Obligatory tagging of
@TotsBS because I'm about to talk about ScottTheWoz.
I was watching a video of his recently and he was talking about his game of the year all the way back to 2001. So, I wanna do it all the way to my birth year. 1998.
1998: Ocarina of Time or Banjo-Kazooie
1999: Super Smash Bros.
2000: Majora's Mask
2001: Melee
2002: Metroid Prime
2003: Wind Waker
2004: Ninja Gaiden
2005: Resident Evil 4
2006: Okami and Twilight Princess
2007: Super Mario Galaxy
2008: Metal Gear Solid 4
2009: Halo 3: ODST (The Best Halo)
2010: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
2011: Sonic Generations or Skyward Sword
2012: Kid Icarus: Uprising
2013: Assassin's Creed IV or Rayman Legends
2014: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
2015: Metal Gear Solid V
2016: DOOM
2017: Breath of the Wild
2018: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
2019: it'll probably be Link's Awakening, Resident Evil 2 or Devil May Cry 5 honestly. Unless something totally unexpected comes out and blows me away.
And damn at all the games I just wasn't able to put. Sorry Brawl but Metal Gear Solid 4 is one of my favorite games of all time right alongside Majora's Mask.