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What are you most excited about for E3?

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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
I get the argument. And as I always say if I’m wrong, I’m wrong.

My biggest problem with this, is most your points are japan centered. With there being little western connections, who’s to say he will sell? The point of dlc is to make bank. DQ isn’t gonna sell highly in the west when it’s only super big in the east. That will hurt sales. So why use a character who doesn’t have international appeal?

Sora or 2b have both of these and will make so much more bank. Sure the dq series has history but I feel like it be better if it was a base game pick rather then someone used to sell an entire character pass. But that’s just my opinion. I respect your argument and research and honestly yes it can go either way. I can still see a square rep but I just feel the dq rumors won’t happen. Doesn’t mean I’m right though. I think we learn for sure by the end of this month who dlc 2 is
Ah, the good old "DQ is only popular in Japan" argument. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard this I'd have enough to by Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition, releasing Fall 2019 for the Nintendo Switch

Don't you think that might be the point of including Erdrick?

Nintendo said this in regards to Smash Bros. DLC at their investor's meeting:
"With Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, we asked 'How could we reach not only fans of the Super Smash Bros. series, but also those who had never played it before?' If you look at the demographics of the consumers who purchased each of these titles, Iʼm not convinced weʼve completely overcome these challenges yet. So our aims are to keep working on them this year, to expand sales of these titles to new consumer demographics, and to keep selling these games for a long time, which is one of our strengths."
There's a very large demographic of Dragon Quest players who don't play Smash Bros. in Japan. Adding Erdrick is a guaranteed way to draw them in. Furthermore, as an added benefit Erdrick's inclusion promotes the series in the West, which helps Square Enix (and by association Nintendo's relationship with them). There's more to a DLC character's inclusion than just profit.

From a business perspective it makes too much sense. Knowing how Square Enix is a company about the bottom line makes Erdrick's inclusion make even more sense.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Guys, I'm frankly certain the goddamn sandbag would sell well.

Fact is, the casual/uninformed audience... generally don't care who gets in as long as it's more characters to play and choose from. Frankly, I can't remember the last time the majority of a fanbase for anything came together and agreed that something sucked. Perhaps Brawl tripping was that, but again, I don't think the majority of fans cared.

Deleted member

The way I see it, it goes like this:

Speculation in Favor of Erdrick:

- Multiple credible insiders saying for almost half a year now that another Square Enix rep is coming.
- Dragon Quest is being pushed super hard by SE on Nintendo platforms right now in the hopes they finally have the series make a name for itself here in the west.
- "Brave" was datamined within the code for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and is a phrase that has direct ties to Dragon Quest and Erdrick specifically.

Speculation Against Erdrick:

- ...Nothing concrete or substantial other than "It might not happen!", which is about as good of evidence as my old thoughts on the Box Theory were last year.

Erdrick has too much going for him for me personally to discount him in any fashion. I'm personally convinced he's in, however, I see no harm in others having an opinion different than mine. To each their own! We'll most likely know soon enough anyways. :)


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I want to point out that everyone in here is so confident about Erdrick to the point that him not appearing as DLC would be more surprising than him appearing.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Ah, the good old "DQ is only popular in Japan" argument. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard this I'd have enough to by Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition, releasing Fall 2019 for the Nintendo Switch

Don't you think that might be the point of including Erdrick?

Nintendo said this in regards to Smash Bros. DLC at their investor's meeting:

There's a very large demographic of Dragon Quest players who don't play Smash Bros. in Japan. Adding Erdrick is a guaranteed way to draw them in. Furthermore, as an added benefit Erdrick's inclusion promotes the series in the West, which helps Square Enix (and by association Nintendo's relationship with them). There's more to a DLC character's inclusion than just profit.

From a business perspective it makes too much sense. Knowing how Square Enix is a company about the bottom line makes Erdrick's inclusion make even more sense.
And if their endeavor doesn’t sell dq games in future it’s pointless.

But only time will tell on that matter. I don’t see why you wouldn’t take Sora or 2b if you could get them


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
If these were the final characters. How would you guys be?

Leon Kennedy
Lloyd Irving
Great, Banjo is on my list.

I really like DQ and even though I haven’t played 3, the Hero from that game is pretty iconic. Though I think in the west Eight is a little more iconic... but Smash isn’t Western so

I never played RE but I do enjoy what I DO see of it, and it would honestly be a great opportunity to see how that type of character would be represented in Smash.

Lloyd was fun to play as one Super Smash Flash.,. Lol

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
See that’s your own thoughts. Who knows if it’s just pr. For all we know phill has talked t Nintendo. Just because you think companies are freedom and bad doesn’t mean there aren’t people in them that listen to fans and take their requests to heart.

Nouma literally said that he gets final say on Sora and Disney wouldn’t even need to be that involved. Because they leave putting Sora in other things to him. Again I don’t think that’s pr bull ****
You ACTUALLY believe Disney wouldn't demand royalties or anything? Disney, the company that is strict on a **** ton of stuff already, especially with a franchise with Disney's most famous faces being involved? Suit yourself man
This might be true but he's also talked about people thinking he's just saying that as a PR thing so idk, I think he's being honest especially with some other stuff he's said.
See, that's hopeful optimism right there. Because let's be real, who WOULDN'T want their characters in? It is literally free money, free advertizing and you get to control how it's handled. I can see the appeal for businessmen here
Actually I’m curious now Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen how would you react to no ederick and Sora and banjo?
Not Erdrick: "Holy ****, that doesn't make any sense, but oh well"
Sora: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Banjo: "What a useless ****ing character"

Deleted member

I wonder if anyone would be interested in hearing my White 2 Nuzlocke adventures or is everyone just too busy arguing about Erdrick again?
Nuzlockes are always fun/interesting to hear and read about. You could always create a thread for it.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
The opinions of Mythra are not representative of my own.

More of a thigh person.
I'm more of a L E G G person myself.

I can thank the author of Pandora Hearts for being so into drawning girls legs it that it influenced me after a while, not that I am complaining. :denzel:

Deleted member

Honestly Erdrick's just pretty much in the same boat as Simon was during ye olde times long passed. I'd be really surprised if he wasn't in but it is still a possibility I guess.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Bayo's hate is a combination of her being the "ballot winner" and her image of being an OP cheap character to main.

The second reason isn't really fair to Bayo, but I can understand the first reason. There's a lot of evidence pointing to the ballot being rigged from the start, so even if there was nothing to suggest that it was rigged back then, I'd be pretty upset too if I knew a character was cheated out of a final spot because of a planned promotional character. Granted, I don't see why people should still hold a grudge now that Ridley and K. Rool are in Smash (and Bayo is pretty meh in this game), but still.

Deleted member

Ah, the good old "DQ is only popular in Japan" argument. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard this I'd have enough to by Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition, releasing Fall 2019 for the Nintendo Switch.
I was heavily expecting you to go make that name longer. My disappointment is immeasurable.

No seriously why is that name like that for ****s sake Square


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
I want to point out that everyone in here is so confident about Erdrick to the point that him not appearing as DLC would be more surprising than him appearing.
erdrick would be cool, but brave not being him would make things a hell of a lot more interesting all of a sudden

Deleted member

Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen
What are your top three most wanted characters?
I know number one is Shanoa, but I am curious for 2 and 3.
Thank you for answering my last question!


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Cause Disney themselves said they are cool with it and would leave it to nouma. I doubt that’s a lie, so yeah I don’t think it’s a big issue like people think
Ah, I remember when I too, used to believe arguments such as that.

NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy PlayerOneTyler PlayerOneTyler sic' em boys.
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Deleted member

If these were the final characters. How would you guys be?

Leon Kennedy
Lloyd Irving
Banjo: I would love this
Erdrick: He's just a fact of life at this point, He is in.
Leon: I'm glad for Staind as they get an RE Rep, I'm not very interested in the franchise but cool.
Lloyd: Ok


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
You ACTUALLY believe Disney wouldn't demand royalties or anything? Disney, the company that is strict on a **** ton of stuff already, especially with a franchise with Disney's most famous faces being involved? Suit yourself man

See, that's hopeful optimism right there. Because let's be real, who WOULDN'T want their characters in? It is literally free money, free advertizing and you get to control how it's handled. I can see the appeal for businessmen here

Not Erdrick: "Holy ****, that doesn't make any sense, but oh well"
Sora: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Banjo: "What a useless ****ing character"
I don’t think they’ll be as greedy as people think.

They let sega have wreck it Ralph. So why not Sora for smash?


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Guys, I'm frankly certain the goddamn sandbag would sell well.

Fact is, the casual/uninformed audience... generally don't care who gets in as long as it's more characters to play and choose from. Frankly, I can't remember the last time the majority of a fanbase for anything came together and agreed that something sucked. Perhaps Brawl tripping was that, but again, I don't think the majority of fans cared.
I remember in the SSB4 speculation period there was a clear majority, at least in the "hardcore" Smash Bros. community, that Dark Pit was unwanted.

This was largely due to the "Dark" in his name and the fact that he was a clone before the term "Echo Fighter" made clones acceptable. Now, no one gives a ****. Back then, I saw nothing positive from anyone about him, minus the people who actually played KI:Uprising.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
toasterbrains got waifu'd too hard

he's too deep in this now

it stole his body and breath, till only a shell is left, witness to hell in the flesh
Honestly yeah
Not even gonna hide it

I don’t think I can really remember a time where it’s been worse than this lol... half the damn characters in Xenoblade are great


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
i love my immediate family very much despite the fact they're all a little problematic

They've all accepted me as trans so like... yeah
You’re trans too? This thread has a big trans community... I like it.

Deleted member

Banjo: "What a useless ****ing character"
Not a huge Banjo supporter or anything (pretty neutral on him getting in or not, TBH), but might I ask why you seem to have a rather strong...distaste for Banjo? I'm legitimately curious.

Deleted member

White 2 was my first Pokemon game, tell me more please.
Ok then
Current team Castelia City edition
No special rules other than the theme naming being "a name with the same starting letter as the Pokemon's name".

Shanoa(Scraggy) was caught in Route 4
Riolu(Riley) was caught in Floccsey Ranch
Timburr(Tyler) was caught in Relic Passage
Pidove(Paula) was caught in Castelia City

And ignore Prince, he's dead, his corpse is just here to cut trees.
Summary of gyms up until this point
Vs. Cheren
Lillipup: *Works Up*
Riolu: "Look I don't have Force Palm so..."
Me: "Dude just trust me"
Lillipup: *Works Up*
Riolu: "I don't like this."
Me: "When have I ever ****ed up."
Riolu: "You have two dead Pokemon."
Lillipup: *Works Up*
Me: "Ok now."
Lillipup: *Tackles*
Riolu: *Counters*
Me: "Oh my god that worked"
Riolu: "You're telling me you weren't sure???"
Me: "***** stop whining it worked, didn't it?"

Vs. Roxie
Me: "Man this is too easy."
Pignite: "Could you maybe not?"
Roxie: *sends out Whirlipede*
Me: "No probs then, just Flame Charge it."
Pignite: "I got a really bad feeling about this."
Whirlipede: *survives*
Me: "That's okay"
Also Whirlipede: *Poison Point activates*
Me: "As long as she doesn't use Venoshock"
Also also Whirlipede: *Uses Venoshock*
Me: "He could still survive."
Also also also Whirlipede: *Crits*
Me: "****"

Me: "Hey, can you finish it off?"
Riolu: "Why me?"
Me: "You're literally all I got left."
Riolu: "No."
Me: "I let you be in the Brycen-Man movie."
Riolu: "Deal"


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
If these were the final characters. How would you guys be?

Leon Kennedy
Lloyd Irving
An ideal DLC lineup. A+
I was heavily expecting you to go make that name longer. My disappointment is immeasurable.

No seriously why is that name like that for ****s sake Square
It borders on Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage levels of ridiculous naming.
And if their endeavor doesn’t sell dq games in future it’s pointless.

But only time will tell on that matter. I don’t see why you wouldn’t take Sora or 2b if you could get them
But it's the endeavor itself that matters. Square Enix has already tried to push Dragon Quest multiple times, and they've been making increasing pushes to do it in recent times. It simply makes sense.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
See, that's hopeful optimism right there. Because let's be real, who WOULDN'T want their characters in? It is literally free money, free advertizing and you get to control how it's handled. I can see the appeal for businessmen here
true but I don't see why he couldn't be honest about it as well - as in, he'd like to see them even if he wasn't making money.

This is the interview that makes me think he'd like to see them for more reasons than just money:

of course he still mentions some business stuff but I see no reason to think "making money" is the only thing going through his mind, heck even if it was it seems like he'd really like to work with Nintendo on that regardless instead of saying PR stuff and doing nothing.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
And if their endeavor doesn’t sell dq games in future it’s pointless.

But only time will tell on that matter. I don’t see why you wouldn’t take Sora or 2b if you could get them
Smash got Fire Emblem localized and ended up shaping it into a major Nintendo IP. I'm pretty sure they'll sell DQ games after adding Erdrick
Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen
What are your top three most wanted characters?
I know number one is Shanoa, but I am curious for 2 and 3.
Thank you for answering my last question!
Dante and uhhhhhh depends on my mood, sometimes it's Kazuma Kiryu, Bandana Dee, Pheonix Wright, Travis Touchdown, etc.
I don’t think they’ll be as greedy as people think.

They let sega have wreck it Ralph. So why not Sora for smash?
Wasn't Ralph part of a deal that SEGA made which let them use Sonic in the movie in the first place? Not really the same thing, especially as SEGA had to say "We'll let you use our iconic mascot"

Deleted member

Ok then
Current team Castelia City edition

No special rules other than the theme naming being "a name with the same starting letter as the Pokemon's name".

Shanoa(Scraggy) was caught in Route 4
Riolu(Riley) was caught in Floccsey Ranch
Timburr(Tyler) was caught in Relic Passage
Pidove(Paula) was caught in Castelia City

And ignore Prince, he's dead, his corpse is just here to cut trees.
Summary of gyms up until this point
Vs. Cheren
Lillipup: *Works Up*
Riolu: "Look I don't have Force Palm so..."
Me: "Dude just trust me"
Lillipup: *Works Up*
Riolu: "I don't like this."
Me: "When have I ever ****ed up."
Riolu: "You have two dead Pokemon."
Lillipup: *Works Up*
Me: "Ok now."
Lillipup: *Tackles*
Riolu: *Counters*
Me: "Oh my god that worked"
Riolu: "You're telling me you weren't sure???"
Me: "***** stop whining it worked, didn't it?"

Vs. Roxie
Me: "Man this is too easy."
Pignite: "Could you maybe not?"
Roxie: *sends out Whirlipede*
Me: "No probs then, just Flame Charge it."
Pignite: "I got a really bad feeling about this."
Whirlipede: *survives*
Me: "That's okay"
Also Whirlipede: *Poison Point activates*
Me: "As long as she doesn't use Venoshock"
Also also Whirlipede: *Uses Venoshock*
Me: "He could still survive."
Also also also Whirlipede: *Crits*
Me: "****"

Me: "Hey, can you finish it off?"
Riolu: "Why me?"
Me: "You're literally all I got left."
Riolu: "No."
Me: "I let you be in the Brycen-Man movie."
Riolu: "Deal"
This is giving me nostalgia. :p
Also Lucario is a good choice. I had one named "Mario", and it was my first Pokemon to ever get to Level 100.
It worked really well for me, good choice.
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