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UCLA VII: AVALANCHE - was too good, does no one do shout-outs anymore? WOW


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
wobbles works on everyone numbnuts. hes banning it because he just doesnt like it. its the same philosophy manacloud and that little mana......whats his name. marth falco pro use.
lol ur saying it like its a good thing that makes him no better than your philosophy about mana and m/f pro then.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
yeh really... all the socal IC mains dont really wobble aside from Lep... people i see do it are like DC and DSF, hahahhahaha


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
LOL dammmmm burn but i guess aesis is banning it because hes a shiek so when i hold my own tourney i should ban shieks grab cuz im marth lolz
Like ROFL said it works on every character, UNLIKE chain grabs...
Jay you'd have to ban Luigi's taunt, too wouldn't you cuz you're Marth and Marth gets taunt spiked by Luigi...

oh wait... only yours does woops

Well yeah if you're watching it's boring. I'm probably the only person who doesn't mind being wobbled, but i think its way more intense if you can't get grabbed.

I understand if you're banning it, no worries, but it just means you're a noob who can't avoid grabs :cry: =P
Just because you think it's "more intense" when you're fighting IC's in tourney when there's a threat of being Wobbled doesn't take away from the fact that IC infinite is cheap. Period. You guys and your don't get grabbed bull**** is a simple refute that requires nearly perfect game play. Why do I have to play perfect when all IC has to do is get ONE GRAB and it's over? Kthx. O, and just because certain players who use IC Infinite can be beaten DOES NOT MEAN THE TECHNIQUE ITSELF SHOULD NOT BE BANNED. Bad logic.

wobbles works on everyone numbnuts. hes banning it because he just doesnt like it. its the same philosophy manacloud and that little mana......whats his name. marth falco pro use.
Chet you're gay. It's not that I "don't like it." Putting it that way is making the decision seem childish. It's that I think it's unfair and from personal experience, umm, I think it's unfair. It's cheap. Dirty. Sanchez. Etc. It's the cheapest.

Essentially, there has already been debate over the Wobbles stuff so talk about it in that thread please, the decision is final.



Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005

Like ROFL said it works on every character, UNLIKE chain grabs...
Jay you'd have to ban Luigi's taunt, too wouldn't you cuz you're Marth and Marth gets taunt spiked by Luigi...

oh wait... only yours does woops

Just because you think it's "more intense" when you're fighting IC's in tourney when there's a threat of being Wobbled doesn't take away from the fact that IC infinite is cheap. Period. You guys and your don't get grabbed bull**** is a simple refute that requires nearly perfect game play. Why do I have to play perfect when all IC has to do is get ONE GRAB and it's over? Kthx. O, and just because certain players who use IC Infinite can be beaten DOES NOT MEAN THE TECHNIQUE ITSELF SHOULD NOT BE BANNED. Bad logic.

Chet you're gay. It's not that I "don't like it." Putting it that way is making the decision seem childish. It's that I think it's unfair and from personal experience, umm, I think it's unfair. It's cheap. Dirty. Sanchez. Etc. It's the cheapest.

Essentially, there has already been debate over the Wobbles stuff so talk about it in that thread please, the decision is final.

yea your right aesis why dont u go lose to lucky again then say yeahuyzz like u always do and just because u get rocked by ics like when u lost to n1ck3 or neal or both doesnt mean it should be banned thats stupid logic 2 ban it cuz its so good why dont u start banning characters while ur at it...and i thought mana was bad with banning ppl but banning moves...


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
yea your right aesis why dont u go lose to lucky again then say yeahuyzz like u always do and just because u get rocked by ics like when u lost to n1ck3 or neal or both doesnt mean it should be banned thats stupid logic 2 ban it cuz its so good why dont u start banning characters while ur at it...and i thought mana was bad with banning ppl but banning moves...
LOL @ ur reply
Why are you trying to diss Lucky by mentioning I lost to him in tourney? He's pretty good, maybe he doesn't have exp vs Marth, I'd give him more credit, he did take out Ken and Arash with Mango at his side? That was all Mango? Come on man, I'm not ashamed of losing to Lucky one time, it was a good match.

I don't get rocked by ICs dood my matches are always close, did you SEE my match against Nick? He's really not that bad he took Wolf to 3 games son...

I never lost to Neal. I've never faced Neal. But Neal's good!
I like your punctuation and grammar, did you go to school with Manacloud?


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
lol stfu noobs.


jay do i really need to get out the 4 stock tapesies? its not like this is the first place to ban wobbles. the infinite is banned in ALL of texas LOL. and SOS came from texas and he loves chaingrabbing 0-death and camping and all kinds of lame stuff. the IC infinite is just something that isnt very popular in smash.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
LOL @ ur reply
Why are you trying to diss Lucky by mentioning I lost to him in tourney? He's pretty good, maybe he doesn't have exp vs Marth, I'd give him more credit, he did take out Ken and Arash with Mango at his side? That was all Mango? Come on man, I'm not ashamed of losing to Lucky one time, it was a good match.

I don't get rocked by ICs dood my matches are always close, did you SEE my match against Nick? He's really not that bad he took Wolf to 3 games son...

I never lost to Neal. I've never faced Neal. But Neal's good!
I like your punctuation and grammar, did you go to school with Manacloud?
lol your right lucky is good but i think he lost to mcrusty at ucla and kira last week guess hes not so good on shiek either cept yours.

your right n1ck3 is good not saying he isnt but arnt u aesis ranked 14th i dont think lucky or n1ck3 are ranked, nice dude nice talking about my punctuation and grammer u must get off on seeing commas and periods.


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
lol your right lucky is good but i think he lost to mcrusty at ucla and kira last week guess hes not so good on shiek either cept yours.

your right n1ck3 is good not saying he isnt but arnt u aesis ranked 14th i dont think lucky or n1ck3 are ranked, nice dude nice talking about my punctuation and grammer u must get off on seeing commas and periods.
Lucky was passing out donuts man he had powder on his hands
Jay come to this tourney so I can 4 stock you PLEAASSSEEE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME

$20 MM lets do it


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
Lucky was passing out donuts man he had powder on his hands
Jay come to this tourney so I can 4 stock you PLEAASSSEEE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME

$20 MM lets do it
nice double post aesis ill mm u but not 4 20 bucks ill do it for 5$ i would go ic's on u but since i cant wobbles cuz u banned it i guess ill go marth


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Heh I'm gonna speak as someone who's had the experience to be taken out five sets by Wobbles in tournament.

I don't mind if it's banned, and I don't mind if it's not banned. While I don't think its "cheap" I do think it makes the game way less fun, because it drastically reduces the amount of interaction between players done in the game. That makes the game kind of lame and incredibly less fun. I don't think it's a cheap win, I just think it makes Smash kind of stupid because what makes Smash special is lots and lots of interaction between players, you're constantly adapting and adjusting to every hit, rather than being combo/infinite combo based. That's why I don't like it, personally. Basically that infinite in my view takes away some of the importance of mind games and puts that weight back into technical skill. For me, the ideal fighting game would be 100% mind games. That's kind of impossible to do, but the closer the better, and the existence of Wobbles takes away from that. Not saying that those who do it dont have mind games, it takes a bunch of tricks to get a grab when people avoid it so much, just saying that it puts more emphasis on technicality of the game than if it didn't exist. And I don't think thats good for the Smash scene, and Alan seems to feel that away in general for his UCLA tournament.


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)

Just because you think it's "more intense" when you're fighting IC's in tourney when there's a threat of being Wobbled doesn't take away from the fact that IC infinite is cheap. Period. You guys and your don't get grabbed bull**** is a simple refute that requires nearly perfect game play. Why do I have to play perfect when all IC has to do is get ONE GRAB and it's over? Kthx. O, and just because certain players who use IC Infinite can be beaten DOES NOT MEAN THE TECHNIQUE ITSELF SHOULD NOT BE BANNED. Bad logic.
Whoa, I was just kidding man. I did mention that I was probably the only one who didn't mind being wobbled, and I honestly understand why you would ban it and have no problem with that. Plus I'll be out of town this weekend =( so it doesn't even matter.

Lots of people think peach is broken, and I agree, I think she's way broken. But the best peaches are like, edrees and wife, cuz apprently vidjo quit or something. So while on paper she looks horribly broken (Float cancels, unedgeguardable recovery, dsmash, priority, stichfaces, etc.) in reality it's not so bad. If wobbles really takes away skill from the game or makes things way easier, then azn_lep wouldn't lose to unranked players when he's ranked.

Also, for sheik, with or w/o wobbles it's pretty much 1 grab and we're dead. So that would mean ICs shouldn't be able to chaingrab her either?


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
nice dude nice talking about my punctuation and grammer u must get off on seeing commas and periods.[/QUOTE]


haha, anyway, this is goign to be too fun.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Palmdale/UC Berkeley
Mike wth does your post mean. I read it and got lost I don't know who you are insulting?! ....On a side note I can't wait for this...and I just may need a teammate...any takers?


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Chet you're gay. It's not that I "don't like it." Putting it that way is making the decision seem childish. It's that I think it's unfair and from personal experience, umm, I think it's unfair. It's cheap. Dirty. Sanchez. Etc. It's the cheapest.

Essentially, there has already been debate over the Wobbles stuff so talk about it in that thread please, the decision is final.

Obviously Sheik's tilt to **** or grab to ****, or Fox's shine to **** or uthrow to ****, or Marth's grab to ****, or **** edge guarding, or Falcon's grab to ****, nair to ****, tech chase to ****, stomp to ****, etc. aren't all "cheap" to a certain degree... Every upper tier character has something cheap about them. That's just a fact of smash.

How does "I think it's unfair and from personal experience, umm, I think it's unfair." make it seem less childish? The operative word in this is "I."

I can understand why you're banning it and such -- I personally can't stand it, but that's life -- but nonetheless you can't act offended at the backlash of such an announcement.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
i agree with the banning of the infinite as well.

and all those combos you've mentioned neighborhood P, like sheik's tilts and foxes upairs give the person getting hit at least enough input through DI to decide how things will go. its not like u cant break out of them...

and it is no way the same as chain grabbing. u can escape many chain grabs through DI, especially if u di away from the stage.

with wobbling you're pretty much stuck until you die.

even peach's chain grab on fox isnt as bad. its still pretty horrible nonetheless, but at least u can break off it at like 130 percent or something and it doesnt lead to a smash.

i dont mind if IC chain grabs but the infinite is not a chain grab. Chain implies connecting grabs together as a combo.

this is just 1 grab.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
But no banning uthrow to rest! >=)


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
shines are avoidable.

peaches downsmash is only bad because of its priority, and those fast fallers that crouch cancel eat it.but it usually doesnt link more than once or at most twice if u tech properly. you can also DI the d-smash as well as jigg's upthrow to rest.

besides, those are more character specific than anything. Both jiggs and peach **** fox and falco with those moves and i think Mike's comments are biased because he plays fox?

Either way its not applicable to every character, unlike the infinite.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
i just shine each individual downsmash hit so that it cancels out at the end.

im pretty quick on that ****.


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
4/5 Deep SoCal CONFIRMED for the 24th... Azeem you need to come to this...

PALMDALE VS DEEP SOCAL 2: Revenge of the Palmdalians!!!!


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Was wondering if everyone wanted to go eat in Westwood after the tourney, I know a Parking Lot 3.00 flat rate... tons o space XD
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