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Twin Christmas Parties 3+4 Mafia {The Matryoshka Scandal.} ~ Over! Who had the merriest Christmas? Who got lumps of coal?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'll do Circus later. Bit tired of mafia for now so I'll be back later to finish up the rest of my thoughts.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
God the forced busing is astounding.

Dislikes Circus and July but joins them in wanting to lynch me.

OS/J/Circus/July, if that is the scum team step your game up.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
RR, you are really missing the point.
How so?

OS is cleared if I protected him, yes? So how am I scum if I stopped the night kill?

Also what are you getting at about having only one scum-read being scummy?
That means your not scum hunting.

If I had to lay it out more, I would say that I have FoS's/IGMEOU's on Circus/July.
Lists then in a pile of nulls, then says," well yeah I would look into them."

Then they aren't nulls.

In your reads post you called all 3 of the people to build a case on you scum. You were even saying earlier that OS seems to be leaning town for you in terms of clearing him.
Not July, not now at least. Can see her thought process having analysis.

OS is not cleared unless we actually know what happened the previous nights, aka what else people used.

And a Strongman...please tell me a set-up around here that had that on town. I've never once seen that on town and I sincerely doubt it was to be a creative miller to the role cop.

Yes it is possible to put that on town, I do not think anyone would put that on a townie around here, MafiaScum whatever I don't go there, this is DGames, and Strongmans are already frowned upon based on what people posted in theory threads etc, even less putting it on a townie when everyone has a heart on for Dayvig instead.

Circus' case has a contradiction, and you have been making constant reaches on a lot of players, forcing the lynch to me and PJB when the day opened? Then when I claimed said, yeah we gotta lynch between these two.

You never showed any consideration to analyze this. That's not how town thinks, that how scum thinks when they want a ML.

I'm still considering which of the three I want dead more since order matters with OS involved, leaning on J far more.

Vote: J

Placeholder vote.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Deadline in two days, Sworddancer you should put that info on the table if it is that important for us right now.

J/OS today, OS needs to answer Bardull asap.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I don't like that Ran also claimed out of nowhere, but I believe his claim.
J, I agree with your July FoS. The only thing I can remember is this. This seemed like she was trying to put doubt in me claiming, yet still giving it support. I don't really see a reason for her to actually say this. If she really had a problem with me claiming, she would have asked me why I claimed, and would have argued why she thinks I shouldn't have claimed. It's just a very weak statement and she just threw it out there so she could have a visible opinion of my actions.

I also am fine with lynching Red Ryu.

I'll go more into my reads later @ OS. I am currently studying for a test.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Lists then in a pile of nulls, then says," well yeah I would look into them."

Then they aren't nulls.
I stated they were leaning one way or the other.

RR said:
Circus' case has a contradiction, and you have been making constant reaches on a lot of players, forcing the lynch to me and PJB when the day opened? Then when I claimed said, yeah we gotta lynch between these two.

You never showed any consideration to analyze this. That's not how town thinks, that how scum thinks when they want a ML.
Can you show where Circus' case has contradictions? Also I didn't say anything about you/PBJ until after you claimed in terms of definitely one of you going toDay based on the claim you had made about the shot. I didn't force anything, RR. Also saying I never showed any consideration to analyze this is not true at all. I analyzed the heck out of your claim and have been this entire time as shown in my big post directed at you.

All you are doing is strawmanning the arguments presented to you from OS/Circus/Myself and calling us all scum for calling you scum. I also never called Circus scum, but said I am questioning him right now.

Why do you have this soft spot for July? What makes her so different then the other three who are pushing you? You are giving July a free pass for almost no reason and I don't get why. You shove it off as you being able to see July's reasoning but that doesn't make much sense.

You need to adresse the concerns of July/Circus/OS/Myself and not just say "They are all scum for their case on me! Except July, she's cool." That doesn't make things go away RR.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
OS/J/Circus/July, if that is the scum team step your game up.
Seriously, RR, what do you hope to accomplish by making statements like these? Do you honestly think the entire scum-team is the four people who made cases on you? I feel you need to take a step back and take yourself out of the picture before your next post because it seems you are being centered around yourself and taking biased into your reads purely based on those going against you.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
J said:
I want to bring up something regarding the other two words not being focused because I feel they mean as much as they do in terms of the strongman word. Potential and Persistence do not seem to be "evil/heinous/scummy" words at all if they belong to OS. They all sound like characters that fit a good guy or town role. I may be reading into this a bit too much but it makes me feel with Ran's copping of OS, I don't want to lynch OS toDay.
These words are null. There are "evil" characters in both Persona 3 and Persona 4 that share those characteristics.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I haven't finished J's reads post, but with the direction things are generally going against RR I think it to be important that I claim my role now. Also, I'm really not sure about my survivability at this point, especially after claiming that I have some relevant information earlier, so yeah.

I am Aigis, town weak voyeur-cop. Every Night, I can target a player and see all actions that occurred to that player. I am a "weak" cop though because I can only see the "generic" actions that occur to the player I use my ability on. For example, say I use my voyeur ability on someone who's vigged. The result that I'll get is that I saw a "killing" role target that player that Night. Now say that that mafia tried to Night kill them instead. Same thing, I'll only see that a "killing" role targeted them during the Night.

I also have a role modifier that prevents any other role besides killing roles from effecting me during the Night.

Night 1 I targeted OS. I saw a "kill," a "protect," an "inspect (me)" and a "miscellaneous" target OS that Night.

By Night 2's deadline, I still have yet to catch up. So I just targeted OS again. However, I was forced to target RR (IDK why, the mod just said that I was forced to target RR). The only role that I saw visit RR that Night was my own (I see all Night actions that happen to a player, including my own).

Night 3 I targeted J. Two inspects (one being my own) visited him.

So here's the thing. I was thinking Day 2, after Le's flip, that either the mafia targeted OS or the indie did. If the indie did, then OS is probably an aspect. The thing is is that OS could still be mafia recruited as an indie, which is why his strongman doesn't work. It's just speculation, but nevertheless consider it.

In any case I didn't think him a threat, which is why I didn't claim immediately. If he was an aspect, so what? He wouldn't be able to kill, so I ignored him as a suspect for the time being.

Now I need to ask a question. How does poison work exactly? When does poison finally kill its target?

It's possible, I guess, that if poison is slow enough, RR could have intercepted it. However, I doubt that. IIRC, poison kill at the end of the next Day, unless I am mistaken (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

Otherwise, the mafia would have to have had some other means of killing IF the mafia were the ones to target OS Night 1. Which makes sense, I guess. After all, two people died Night 1. If there was poison involved, then only one person would have died (since poison is delayed, and OS was protected from another kill).

Also, while I hate RR's play, this casts him in somewhat of a positive light. I can confirm that a protect did visit OS Night 1. I need to check in with Nabe to see if RR's role would count as a "protect" or a "miscellaneous" (although I doubt he'll directly confirm this for me).

Confused about why I targeted RR Night 2. Nabe's wording was that I was "forced" to target RR, which implies a redirect, but my role modifier makes it so that I shouldn't be effected by redirects. So my only explanation right now is that of a bus driver. Again, another thing that I need to check in with Nabe.

I wanted to wait until OS talked more about his role and JTB said his "revelation" (which btw has went nowhere), but Day light is starting to run short. We have less than 48 hours to lynch, and I want there to be time for everyone to see this and ingest it. \

Anyways, I'll let you guys chew on this information now. For the time being, I'm out.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
We have 46 hours to digest all of this with a semi-inactive player list. This will be...well to be honest just plain awkward in terms of what may go on.

Swords, with the information you have, who do you feel going toDay?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
The only two who could possibly have done so is Chuckie or Raziek since they were both protectors...but they are both dead.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place.

Bardull, talk to me about your thoughts. If you couldn't have RR, who would you have?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

By PoE, I might just swing to JTB because it seems statistically likely that he's scum. Or July. Both of their presences have been pretty empty and unseen.

Sword makes OS, someone I suspect, look a lot better since someone tried to kill OS. I'm mostly wondering if Ryker/Gova would hit OS or if they instead decided to hit Kantrip who was mostly under the radar if I remember correctly. I'm not really sure since OS was in a power position on D1 considering he was a bit of a lightning rod on N1.

I'm a bit bothered by Sword's claim on the grounds that, considering someone tried to kill OS, Sword was still pushing for OS. It feels a little uncharacteristic of what I'd expect from Sword's approach to OS. I guess the simple answer to this is that he was just pressuring OS to get a better read, which in hindsight I'd be willing to accept since he mentioned "not quicklynching OS but adding a vote or two wouldn't hurt."

I have my share of qualms with RR's claim, as does everyone else.

I haven't thoroughly read Circus yet, but he seems stumped considering he wants 5 people to be looked into toMorrow. I have to reread his most recent large post.

I have a small inkling that J is scum. I can't explain it, but it's mostly gut.

Ran is, for all intents and purposes, most likely Town.

PJB's responses have been fine, I don't really think he should be blown out of the water.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I have a few questions.

PJB, when RR comes into toDay voting you, why do you attack his character rather than questioning his vote? Later on you say hes one of your scum reads, but you passed up a perfectly good chance to pressure him. How has your read developed on him?
I didn't question the vote, cuz I was kind of expecting some poop to hit the fan in my direction at the start of the day. I was actually expecting it from J, since I'm pretty sure he stated I was #2 on his suspicion list, and soup ended up dying. But I ended up getting it from Ryu, somebody I viewed as being in no real position to criticize my inactive play up to that point, given that he was pretty inactive too. Add to that the fact that I'm kind of a snarky little smartass, and poof. That's what happened. *shrug*

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Votecount 4-2

6/11 to lynch.

Red Ryu [
]: July, J
Overswarm [
]: Ranmaru, BarDulL
J [
]: Red Ryu

Not voting [
]: Circus, Overswarm, Sworddancer., PrivateJoker-Brown, JTB, Kary


[collapse=Vote Log] Circus
Ranmaru > Overswarm > Overswarm
Sworddancer. > Ranmaru > Unvote > Unvote
July > Red Ryu
J > Red Ryu
BarDulL > Red Ryu > Unvote > Kary > Overswarm
Red Ryu > PJB > Unvote > J

Deadline is November 28th at 4:00 p.m. Eastern.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
@J. It's pretty easy to explain what you view as "conflicting" reads on Ran and OS. I wasn't sure if I should buy Ran's claim or not. I wasn't sure if he was gambiting so he could claim a guilty on him. I didn't really view his claim as an attempt to clear OS, given that he voted him.

Looking at the whole situation now, OS' claim actually fits well with what Ran claimed, so it's likely that they're both town. The Strongman, and Potential characteristics certainly fit with a backup vig well enough. I'm willing to accept both claims.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Alright that's all I really needed from you PBJ, thank you for that.

Can you give me your reads on July/Circus?

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Circus has improved a bit, in my mind. I kind of want to go over his case with a fine toothed comb, but it looks good to me right now. My opinion of him will likely be largely affected by Ryu's flip. I like that he's getting more involved.

July isn't much of a concern to me. I know you're keeping an eye on her due to meta, but as an impartial party to that matter, I see nothing really malicious. I dunno that she warrants a town read, but she doesn't warrant a scum read. I'd like to see more from her, and if she doesn't get more active toDay, I may turn on her toMorrow.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I'm a bit bothered by Sword's claim on the grounds that, considering someone tried to kill OS, Sword was still pushing for OS. It feels a little uncharacteristic of what I'd expect from Sword's approach to OS. I guess the simple answer to this is that he was just pressuring OS to get a better read, which in hindsight I'd be willing to accept since he mentioned "not quicklynching OS but adding a vote or two wouldn't hurt."
When Ran claimed that OS was a strongman, I thought that he was mafia who was recruited by the indy.

Before you ask "If you thought that he was recruited and thus not a threat, because he can't kill now, then why did you still persue him?" The answer is is because I derped. >.>

In anycase, I was going to claim anyways toDay, so yeah, no harm done.

@J #1: I asked you that question about PJB with the context that you thought him connected to OS scum. I was wanting your opinion on rather or not you think PJB would have chainsawed his partner against Ran.

@ J #2: Circus null town, July null scum. I'll go over both briefly.

Again I didn't like Circus's Day 1 play. His Day 2 push against Chuckie was meh. He was very much stuck on generic thoughts and tunnelly reasoning against Chuckie, and as Chuckie pointed out kinda ignored some of his counter points. However right at the end of Day 2 he made a post that I really liked, plus his most recent post I liked a lot to.

Circus is very polarizing in the sense that some of his posts just gives me bland, generic vibes, while two of his posts feel very genuine. He has made more posts that feel "fakish" but the two "genuine" posts that he has made I REALLY like.

I had July as a town lean, but I agree with your analysis of July's play J. She indeed does seem to lack a certain "edge" in her scumhunting. I agree with most of her reads, but they have a tendency to come well after "popular" reads have already formed, so it's hard to give her too many town points for that. There is definitely a big discrepancy between the number of her scum leans and how much pressure she's actually applying to them.

@J #3: I won't lie, I don't have a satisfactory answer for you. There are a couple players who I want to see gone, but not one of them stands out as the one who I REALLY want gone. If I had to pick, it would be between one of Kary, JTB, and July. July for reasons already stated. JTB just because of PoE. Kary because, while some of his catch ups our weird for scum to make, he doesn't seem terribly interested in actually catching scum. He has a tendency to drop reads/half-hearty pursue them, which I'm not a fan of.

JTB/Kary > July > PJB > Circus

I'm not too sure though why people are giving PJB the clear. While he does give reads when asked I feel like he uses a word choice that's too conservative. Lots of "buts," "maybes," "leans," "I'll like to see more from this slot of this . . . " for my comfort. Especially considering that it stands at contrast with his jump onto Chuckie, which seems like he thought it out pretty well.

Btw, if it wasn't for my role, I would TOTALLY want RR dead toDay. He WOULD be the one who I would absolutely want dead. Hell, I still kinda want him dead given his reaction, tbh. :ohwell:

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Swords, would you be willing to risk the game on one of Kary/JTB? I have to say that I am not that confident on them being scum in order to possibly risk the game on their ML.

I want RR dead the mostest, but if your claim is to be true and we are to believe RR, then what are we supposed to do? The next in line for me is July and she is the only closest thing I have to a strong scum-read. We have 48 hours to decipher who goes toDay and the claims just made it so much more super wonky than it needed but cleared things up.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Btw, just to be clear.

This was @J #1:

I don't really understand the question but let me try and answer it the best I can figure. PBJ attacking Ranmaru is a bit off to me because I don't get why he is reading Ran as scum if he is reading OS as town. It seems a bit backwards because without Ranmaru, we would not have a clear on OS, which would mean, if we assume OS is town, we also have to assume that Ran is town and telling the truth. Ranmaru attacked OS with information he believed to be scummy which in reality provides us with a semi-clear on OS if we are to take Ranmaru's word.

I believe Ranmaru to be town this game which makes me even stronger on my OS town-read I've had since D1.

Here is what I have seen with PBJ's PoV on this:

I believe Ranmaru to be scummy this game but I still have a Town-read on OS since his claim/semi-clear status he has acheived.

It seems...off. That's the best way to put it. Don't know whether to mark it as scummy or just him thinking things very oddly.

And onto my final point I wanted to discuss when talking about PBJ
Specifically the bolded.

This was @ J #2:

Swords, while you are holding out. Can you give me your opinions on Circus and Bardull?
For some reason I thought that you were asking for an opinion on July, not Bardull.

Bardull I def like. Definitely interested in scumhunting, is coming off very genuine so far this game. Done.

This was @J #3:

We have 46 hours to digest all of this with a semi-inactive player list. This will be...well to be honest just plain awkward in terms of what may go on.

Swords, with the information you have, who do you feel going toDay?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Swords, would you be willing to risk the game on one of Kary/JTB? I have to say that I am not that confident on them being scum in order to possibly risk the game on their ML.

I want RR dead the mostest, but if your claim is to be true and we are to believe RR, then what are we supposed to do? The next in line for me is July and she is the only closest thing I have to a strong scum-read. We have 48 hours to decipher who goes toDay and the claims just made it so much more super wonky than it needed but cleared things up.
Well, I don't think that we're "risking" the game yet, but if we're wrong toDay then we will be put into what is most likey a very bad LYLO toMorrow, so I see your point.

Tbh, no, but what are we to do at this point? I tried to get this game into activity, I wanted certain players to generate content, but I think we can all agree that despite our efforts we haven't produced significant data. At this point, it feels like we can only make a judgement call and hope for the best.

So then, we better get talking.

@Ran, OS, Bardull, J: Lets get lists from you guys of who you're willing to lynch. Lets try to find a common thread here.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
RR/July/JTB/Kary/Circus for me. I am not comfy on anyone else. I could possibly be convinced on PBJ but that would mean someone would have to come up with a case.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
July please show inconsistent.
The most obvious example of your claim being inconsistent is that you said you inherit the ability of people who died but N1 you inherited an ability other than that which Rajam had when he flipped.

Private-Joker Brown
Red Ryu

I want a reads list from everyone that is bolded. You'll note this is everyone but me and Sworddancer.

For your reads list, just list one person you'd be down with lynching today and one person you don't know anything about and one person you think is town.

I think J is town, I don't know anything about Bardull, and I think Red Ryu is scum.

I posted a reads list pretty recently, but that's changed with the claims and recent posts. I'll elaborate later but right now I think I'd be most comfortable with a J lynch.

So I did an ISO on July since I am in the mafia mood and I came across a couple things that I wanted to bring up and what also worried me a bit.

First off, until toDay she was very hesitant on explaining her scum-reads. In fact, most of her posts have been explaining things she liked or just giving agreeing nods to certain posts. Here is what I mean:
That would be because nothing happened outside of figuring out the theme D1 and D2 I didn't get here until after the lynch had already happened.

Here she talks about some points she likes and gives very light reasonings to liking people who were being attacked, mainly Soup/Chuckie. What I didn't get was why she was trying to illegitimize the Chuckie lynch after it had already happened considering that someone had already pointed out that she said she would have been on the wagon with everyone else. That's fine and dandy but here's the thing. She says she wants to look into Raz but only gave very little jabs as to why she suspected him.
Because it was a *******ized lynch? Good points were made and then the lynch was hijacked by people who voted and didn't explain why, voted without genuinely believing Chuckie was scum, and then the quickhammer. There were people who genuinely believed in the wagon and people who didn't, which I've discussed before.

Furthermore, I had already discussed my dislike for Raz Day 1, and Day 2 I reiterated my concerns and the additional concerns that D2 and his hop on the wagon caused but there wasn't much I could do about it considering the lynch had already taken place.

In the end she gives scum-reads in Raziek/RR/Ryker/Ditzy(now Bardull)/Circus, but no explanations for the rather large amount of suspicions. The only one she really went into was the one on Raziek. She seems to be okay with giving people town points but when it comes to scum-leans she seems to have a lack of content regarding them.
That would be because Raziek was definitely my strongest scum read, I did and still do have stronger town reads than scum reads, and I wanted to look into some players based mostly on the suspicions of my town reads because I honestly didn't know where to look. That's not an optimal situation to be in but that's where I was at D2.

As you can see, she is sitting on a Ranmaru town-read while claiming at the same time she has a scum-lean on OS. She says that she is skeptical based on OS' claim. However she subtly tries to mention that OS should be looked at for being the main proponent for the Chuckie lynch since she is saying that he should be looked at based on his interactions with Chuckie. July says that OS was indy hunting yesterDay. OS blatantly made this known and also admitted to this fact because he felt he had a strong read on Chuckie based on Le B. The thing that strikes me with July saying this is because she isn't looking at all the facts and she is seeming rushed to call OS scum for some reason I don't get. The information we have present results in a semi-clear OS, but July still insists on a scummy OS.
What? Believing Ran and having a scum-lean on OS were not inconsistent AT ALL, I believed that the strongman characteristic that Ran picked up on was scummy. The reason I was quick to consider OS seems pretty obvious, actually; strongman characteristic + indy hunting looked like characteristics of a scum role. And the bolded is twisting information; I didn't know that at the time of my last post, OS hadn't claimed yet and the information provided from Ran did not semi-clear OS.

We also have the fact that July is using the exact same type of attack BRB, Not Posting was using in his hammer post to try and throw suspicion onto OS. It gave me a grimy feeling then and it gives me one now.

What changed, July? You had a scum-lean/suspicion on Circus before but now you say that he has always been helping gather information and scumhunt. What specifically do you like of Circus? You give a broad statement saying you like his reads and he's helping town, but that doesn't do much to give insight to his slot from you. *coloring so it doesn't get lost in this post*
I had a suspicion on Circus because, as I said D2, I wanted to look at him because Swords had some valid points on him, but those points became irrelevant toDay as Circus became more active. I like him because honestly he was one of the few players who freaking paid attention to the issues with RR's claim and actually pursued getting information from him, and he's been logical in his approach to players toDay and the claims in particular.

Not disagreeing with your town lean on Bardull but what in the world are you talking about in the bolded? How was Ditzy suspicious based on his knowledge of the theme considering he outed it to everyone?
Simply the idea that scum likely had more information than town did D1, and so I wanted to keep an eye on people who seemed like they had a lot of information.

Using this read statement as well. You seem to be giving town-leans to those who agreed with you instantly on RR being scum and giving those who were a bit more contemplative on the decision to work through things. Are you sure you aren't being jaded by the view of people agreeing with you = towny leans? You are doing so to Bardull and Circus it seems.
Gaahhhhhhh I just really don't like people who freaking ignored the issues with RR's claim; how do you ignore that? Or how do you put the pressure onto PJB for not dying rather than onto RR for his sketchy claim? I don't understand and I felt like most people weren't being "more contemplative", they simply weren't dealing with the issue or were diverting attention elsewhere.

J, I agree with your July FoS. The only thing I can remember is this. This seemed like she was trying to put doubt in me claiming, yet still giving it support. I don't really see a reason for her to actually say this. If she really had a problem with me claiming, she would have asked me why I claimed, and would have argued why she thinks I shouldn't have claimed. It's just a very weak statement and she just threw it out there so she could have a visible opinion of my actions.

I also am fine with lynching Red Ryu.

I'll go more into my reads later @ OS. I am currently studying for a test.
No, I've been very clear you are my second strongest town read, I just had no idea why you claimed when you did. You explained, I'm happy with that, case closed.

NOW, if OS is right about the set-up then scum might be able to win toNight on a mislynch, so toDay is critical.

I'm 100% sure that Swords is town, and with that in mind, OS's claim and Ran's claim, that means that OS is town as well.

Aspects of Ran's claim such as his potential to change if certain conditions are met plus his play which I think has been pretty townie also make me pretty damn sure that Ran is town.

RR's claim still bothers me, and I can't put him as town right now. His claim is just so off for me, even with Swords testimony of N1 I just don't see how RR's role works or why it would have functioned the way he claims N1, I really don't.

In terms of play, I like Circus, PJB and Bardull and wouldn't lynch them toDay. I've already explained these reads and they haven't changed from my last post (except that I've explained the Circus read further in this post).

That leaves J, JTB, and Kary along with RR who I do not have a town lean on. JTB is null, I honestly know nothing of what he's done all game. Kary is honestly PoE; I haven't had any real issues with his play, but he's someone I also haven't looked into very much.

As petty as this is J's post ISOing me was a tipping point for me because the points he makes are foremost based on meta which isn't reliable anymore, and then he takes points out of context and forgets that D1 nothing happened and D2 I literally wasn't here until twilight and that affects my point of view on things like the Chuckie wagon. I've already discussed J's push on PJB being reachy, and J got on me for getting on him for not being critical of RR but he simply wasn't until popular opinion turned towards an RR lynch and then he hopped on with in a rather half-hearted fashion.

So my lynch pool right now is RR/J/JTB/Kary. I will not lynch anyone outside these four toDay.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I apolize ahead of time, but I'm going to be slightly inactive for the rest of the Day, and perhaps the game. A quiz is coming up tomorrow, and I have finals next week, so yeah.

Anyways, July I find your reasons for disliking J to be incredibly shallow. So what if he made a case against you that took things slightly out of context? What about the rest of his play? What about his intent? Honestly he's pretty much the second most obvious town player (behind me, of course ;p) in this game. Are you going to let one imperfect case, plus a slow start to toDay, bias you on that?

It's true that nothing much happened Day 1, so I won't hold that against you. It's also true that you came into the Day post flip. However, no matter what you say, there was a bothersome discrepancy between the number of your scum reads and how much you actually went over them.

Also, read over your first post toDay, I have to wonder why exactly you jumped onto RR so quickly? I don't remember if J brought up this point, but your initial reasoning for jumping onto RR doesn't really line up. You noticed that his claim didn't make sense with what has already happened. Okay, so what? Why does that warrant a vote?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

This game is getting way out of hand for me to do a satisfactory catchup.

Request Deadline Extension

unfortunately I don't think i'll be online tomorrow so i've gotta throw this down now.

From what I've seen from Swords/J etc. it looks like there's no way I'm getting OS lynched toDay, which is a shame because when you look past all of the clever talk and arguments, and to what OS has actually done this game it's more or less;
D1; push a lynch on the grounds that any lynch is good for information
D2; push a lynch on the wild assumption that Chuckie was LeBat :urg:
D3; sit on his hands until he could take pot-shots at RR

So can we please lynch his scummy a$$ tomorrow?


Vote: Red Ryu

My biggest problem with RR is this:
It's just what Nabe gave me.

Bardull tell me about the Strongman as a town role vs Mafia role a bit, I'm still finding it very unlikely it's town sided.
He's sitting on his claim.

As I understand it, he threw the claim out in the first place to push PJB, but I'm not convinced as to how legit that was. I could see RR being rash and doing that, and part of me wants to say that his claim is so messed up that he ought to be town. But that's all I have in his favour.

Now, I don't know why scum RR would decide to put out a weird claim and sit on it. Of all things, he claims to have protected OS N1, and Swords's results (which I trust almost completely) seem to back this up. Obviously he's also claimed a shot on PJB.

Where was RR going with this? I don't know. But right now I find myself looking at a game where OS is plausibly clear, RR is plausibly clear, and both are claiming to have backed up Soup.

What the hell is going on.

Give me a gun right now, I shoot OS. But I'm more than prepared to believe that this is some sort of OS/RR masterplan to setup a standoff/bus on D3. Look at how the Day could've moved towards PJB until that failed to gain traction. How it could still swing towards me/JTB if this standoff doesn't resolve. It smells to me like something is waay up, and of the other possibilities (Ranscum etc., scumteam all lurking) these all seem less likely.

The thing that really sells me on it is the number of kills. Presumably it should be 3 on N1 one from Soup, one from the indy faction, one from mafia. Only two bodies. Presumably someone got a protect in, right?
Now assume OS is scum and mafia have a doctor. Who else would they protect N1 but OS, the lynchpin?
I don't have long enough in the Day to sit and see whether RR will continue to appeal to his claim of having protected OS. But right now that's what he is doing and I don't like it at all. I can totally see mafia having a doc in a setup with 2 other killing roles, and I'm more than prepared to lynch RR on that analysis than clear him on the grounds that his play doesn't make sense as scum.

Anyhow, I hope I got that all across. I'm on library internet again and my mind is racing. I'll try and get on again tomorrow but no promises I'm afraid. You probably wanted those reads from me, aye?

Swords, J, Bardull - obvtown

Ranmaru -I don't want to doubt this guy, seems like natural townRan, and i'm sure more posts will prove that so lean town.
Circus- I really want to say town because the walls read legit, but I don't like the way he comes out of the shadows or how his thoughts don't seem to follow mine, so null for now.
July- I kinda like this game, I think if she was scum she'd be prod-dodging more, townlean.
PJB- I hate reading this guy's posts because he's so defensive and self-righteous as town, but I don't see anything other than that from him right now so going to assume town.
JTB- want to say town based on meta, but there's no way i'm clearing him on that, null

think that's everyone, but gotta run again as it is.

OS, please don't shoot me.

All best,


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

Town read: J.
Don't know anything about read: JTB. Yet I'm not for lynching him because I feel there are scummier people who should go ahead of him.
Want to lynch: Red Ryu. Then July, then Kary, than Swords. Bardull is iffy, I want him to explain why he changed his read on me.

Vote: Red Ryu


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Gaahhhhhhh I just really don't like people who freaking ignored the issues with RR's claim; how do you ignore that? Or how do you put the pressure onto PJB for not dying rather than onto RR for his sketchy claim? I don't understand and I felt like most people weren't being "more contemplative", they simply weren't dealing with the issue or were diverting attention elsewhere.

No, I've been very clear you are my second strongest town read, I just had no idea why you claimed when you did. You explained, I'm happy with that, case closed.
First paragraph seems very forced. I do not like the underlined, it just seems you are trying to fake concern with RR's claim. I don't think people were focusing on RR because there were other matters that had to be tended to. This also seems fake because I don't remember you really trying to direct focus to RR earlier on.

Second paragraph, when exactly did you say that at the point you said that you didn't like me claiming? (And provide the reasoning please)

Yes it is possible to put that on town, I do not think anyone would put that on a townie around here, MafiaScum whatever I don't go there, this is DGames, and Strongmans are already frowned upon based on what people posted in theory threads etc, even less putting it on a townie when everyone has a heart on for Dayvig instead.

Circus' case has a contradiction, and you have been making constant reaches on a lot of players, forcing the lynch to me and PJB when the day opened? Then when I claimed said, yeah we gotta lynch between these two.
Bold, he states that he believes no mod would use a town strongman. Red Bold, he mentions that he doesn't go to MS, and that this is Dgames to justify why he believes OS to not be a town strongman. This is very stubborn, and I feel he is being stubborn on purpose to stay firm on his OS scumread.

Underlined, I feel he is trying to blow things out of proportion, to make J seem scummy. He doesn't consider that J may have honestly thought it odd that PB&J, a recent Dgames member, knew what the Strongman role was. I just find this as him taking a small detail and trying to force it the sole reason for J being scum.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Kary, didn't you originally have a scum read on me? Why did it change?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
riight if you want in depth reads im afraid their gonna have to wait
i gotta run

town, scum, null, town

bardull also town

no other strong reads to speak of


Never mind the question, I mis-read the player order in the quote as to what you were referring to. Missed that that was referring to players mentioned in the last sentence.
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