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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Doing an Iron Man challenge with CPUs is a pretty good time waster. Trying it soon.

Deleted member

Seriously, after BotW I hope they add some more cool sci-fi elements, even if it's rather small. Like some of the BotW concept art had ****ing aliens:
View attachment 188842
How ****ing sick would that be? Aliens invading Hyrule would be a hella cool event, even if it's just one event in the game. Majora's Mask had aliens and it was cool as hell, but it was more "ghostly, creepy" aliens rather then sci-fi aliens of which I am a HUGE fan of.
I mean we got this masterpiece.

Honestly I am up for Sci-Fi Aliens.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Welp, it’s that time again...


I am legitimately curious. How DO they slip past bot detection??

Deleted member

Everyone wants a Rhythm Heaven newcomer, but what I want is a new Rhythm Heaven game for the Switch.

Deleted member

This image fits really well with the conversation.
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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Oh everyone is talking about a sci-fi futuristic Zelda game?
View attachment 188853
I’ve been developing this concept in a private thread with Blade of Evil’s Bane. This is what we’ve come up with so far.

So. I want to start a new pet project. I want to do a Zelda game. Literally. A game where you play as Zelda. In a cyberpunk setting. And it’s VERY story driven. The idea being a kind of Magic against technology story. Zelda, our heroine, being a mage in a mechanical world. Maybe showing the creation of the Guardians/Divine Beasts and what drives Gannon to become the Calamity. I know you like Zelda so I want your advice on the project. If this game was announced and what I’ve said is all that was told to you, what would you expect.

The only other idea I had for the characters is for Link and Zelda to swap roles in life. As Wind Walker has shown, it is possible for Zelda’s bloodline to stop being royalty. Zelda in this timeline is a young adult. And a librarian in Neo Hyrule working for a reincarnation of the Happy Mask Salesman, who teaches her magic. Link, while not being a Prince, was found by the monarchy at a young age and “groomed” to be the hero. Resulting in him actually being very snobby and arrogant (Think the American cartoon). Ganondorf in this time is the general of the Royale army, Link’s mentor, and a brilliant engineer. Going for a more Bond villain-esque take on the villain. A secondary antagonist is found in a reincarnated Vaati, who serves as the kings advisor. On the serface he’s a very Judge Frollo-esque villain who persecuted magic users. If you reach the end of his side-Quest line, it reveals that he’s actually stealing the magic from the witches he burns so he can re-assume his demon form. Impa and the Sheikah serve as Royale guards. Think the Dorah Mialjah from Black Panther.
I would expect a lot of old Sheikah technology, a timeline somewhere between Skyward Sword (the genesis of the LoZ's story) and BotW (where the remnants of Sheikah technology are discovered through archeology). I would expect a gameplay based on advancing plot points, puzzles (of course :p), crafting (maybe?) and stealth (Sheik transformation for Zelda maybe?).

LoZ's timeline and canon is a wonderful mess full of holes and mysteries so there's a lot of place for imagination. Although there are some recurring themes that needs to be there in some degree imo to tie in to the rest of the series imo (tho there are exceptions where these themes are not part of the story at all, like Majora's Mask which takes place in an other dimension (Termina), Link' awakening, Minish Cap for example).

1. The Goddess Hylia (and the vague mythology surrounding her, she created the world, gave the triforce as a gift and done some other magical stuff depending on the game, Zelda is her reincarnation).

2 The Triforce (takes different forms throughout the series, sometimes it's a physical thing that grants any wish, sometimes parts of it are weilded by Zelda, Link and Ganon... again very vague so it's only a theme in my mind) (there's also the theme of the 'holy trinity' coming back pretty often: Din, Farore and Nayru)

3 The reincarnation stuff: basically the Great Evil always comes back (Ganon but he doesn't necessarily have the same form) same goes for the goddess (Zelda) and the Hero (Link)

It's a great idea. It's a theme explored in BotW a lil since Zelda herself tries to rely on her knowledge and experiments with Sheikah technology instead of the magical powers transmitted through her bloodline (the power to seal Ganon mostly).

Her father the King thinks she shouldn't 'lose her time' with Sheikah technology and instead developping her power to seal the Great Evil.

If you're going for this, it could be a great callback to BotW Zelda imo.

Still a part of the Zelda storyline that is barely explored, the creation of the Divine Beasts (also the Guardians and the Shrines) there's plenty of room for imagination there.

Ganon taking the form of the Great Calamity is also full of mystery. In BotW everybody knew Ganon would come back at some point but seemed to think he would reincarnate into one being, instead he possessed tons of Sheikah technology and spread 'Evil' all over Hyrule, spawning his minions everywhere etc.

There seems to be a lot of time between the creation of the Beasts and the events of BotW tho, like thousands of years (i could verify but i'm pretty sure it's dated at some point). Still, Ganon is essentially the same being always sealed away and reincarnated over and over so exploring the origin of his link with Sheikah technology is a great idea.

The happy Mask Salesman is such a weird character that he could even be the same guy (i would not be surprised if he found the secret to immortality). Like he's the only person who travels between the dimensions of Termina and Hyrule (that we know of). He found Majora's Mask and knew of its power (how? What was he planning to do with it originally before Skull Kid stole it?) and with all his magic masks, this guy knows way too much, he's kind of scary :p

As for the other characters, Link, Dorf, Vaati, Impa i think it's a good idea to have a set of different personalities like what you're imagining. That's more tools to make the plot more interesting and alive.

My favorite characters in the Zelda series tend to be the more minor NPCs, those that gives you side quests and stuff. The 'major' characters are usually making a cameo when something big happens and then disapear until the next big thing, at least that's the way i see it. I think it's meant this way on purpose to prevent characters from taking too much place in the spolight and diminishing the feeling of freedom and adventure.

Anyways, that was my 200 cents on the subject.

I look forward to read more of your ideas and if you have any questions about LoZ stuff do not hesitate.
Based on what you’ve told me a few ideas spring to mind. First is that I need memorable Majora’s Mask style sidequests alongside the main one. This can tie in with another idea I had had where (akin the the Batman Arkham Games) a line of interconnected quests is headed by a fight against another classic Zelda villain. I need to take my time on these. A good idea won’t come when rushed.

The description of the trinity you gave me lead me to the concept for this game’s dungeons. I was having trouble reconciling the dungeon idea with the game’s neo-urban setting, but now I think I’ve got it. In The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night, Spyro learns Breath abilities via special magical dreams. This is how I’ll approach dungeons. They will be special dream sequences activated in the temples for each goddess in a different kingdom of Neo-Hyrule. After being tested by the respective goddess Zelda will earn their respective magic power, which act as the game’s Items. First will be Nayru’s love, activated in a temple in the Gerudo city, located to the east of Hyrule City. Acting as a defensive spell which also enables Zelda to influence the minds of enemies. Farore’s wind is activated in an underwater temple in the Zora city under Hyrule’s Great Bay. Din’s Fire will be locates in a Goron Temple in their city to the south. And the Temple of Hylia in Neo Hyrule will activate Zelda’s TriForce. Fire and Wind will be treated in much the same way as Magnesis, Stasis, and Cryonis. Zelda will simply gain Areokinesis and Pyrokinesis, with all the many multiple uses in combat and puzzle solving that come from that. Zelda’s TriForce is her magical equivalent to the Master Sword. Her most powerful attacks come from that magic and she can use it to seal away demonic enemies to reap extra resources for the Magic Crafting system (more on that in a minute), a less powerful version of this magic had been at her disposal sense the beginning. One last interesting note about the dungeon systems. Each time Zelda activates a Goddess Power, The part of the Tri-Force they empower becomes partly active. Attracting the attention of Link and Ganondorf. Link actually joins you during the quest to awaken Farore’s Wind, and this is when you learn about him. Who he is beneath his “Excuse me, Princess!” Exterior. Giving the two a chance to connect as people now that they’re not just planks of wood in the character department. One of the big shocking story moments is when you awaken from Din’s dream and see Ganondorf standing over you, his TriForce Piece active. He thanks Zelda before arresting her. Sentenced to death for witchcraft, Link frees her and this begins the journey to Hylia’s Temple to fully activate the Triforce, under threat from Ganondorf’s fully powered Divine Beasts (More on them later too). This is an example of how I want the plot to drive the game. I want it to feel like you’re playing a movie. Not like MGS with long cutscenes or anything, I just want the game to feel very cinematic and very connected to the plot.

The Magic Crafting system, taught to you by HMS, allows you to brew up potions, craft magical talismans, and conjur up specific items through alchemy. Zelda doesn’t use a sword, sheild, bow, or bombs. So the talismans act as your basic weapons. Each Talisman contains a specific spell (warp, strike, leach, disguise, etc). The game’s opening sequence has you gathering the materials needed to forge the Warp and Strike talismans, and they form your base level of combat and traversal powers. Warp let’s you teleport to a specific place along your own line of sight, but it doesn’t work through walls or windows. The further a destination is (I.e. the less clear is is in your vision) the less likely you are to make the warp. Don’t try to use this for long distance travel, basically. Strike is your basic combat spell. Basically giving. Zelda her Smash Bros normals. Until you get Nayru’s love however, you can’t block attacks directly. So you have to get good at dodging and parrying enemy moves. Along the way you can choose to gather materials to forge different talismans to better customize your playtime. Do you want extra running speed? do you want to siphon enemies health? Do you want to be a tank or a Snake ;) ? That’s where the Talismans come in. The only other Talisman you are required to forge is a Disguise talisman. This turns you into Sheik. Literally. He’s a different person. He fights differently, he sneaks differently, his body is different. His mind is different. Zelda has to be careful not to loose herself in Sheik while using the talisman, but also not give herself away or this Sheikha form looses its strategic advantage. This is entirely determined by how the player performs. When they talk to people and fight enemies you have to perform a balance. Give out enough Sheik to not give yourself away, but don’t go overboard with it or Zelda will loose herself. This will affect the narrative. The ultimate test of this will be during a mission where Sheik has to be initiated into the royal guard in order for the disguise to get Zelda into secure locations, where this mechanic is on full blast. Especially during the final initiation challenge, a boss fight with Impa (who has taken on a very strict and serious, military commander role). Once initiated you also get access to the Vaati quest line, which is triggered by several missions Sheik is sent on by Impa to “keep the peace”. Your standard secret military police deal really.

One last thing about the crafting system (didn’t know how to work it in with the Talisman talk) is creating items through alchemy. This is mainly for creating one use items you give to other characters in quests. Gain the trust of a Royale Knight by fixing his Sheikha Sword. Craft a canister of motor oil to fuel a broken down vehicle you find for easier city traversal. Make a teddy bear for a crying little girl in one of the slums. All kinds of things. You can also use these crafted items to decorate your apartment and the library Zelda works for.

The final new details surround Ganondorf. Fed up with the repeated failures of magic, he has decided to use his mind and Sheikha technology to achieve his goals. And he’s almost succeeded. Inserting himself into a position of power and erasing the historical records of his past actions, the people know the evil is coming, but they don’t know it’s him. Ganondorf, helped by a Sheikha scientist (who will be an actual character that I’ve yet to name), created the Guardians as weapons of war, and along with Vaati he goads the current King and Queen into waring with the surrounding nations. Thus far he’s already conquered the Goron, Zora, Gerudo, and Rito kingdoms, and because of how much of a pushover the current king and queen are (along with the apparent absence of Zelda and Daphnes), Ganondorf basically rules Hyrule. The Divine Beasts are his ultimate weapons, powered by the TriForce, he will use them to further expand his empire on a global scale. Them being active in the game’s final segment is the ultimate test of you sneaking skills, sense there’s no way you can defeat them. His final failure in the end is what drives him, near death, to give up on reincarnation. Almost as a twisted take on David Tennant’s regeneragion scene in Doctor Who, Ganondorf becomes Calamity Ganon and retreats to the underworld to amass strength and power until the events of Breath of the Wild. This is why he’s able to easily take over the Divine Beasts and Guardians. They’re his.

One last little note. As you can probably tell, the various race kingdoms make up the areas on the map, with the addition of one kingdom I havent been able to mention until now. Underneath Hyrule, in the sewers and cave systems, lies Moblin Town. The home of the Moblins (think the Goblin Kingdom under the Mysty Mountains in The Hobbit). This is a chance to see what happens when these enemies have the chance to build up their own civilization. Physically they’re halfway between a traditional Moblin and a Bokoblin.

Wow, that’s a lot. And I wrote it all on my phone! I should probably stop here and let my creative juices flow a bit more. Eat some breakfast, take a shower, rest my fingers... Anyway, let me know what you think when you can find time to read this Monster.

Ooh. Something just popped into my head. I want Zelda to have a puppy that she raises throughout the story. A little black girl wolf husky that she names Midna for reasons she’s not not entirely aware of. Maybe it’s just the black fur.
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Masked Marshmallow

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2019
tfw you're making sprites and forget to make the most obvious thing ever. Making a sprite of your avatar.

I have no idea of how to call him. Sono? Gera? Soge? Geso?

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
tfw you're making sprites and forget to make the most obvious thing ever. Making a sprite of your avatar.

I have no idea of how to call him. Sono? Gera? Soge? Geso?
Hey, I heard you were taking requests.

Are you, still?

If so, may I request the Rhythm Heaven Reporter?


Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
One of these days i'm gonna say something that you'll put in your signature.
Well then, you better think of a very a witty / very stupid post

There's only so much space in my sig, that there's really just room for only one quoted post


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
tfw you're making sprites and forget to make the most obvious thing ever. Making a sprite of your avatar.

I have no idea of how to call him. Sono? Gera? Soge? Geso?
Oh no, someone with artistic talent in the thread!!!

I think you know what's coming next. Noipoi Noipoi can attest to that... :yoshi:

Deleted member

Top 5 Scariest Games I've Ever Played:
#1. Dead Space 1
#2. Silent Hill 2
#3. Resident Evil 2 Remake AND Resident Evil
#4. Resident Evil 7 and Dead Space 2
#5. P.T
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Deleted member

What's Iron Man?
You play all of the characters and if you lose, you have to restart.

For example, if you are doing Iron Man online, you have to play all of the characters. Also, let's say you win as Mario. You move on to another character. Best being in order.
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
I think you'll still get the code, I believe they only said to register your game by Jan. 31st; the code expires sometime later, probably summer time though I forgot.

It might not appear in the main folder of your e-mail's inbox, though.
Yep your right

June 30th is when the codes expire


Got my 60 coins for smash so now I just wait for the code
(I checked 5 times that’s what I came up with on how to register games)


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Ooh actually, what would be some good Pinky responses that’d relate to Smash?
Are you pondering what i'm pondering, Pinkie?

I think I am, Brain. But the Chrom mains are going crazy tonight. No way we get into Elite Smash with Jigglypuff by only using rest!


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
I kind of wish there was a Persona Spin-off where the main difference being a realistic open world (Like Red Dead Redemption 2 style of open world) with the wild life, things to do from the littlest things like likes the activates of your party members, stranger missions, and teenage gangs that do dirty work in the persona alt-dimension for a profit.
(I know Yakuza is like that, but it's not exactly like what I had in mind of RDR2)
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