Think we’ll see either Ben or Kaine appear in future Spiderverse media? Sequel, spinoff or whatever?
It’s a shame we’ll likely never see the Ditko-Lee Spider-Man represented in film anytime soon aside from the occasional visual reference here and there.
Yeah, the only thing they really take from that era is that he's in Highschool. After reading the first volume of Spider-Man from Lee and Ditko, it's kind of clear Peter's deep down a real angry at the world (and himself, most of all) type of guy, but tries his best to help good people anyway. And in becoming Spider-Man, he matures to no longer see people in such stark manners either, much in the same way so many people thought he was just some nerd. It isn't one-sided.
And he's pretty much the Mr. Solo Dolo of superheroes. But his MCU counterpart is closer to Ultimate with a bit of Miles. I just wish his connection was with Nick Fury the whole time, since that's been a big dynamic in Ultimate. It also allowed Fury to not help with too much stuff when it came to tech.
I used save states once to beat Castlevania III
Old games are hard as ****. If someone's finna give you are hard time saying save states are cheats, **** them. I try not to use them or abuse them too hard, but others might need to.
It's only really cheating if someone's doing some BS in a multiplayer game, the Computer has no feelings, it's not a Reploid or Robot Master.