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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
I feel he’s one of those characters, like Isaac, who Sakurai really loved and recognized the fan demand for, but couldn’t fit them in the main roster so he made them assists sense he doesn’t believe in at least selecting DLC characters ahead of time.
Imo, that's an okay thing, because purposely holding someone over so they can be made into dlc is kinda scummy, ngl
Watch the square representative be Crono.
That means I win.
I don't remember hearing anything about trains in Japan playing the Chrono Trigger theme

just saying

Deleted member

Honestly, while everyone else wants Sans... I kind of want Frisk.
While Sans is my preferred Undertale rep I'm just down for any Undertale rep, Undertale was the first Indie that I actually really cared for and the game itself is great so I'm just happy with any Undertale rep.

Be it Sans, Frisk, Papyrus, Mettaton, Etc.

Deleted member

I mentioned I was going to do this yesterday, so here it is...my latest roster! It's...pretty similar to my last one. I'll point out the specifics. I was going to use the actual image itself, but I had to screenshot it instead because it was being dumb.

View attachment 208469

Joker and Erdrick are effectively spoken for. I've already made my case for a Resident Evil character, and can link my post if absolutely needed. Jill is mostly my pick, but Leon Kennedy is a good alternative, or could work as an alt skin.

My previous roster had Heihachi rather than Lloyd Irving, as I felt at the time that Tekken would get a placement in the roster. However, after some consideration, I have decided that I would rather see Lloyd irving. It's both a pick that I would like to see, and one that I believe may very well be the case. Not only has Sakurai hinted that Lloyd was "the Tales pick", when discussing the Mii Fighter costume, but from what I'm most recently discovered...the Tales JRPG series is highly regarded in Japan, making it referred to as "the 3rd most prominent JRPG behind Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest". Tales of Symphonia, the title in which Lloyd Irving is the protagonist, according to sources connected to Wikipedia (Wikipedia itself is suspect, unless the content is sourced) is considered the title that started the true exposure for the Tales series to the West. It's also, according to other sources, the highest selling Tales game to date.

I'm not one to argue about sales. I am simply going to suggest that Lloyd is the most recognizable character from the franchise, even if Vesperia's Yuri Lowell is the most popular among the fans of the games (hopefully soon I'll learn why), I feel that Lloyd is a better pick. He's crossed over into numerous games before, and is an icon of the Tales series himself. Not to mention, I'm incredibly intrigued by a double sword wielder as opposed to another single sword user, but that's personal preference.

The last pick is a mixed bag for me. I personally have no idea what I would pick (and I am looking to be convinced as to who makes sense as this pick). Part of me wants to be sure of which character would get chosen, but at the same time I've always loved how I have been surprised by some reveals. It's incredibly hype inducing. There are few characters left that would 100% satisfy me. Clearly, Lloyd Irving and Jill Valentine would achieve that. However, I for one am also rather confident that western characters (as in, characters that were not created by the Japanese) will not be added, that we will not get two DLC characters from the same company (so no Sora, Monster Hunter, or Heihachi), and that all characters will serve to continue broadening not only "Everyone is here" but also the "biggest crossover in gaming history". This is something that characters from series already with playable representation will not do.

As I said before, I am unsure as to who or what will be the last DLC character (or the one that I simply can't predict). I may be restricting my criteria, but to me, this is what I see happening. These characters fit in with maintaining gaming companies that are Japanese in origin, expand the Smash universe, are bring in unique settings and play styles.

This roster would be effectively a 11/10 for me. Certainly, I will have wants to stem from post-DLC pains as I only foresee one Fighter Pass. But if this is truly what we end up getting...I would have a hard time asking for anything else. I already have been spoiled considering what we got. But what can I say? Smash has a tendency to push the envelope and cause us to want more!

Ratings? Suggestions? Comments? I'd love feedback.
Ah smart. Because the last choice is vague, us viewers can insert our most favorite if it's not on your list. That's actually genius. Honestly, just put Banjo in that slot and I wont ever complain about the roster until Smash 6.

Otherwise, I think RE and Tales Of would bring a lot to Smash. Though, I think three RPG characters is too much of the same genre, if you want a frivolous skin-deep criticism. Erdrick fulfills the retro RPG and Joker fulfills the modern. Lloyd would be overkill despite him being a recognizable series that would individually add a lot. And honestly, Namco's pool is so large with quality to the point where they can honestly choose anyone like Heihachi or another retro arcade classic.

I'm also speaking as someone who doesn't really care much about Tales Of or Resident Evil. I like Resident Evil but I think they can choose someone else for Namco DLC that isn't like we already have (which would be Erdrick, right?)
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Deleted member

Frankly, I don't really mind much regarding the status of a character for its inclusion wether its Indie or Western.

But considering Sakurai's previous comments on the selection of characters, it does seem that its just easier for him to get Japanese ones due to the language and being able to keep a direct and continuous communication with the companies involved.

Plus I feel the most crippling factor for many companies is timing.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
-Got to finish up my Political Science HW due tomorrow at 1 pm
-Got to do my Physics HW due tomorrow at 11 am
-Got to do a Physics practice midterm due tomorrow at 11 am
-Got study for a Political Science midterm, which is tomorrow at 1 pm
-It's 11pm now


It's gonna be a long night bois.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Imo, that's an okay thing, because purposely holding someone over so they can be made into dlc is kinda scummy, ngl

I don't remember hearing anything about trains in Japan playing the Chrono Trigger theme

just saying
Why is that scummy? Knowing that your fans want a character and saving them for DLC sense you can’t get them on the main roster is perfectly fine. It’s not like he’s started work on them or anything. He literally just picked them out.

Shovel Knight and Isaac should have been saved for DLC.

Deleted member

Honestly, while everyone else wants Sans... I kind of want Frisk.
I honestly don't know why Sans for Smash caught on as a meme. I would find it hilarious because Sans was one of the best parts of Undertale, but he's not what made Undertale Undertale. That would be the player character, Frisk, and the quirky ways they deal with their endearing opponents.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I honestly don't know why Sans for Smash caught on as a meme. I would find it hilarious because Sans was one of the best parts of Undertale, but he's not what made Undertale Undertale. That would be the player character, Frisk, and the quirky ways they deal with their endearing opponents.
Well, Sans is the big boss of the game. And he has among the best moveset potential of any character from Undertale. I'm sure you could make a moveset for Frisk, but Sans' moveset is right in his boss fight. Not to mention he's kinda the face of the game.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Broke: Quote, Shantae, Shovel Knight, etc. as the indie rep.

Woke: Reimu as the indie rep.

Deleted member

I mean if not an echo she’d probably be an :ultalph: scenario.
*Remembers how Curly was revealed alongside the announcement of Blade Strangers while Quote wasn't show until near release*
*Realizes Curly would be the default*
Heheh, nice.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Why is that scummy? Knowing that your fans want a character and saving them for DLC sense you can’t get them on the main roster is perfectly fine. It’s not like he’s started work on them or anything. He literally just picked them out.

Shovel Knight and Isaac should have been saved for DLC.
Ehhh... idk... It just doesn't seem right
Well, Sans is the big boss of the game. And he has among the best moveset potential of any character from Undertale. I'm sure you could make a moveset for Frisk, but Sans' moveset is right in his boss fight. Not to mention he's kinda the face of the game.
Not saying you're wrong or anything, but if we're going by the face of the game logic, wouldn't we be getting Slime instead of Erdrick?
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Maybe I should have not said that.

Still, I will win this bet.
I wouldn't be so quick to counter you on this thing if you gave me a real reason as to why you don't think Erdrick is in.

All you've done so far is deny the evidence and say "nah, leakers could be wrong".

Which, by the way, the key term in that statement is "COULD BE". You don't even fully believe your own counterargument. It feels like you're just saying he won't be in for the sake of being a contrarian.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I mentioned I was going to do this yesterday, so here it is...my latest roster! It's...pretty similar to my last one. I'll point out the specifics. I was going to use the actual image itself, but I had to screenshot it instead because it was being dumb.

View attachment 208469

Joker and Erdrick are effectively spoken for. I've already made my case for a Resident Evil character, and can link my post if absolutely needed. Jill is mostly my pick, but Leon Kennedy is a good alternative, or could work as an alt skin.

My previous roster had Heihachi rather than Lloyd Irving, as I felt at the time that Tekken would get a placement in the roster. However, after some consideration, I have decided that I would rather see Lloyd irving. It's both a pick that I would like to see, and one that I believe may very well be the case. Not only has Sakurai hinted that Lloyd was "the Tales pick", when discussing the Mii Fighter costume, but from what I'm most recently discovered...the Tales JRPG series is highly regarded in Japan, making it referred to as "the 3rd most prominent JRPG behind Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest". Tales of Symphonia, the title in which Lloyd Irving is the protagonist, according to sources connected to Wikipedia (Wikipedia itself is suspect, unless the content is sourced) is considered the title that started the true exposure for the Tales series to the West. It's also, according to other sources, the highest selling Tales game to date.

I'm not one to argue about sales. I am simply going to suggest that Lloyd is the most recognizable character from the franchise, even if Vesperia's Yuri Lowell is the most popular among the fans of the games (hopefully soon I'll learn why), I feel that Lloyd is a better pick. He's crossed over into numerous games before, and is an icon of the Tales series himself. Not to mention, I'm incredibly intrigued by a double sword wielder as opposed to another single sword user, but that's personal preference.

The last pick is a mixed bag for me. I personally have no idea what I would pick (and I am looking to be convinced as to who makes sense as this pick). Part of me wants to be sure of which character would get chosen, but at the same time I've always loved how I have been surprised by some reveals. It's incredibly hype inducing. There are few characters left that would 100% satisfy me. Clearly, Lloyd Irving and Jill Valentine would achieve that. However, I for one am also rather confident that western characters (as in, characters that were not created by the Japanese) will not be added, that we will not get two DLC characters from the same company (so no Sora, Monster Hunter, or Heihachi), and that all characters will serve to continue broadening not only "Everyone is here" but also the "biggest crossover in gaming history". This is something that characters from series already with playable representation will not do.

As I said before, I am unsure as to who or what will be the last DLC character (or the one that I simply can't predict). I may be restricting my criteria, but to me, this is what I see happening. These characters fit in with maintaining gaming companies that are Japanese in origin, expand the Smash universe, are bring in unique settings and play styles.

This roster would be effectively a 11/10 for me. Certainly, I will have wants to stem from post-DLC pains as I only foresee one Fighter Pass. But if this is truly what we end up getting...I would have a hard time asking for anything else. I already have been spoiled considering what we got. But what can I say? Smash has a tendency to push the envelope and cause us to want more!

Ratings? Suggestions? Comments? I'd love feedback.
I mean, it seems fine. Only personal taste can say whether your choices were good or not.

If you were to ask me, I think Tekken's a bigger Namco series than Tales Of. So Heihachi or Jin Kazama would, to me be a better choice. But Lloyd's been a sleeper choice, always fairly popular.

And as always, I'll shill for Mega Man X. But Ryu Hayabusa would make for a good final choice as he's still relevant to gaming to this day AND is an NES icon.

Deleted member

Well, Sans is the big boss of the game. And he has among the best moveset potential of any character from Undertale. I'm sure you could make a moveset for Frisk, but Sans' moveset is right in his boss fight. Not to mention he's kinda the face of the game.
Is that really all it is? There has to be more because this is essentially putting K. Rool in before DK. You're right in that he has moveset potential, but so does Frisk. What else are the boss battles of Undertale going to inspire if not a Smash moveset for the main protagonist of the game, right?

And I get that Sans is very memorable, but he's part of Undertale. I hear Sans requests and I think it's less Undertale in Smash and more this specific character. Why Sans? It's an odd meme, it is.
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