Ngl being a christian sucks sometimes cause it kinda seems like everyone hates them.
Welp, that's enough religion for one day.
As a believer myself, let me try to explain why people tend to hate the Christian community.
Many of them don't practice what they preach. It's totally fine to believe in God, and to talk with others about it, and go to church, but Christians have a tendency to A. Make everything about religion; and B. Don't know when to back off.
As a trans woman, let me tell you what's off-putting to me. Being approached by a person and having them tell me "If you don't change your ways, you're going to hell!" I've heard this many times beforehand over hundreds of different scenarios and actions. God tells us to spread the word with
love, not hate. So when you have people constantly shoving it down the throats of the "heathens and sinners", you're not doing what God asks.
Beyond that, so-called "Christians" tend to be very judgmental and look down on the "sinners." In the Bible, Jesus dined with sinners and said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I don't like calling myself a Christian due to the problems that come with the way those who claim it behave. I call myself, simply, a "believer."