Scorpion's costumes, his first four could be himself, with his Klassic and Modern designs. Perhaps Klassic regular, Klassic unmasked but orange, then modern regular, and modern unmasked but orange.

This way they'd follow the same patterns. I admit the Cyber-Ninjas might not be workable due to how hard pieces like that are as alt costumes. This is likely why Meta-Ridley wasn't ready till the full release. They had a lot of animation issues as shown among the site's own models of characters. Young Link's hair being the most notable. In fact, this could be part of why Mewtwo doesn't have his anime armor(the other is licensing is difficult with some content as Gamefreak and The Pokemon Company are not the easiest to work with. The costumes are often bad for Pokemon for a reason.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
So after posting the meme of Noipoi doing the thing some pages back, I was curious on how it would be if that image was more updated. As an irrational human being, I spend time in recreating the meme.

View attachment 216146

Notes about the meme for those that are interested
Three things:
First, for the life of me I couldn't recognize who were the people in the far middle right (where SneakyLink and Zinith are) in the original version. So I heavily apologize to those two.
Second, some profile pics aren't the current ones since I felt that their older ones were more fitting or recognizable.
Third, don't feel bad if you aren't there. I couldn't add everyone and it was hard to decide who to put besides those who were in the original and I went with who came on top of my mind.

Credit to DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon for the original version. Your memes and analyses are good stuff.
>Ripped Yoshi

Boy, that was quite a while back :yoshi:


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
I haven't done an Arena in awhile so sure!
I am up for an arena.
Perfect! But since I'm using this mainly for tourney practice, I'm gonna be using their ruleset.

Basically that means:

-We're doing 3 stock, not 2.
-We're only doing these stages:
  • Battlefield*
  • Final Destination**
  • Smashville
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Kalos Pokemon League
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Yoshi’s Story
  • Town & City
  • Unova Pokemon League


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Perfect! But since I'm using this mainly for tourney practice, I'm gonna be using their ruleset.

Basically that means:

-We're doing 3 stock, not 2.
-We're only doing these stages:
  • Battlefield*
  • Final Destination**
  • Smashville
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Kalos Pokemon League
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Yoshi’s Story
  • Town & City
  • Unova Pokemon League
Uses Yoshi's Story, but not Yoshi's Island Brawl?


Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Does convenience matter all that much here?

Like, sure, it’s a factor in cases like these, but I think you might be overestimating its importance in this case.
It comes down to the project plan for DLC, how much Sakurai has been budgeted, and the release schedule. At least, that's my guess.

We really don't have enough information to say for sure, but it's simply what I'm thinking. DLC is a different beast from base game.
eh, most of my "bets" this time around that have ended up coming true is cause i'm kinda keen on not trying to impose limits on what they're doing so much

like as soon as you try to give them a theoretical restriction, financially, related to time, or otherwise, Smash's team tends to pull an irl "BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE" and give everyone whiplash every single time lol, but hey its a fair conclusion you've made.

we'll see where we're at after E3 for sure.
As I've said to TPC and Arcanir my line of thinking is simply that traveling or negotiating that adds layers of complexity in the process...DLC is lower budget, on a timed release schedule, and there's smaller staff to boot. It really comes down to what expenses can be afforded, and if the end goal, or character, can provide the profit to make it worth it.

I mean, that in itself is another reason why I only expect 3rd parties. They bring in the money as opposed to a tertiary first party that only Nintendo fans have an attachment to.

All it takes to prove me wrong is a reveal. I think a western character would be great. But I don't see enough reason to actively expect one. You have the biggest companies in gaming that still have big name, big money characters for this crossover event, so it's not like Sakurai is scrambling for icons to add. If he wants one, he can certainly get one.

However...Downloadable fighters, ones you pay for individually aside from the full priced game, and business driven and meant for maximum profit. It benefits both parties involved. This in itself is what would make something like Microsoft plausible, but I wouldn't say likely. It's not necessarily for promotion that we get these characters, but there's less room for the "goofy" picks, or the picks that have the biggest potential for profit.

It really comes down to the questions of, "Which characters allow for the least cost, and the biggest profit potential?" All we can do is wait to see who gets picked for the remaining 4 (arguably 3) picks.

I could keep going, but I'm sure my post is long enough lol.

Deleted member

So after posting the meme of Noipoi doing the thing some pages back, I was curious on how it would be if that image was more updated. As an irrational human being, I spend time in recreating the meme.

View attachment 216146

Notes about the meme for those that are interested
Three things:
First, for the life of me I couldn't recognize who were the people in the far middle right (where SneakyLink and Zinith are) in the original version. So I heavily apologize to those two.
Second, some profile pics aren't the current ones since I felt that their older ones were more fitting or recognizable.
Third, don't feel bad if you aren't there. I couldn't add everyone and it was hard to decide who to put besides those who were in the original and I went with who came on top of my mind.

Credit to DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon for the original version. Your memes and analyses are good stuff.
I love this image.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
So apparently the design of Thanos's weapon was modeled after a helicopter blade specifically to reference the Thanoscopter.

My god I love Marvel.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
So after posting the meme of Noipoi doing the thing some pages back, I was curious on how it would be if that image was more updated. As an irrational human being, I spend time in recreating the meme.

View attachment 216146

Notes about the meme for those that are interested
Three things:
First, for the life of me I couldn't recognize who were the people in the far middle right (where SneakyLink and Zinith are) in the original version. So I heavily apologize to those two.
Second, some profile pics aren't the current ones since I felt that their older ones were more fitting or recognizable.
Third, don't feel bad if you aren't there. I couldn't add everyone and it was hard to decide who to put besides those who were in the original and I went with who came on top of my mind.

Credit to DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon for the original version. Your memes and analyses are good stuff.
The fact that I'm not the teacher gives me back pain.

Deleted member

So apparently the design of Thanos's weapon was modeled after a helicopter blade specifically to reference the Thanoscopter.

My god I love Marvel.
This is perfection.
Last edited by a moderator:

Deleted member

So apparently the design of Thanos's weapon was modeled after a helicopter blade specifically to reference the Thanoscopter.

My god I love Marvel.
he even spins it around like one oh my god
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