I want to pick the new Medievil remake just to give back a favour to a group of Medievil fans I know on Social Media and supported the Crash and Spyro fandoms a lot back when N.Sane Trilogy got revealed (and they still support us to this day).
I met a lot of cool people during those times, who I still keep contact with.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.
I'm kind of interested in that one as well. I also wouldn't mind seeing something new with Sly, but I doubt that's ever gonna happen unfortunately. Sony's catering more towards the mature crowd, which is fine, but not really for me. I'm not really a GoW and stuff like that kind of guy. What games they do get that interest me inevitably come to other platforms. SotC Remake, KH3, and P5 are the only games they got that I actually care about ATM. Spider Man looks cool, though, so maybe I'll give that a shot at some point? IDK.