I’ve been planning a last Hunger Games but it is gonna be majorly different:
1. It won’t be a fight to the death, I’m gonna use the text to create a completely custom game using the sim. This also means arena events won’t happen.
2. It will be a sort of cooperative game (using the text. All districts team up to fight a common foe), but only one survives. Not wins.
3. No robotic characters or Smashboards users. The former won’t make sense for plot reasons. The latter I’m just not sure anyone is up for it.
4. Only one instance of a character name (I.e. if Thanos is added, other forms and characters (I.e. Thanos Truck) won’t be included)
5. 48 tributes. Other than my usual 6 (Duck Hunt, Mr. Window, Gavin Free, Agitha, Star Butterfly, and Scarecrow), go nuts!
6. It won’t be this week, I need time to flesh out what events I wish to include and the framing story. I shall have the plot done by Friday. This also means no requests for now. Next Monday I will begin requests and then next Saturday I will run it.
That is all.