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Social Ultimate Social Thread: Under Construction. Be Back Soon!

What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
View attachment 201885
Well, what if they are trying to keep it a surprise? While Erdrick and "brave" are related, it really could be something else. We should never expect DLC. That developer could have posted that Erdrick shield to troll everyone. We do not know.

I feel like it will not be Erdrick. I feel it.

Buddy... as much as I go against people going 100% on Erdrick, I also think that anyone who goes 100% against Erdrick are in the wrong as well.

At this point, we have had numerous Smash leaks between 4 and Ultimate that have been proven true. The box theory of all things was correct, and we knew about that for months.

It's fine to be skeptical of Erdrick (I have since the very beginning), but at this point, I think it's just as wrong to say that Erdrick definitely won't be the character as to say that Erdrick definitely is the character.

(Yes, I know this response is a little late, I was writing it in between Quickplay matches).
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Chaos Shrine
Jack Garland
Switch FC
blackquil laughing.gif

"You fools are still arguing about this dribble? Just wait and see you dolts."


Jun 19, 2018
Hotel Z
Smashboards: The Fanfic



(You'll know a character is singing when their text is colored and these "~" appear around their words. Mixed colors mean the characters are singing together. Click the links if you want to know what songs the characters are singing. Ignore them if you enjoy being confused.)

Dark Queen Cyn Cyn sat on her throne, her palm placed firmly on her forehead. She sent those fools to the Hunger games to watch them die, yet somehow they were surviving. One had even defeated Hugh Neutron, her mightiest warrior. It didn't matter who she sent, Thomas, Thanos Car, Sans even joined the blue-haired idiot. It's been one of those days... With a sigh, she slumped into her throne. "I swear, i'm going to eviscerate the next fool who steps into this room." Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! stepped into the room. Cyndane smiled sadistically, and started charging dark energy in her hand. "Today's your lucky day! Hold still." Nate paled, and frantically tried to explain. "W-w-wait! There's someone here to see you, your cruelness!" Cyndane stopped charging, and allowed Nate to let the visitor in. It'd be better to kill some rando, as opposed to someone who works for her. Nate soon returned with an innocent looking Pokemon. It was @Brelooming Disaster the most innocent person in existence! "I heard you were being a meanie." He started "I came to ask you to stop." Cyndane was dumbfounded. in all her years and of all the heroes who tried to stop her, no one had simply asked. Was this guy that innocent? Cyndane suddenly got an idea, an awful idea, a wonderful awful idea. She could use this poor boy, she could use him to destroy those fools! She put on her best friendly face, and looked down upon her guest with the fakest, kindest smile she could muster. "Me? A meanie? Perish the thought!" She signaled her guard NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy , and he proceeded to summon music from...somewhere. Then Cyndane did the most wicked, insane, dastardly thing she's ever done, she started singing. ~Hello friend, i'm Queen Cyndane, as you can clearly see. Don't worry i'm totally not one of those EVIL QUEENS! You've read about in fairy tales, or seen in the movies. And there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...ME!~ She circled Breloom as she sang, while Nonspecificguy, Nate, Idon Idon and PeridotGX PeridotGX helped her preform this twisted song and dance. Breloom was inflicted with confusion. ~I'm SO not a villain, I have zero evil plans. No ulterior motives, just wanna help where I can! I wanna shower you with gifts, cuz i'm selfless and sweet. So there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...~ The chamber started shaking, and her dark throne rose from the ground as she continued to sing on it. ~Queen Cyndania Malevoli, The least evil queen in history! And if you do not believe me, I totally won't imprison your family. Cuz that'd be EVIL! And that's sooo...NOT ME!~ Everyone struck a pose at that final line, and Breloom had absolutely zero idea what to think of what just happened. "Um...Okay. I'm just gonna go..." but as he turned to leave Cyndane's guards blocked his exit. "What's wrong?" she asked with an evil grin as she appeared behind him. "Why don't you stay awhile?" She motioned for her minions. "Send in the freaks, hopefully they can deal with those idiots. me and my new friend are going to have some to have some fun."

In a tower that rose high above the large area Cyndane's Hunger Games took place in, two of her guards sat and watched. There hadn't been many murders recently, so they've been pretty bored. Not to mention the tower doesn't have WiFi. Those guards were osby osby and his boss Just a penguin Just a penguin .
Yes, osby worked for a penguin. Yes, you can laugh. osby noticed the suspicious lack of chaos in the field. "Hey, you think we should check on them? They've been pretty quiet down there." The penguin looked almost offended. "You dare tell em what to do?" "No, I just "SILENCE!" The penguin cut off his explanation. "What am I?" the penguin asked. osby sighed like a broken man, and responded "Number 1." "And what are you?" asked the penguin. osby sighed even deeper, and responded "Number 2..." The penguin seemed satisfied with the answer, but he wanted to make sure his underling really understood. He pulled out a piano, and started to play. ~I'm number one, you're number two. We're criminals at large, but i'm at larger than you. I'm number one, you're number two. I believe in equality, as long as you get less than me!~ The penguin rose and continued to sing, and osby followed him while mumbling his parts. ~I'm one.~ ~You're one.~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two...~ ~You may think that you're smarter, but i'm smarter-er than you. I'm number one, you're number two! You're lucky to be number two not number three!~ They walked towards the balcony of the tower, but the penguin opened the door directly into osby. He did it on purpose. ~I can see by the look in your eye you want to get a bigger piece of the pie. One day you'll get your chance, but in the mean time, you've got to dance monkey dance!~ osby reluctantly started dancing. ~Really? I hate dancing.~ ~Do it! Dance monkey dance!~ The penguin marched around the tower balcony, bursting with self importance. In the mean time, osby decided to sing to himself.
~I'm number two, he's number one. Working for a penguin really isn't that fun. I'm number two, he's number one. ~I'm number one!~ ~You know your life is absurd, when your boss is a bird.~ osby then stood up, invigorated by the potential the future holds. ~I can see it's just a matter of time before he's gone and i'm at the front of the line! It won't be long 'till I get my chance! But in the mean time, i've got to dance monkey dance...~ Once again osby danced, but this time the penguin wanted to join him. ~Dance monkey dance! Now watch me!~ The penguin started to tap dance. His feet were really happy. osby and the penguin decided to bring it on home. ~I'm number one!~ ~He's number one!~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two!~ ~That's it kid! There you go! Now step aside, this ain't your show! I'm one!~ ~"i'M oNe"~ ~I'm number one!~ ~Yes we know...~ ~IIIII"M~ ~Heeee's...~ ~NUMBER OOOONE!~
The penguin did a little tap dance on osby's head. ~That's how it's done.~ osby had to admit, the song was nice. But he really wished he' wouldn't get pushed around. If only something could just whisk him away from here. Suddenly, he noticed something. He looked into the distance and saw them.
osby paled, while the penguin grinned and clapped his flippers. Wherever the resistance was, they wouldn't be here for long. The freaks were coming.

Luigi The President Luigi The President and RandomAce RandomAce had led the group into the open field, searching for Noipoi. ClaTheBae ClaTheBae hoped Noi was okay. AndreaAC AndreaAC hoped her Ridleys were okay. Zinith Zinith was still hungry. @Mr. Wario made sure his cursed Pearl doll wasn't cold by putting a nice lil' coat on her. DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon knew **** was about to go down. But Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku still hadn't gotten over the death of his hero, despite his friends constantly trying to cheer him up. staindgrey staindgrey had gotten sick of his moping, and he stepped in front of him. "Look, dude. I know you're upset but there was nothing you could do." "But..." whimpered Smashing Ramen "But I killed him!" staindgrey sighed, placed his hands on his shoulders, looked deep into his eyes, and sang a song he sung to himself whenever life got him down. ~You are the ocean's grey waves.~ ~Destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach!~ Mr. Wario cut in and interrupted staindgrey. "Dude what the Hell, man! That was my song!" "Well you weren't singing right!" Mr. Wario stuck out his tongue, and proceeded to squid-bag. "Oh that's it!" staindgrey was about to sock Mr. Wario, when they heard the laughter. They turned to see Smashign Ramen on his back, howling with glee. Seeing their friend in a good mood cheered the grou up, and soon everyone followed. A good time was had by all. "Hey!" a voice called out, and the gang looked up to see a holographic image of the radical KarneraMythos KarneraMythos . "I've got @ShinyLegendary creating a hologram so I can speak to you, but it won't last long." "Alright, what's up?" asked Cla. "TURN AROUND AND FIND OUT!" hollered Karnera. The group turned around to see a huge dust cloud moving towards them. As the cloud approached. the beings within were soon made clear. A horde, a swarm, a stampede of Freaks. But not just any freaks, Freddie Freakers! They were all dancing, spasming, and preparing to eat our heroes alive."Oh God, Oh ****!" cried @faygoshill. "We're all gonna die!" exclaimed Cla. Tehponycorn however, wasn't scared. "Don;t worry guys, I got this. Persona!" In a flash of light, his persona materialized. Turns out it was Joker, the guy tehponycorn resembled the most. They literally looked and acted exactly alike in every single way. "W-wait hold on, are you me?" the Persona asked, confused. "Maybe..." answered an equally confused tehponycorn. "Does that mean you and I are exactly alike?" wondered the persona. tehponycorn pondered for a moment, then answered "I suppose so." The Persona decided to test their similarities, through song!

~Do you want some rice pudding?~ ~Ech, no that's gross!~ ~It was a test! Almond Brittle?~ ~Ooh, I love it the most!~ ~Me too!~ tehponycorn then pulled up a picture of a blocky game. ~Do you play Minecraft?~ ~Yeah! Just in case. ~Steve Gang posters become the dominant race!~ They then started to dance together. ~I've been alone all these years.~ ~With my irrational fears (but not the Steve gang thing, that's gonna happen.~ ~But now before me I see!~ ~Someone with whom I agree!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~Now that i've found you!~ ~We can be a duo, that's right!~ ~Twice the Joker. Double Ponycorn!~ ~Coming at you, Fridays!~ As tehponycorn finished the song, the persona blankly stared at his human. "What, are we doing a show?" tehponycorn didn't really know how to answer that question "I dunno, we could. We should!" Cla groaned, and cut in. "I hate to ruin this shining example of self love, but we're going to DIE!" As tehponycorn and his persona were singing, our heroes tried and failed to ward off the freaks. They were beaten, and they were about to be eaten. "I'd prefer not to die, sooo..." tehponycorn's Persona vanished back to wherever they go. "W-what! get back here, I thought we were besties!" cried tehpony. He then turned to face the slowly advancing freaks, hunger in their eyes. But as the group prepared for the end, they heard something. Singing.

~Food, glorious food. I'm anxious to try it.~ It was Zinith, who then pranced into the crowd of freaks, Still singing and dancing as they advanced upon him. ~Three banquets a day! my favorite diet! The freaks were even closer now, and they were ready to pounce! ~Just picture a Freaker steak, fried, roasted or stewed! Oh, food wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!~ He ate the small crowd that was surrounding him, and moved onto the rest. ~Food glorious food! Poached freaker served flambe. Broth made from his mom, or Freddie filled souffle!~ The only thing that stopped the singing was his own tongue, cracking like a whip at every freak who crossed his path. ~Why should I be fated to do nothing but brood on food magical food, wonderful food, glorious food!~ The rest of the guys just kinda stared at him, not out of fear or respect, mostly intrigue. How is this guy fighting, eating, and singing?
~Food glorious food, i'll pick off the dead ones. Go ahead and be rude, soon i'll be the fed one!~ He nimbly dodged and jumped over the remaining crazed Freakers lunging at him, who knew exactly what was going on and were desperate to avoid their fates. ~Just thinking of raw red meat, puts me in the mood for food glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food!~ He caught the last Freaker's fist, and stared and stared him in the eyes. ~magical fooood! Glorious FOOOOD!~ And with that, no Freakers remained. "So you can speak without brackets!" exclaimed Cla. "What? Uh I mean-Yoshi?"
But the damage was done, his secret was out. Zinith could say more words than Yoshi.

Noipoi, Incineroar, and Sans sat near a rushing waterfall. If Cyndane was to be defeated, Noipoi needed to train. Hard. Incineroar wasted no time, and began shouting orders. Well, more like singing orders. ~Let's get down to business. To defeat Cyndane.~ Sans joined in too. ~you sure you can do this? cuz you're pretty lame.~ ~You're the wimpiest kid i've ever met, but you can bet before we're through. Brother i'll make a man put of you.~ Incineroar led them to the forest. Sans napped on a rock, but Noipoi and Incineroar ran through the forest as fast as they could. ~Tranquil as a forest, that's been set on fire. Just kill your opponents, you are sure to win! Noipoi ran headfirst into a tree, and he fell to the ground. Incineroar stood over him, angry. ~You're a spineless, weird, pathetic dork. And you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make a man out of you.~ Noipoi was then tasked with climbing an incredibly high mountain.
~I'm never gonna catch my breath, say goodbye to those who knew me. Boy was I a fool for always cutting gym.~ He fell from the mountain. Next he had to dodge Incineroar's fire blasts while balancing on a rock in the river. Sans wasn't helpful. ~good god, you look scared to death.~ ~Hope he doesn't see right through me...~ He was knocked off the rock, and sent rushing down the river. ~Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!~ That night he was tasked with facing Incineroar in a one on one fight. he was losing. ~(To Be A Man)~ ~We must be swift as the coursing river~ another blow to Noipoi's gut. ~With all the force as a great typhoon.~ Right in Noipoi's nose! He's down, and he's not getting up! ~With all the strength of a raging fire.~ He looked up as Incineroar turned from him and faced the full moon. ~Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ Noipoi then had to follow Incienroar as he jumped from tree to tree. Sans just teleported like a dirty cheater. ~Time is racing toward us, till Cyndane arrives. heed my every order, and you might survive.~ Noipoi couldn't quite make the next jump, and he fell to the ground hard. Incienroar looked down at him in shame. ~You're unsuited for the rage of war. So pack up, go home, you're through. How could I make a man out of you?~ Noipoi picked himself up again, and tried to climb that mountain. Sans tried to cheer him on. ~(to be a man) you must be swift as the coursing river.~ His hand slipped. ~with all the force of a great typhoon.~ He caught himself just in time. ~with all the strength of a raging fire.~ Almost there! ~mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ He made it! Noipoi climbed the mountain! He cheered, Sans grinned, and Incineroar watched with pride from afar. Perhaps he wasn't a lost cause after all.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Chaos Shrine
Jack Garland
Switch FC
Smashboards: The Fanfic



(You'll know a character is singing when their text is colored and these "~" appear around their words. Mixed colors mean the characters are singing together. Click the links if you want to know what songs the characters are singing. Ignore them if you enjoy being confused.)

Dark Queen Cyn Cyn sat on her throne, her palm placed firmly on her forehead. She sent those fools to the Hunger games to watch them die, yet somehow they were surviving. One had even defeated Hugh Neutron, her mightiest warrior. It didn't matter who she sent, Thomas, Thanos Car, Sans even joined the blue-haired idiot. It's been one of those days... With a sigh, she slumped into her throne. "I swear, i'm going to eviscerate the next fool who steps into this room." Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! stepped into the room. Cyndane smiled sadistically, and started charging dark energy in her hand. "Today's your lucky day! Hold still." Nate paled, and frantically tried to explain. "W-w-wait! There's someone here to see you, your cruelness!" Cyndane stopped charging, and allowed Nate to let the visitor in. It'd be better to kill some rando, as opposed to someone who works for her. Nate soon returned with an innocent looking Pokemon. It was @Brelooming Disaster the most innocent person in existence! "I heard you were being a meanie." He started "I came to ask you to stop." Cyndane was dumbfounded. in all her years and of all the heroes who tried to stop her, no one had simply asked. Was this guy that innocent? Cyndane suddenly got an idea, an awful idea, a wonderful awful idea. She could use this poor boy, she could use him to destroy those fools! She put on her best friendly face, and looked down upon her guest with the fakest, kindest smile she could muster. "Me? A meanie? Perish the thought!" She signaled her guard NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy , and he proceeded to summon music from...somewhere. Then Cyndane did the most wicked, insane, dastardly thing she's ever done, she started singing. ~Hello friend, i'm Queen Cyndane, as you can clearly see. Don't worry i'm totally not one of those EVIL QUEENS! You've read about in fairy tales, or seen in the movies. And there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...ME!~ She circled Breloom as she sang, while Nonspecificguy, Nate, Idon Idon and PeridotGX PeridotGX helped her preform this twisted song and dance. Breloom was inflicted with confusion. ~I'm SO not a villain, I have zero evil plans. No ulterior motives, just wanna help where I can! I wanna shower you with gifts, cuz i'm selfless and sweet. So there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...~ The chamber started shaking, and her dark throne rose from the ground as she continued to sing on it. ~Queen Cyndania Malevoli, The least evil queen in history! And if you do not believe me, I totally won't imprison your family. Cuz that'd be EVIL! And that's sooo...NOT ME!~ Everyone struck a pose at that final line, and Breloom had absolutely zero idea what to think of what just happened. "Um...Okay. I'm just gonna go..." but as he turned to leave Cyndane's guards blocked his exit. "What's wrong?" she asked with an evil grin as she appeared behind him. "Why don't you stay awhile?" She motioned for her minions. "Send in the freaks, hopefully they can deal with those idiots. me and my new friend are going to have some to have some fun."

In a tower that rose high above the large area Cyndane's Hunger Games took place in, two of her guards sat and watched. There hadn't been many murders recently, so they've been pretty bored. Not to mention the tower doesn't have WiFi. Those guards were osby osby and his boss Just a penguin Just a penguin .
Yes, osby worked for a penguin. Yes, you can laugh. osby noticed the suspicious lack of chaos in the field. "Hey, you think we should check on them? They've been pretty quiet down there." The penguin looked almost offended. "You dare tell em what to do?" "No, I just "SILENCE!" The penguin cut off his explanation. "What am I?" the penguin asked. osby sighed like a broken man, and responded "Number 1." "And what are you?" asked the penguin. osby sighed even deeper, and responded "Number 2..." The penguin seemed satisfied with the answer, but he wanted to make sure his underling really understood. He pulled out a piano, and started to play. ~I'm number one, you're number two. We're criminals at large, but i'm at larger than you. I'm number one, you're number two. I believe in equality, as long as you get less than me!~ The penguin rose and continued to sing, and osby followed him while mumbling his parts. ~I'm one.~ ~You're one.~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two...~ ~You may think that you're smarter, but i'm smarter-er than you. I'm number one, you're number two! You're lucky to be number two not number three!~ They walked towards the balcony of the tower, but the penguin opened the door directly into osby. He did it on purpose. ~I can see by the look in your eye you want to get a bigger piece of the pie. One day you'll get your chance, but in the mean time, you've got to dance monkey dance!~ osby reluctantly started dancing. ~Really? I hate dancing.~ ~Do it! Dance monkey dance!~ The penguin marched around the tower balcony, bursting with self importance. In the mean time, osby decided to sing to himself.
~I'm number two, he's number one. Working for a penguin really isn't that fun. I'm number two, he's number one. ~I'm number one!~ ~You know your life is absurd, when your boss is a bird.~ osby then stood up, invigorated by the potential the future holds. ~I can see it's just a matter of time before he's gone and i'm at the front of the line! It won't be long 'till I get my chance! But in the mean time, i've got to dance monkey dance...~ Once again osby danced, but this time the penguin wanted to join him. ~Dance monkey dance! Now watch me!~ The penguin started to tap dance. His feet were really happy. osby and the penguin decided to bring it on home. ~I'm number one!~ ~He's number one!~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two!~ ~That's it kid! There you go! Now step aside, this ain't your show! I'm one!~ ~"i'M oNe"~ ~I'm number one!~ ~Yes we know...~ ~IIIII"M~ ~Heeee's...~ ~NUMBER OOOONE!~
The penguin did a little tap dance on osby's head. ~That's how it's done.~ osby had to admit, the song was nice. But he really wished he' wouldn't get pushed around. If only something could just whisk him away from here. Suddenly, he noticed something. He looked into the distance and saw them.
osby paled, while the penguin grinned and clapped his flippers. Wherever the resistance was, they wouldn't be here for long. The freaks were coming.

Luigi The President Luigi The President and RandomAce RandomAce had led the group into the open field, searching for Noipoi. ClaTheBae ClaTheBae hoped Noi was okay.@AndreaAC hoped her Ridleys were okay. Zinith Zinith was still hungry. @Mr. Wario made sure his cursed Pearl doll wasn't cold by putting a nice lil' coat on her. DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon knew **** was about to go down. But Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku still hadn't gotten over the death of his hero, despite his friends constantly trying to cheer him up. staindgrey staindgrey had gotten sick of his moping, and he stepped in front of him. "Look, dude. I know you're upset but there was nothing you could do." "But..." whimpered Smashing Ramen "But I killed him!" staindgrey sighed, placed his hands on his shoulders, looked deep into his eyes, and sang a song he sung to himself whenever life got him down. ~You are the ocean's grey waves.~ ~Destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach!~ Mr. Wario cut in and interrupted staindgrey. "Dude what the Hell, man! That was my song!" "Well you weren't singing right!" Mr. Wario stuck out his tongue, and proceeded to squid-bag. "Oh that's it!" staindgrey was about to sock Mr. Wario, when they heard the laughter. They turned to see Smashign Ramen on his back, howling with glee. Seeing their friend in a good mood cheered the grou up, and soon everyone followed. A good time was had by all. "Hey!" a voice called out, and the gang looked up to see a holographic image of the radical KarneraMythos KarneraMythos . "I've got @ShinyLegendary creating a hologram so I can speak to you, but it won't last long." "Alright, what's up?" asked Cla. "TURN AROUND AND FIND OUT!" hollered Karnera. The group turned around to see a huge dust cloud moving towards them. As the cloud approached. the beings within were soon made clear. A horde, a swarm, a stampede of Freaks. But not just any freaks, Freddie Freakers! They were all dancing, spasming, and preparing to eat our heroes alive."Oh God, Oh ****!" cried @faygoshill. "We're all gonna die!" exclaimed Cla. Tehponycorn however, wasn't scared. "Don;t worry guys, I got this. Persona!" In a flash of light, his persona materialized. Turns out it was Joker, the guy tehponycorn resembled the most. They literally looked and acted exactly alike in every single way. "W-wait hold on, are you me?" the Persona asked, confused. "Maybe..." answered an equally confused tehponycorn. "Does that mean you and I are exactly alike?" wondered the persona. tehponycorn pondered for a moment, then answered "I suppose so." The Persona decided to test their similarities, through song!

~Do you want some rice pudding?~ ~Ech, no that's gross!~ ~It was a test! Almond Brittle?~ ~Ooh, I love it the most!~ ~Me too!~ tehponycorn then pulled up a picture of a blocky game. ~Do you play Minecraft?~ ~Yeah! Just in case. ~Steve Gang posters become the dominant race!~ They then started to dance together. ~I've been alone all these years.~ ~With my irrational fears (but not the Steve gang thing, that's gonna happen.~ ~But now before me I see!~ ~Someone with whom I agree!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~Now that i've found you!~ ~We can be a duo, that's right!~ ~Twice the Joker. Double Ponycorn!~ ~Coming at you, Fridays!~ As tehponycorn finished the song, the persona blankly stared at his human. "What, are we doing a show?" tehponycorn didn't really know how to answer that question "I dunno, we could. We should!" Cla groaned, and cut in. "I hate to ruin this shining example of self love, but we're going to DIE!" As tehponycorn and his persona were singing, our heroes tried and failed to ward off the freaks. They were beaten, and they were about to be eaten. "I'd prefer not to die, sooo..." tehponycorn's Persona vanished back to wherever they go. "W-what! get back here, I thought we were besties!" cried tehpony. He then turned to face the slowly advancing freaks, hunger in their eyes. But as the group prepared for the end, they heard something. Singing.

~Food, glorious food. I'm anxious to try it.~ It was Zinith, who then pranced into the crowd of freaks, Still singing and dancing as they advanced upon him. ~Three banquets a day! my favorite diet! The freaks were even closer now, and they were ready to pounce! ~Just picture a Freaker steak, fried, roasted or stewed! Oh, food wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!~ He ate the small crowd that was surrounding him, and moved onto the rest. ~Food glorious food! Poached freaker served flambe. Broth made from his mom, or Freddie filled souffle!~ The only thing that stopped the singing was his own tongue, cracking like a whip at every freak who crossed his path. ~Why should I be fated to do nothing but brood on food magical food, wonderful food, glorious food!~ The rest of the guys just kinda stared at him, not out of fear or respect, mostly intrigue. How is this guy fighting, eating, and singing?
~Food glorious food, i'll pick off the dead ones. Go ahead and be rude, soon i'll be the fed one!~ He nimbly dodged and jumped over the remaining crazed Freakers lunging at him, who knew exactly what was going on and were desperate to avoid their fates. ~Just thinking of raw red meat, puts me in the mood for food glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food!~ He caught the last Freaker's fist, and stared and stared him in the eyes. ~magical fooood! Glorious FOOOOD!~ And with that, no Freakers remained. "So you can speak without brackets!" exclaimed Cla. "What? Uh I mean-Yoshi?"
But the damage was done, his secret was out. Zinith could say more words than Yoshi.

Noipoi, Incineroar, and Sans sat near a rushing waterfall. If Cyndane was to be defeated, Noipoi needed to train. Hard. Incineroar wasted no time, and began shouting orders. Well, more like singing orders. ~Let's get down to business. To defeat Cyndane.~ Sans joined in too. ~you sure you can do this? cuz you're pretty lame.~ ~You're the wimpiest kid i've ever met, but you can bet before we're through. Brother i'll make a man put of you.~ Incineroar led them to the forest. Sans napped on a rock, but Noipoi and Incineroar ran through the forest as fast as they could. ~Tranquil as a forest, that's been set on fire. Just kill your opponents, you are sure to win! Noipoi ran headfirst into a tree, and he fell to the ground. Incineroar stood over him, angry. ~You're a spineless, weird, pathetic dork. And you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make a man out of you.~ Noipoi was then tasked with climbing an incredibly high mountain.
~I'm never gonna catch my breath, say goodbye to those who knew me. Boy was I a fool for always cutting gym.~ He fell from the mountain. Next he had to dodge Incineroar's fire blasts while balancing on a rock in the river. Sans wasn't helpful. ~good god, you look scared to death.~ ~Hope he doesn't see right through me...~ He was knocked off the rock, and sent rushing down the river. ~Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!~ That night he was tasked with facing Incineroar in a one on one fight. he was losing. ~(To Be A Man)~ ~We must be swift as the coursing river~ another blow to Noipoi's gut. ~With all the force as a great typhoon.~ Right in Noipoi's nose! He's down, and he's not getting up! ~With all the strength of a raging fire.~ He looked up as Incineroar turned from him and faced the full moon. ~Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ Noipoi then had to follow Incienroar as he jumped from tree to tree. Sans just teleported like a dirty cheater. ~Time is racing toward us, till Cyndane arrives. heed my every order, and you might survive.~ Noipoi couldn't quite make the next jump, and he fell to the ground hard. Incienroar looked down at him in shame. ~You're unsuited for the rage of war. So pack up, go home, you're through. How could I make a man out of you?~ Noipoi picked himself up again, and tried to climb that mountain. Sans tried to cheer him on. ~(to be a man) you must be swift as the coursing river.~ His hand slipped. ~with all the force of a great typhoon.~ He caught himself just in time. ~with all the strength of a raging fire.~ Almost there! ~mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ He made it! Noipoi climbed the mountain! He cheered, Sans grinned, and Incineroar watched with pride from afar. Perhaps he wasn't a lost cause after all.
I can't believe I'm not dead yet.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Zinith Zinith
Nothing need be said.
Smashboards: The Fanfic



(You'll know a character is singing when their text is colored and these "~" appear around their words. Mixed colors mean the characters are singing together. Click the links if you want to know what songs the characters are singing. Ignore them if you enjoy being confused.)

Dark Queen Cyn Cyn sat on her throne, her palm placed firmly on her forehead. She sent those fools to the Hunger games to watch them die, yet somehow they were surviving. One had even defeated Hugh Neutron, her mightiest warrior. It didn't matter who she sent, Thomas, Thanos Car, Sans even joined the blue-haired idiot. It's been one of those days... With a sigh, she slumped into her throne. "I swear, i'm going to eviscerate the next fool who steps into this room." Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! stepped into the room. Cyndane smiled sadistically, and started charging dark energy in her hand. "Today's your lucky day! Hold still." Nate paled, and frantically tried to explain. "W-w-wait! There's someone here to see you, your cruelness!" Cyndane stopped charging, and allowed Nate to let the visitor in. It'd be better to kill some rando, as opposed to someone who works for her. Nate soon returned with an innocent looking Pokemon. It was @Brelooming Disaster the most innocent person in existence! "I heard you were being a meanie." He started "I came to ask you to stop." Cyndane was dumbfounded. in all her years and of all the heroes who tried to stop her, no one had simply asked. Was this guy that innocent? Cyndane suddenly got an idea, an awful idea, a wonderful awful idea. She could use this poor boy, she could use him to destroy those fools! She put on her best friendly face, and looked down upon her guest with the fakest, kindest smile she could muster. "Me? A meanie? Perish the thought!" She signaled her guard NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy , and he proceeded to summon music from...somewhere. Then Cyndane did the most wicked, insane, dastardly thing she's ever done, she started singing. ~Hello friend, i'm Queen Cyndane, as you can clearly see. Don't worry i'm totally not one of those EVIL QUEENS! You've read about in fairy tales, or seen in the movies. And there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...ME!~ She circled Breloom as she sang, while Nonspecificguy, Nate, Idon Idon and PeridotGX PeridotGX helped her preform this twisted song and dance. Breloom was inflicted with confusion. ~I'm SO not a villain, I have zero evil plans. No ulterior motives, just wanna help where I can! I wanna shower you with gifts, cuz i'm selfless and sweet. So there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...~ The chamber started shaking, and her dark throne rose from the ground as she continued to sing on it. ~Queen Cyndania Malevoli, The least evil queen in history! And if you do not believe me, I totally won't imprison your family. Cuz that'd be EVIL! And that's sooo...NOT ME!~ Everyone struck a pose at that final line, and Breloom had absolutely zero idea what to think of what just happened. "Um...Okay. I'm just gonna go..." but as he turned to leave Cyndane's guards blocked his exit. "What's wrong?" she asked with an evil grin as she appeared behind him. "Why don't you stay awhile?" She motioned for her minions. "Send in the freaks, hopefully they can deal with those idiots. me and my new friend are going to have some to have some fun."

In a tower that rose high above the large area Cyndane's Hunger Games took place in, two of her guards sat and watched. There hadn't been many murders recently, so they've been pretty bored. Not to mention the tower doesn't have WiFi. Those guards were osby osby and his boss Just a penguin Just a penguin .
Yes, osby worked for a penguin. Yes, you can laugh. osby noticed the suspicious lack of chaos in the field. "Hey, you think we should check on them? They've been pretty quiet down there." The penguin looked almost offended. "You dare tell em what to do?" "No, I just "SILENCE!" The penguin cut off his explanation. "What am I?" the penguin asked. osby sighed like a broken man, and responded "Number 1." "And what are you?" asked the penguin. osby sighed even deeper, and responded "Number 2..." The penguin seemed satisfied with the answer, but he wanted to make sure his underling really understood. He pulled out a piano, and started to play. ~I'm number one, you're number two. We're criminals at large, but i'm at larger than you. I'm number one, you're number two. I believe in equality, as long as you get less than me!~ The penguin rose and continued to sing, and osby followed him while mumbling his parts. ~I'm one.~ ~You're one.~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two...~ ~You may think that you're smarter, but i'm smarter-er than you. I'm number one, you're number two! You're lucky to be number two not number three!~ They walked towards the balcony of the tower, but the penguin opened the door directly into osby. He did it on purpose. ~I can see by the look in your eye you want to get a bigger piece of the pie. One day you'll get your chance, but in the mean time, you've got to dance monkey dance!~ osby reluctantly started dancing. ~Really? I hate dancing.~ ~Do it! Dance monkey dance!~ The penguin marched around the tower balcony, bursting with self importance. In the mean time, osby decided to sing to himself.
~I'm number two, he's number one. Working for a penguin really isn't that fun. I'm number two, he's number one. ~I'm number one!~ ~You know your life is absurd, when your boss is a bird.~ osby then stood up, invigorated by the potential the future holds. ~I can see it's just a matter of time before he's gone and i'm at the front of the line! It won't be long 'till I get my chance! But in the mean time, i've got to dance monkey dance...~ Once again osby danced, but this time the penguin wanted to join him. ~Dance monkey dance! Now watch me!~ The penguin started to tap dance. His feet were really happy. osby and the penguin decided to bring it on home. ~I'm number one!~ ~He's number one!~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two!~ ~That's it kid! There you go! Now step aside, this ain't your show! I'm one!~ ~"i'M oNe"~ ~I'm number one!~ ~Yes we know...~ ~IIIII"M~ ~Heeee's...~ ~NUMBER OOOONE!~
The penguin did a little tap dance on osby's head. ~That's how it's done.~ osby had to admit, the song was nice. But he really wished he' wouldn't get pushed around. If only something could just whisk him away from here. Suddenly, he noticed something. He looked into the distance and saw them.
osby paled, while the penguin grinned and clapped his flippers. Wherever the resistance was, they wouldn't be here for long. The freaks were coming.

Luigi The President Luigi The President and RandomAce RandomAce had led the group into the open field, searching for Noipoi. ClaTheBae ClaTheBae hoped Noi was okay.@AndreaAC hoped her Ridleys were okay. Zinith Zinith was still hungry. @Mr. Wario made sure his cursed Pearl doll wasn't cold by putting a nice lil' coat on her. DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon knew **** was about to go down. But Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku still hadn't gotten over the death of his hero, despite his friends constantly trying to cheer him up. staindgrey staindgrey had gotten sick of his moping, and he stepped in front of him. "Look, dude. I know you're upset but there was nothing you could do." "But..." whimpered Smashing Ramen "But I killed him!" staindgrey sighed, placed his hands on his shoulders, looked deep into his eyes, and sang a song he sung to himself whenever life got him down. ~You are the ocean's grey waves.~ ~Destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach!~ Mr. Wario cut in and interrupted staindgrey. "Dude what the Hell, man! That was my song!" "Well you weren't singing right!" Mr. Wario stuck out his tongue, and proceeded to squid-bag. "Oh that's it!" staindgrey was about to sock Mr. Wario, when they heard the laughter. They turned to see Smashign Ramen on his back, howling with glee. Seeing their friend in a good mood cheered the grou up, and soon everyone followed. A good time was had by all. "Hey!" a voice called out, and the gang looked up to see a holographic image of the radical KarneraMythos KarneraMythos . "I've got @ShinyLegendary creating a hologram so I can speak to you, but it won't last long." "Alright, what's up?" asked Cla. "TURN AROUND AND FIND OUT!" hollered Karnera. The group turned around to see a huge dust cloud moving towards them. As the cloud approached. the beings within were soon made clear. A horde, a swarm, a stampede of Freaks. But not just any freaks, Freddie Freakers! They were all dancing, spasming, and preparing to eat our heroes alive."Oh God, Oh ****!" cried @faygoshill. "We're all gonna die!" exclaimed Cla. Tehponycorn however, wasn't scared. "Don;t worry guys, I got this. Persona!" In a flash of light, his persona materialized. Turns out it was Joker, the guy tehponycorn resembled the most. They literally looked and acted exactly alike in every single way. "W-wait hold on, are you me?" the Persona asked, confused. "Maybe..." answered an equally confused tehponycorn. "Does that mean you and I are exactly alike?" wondered the persona. tehponycorn pondered for a moment, then answered "I suppose so." The Persona decided to test their similarities, through song!

~Do you want some rice pudding?~ ~Ech, no that's gross!~ ~It was a test! Almond Brittle?~ ~Ooh, I love it the most!~ ~Me too!~ tehponycorn then pulled up a picture of a blocky game. ~Do you play Minecraft?~ ~Yeah! Just in case. ~Steve Gang posters become the dominant race!~ They then started to dance together. ~I've been alone all these years.~ ~With my irrational fears (but not the Steve gang thing, that's gonna happen.~ ~But now before me I see!~ ~Someone with whom I agree!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~Now that i've found you!~ ~We can be a duo, that's right!~ ~Twice the Joker. Double Ponycorn!~ ~Coming at you, Fridays!~ As tehponycorn finished the song, the persona blankly stared at his human. "What, are we doing a show?" tehponycorn didn't really know how to answer that question "I dunno, we could. We should!" Cla groaned, and cut in. "I hate to ruin this shining example of self love, but we're going to DIE!" As tehponycorn and his persona were singing, our heroes tried and failed to ward off the freaks. They were beaten, and they were about to be eaten. "I'd prefer not to die, sooo..." tehponycorn's Persona vanished back to wherever they go. "W-what! get back here, I thought we were besties!" cried tehpony. He then turned to face the slowly advancing freaks, hunger in their eyes. But as the group prepared for the end, they heard something. Singing.

~Food, glorious food. I'm anxious to try it.~ It was Zinith, who then pranced into the crowd of freaks, Still singing and dancing as they advanced upon him. ~Three banquets a day! my favorite diet! The freaks were even closer now, and they were ready to pounce! ~Just picture a Freaker steak, fried, roasted or stewed! Oh, food wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!~ He ate the small crowd that was surrounding him, and moved onto the rest. ~Food glorious food! Poached freaker served flambe. Broth made from his mom, or Freddie filled souffle!~ The only thing that stopped the singing was his own tongue, cracking like a whip at every freak who crossed his path. ~Why should I be fated to do nothing but brood on food magical food, wonderful food, glorious food!~ The rest of the guys just kinda stared at him, not out of fear or respect, mostly intrigue. How is this guy fighting, eating, and singing?
~Food glorious food, i'll pick off the dead ones. Go ahead and be rude, soon i'll be the fed one!~ He nimbly dodged and jumped over the remaining crazed Freakers lunging at him, who knew exactly what was going on and were desperate to avoid their fates. ~Just thinking of raw red meat, puts me in the mood for food glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food!~ He caught the last Freaker's fist, and stared and stared him in the eyes. ~magical fooood! Glorious FOOOOD!~ And with that, no Freakers remained. "So you can speak without brackets!" exclaimed Cla. "What? Uh I mean-Yoshi?"
But the damage was done, his secret was out. Zinith could say more words than Yoshi.

Noipoi, Incineroar, and Sans sat near a rushing waterfall. If Cyndane was to be defeated, Noipoi needed to train. Hard. Incineroar wasted no time, and began shouting orders. Well, more like singing orders. ~Let's get down to business. To defeat Cyndane.~ Sans joined in too. ~you sure you can do this? cuz you're pretty lame.~ ~You're the wimpiest kid i've ever met, but you can bet before we're through. Brother i'll make a man put of you.~ Incineroar led them to the forest. Sans napped on a rock, but Noipoi and Incineroar ran through the forest as fast as they could. ~Tranquil as a forest, that's been set on fire. Just kill your opponents, you are sure to win! Noipoi ran headfirst into a tree, and he fell to the ground. Incineroar stood over him, angry. ~You're a spineless, weird, pathetic dork. And you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make a man out of you.~ Noipoi was then tasked with climbing an incredibly high mountain.
~I'm never gonna catch my breath, say goodbye to those who knew me. Boy was I a fool for always cutting gym.~ He fell from the mountain. Next he had to dodge Incineroar's fire blasts while balancing on a rock in the river. Sans wasn't helpful. ~good god, you look scared to death.~ ~Hope he doesn't see right through me...~ He was knocked off the rock, and sent rushing down the river. ~Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!~ That night he was tasked with facing Incineroar in a one on one fight. he was losing. ~(To Be A Man)~ ~We must be swift as the coursing river~ another blow to Noipoi's gut. ~With all the force as a great typhoon.~ Right in Noipoi's nose! He's down, and he's not getting up! ~With all the strength of a raging fire.~ He looked up as Incineroar turned from him and faced the full moon. ~Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ Noipoi then had to follow Incienroar as he jumped from tree to tree. Sans just teleported like a dirty cheater. ~Time is racing toward us, till Cyndane arrives. heed my every order, and you might survive.~ Noipoi couldn't quite make the next jump, and he fell to the ground hard. Incienroar looked down at him in shame. ~You're unsuited for the rage of war. So pack up, go home, you're through. How could I make a man out of you?~ Noipoi picked himself up again, and tried to climb that mountain. Sans tried to cheer him on. ~(to be a man) you must be swift as the coursing river.~ His hand slipped. ~with all the force of a great typhoon.~ He caught himself just in time. ~with all the strength of a raging fire.~ Almost there! ~mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ He made it! Noipoi climbed the mountain! He cheered, Sans grinned, and Incineroar watched with pride from afar. Perhaps he wasn't a lost cause after all.
Two Ultimate Masterpieces posted within a minute of each other.

Truly, a time to be alive.

Where the Yoshis are giant, and the Hunger Games becomes a Musical.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
~Food, glorious food. I'm anxious to try it.~ It was Zinith, who then pranced into the crowd of freaks, Still singing and dancing as they advanced upon him. ~Three banquets a day! my favorite diet! The freaks were even closer now, and they were ready to pounce! ~Just picture a Freaker steak, fried, roasted or stewed! Oh, food wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!~ He ate the small crowd that was surrounding him, and moved onto the rest. ~Food glorious food! Poached freaker served flambe. Broth made from his mom, or Freddie filled souffle!~ The only thing that stopped the singing was his own tongue, cracking like a whip at every freak who crossed his path. ~Why should I be fated to do nothing but brood on food magical food, wonderful food, glorious food!~ The rest of the guys just kinda stared at him, not out of fear or respect, mostly intrigue. How is this guy fighting, eating, and singing?
~Food glorious food, i'll pick off the dead ones. Go ahead and be rude, soon i'll be the fed one!~ He nimbly dodged and jumped over the remaining crazed Freakers lunging at him, who knew exactly what was going on and were desperate to avoid their fates. ~Just thinking of raw red meat, puts me in the mood for food glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food!~ He caught the last Freaker's fist, and stared and stared him in the eyes. ~magical fooood! Glorious FOOOOD!~ And with that, no Freakers remained. "So you can speak without brackets!" exclaimed Cla. "What? Uh I mean-Yoshi?"
But the damage was done, his secret was out. Zinith could say more words than Yoshi.
This is art :yoshi:


Jun 19, 2018
Hotel Z
I screwed up the tag so just letting AndreaAC AndreaAC know the next chapter is done. And boy it's a doozy!

Smashboards: The Fanfic



(You'll know a character is singing when their text is colored and these "~" appear around their words. Mixed colors mean the characters are singing together. Click the links if you want to know what songs the characters are singing. Ignore them if you enjoy being confused.)

Dark Queen Cyn Cyn sat on her throne, her palm placed firmly on her forehead. She sent those fools to the Hunger games to watch them die, yet somehow they were surviving. One had even defeated Hugh Neutron, her mightiest warrior. It didn't matter who she sent, Thomas, Thanos Car, Sans even joined the blue-haired idiot. It's been one of those days... With a sigh, she slumped into her throne. "I swear, i'm going to eviscerate the next fool who steps into this room." Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! stepped into the room. Cyndane smiled sadistically, and started charging dark energy in her hand. "Today's your lucky day! Hold still." Nate paled, and frantically tried to explain. "W-w-wait! There's someone here to see you, your cruelness!" Cyndane stopped charging, and allowed Nate to let the visitor in. It'd be better to kill some rando, as opposed to someone who works for her. Nate soon returned with an innocent looking Pokemon. It was @Brelooming Disaster the most innocent person in existence! "I heard you were being a meanie." He started "I came to ask you to stop." Cyndane was dumbfounded. in all her years and of all the heroes who tried to stop her, no one had simply asked. Was this guy that innocent? Cyndane suddenly got an idea, an awful idea, a wonderful awful idea. She could use this poor boy, she could use him to destroy those fools! She put on her best friendly face, and looked down upon her guest with the fakest, kindest smile she could muster. "Me? A meanie? Perish the thought!" She signaled her guard NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy , and he proceeded to summon music from...somewhere. Then Cyndane did the most wicked, insane, dastardly thing she's ever done, she started singing. ~Hello friend, i'm Queen Cyndane, as you can clearly see. Don't worry i'm totally not one of those EVIL QUEENS! You've read about in fairy tales, or seen in the movies. And there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...ME!~ She circled Breloom as she sang, while Nonspecificguy, Nate, Idon Idon and PeridotGX PeridotGX helped her preform this twisted song and dance. Breloom was inflicted with confusion. ~I'm SO not a villain, I have zero evil plans. No ulterior motives, just wanna help where I can! I wanna shower you with gifts, cuz i'm selfless and sweet. So there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...~ The chamber started shaking, and her dark throne rose from the ground as she continued to sing on it. ~Queen Cyndania Malevoli, The least evil queen in history! And if you do not believe me, I totally won't imprison your family. Cuz that'd be EVIL! And that's sooo...NOT ME!~ Everyone struck a pose at that final line, and Breloom had absolutely zero idea what to think of what just happened. "Um...Okay. I'm just gonna go..." but as he turned to leave Cyndane's guards blocked his exit. "What's wrong?" she asked with an evil grin as she appeared behind him. "Why don't you stay awhile?" She motioned for her minions. "Send in the freaks, hopefully they can deal with those idiots. me and my new friend are going to have some to have some fun."

In a tower that rose high above the large area Cyndane's Hunger Games took place in, two of her guards sat and watched. There hadn't been many murders recently, so they've been pretty bored. Not to mention the tower doesn't have WiFi. Those guards were osby osby and his boss Just a penguin Just a penguin .
Yes, osby worked for a penguin. Yes, you can laugh. osby noticed the suspicious lack of chaos in the field. "Hey, you think we should check on them? They've been pretty quiet down there." The penguin looked almost offended. "You dare tell em what to do?" "No, I just "SILENCE!" The penguin cut off his explanation. "What am I?" the penguin asked. osby sighed like a broken man, and responded "Number 1." "And what are you?" asked the penguin. osby sighed even deeper, and responded "Number 2..." The penguin seemed satisfied with the answer, but he wanted to make sure his underling really understood. He pulled out a piano, and started to play. ~I'm number one, you're number two. We're criminals at large, but i'm at larger than you. I'm number one, you're number two. I believe in equality, as long as you get less than me!~ The penguin rose and continued to sing, and osby followed him while mumbling his parts. ~I'm one.~ ~You're one.~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two...~ ~You may think that you're smarter, but i'm smarter-er than you. I'm number one, you're number two! You're lucky to be number two not number three!~ They walked towards the balcony of the tower, but the penguin opened the door directly into osby. He did it on purpose. ~I can see by the look in your eye you want to get a bigger piece of the pie. One day you'll get your chance, but in the mean time, you've got to dance monkey dance!~ osby reluctantly started dancing. ~Really? I hate dancing.~ ~Do it! Dance monkey dance!~ The penguin marched around the tower balcony, bursting with self importance. In the mean time, osby decided to sing to himself.
~I'm number two, he's number one. Working for a penguin really isn't that fun. I'm number two, he's number one. ~I'm number one!~ ~You know your life is absurd, when your boss is a bird.~ osby then stood up, invigorated by the potential the future holds. ~I can see it's just a matter of time before he's gone and i'm at the front of the line! It won't be long 'till I get my chance! But in the mean time, i've got to dance monkey dance...~ Once again osby danced, but this time the penguin wanted to join him. ~Dance monkey dance! Now watch me!~ The penguin started to tap dance. His feet were really happy. osby and the penguin decided to bring it on home. ~I'm number one!~ ~He's number one!~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two!~ ~That's it kid! There you go! Now step aside, this ain't your show! I'm one!~ ~"i'M oNe"~ ~I'm number one!~ ~Yes we know...~ ~IIIII"M~ ~Heeee's...~ ~NUMBER OOOONE!~
The penguin did a little tap dance on osby's head. ~That's how it's done.~ osby had to admit, the song was nice. But he really wished he' wouldn't get pushed around. If only something could just whisk him away from here. Suddenly, he noticed something. He looked into the distance and saw them.
osby paled, while the penguin grinned and clapped his flippers. Wherever the resistance was, they wouldn't be here for long. The freaks were coming.

Luigi The President Luigi The President and RandomAce RandomAce had led the group into the open field, searching for Noipoi. ClaTheBae ClaTheBae hoped Noi was okay. AndreaAC AndreaAC hoped her Ridleys were okay. Zinith Zinith was still hungry. @Mr. Wario made sure his cursed Pearl doll wasn't cold by putting a nice lil' coat on her. DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon knew **** was about to go down. But Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku still hadn't gotten over the death of his hero, despite his friends constantly trying to cheer him up. staindgrey staindgrey had gotten sick of his moping, and he stepped in front of him. "Look, dude. I know you're upset but there was nothing you could do." "But..." whimpered Smashing Ramen "But I killed him!" staindgrey sighed, placed his hands on his shoulders, looked deep into his eyes, and sang a song he sung to himself whenever life got him down. ~You are the ocean's grey waves.~ ~Destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach!~ Mr. Wario cut in and interrupted staindgrey. "Dude what the Hell, man! That was my song!" "Well you weren't singing right!" Mr. Wario stuck out his tongue, and proceeded to squid-bag. "Oh that's it!" staindgrey was about to sock Mr. Wario, when they heard the laughter. They turned to see Smashign Ramen on his back, howling with glee. Seeing their friend in a good mood cheered the grou up, and soon everyone followed. A good time was had by all. "Hey!" a voice called out, and the gang looked up to see a holographic image of the radical KarneraMythos KarneraMythos . "I've got @ShinyLegendary creating a hologram so I can speak to you, but it won't last long." "Alright, what's up?" asked Cla. "TURN AROUND AND FIND OUT!" hollered Karnera. The group turned around to see a huge dust cloud moving towards them. As the cloud approached. the beings within were soon made clear. A horde, a swarm, a stampede of Freaks. But not just any freaks, Freddie Freakers! They were all dancing, spasming, and preparing to eat our heroes alive."Oh God, Oh ****!" cried @faygoshill. "We're all gonna die!" exclaimed Cla. Tehponycorn however, wasn't scared. "Don;t worry guys, I got this. Persona!" In a flash of light, his persona materialized. Turns out it was Joker, the guy tehponycorn resembled the most. They literally looked and acted exactly alike in every single way. "W-wait hold on, are you me?" the Persona asked, confused. "Maybe..." answered an equally confused tehponycorn. "Does that mean you and I are exactly alike?" wondered the persona. tehponycorn pondered for a moment, then answered "I suppose so." The Persona decided to test their similarities, through song!

~Do you want some rice pudding?~ ~Ech, no that's gross!~ ~It was a test! Almond Brittle?~ ~Ooh, I love it the most!~ ~Me too!~ tehponycorn then pulled up a picture of a blocky game. ~Do you play Minecraft?~ ~Yeah! Just in case. ~Steve Gang posters become the dominant race!~ They then started to dance together. ~I've been alone all these years.~ ~With my irrational fears (but not the Steve gang thing, that's gonna happen.~ ~But now before me I see!~ ~Someone with whom I agree!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~Now that i've found you!~ ~We can be a duo, that's right!~ ~Twice the Joker. Double Ponycorn!~ ~Coming at you, Fridays!~ As tehponycorn finished the song, the persona blankly stared at his human. "What, are we doing a show?" tehponycorn didn't really know how to answer that question "I dunno, we could. We should!" Cla groaned, and cut in. "I hate to ruin this shining example of self love, but we're going to DIE!" As tehponycorn and his persona were singing, our heroes tried and failed to ward off the freaks. They were beaten, and they were about to be eaten. "I'd prefer not to die, sooo..." tehponycorn's Persona vanished back to wherever they go. "W-what! get back here, I thought we were besties!" cried tehpony. He then turned to face the slowly advancing freaks, hunger in their eyes. But as the group prepared for the end, they heard something. Singing.

~Food, glorious food. I'm anxious to try it.~ It was Zinith, who then pranced into the crowd of freaks, Still singing and dancing as they advanced upon him. ~Three banquets a day! my favorite diet! The freaks were even closer now, and they were ready to pounce! ~Just picture a Freaker steak, fried, roasted or stewed! Oh, food wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!~ He ate the small crowd that was surrounding him, and moved onto the rest. ~Food glorious food! Poached freaker served flambe. Broth made from his mom, or Freddie filled souffle!~ The only thing that stopped the singing was his own tongue, cracking like a whip at every freak who crossed his path. ~Why should I be fated to do nothing but brood on food magical food, wonderful food, glorious food!~ The rest of the guys just kinda stared at him, not out of fear or respect, mostly intrigue. How is this guy fighting, eating, and singing?
~Food glorious food, i'll pick off the dead ones. Go ahead and be rude, soon i'll be the fed one!~ He nimbly dodged and jumped over the remaining crazed Freakers lunging at him, who knew exactly what was going on and were desperate to avoid their fates. ~Just thinking of raw red meat, puts me in the mood for food glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food!~ He caught the last Freaker's fist, and stared and stared him in the eyes. ~magical fooood! Glorious FOOOOD!~ And with that, no Freakers remained. "So you can speak without brackets!" exclaimed Cla. "What? Uh I mean-Yoshi?"
But the damage was done, his secret was out. Zinith could say more words than Yoshi.

Noipoi, Incineroar, and Sans sat near a rushing waterfall. If Cyndane was to be defeated, Noipoi needed to train. Hard. Incineroar wasted no time, and began shouting orders. Well, more like singing orders. ~Let's get down to business. To defeat Cyndane.~ Sans joined in too. ~you sure you can do this? cuz you're pretty lame.~ ~You're the wimpiest kid i've ever met, but you can bet before we're through. Brother i'll make a man put of you.~ Incineroar led them to the forest. Sans napped on a rock, but Noipoi and Incineroar ran through the forest as fast as they could. ~Tranquil as a forest, that's been set on fire. Just kill your opponents, you are sure to win! Noipoi ran headfirst into a tree, and he fell to the ground. Incineroar stood over him, angry. ~You're a spineless, weird, pathetic dork. And you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make a man out of you.~ Noipoi was then tasked with climbing an incredibly high mountain.
~I'm never gonna catch my breath, say goodbye to those who knew me. Boy was I a fool for always cutting gym.~ He fell from the mountain. Next he had to dodge Incineroar's fire blasts while balancing on a rock in the river. Sans wasn't helpful. ~good god, you look scared to death.~ ~Hope he doesn't see right through me...~ He was knocked off the rock, and sent rushing down the river. ~Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!~ That night he was tasked with facing Incineroar in a one on one fight. he was losing. ~(To Be A Man)~ ~We must be swift as the coursing river~ another blow to Noipoi's gut. ~With all the force as a great typhoon.~ Right in Noipoi's nose! He's down, and he's not getting up! ~With all the strength of a raging fire.~ He looked up as Incineroar turned from him and faced the full moon. ~Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ Noipoi then had to follow Incienroar as he jumped from tree to tree. Sans just teleported like a dirty cheater. ~Time is racing toward us, till Cyndane arrives. heed my every order, and you might survive.~ Noipoi couldn't quite make the next jump, and he fell to the ground hard. Incienroar looked down at him in shame. ~You're unsuited for the rage of war. So pack up, go home, you're through. How could I make a man out of you?~ Noipoi picked himself up again, and tried to climb that mountain. Sans tried to cheer him on. ~(to be a man) you must be swift as the coursing river.~ His hand slipped. ~with all the force of a great typhoon.~ He caught himself just in time. ~with all the strength of a raging fire.~ Almost there! ~mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ He made it! Noipoi climbed the mountain! He cheered, Sans grinned, and Incineroar watched with pride from afar. Perhaps he wasn't a lost cause after all.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I know I am going to be correct.
You dirty loyalists, you all will come crawling to me when the next character is revealed, in which that character is not Erdrick.
In which by "loyalists" I mean "being loyal to those untrustworthy leakers".
View attachment 201895
28b 29prepoint.gif

An utter fool, failing to see the bigger picture. If the next character is not Erdrick, it matters not. My stance is that all that matters is if he comes eventually. And when that splash screen comes forward, revealing him to the world...

The one who shall come crawling with his tail between his legs, begging for forgiveness, shall be you!


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
the real crime with all this ace attorney stuff is that i haven't used franziska yet


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Imagine going back in time 10 years ago and showing someone this poster:

Last edited:

Deleted member

Smashboards: The Fanfic



(You'll know a character is singing when their text is colored and these "~" appear around their words. Mixed colors mean the characters are singing together. Click the links if you want to know what songs the characters are singing. Ignore them if you enjoy being confused.)

Dark Queen Cyn Cyn sat on her throne, her palm placed firmly on her forehead. She sent those fools to the Hunger games to watch them die, yet somehow they were surviving. One had even defeated Hugh Neutron, her mightiest warrior. It didn't matter who she sent, Thomas, Thanos Car, Sans even joined the blue-haired idiot. It's been one of those days... With a sigh, she slumped into her throne. "I swear, i'm going to eviscerate the next fool who steps into this room." Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! stepped into the room. Cyndane smiled sadistically, and started charging dark energy in her hand. "Today's your lucky day! Hold still." Nate paled, and frantically tried to explain. "W-w-wait! There's someone here to see you, your cruelness!" Cyndane stopped charging, and allowed Nate to let the visitor in. It'd be better to kill some rando, as opposed to someone who works for her. Nate soon returned with an innocent looking Pokemon. It was @Brelooming Disaster the most innocent person in existence! "I heard you were being a meanie." He started "I came to ask you to stop." Cyndane was dumbfounded. in all her years and of all the heroes who tried to stop her, no one had simply asked. Was this guy that innocent? Cyndane suddenly got an idea, an awful idea, a wonderful awful idea. She could use this poor boy, she could use him to destroy those fools! She put on her best friendly face, and looked down upon her guest with the fakest, kindest smile she could muster. "Me? A meanie? Perish the thought!" She signaled her guard NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy , and he proceeded to summon music from...somewhere. Then Cyndane did the most wicked, insane, dastardly thing she's ever done, she started singing. ~Hello friend, i'm Queen Cyndane, as you can clearly see. Don't worry i'm totally not one of those EVIL QUEENS! You've read about in fairy tales, or seen in the movies. And there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...ME!~ She circled Breloom as she sang, while Nonspecificguy, Nate, Idon Idon and PeridotGX PeridotGX helped her preform this twisted song and dance. Breloom was inflicted with confusion. ~I'm SO not a villain, I have zero evil plans. No ulterior motives, just wanna help where I can! I wanna shower you with gifts, cuz i'm selfless and sweet. So there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...~ The chamber started shaking, and her dark throne rose from the ground as she continued to sing on it. ~Queen Cyndania Malevoli, The least evil queen in history! And if you do not believe me, I totally won't imprison your family. Cuz that'd be EVIL! And that's sooo...NOT ME!~ Everyone struck a pose at that final line, and Breloom had absolutely zero idea what to think of what just happened. "Um...Okay. I'm just gonna go..." but as he turned to leave Cyndane's guards blocked his exit. "What's wrong?" she asked with an evil grin as she appeared behind him. "Why don't you stay awhile?" She motioned for her minions. "Send in the freaks, hopefully they can deal with those idiots. me and my new friend are going to have some to have some fun."

In a tower that rose high above the large area Cyndane's Hunger Games took place in, two of her guards sat and watched. There hadn't been many murders recently, so they've been pretty bored. Not to mention the tower doesn't have WiFi. Those guards were osby osby and his boss Just a penguin Just a penguin .
Yes, osby worked for a penguin. Yes, you can laugh. osby noticed the suspicious lack of chaos in the field. "Hey, you think we should check on them? They've been pretty quiet down there." The penguin looked almost offended. "You dare tell em what to do?" "No, I just "SILENCE!" The penguin cut off his explanation. "What am I?" the penguin asked. osby sighed like a broken man, and responded "Number 1." "And what are you?" asked the penguin. osby sighed even deeper, and responded "Number 2..." The penguin seemed satisfied with the answer, but he wanted to make sure his underling really understood. He pulled out a piano, and started to play. ~I'm number one, you're number two. We're criminals at large, but i'm at larger than you. I'm number one, you're number two. I believe in equality, as long as you get less than me!~ The penguin rose and continued to sing, and osby followed him while mumbling his parts. ~I'm one.~ ~You're one.~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two...~ ~You may think that you're smarter, but i'm smarter-er than you. I'm number one, you're number two! You're lucky to be number two not number three!~ They walked towards the balcony of the tower, but the penguin opened the door directly into osby. He did it on purpose. ~I can see by the look in your eye you want to get a bigger piece of the pie. One day you'll get your chance, but in the mean time, you've got to dance monkey dance!~ osby reluctantly started dancing. ~Really? I hate dancing.~ ~Do it! Dance monkey dance!~ The penguin marched around the tower balcony, bursting with self importance. In the mean time, osby decided to sing to himself.
~I'm number two, he's number one. Working for a penguin really isn't that fun. I'm number two, he's number one. ~I'm number one!~ ~You know your life is absurd, when your boss is a bird.~ osby then stood up, invigorated by the potential the future holds. ~I can see it's just a matter of time before he's gone and i'm at the front of the line! It won't be long 'till I get my chance! But in the mean time, i've got to dance monkey dance...~ Once again osby danced, but this time the penguin wanted to join him. ~Dance monkey dance! Now watch me!~ The penguin started to tap dance. His feet were really happy. osby and the penguin decided to bring it on home. ~I'm number one!~ ~He's number one!~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two!~ ~That's it kid! There you go! Now step aside, this ain't your show! I'm one!~ ~"i'M oNe"~ ~I'm number one!~ ~Yes we know...~ ~IIIII"M~ ~Heeee's...~ ~NUMBER OOOONE!~
The penguin did a little tap dance on osby's head. ~That's how it's done.~ osby had to admit, the song was nice. But he really wished he' wouldn't get pushed around. If only something could just whisk him away from here. Suddenly, he noticed something. He looked into the distance and saw them.
osby paled, while the penguin grinned and clapped his flippers. Wherever the resistance was, they wouldn't be here for long. The freaks were coming.

Luigi The President Luigi The President and RandomAce RandomAce had led the group into the open field, searching for Noipoi. ClaTheBae ClaTheBae hoped Noi was okay. AndreaAC AndreaAC hoped her Ridleys were okay. Zinith Zinith was still hungry. @Mr. Wario made sure his cursed Pearl doll wasn't cold by putting a nice lil' coat on her. DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon knew **** was about to go down. But Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku still hadn't gotten over the death of his hero, despite his friends constantly trying to cheer him up. staindgrey staindgrey had gotten sick of his moping, and he stepped in front of him. "Look, dude. I know you're upset but there was nothing you could do." "But..." whimpered Smashing Ramen "But I killed him!" staindgrey sighed, placed his hands on his shoulders, looked deep into his eyes, and sang a song he sung to himself whenever life got him down. ~You are the ocean's grey waves.~ ~Destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach!~ Mr. Wario cut in and interrupted staindgrey. "Dude what the Hell, man! That was my song!" "Well you weren't singing right!" Mr. Wario stuck out his tongue, and proceeded to squid-bag. "Oh that's it!" staindgrey was about to sock Mr. Wario, when they heard the laughter. They turned to see Smashign Ramen on his back, howling with glee. Seeing their friend in a good mood cheered the grou up, and soon everyone followed. A good time was had by all. "Hey!" a voice called out, and the gang looked up to see a holographic image of the radical KarneraMythos KarneraMythos . "I've got @ShinyLegendary creating a hologram so I can speak to you, but it won't last long." "Alright, what's up?" asked Cla. "TURN AROUND AND FIND OUT!" hollered Karnera. The group turned around to see a huge dust cloud moving towards them. As the cloud approached. the beings within were soon made clear. A horde, a swarm, a stampede of Freaks. But not just any freaks, Freddie Freakers! They were all dancing, spasming, and preparing to eat our heroes alive."Oh God, Oh ****!" cried @faygoshill. "We're all gonna die!" exclaimed Cla. Tehponycorn however, wasn't scared. "Don;t worry guys, I got this. Persona!" In a flash of light, his persona materialized. Turns out it was Joker, the guy tehponycorn resembled the most. They literally looked and acted exactly alike in every single way. "W-wait hold on, are you me?" the Persona asked, confused. "Maybe..." answered an equally confused tehponycorn. "Does that mean you and I are exactly alike?" wondered the persona. tehponycorn pondered for a moment, then answered "I suppose so." The Persona decided to test their similarities, through song!

~Do you want some rice pudding?~ ~Ech, no that's gross!~ ~It was a test! Almond Brittle?~ ~Ooh, I love it the most!~ ~Me too!~ tehponycorn then pulled up a picture of a blocky game. ~Do you play Minecraft?~ ~Yeah! Just in case. ~Steve Gang posters become the dominant race!~ They then started to dance together. ~I've been alone all these years.~ ~With my irrational fears (but not the Steve gang thing, that's gonna happen.~ ~But now before me I see!~ ~Someone with whom I agree!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~Now that i've found you!~ ~We can be a duo, that's right!~ ~Twice the Joker. Double Ponycorn!~ ~Coming at you, Fridays!~ As tehponycorn finished the song, the persona blankly stared at his human. "What, are we doing a show?" tehponycorn didn't really know how to answer that question "I dunno, we could. We should!" Cla groaned, and cut in. "I hate to ruin this shining example of self love, but we're going to DIE!" As tehponycorn and his persona were singing, our heroes tried and failed to ward off the freaks. They were beaten, and they were about to be eaten. "I'd prefer not to die, sooo..." tehponycorn's Persona vanished back to wherever they go. "W-what! get back here, I thought we were besties!" cried tehpony. He then turned to face the slowly advancing freaks, hunger in their eyes. But as the group prepared for the end, they heard something. Singing.

~Food, glorious food. I'm anxious to try it.~ It was Zinith, who then pranced into the crowd of freaks, Still singing and dancing as they advanced upon him. ~Three banquets a day! my favorite diet! The freaks were even closer now, and they were ready to pounce! ~Just picture a Freaker steak, fried, roasted or stewed! Oh, food wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!~ He ate the small crowd that was surrounding him, and moved onto the rest. ~Food glorious food! Poached freaker served flambe. Broth made from his mom, or Freddie filled souffle!~ The only thing that stopped the singing was his own tongue, cracking like a whip at every freak who crossed his path. ~Why should I be fated to do nothing but brood on food magical food, wonderful food, glorious food!~ The rest of the guys just kinda stared at him, not out of fear or respect, mostly intrigue. How is this guy fighting, eating, and singing?
~Food glorious food, i'll pick off the dead ones. Go ahead and be rude, soon i'll be the fed one!~ He nimbly dodged and jumped over the remaining crazed Freakers lunging at him, who knew exactly what was going on and were desperate to avoid their fates. ~Just thinking of raw red meat, puts me in the mood for food glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food!~ He caught the last Freaker's fist, and stared and stared him in the eyes. ~magical fooood! Glorious FOOOOD!~ And with that, no Freakers remained. "So you can speak without brackets!" exclaimed Cla. "What? Uh I mean-Yoshi?"
But the damage was done, his secret was out. Zinith could say more words than Yoshi.

Noipoi, Incineroar, and Sans sat near a rushing waterfall. If Cyndane was to be defeated, Noipoi needed to train. Hard. Incineroar wasted no time, and began shouting orders. Well, more like singing orders. ~Let's get down to business. To defeat Cyndane.~ Sans joined in too. ~you sure you can do this? cuz you're pretty lame.~ ~You're the wimpiest kid i've ever met, but you can bet before we're through. Brother i'll make a man put of you.~ Incineroar led them to the forest. Sans napped on a rock, but Noipoi and Incineroar ran through the forest as fast as they could. ~Tranquil as a forest, that's been set on fire. Just kill your opponents, you are sure to win! Noipoi ran headfirst into a tree, and he fell to the ground. Incineroar stood over him, angry. ~You're a spineless, weird, pathetic dork. And you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make a man out of you.~ Noipoi was then tasked with climbing an incredibly high mountain.
~I'm never gonna catch my breath, say goodbye to those who knew me. Boy was I a fool for always cutting gym.~ He fell from the mountain. Next he had to dodge Incineroar's fire blasts while balancing on a rock in the river. Sans wasn't helpful. ~good god, you look scared to death.~ ~Hope he doesn't see right through me...~ He was knocked off the rock, and sent rushing down the river. ~Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!~ That night he was tasked with facing Incineroar in a one on one fight. he was losing. ~(To Be A Man)~ ~We must be swift as the coursing river~ another blow to Noipoi's gut. ~With all the force as a great typhoon.~ Right in Noipoi's nose! He's down, and he's not getting up! ~With all the strength of a raging fire.~ He looked up as Incineroar turned from him and faced the full moon. ~Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ Noipoi then had to follow Incienroar as he jumped from tree to tree. Sans just teleported like a dirty cheater. ~Time is racing toward us, till Cyndane arrives. heed my every order, and you might survive.~ Noipoi couldn't quite make the next jump, and he fell to the ground hard. Incienroar looked down at him in shame. ~You're unsuited for the rage of war. So pack up, go home, you're through. How could I make a man out of you?~ Noipoi picked himself up again, and tried to climb that mountain. Sans tried to cheer him on. ~(to be a man) you must be swift as the coursing river.~ His hand slipped. ~with all the force of a great typhoon.~ He caught himself just in time. ~with all the strength of a raging fire.~ Almost there! ~mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ He made it! Noipoi climbed the mountain! He cheered, Sans grinned, and Incineroar watched with pride from afar. Perhaps he wasn't a lost cause after all.
Hooray, I am in it!
Thank you.

Also, the busting through the castle of Cyndane, the freaks, the mountain and river training, this really is an anime! I love this!


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Smashboards: The Fanfic



(You'll know a character is singing when their text is colored and these "~" appear around their words. Mixed colors mean the characters are singing together. Click the links if you want to know what songs the characters are singing. Ignore them if you enjoy being confused.)

Dark Queen Cyn Cyn sat on her throne, her palm placed firmly on her forehead. She sent those fools to the Hunger games to watch them die, yet somehow they were surviving. One had even defeated Hugh Neutron, her mightiest warrior. It didn't matter who she sent, Thomas, Thanos Car, Sans even joined the blue-haired idiot. It's been one of those days... With a sigh, she slumped into her throne. "I swear, i'm going to eviscerate the next fool who steps into this room." Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! stepped into the room. Cyndane smiled sadistically, and started charging dark energy in her hand. "Today's your lucky day! Hold still." Nate paled, and frantically tried to explain. "W-w-wait! There's someone here to see you, your cruelness!" Cyndane stopped charging, and allowed Nate to let the visitor in. It'd be better to kill some rando, as opposed to someone who works for her. Nate soon returned with an innocent looking Pokemon. It was @Brelooming Disaster the most innocent person in existence! "I heard you were being a meanie." He started "I came to ask you to stop." Cyndane was dumbfounded. in all her years and of all the heroes who tried to stop her, no one had simply asked. Was this guy that innocent? Cyndane suddenly got an idea, an awful idea, a wonderful awful idea. She could use this poor boy, she could use him to destroy those fools! She put on her best friendly face, and looked down upon her guest with the fakest, kindest smile she could muster. "Me? A meanie? Perish the thought!" She signaled her guard NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy , and he proceeded to summon music from...somewhere. Then Cyndane did the most wicked, insane, dastardly thing she's ever done, she started singing. ~Hello friend, i'm Queen Cyndane, as you can clearly see. Don't worry i'm totally not one of those EVIL QUEENS! You've read about in fairy tales, or seen in the movies. And there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...ME!~ She circled Breloom as she sang, while Nonspecificguy, Nate, Idon Idon and PeridotGX PeridotGX helped her preform this twisted song and dance. Breloom was inflicted with confusion. ~I'm SO not a villain, I have zero evil plans. No ulterior motives, just wanna help where I can! I wanna shower you with gifts, cuz i'm selfless and sweet. So there's no reason at all to be suspicious of...~ The chamber started shaking, and her dark throne rose from the ground as she continued to sing on it. ~Queen Cyndania Malevoli, The least evil queen in history! And if you do not believe me, I totally won't imprison your family. Cuz that'd be EVIL! And that's sooo...NOT ME!~ Everyone struck a pose at that final line, and Breloom had absolutely zero idea what to think of what just happened. "Um...Okay. I'm just gonna go..." but as he turned to leave Cyndane's guards blocked his exit. "What's wrong?" she asked with an evil grin as she appeared behind him. "Why don't you stay awhile?" She motioned for her minions. "Send in the freaks, hopefully they can deal with those idiots. me and my new friend are going to have some to have some fun."

In a tower that rose high above the large area Cyndane's Hunger Games took place in, two of her guards sat and watched. There hadn't been many murders recently, so they've been pretty bored. Not to mention the tower doesn't have WiFi. Those guards were osby osby and his boss Just a penguin Just a penguin .
Yes, osby worked for a penguin. Yes, you can laugh. osby noticed the suspicious lack of chaos in the field. "Hey, you think we should check on them? They've been pretty quiet down there." The penguin looked almost offended. "You dare tell em what to do?" "No, I just "SILENCE!" The penguin cut off his explanation. "What am I?" the penguin asked. osby sighed like a broken man, and responded "Number 1." "And what are you?" asked the penguin. osby sighed even deeper, and responded "Number 2..." The penguin seemed satisfied with the answer, but he wanted to make sure his underling really understood. He pulled out a piano, and started to play. ~I'm number one, you're number two. We're criminals at large, but i'm at larger than you. I'm number one, you're number two. I believe in equality, as long as you get less than me!~ The penguin rose and continued to sing, and osby followed him while mumbling his parts. ~I'm one.~ ~You're one.~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two...~ ~You may think that you're smarter, but i'm smarter-er than you. I'm number one, you're number two! You're lucky to be number two not number three!~ They walked towards the balcony of the tower, but the penguin opened the door directly into osby. He did it on purpose. ~I can see by the look in your eye you want to get a bigger piece of the pie. One day you'll get your chance, but in the mean time, you've got to dance monkey dance!~ osby reluctantly started dancing. ~Really? I hate dancing.~ ~Do it! Dance monkey dance!~ The penguin marched around the tower balcony, bursting with self importance. In the mean time, osby decided to sing to himself.
~I'm number two, he's number one. Working for a penguin really isn't that fun. I'm number two, he's number one. ~I'm number one!~ ~You know your life is absurd, when your boss is a bird.~ osby then stood up, invigorated by the potential the future holds. ~I can see it's just a matter of time before he's gone and i'm at the front of the line! It won't be long 'till I get my chance! But in the mean time, i've got to dance monkey dance...~ Once again osby danced, but this time the penguin wanted to join him. ~Dance monkey dance! Now watch me!~ The penguin started to tap dance. His feet were really happy. osby and the penguin decided to bring it on home. ~I'm number one!~ ~He's number one!~ ~You're number two!~ ~I'm number two!~ ~That's it kid! There you go! Now step aside, this ain't your show! I'm one!~ ~"i'M oNe"~ ~I'm number one!~ ~Yes we know...~ ~IIIII"M~ ~Heeee's...~ ~NUMBER OOOONE!~
The penguin did a little tap dance on osby's head. ~That's how it's done.~ osby had to admit, the song was nice. But he really wished he' wouldn't get pushed around. If only something could just whisk him away from here. Suddenly, he noticed something. He looked into the distance and saw them.
osby paled, while the penguin grinned and clapped his flippers. Wherever the resistance was, they wouldn't be here for long. The freaks were coming.

Luigi The President Luigi The President and RandomAce RandomAce had led the group into the open field, searching for Noipoi. ClaTheBae ClaTheBae hoped Noi was okay. AndreaAC AndreaAC hoped her Ridleys were okay. Zinith Zinith was still hungry. @Mr. Wario made sure his cursed Pearl doll wasn't cold by putting a nice lil' coat on her. DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon knew **** was about to go down. But Ramen Tengoku Ramen Tengoku still hadn't gotten over the death of his hero, despite his friends constantly trying to cheer him up. staindgrey staindgrey had gotten sick of his moping, and he stepped in front of him. "Look, dude. I know you're upset but there was nothing you could do." "But..." whimpered Smashing Ramen "But I killed him!" staindgrey sighed, placed his hands on his shoulders, looked deep into his eyes, and sang a song he sung to himself whenever life got him down. ~You are the ocean's grey waves.~ ~Destined to seek life beyond the shore just out of reach!~ Mr. Wario cut in and interrupted staindgrey. "Dude what the Hell, man! That was my song!" "Well you weren't singing right!" Mr. Wario stuck out his tongue, and proceeded to squid-bag. "Oh that's it!" staindgrey was about to sock Mr. Wario, when they heard the laughter. They turned to see Smashign Ramen on his back, howling with glee. Seeing their friend in a good mood cheered the grou up, and soon everyone followed. A good time was had by all. "Hey!" a voice called out, and the gang looked up to see a holographic image of the radical KarneraMythos KarneraMythos . "I've got @ShinyLegendary creating a hologram so I can speak to you, but it won't last long." "Alright, what's up?" asked Cla. "TURN AROUND AND FIND OUT!" hollered Karnera. The group turned around to see a huge dust cloud moving towards them. As the cloud approached. the beings within were soon made clear. A horde, a swarm, a stampede of Freaks. But not just any freaks, Freddie Freakers! They were all dancing, spasming, and preparing to eat our heroes alive."Oh God, Oh ****!" cried @faygoshill. "We're all gonna die!" exclaimed Cla. Tehponycorn however, wasn't scared. "Don;t worry guys, I got this. Persona!" In a flash of light, his persona materialized. Turns out it was Joker, the guy tehponycorn resembled the most. They literally looked and acted exactly alike in every single way. "W-wait hold on, are you me?" the Persona asked, confused. "Maybe..." answered an equally confused tehponycorn. "Does that mean you and I are exactly alike?" wondered the persona. tehponycorn pondered for a moment, then answered "I suppose so." The Persona decided to test their similarities, through song!

~Do you want some rice pudding?~ ~Ech, no that's gross!~ ~It was a test! Almond Brittle?~ ~Ooh, I love it the most!~ ~Me too!~ tehponycorn then pulled up a picture of a blocky game. ~Do you play Minecraft?~ ~Yeah! Just in case. ~Steve Gang posters become the dominant race!~ They then started to dance together. ~I've been alone all these years.~ ~With my irrational fears (but not the Steve gang thing, that's gonna happen.~ ~But now before me I see!~ ~Someone with whom I agree!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~I found a brand new best friend, and it's me!~ ~Now that i've found you!~ ~We can be a duo, that's right!~ ~Twice the Joker. Double Ponycorn!~ ~Coming at you, Fridays!~ As tehponycorn finished the song, the persona blankly stared at his human. "What, are we doing a show?" tehponycorn didn't really know how to answer that question "I dunno, we could. We should!" Cla groaned, and cut in. "I hate to ruin this shining example of self love, but we're going to DIE!" As tehponycorn and his persona were singing, our heroes tried and failed to ward off the freaks. They were beaten, and they were about to be eaten. "I'd prefer not to die, sooo..." tehponycorn's Persona vanished back to wherever they go. "W-what! get back here, I thought we were besties!" cried tehpony. He then turned to face the slowly advancing freaks, hunger in their eyes. But as the group prepared for the end, they heard something. Singing.

~Food, glorious food. I'm anxious to try it.~ It was Zinith, who then pranced into the crowd of freaks, Still singing and dancing as they advanced upon him. ~Three banquets a day! my favorite diet! The freaks were even closer now, and they were ready to pounce! ~Just picture a Freaker steak, fried, roasted or stewed! Oh, food wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!~ He ate the small crowd that was surrounding him, and moved onto the rest. ~Food glorious food! Poached freaker served flambe. Broth made from his mom, or Freddie filled souffle!~ The only thing that stopped the singing was his own tongue, cracking like a whip at every freak who crossed his path. ~Why should I be fated to do nothing but brood on food magical food, wonderful food, glorious food!~ The rest of the guys just kinda stared at him, not out of fear or respect, mostly intrigue. How is this guy fighting, eating, and singing?
~Food glorious food, i'll pick off the dead ones. Go ahead and be rude, soon i'll be the fed one!~ He nimbly dodged and jumped over the remaining crazed Freakers lunging at him, who knew exactly what was going on and were desperate to avoid their fates. ~Just thinking of raw red meat, puts me in the mood for food glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food!~ He caught the last Freaker's fist, and stared and stared him in the eyes. ~magical fooood! Glorious FOOOOD!~ And with that, no Freakers remained. "So you can speak without brackets!" exclaimed Cla. "What? Uh I mean-Yoshi?"
But the damage was done, his secret was out. Zinith could say more words than Yoshi.

Noipoi, Incineroar, and Sans sat near a rushing waterfall. If Cyndane was to be defeated, Noipoi needed to train. Hard. Incineroar wasted no time, and began shouting orders. Well, more like singing orders. ~Let's get down to business. To defeat Cyndane.~ Sans joined in too. ~you sure you can do this? cuz you're pretty lame.~ ~You're the wimpiest kid i've ever met, but you can bet before we're through. Brother i'll make a man put of you.~ Incineroar led them to the forest. Sans napped on a rock, but Noipoi and Incineroar ran through the forest as fast as they could. ~Tranquil as a forest, that's been set on fire. Just kill your opponents, you are sure to win! Noipoi ran headfirst into a tree, and he fell to the ground. Incineroar stood over him, angry. ~You're a spineless, weird, pathetic dork. And you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make a man out of you.~ Noipoi was then tasked with climbing an incredibly high mountain.
~I'm never gonna catch my breath, say goodbye to those who knew me. Boy was I a fool for always cutting gym.~ He fell from the mountain. Next he had to dodge Incineroar's fire blasts while balancing on a rock in the river. Sans wasn't helpful. ~good god, you look scared to death.~ ~Hope he doesn't see right through me...~ He was knocked off the rock, and sent rushing down the river. ~Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!~ That night he was tasked with facing Incineroar in a one on one fight. he was losing. ~(To Be A Man)~ ~We must be swift as the coursing river~ another blow to Noipoi's gut. ~With all the force as a great typhoon.~ Right in Noipoi's nose! He's down, and he's not getting up! ~With all the strength of a raging fire.~ He looked up as Incineroar turned from him and faced the full moon. ~Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ Noipoi then had to follow Incienroar as he jumped from tree to tree. Sans just teleported like a dirty cheater. ~Time is racing toward us, till Cyndane arrives. heed my every order, and you might survive.~ Noipoi couldn't quite make the next jump, and he fell to the ground hard. Incienroar looked down at him in shame. ~You're unsuited for the rage of war. So pack up, go home, you're through. How could I make a man out of you?~ Noipoi picked himself up again, and tried to climb that mountain. Sans tried to cheer him on. ~(to be a man) you must be swift as the coursing river.~ His hand slipped. ~with all the force of a great typhoon.~ He caught himself just in time. ~with all the strength of a raging fire.~ Almost there! ~mysterious as the dark side of the moon!~ He made it! Noipoi climbed the mountain! He cheered, Sans grinned, and Incineroar watched with pride from afar. Perhaps he wasn't a lost cause after all.
This is amusing and all


I can't help but feel some sorta way... :dkmelee:


Jun 19, 2018
Hotel Z
Okay I don't usually ask this because I don't wanna be that guy

But I spent so much time on each musical scene, I gotta know which one you thought was the best.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
How do you all feel about XC2?
Not too big a fan of JRPG's in the first place, so I haven't played any Xeno games. Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and X look kind of interesting, I suppose, but I find XC2's character designs atrocious and hard to take seriously.
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