Let's be honest, I downloaded a 24.4GB update for Overwatch yesterday for their new event. Sure, it wasn't immediately as it came out, but you don't hear about server issues for Microsoft or Sony, and the updates for their games are far larger. But that's because they actually do pretty well with their servers. Sure, Blizzard has to maintain their own servers. But at least it starts downloading.
When I was living with my parents, it took almost an hour to complete a 50 GB update one time, it was garbage. This has been OVER an hour, and it hasn't even started yet!
Yes, many people are trying to download this right now. That doesn't mean this is acceptable. I am usually very, very patient and don't mind this stuff because it does happen. But Nintendo has a history of bad online usually, and the fact that they are charging people for this and have tried to make it seem like a quality online service I am...unconvinced.