MCU or not. I'd really REALLY like Kaine to be in more media. I really liked his evolution from Villain to Anti-Hero with a heart of gold. The idea that there's this un-shakeable good in Peter Parker that it even imprints in his clones' DNA is neat. So that a guy like Kaine, who doesn't even want to be a hero, still does the right thing, though in his own way, since he's still enough of his own man.
Also, his road to redemption taking years in the comics helped, compared to Ben Riley's Rise, Fall and then having a pretty Schizophrenic development in his solo series. Eh, as much I like the idea of Ben Riley actually getting a chance this time around, his niche as an Anti-Hero Spider-Man was done WAY better with Kaine. And the niche as a younger Spider-Man since Peter's been a grown *** man since the mid-60's, has been usurped by Miles. And both Kaine and Miles have different powers to set them apart from Peter Parker.
Also Miguel O'Hara. Who's just straight up the best Spin-off hero in Marvel.