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Twin Christmas Parties 3+4 Mafia {The Matryoshka Scandal.} ~ Over! Who had the merriest Christmas? Who got lumps of coal?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I actually agree with PJB that J's reasoning on him is reachy. Even if PJB just said "I've been looking around at mafiascum wiki articles and I saw it" I would have been satisfied. Not saying that he ain't scum, there are several things about his slot that bothers me, just that him knowing what a strongman is isn't one of them.

I'm going to take OS's silence as a "yes."

@J: What do you think about PJB attacking Ran for attacking OS, and for having a town read on OS? How do you interpret this?

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Ok, so I'm sitting here and wondering what's up with all the reaching against my slot. J began the day stating that he was expecting either me or Ryu to go today. Ryu comes in with that ridiculous claim that I must be scum because I didn't die. J seems really excited about this new development. Then we all figure out that Ryu's claim is absurd, and doesn't incriminate me at all. Despite the fact that J is suspicious of both of us (or so he says), he doesn't express any interest in Ryu's slot. Now he makes this incredible reach against my slot. I thought he was interested in both of us? So why does he seem to only express any interest in me?

@J. What do you think about Ryu?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Prefers to be a vt over a pr? Weirdness.

July what's your read on Ran?
I have a town read on Ran. His early play has been not stereotypical Ran but it's not scummy, it's just less aggressive but still pretty active, asking questions, and what looks like genuine scumhunting. As I said before I believe his claim, I don't completely understand it but I genuinely think he claimed because he thought it would help town and there are aspects of his claim that I believe because of my own role. Nothing about Ran's play has set up red flags for me, including his claim.


I'm a bit paranoid about July's need to state what "she would have done" wrt Chuckie wagon and paint herself in a negative light.

Admitting that you would probably be on a wagon that looked like it was probably a mislynch at that point is a weird thing to be admitting to. It kinda makes me think of a thought process along the line of ("Hey I'm scum so I'm going to be saying something that scum would never say!") *Ahem* "I would have honestly joined this mislynch guys!"
I had Chuckie as a town read coming out of D1, and then I came into D2 where he's being lynched. When I tried to piece together why it happened, I could see reasons why some people genuinely changed their reads on him, and I could sympathize with that to an extent when I was reading. Other players however did not seem to have town intent for hopping on the wagon.

@July: What people do you think genuinely joined the Chuckie wagon?
8/15 to lynch.

Chuckie [
]: Overswarm, Jdietz43, Raziek, PrivateJoker-Brown, Kary, Red Ryu, Circus, BRB

Raziek [
]: soup, Sworddancer.
PrivateJoker-Brown [
]: Chuckie
BRB, Not Posting. [
]: Ranmaru
soup [
]: J

Not voting [
]: July, JTB


[collapse=Vote Log] Circus > Chuckie
Overswarm > Chuckie
Ranmaru > Ryker
Sworddancer. > Raziek
J > soup
BRB, Not Posting. > Chuckie
PrivateJoker-Brown > Chuckie
Raziek > Chuckie
Chuckie > Overswarm > PrivateJoker-Brown
Jdietz43 > Chuckie
ѕoup > Raziek
Kary > Chuckie
Red Ryu > Chuckie

A majority lynch has been reached!

It is now the Dark Hour (i.e. Twilight). The Dark Hour will end no earlier than 12 hours from now, and no later than 24 hours from now.
I think that Overswarm genuinely joined the wagon; some people have theorized that he was indy hunting and that could very well be the case, and Ran's claim makes me think that's likely, but I still think that his suspicions and accusations aimed at Chuckie were genuine and convincing.

JDeitz and Circus also seemed to me like they genuinely believed in the wagon, just through the way they discussed it and interacted with Chuckie and with OS who was the main theorist behind Chuckie-indy. It seemed like they were genuinely trying to read Chuckie and get info from him. PJB's jump on the wagon didn't strike me as particularly genuine or ingenuine, but I have a town lean on him overall.

The people who I don't or didn't think joined genuinely are Raziek (which I was wrong about), BRB, and RR, who just came in and placed his vote down with no input on the situation. Kary I'm not sure about; I think he had reasons for getting on the Chuckie wagon, as in he did explain himself, I'm not sure how much he actually believed them.

Red Ryu

I need solid reads from these players. Opinions on J, OverSwarm, Circus, and Sworddancer would do nicely.

RR, please go in-depth with your night action selections.

Ranmaru, do the same.
I'm going to use this opportunity to just gather my thoughts and state my reads in general:

Swords- strong town read. I like what Swords has done this game, he's been scumhunting all game but especially toDay, he's been paying attention to everyone's play and he's been looking at intentions in particular which shows me town intent, and I think he's been good at getting the town somewhat focused and promoting discussion toDay.

My town reads/leans that I feel comfortable with from there are:

Ran- explained this earlier but I feel comfortable with his play this game and with the intent behind his posting and behind his actions, including his claim.

PJB- I actually like PJB, although he didn't stand out to me in particular until toDay. But I think he's handled toDay and RR's claim and insinuation that PJB is scum well, I agree that there's a lot of reaching against his slot, and on a more superficial level I like his reads, although I don't agree with all of them, but he seems to be putting in effort to read people.

Circus- Circus is a town lean; he's been in the background at times but when he has input I think it's usually analytic and it helps to gather information or scumhunt. No matter what his questions and his input are taking him somewhere and I can see him developing his reads throughout the game and I like them and think he's helping town.

Bardull- I was a little suspicious of JDeitz based on his knowledge of the theme D1, but toDay Bardull has had a lot of good input and really seems to be focused on getting player's to post, getting reads on players, and thank baby Jesus he's actually been talking about RR's claim and it's suspicious inconsistencies (as has Circus and also makes me feel better about Circus too). Town lean.

Kary is a slight town lean, which is really more of a vibe I got from the first two Days. His jump on the Chuckie wagon makes me a little nervous because I'm not sure it was from a genuine place, but that's the only issue I have with him so far. I definitely need to hear more from him.
Not town reads:

J- I'm having trouble reading J this game and especially toDay I find myself conflicted over his actions. He's asking good questions, but then he doesn't seem to question RR's terrible claim but instead makes focuses on PJB for reasons I agree seem reachy. I want to keep an eye on J; I don't want to lynch him, but I don't particularly trust him.

OS- I think that it's really likely that OS was indy hunting yesterDay, and I believe Ran's claim so it makes me especially skeptical of OS and the possibility he may be a "strongman" or have strongman characteristics. In terms of his input/reads, most of what I remember from him was based on his interactions with Chuckie.

RR- It's really frustrating that he's not getting more heat despite the fact that his claim makes no sense. It's inconsistent, the role he claimed and abilities he says he gained don't line up and he absolutely refuses to clarify himself or explain why his claim is full of holes. He also jumped on the Chuckie wagon with no explanation and has really hasn't scumhunted or provided information all game. Things like this:

There is no gambit Circus. I asked Nabe ti be safe and Him not giving me a straight answer makes me question it more.

July is being dumb.

Are ridiculous. I'm not being dumb for wanting an explanation for his terrible, horrible, inconsistent claim.

Also, I saw J bring up why PJB isn't dead if RR claims to have shot him. Isn't it possible that RR is lying about having taken a shot at PJB to begin with? That would be a pretty good explanation for why PJB isn't dead.

@RR: Why won't you explain your role and why exactly am I being dumb?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I got work so I'll make this quick for Bardull and Swords.

I protected OS N1 because I like what he presented D1 though I had no clue of his alignment and I didn't want a pot shot taken at him over that, I didn't have any strong town reads so I went with gut and protected OS as a result.

I got Town Genius Doctor that night, I'm aware that Rajam flipped Jailer but this is the role I got.

D2 I still liked OS for his Chuckie push, I saw the reasoning and I do feel it was possible at the time. More likely not the case but the info that Chuckie had made sense from what OS said.

That said when they got QL'd because people are dumb and put them at L-1.

Wtf, Chuckie you not trolling us? You really a doc?

At the time I thought I was a Doctor, This is why I though they might be trolling to bait another protective claim if mafia or multiple indies on one faction.

On a town flip I still didn't see OS being scum so I protected him again, even more so when PJB has some awful reasoning to jump on and Ryker/Gova QL'd him.

N2 My role changed to town Genius Antidote Doctor, where I stop poisons from killing people. This is also why I think him being town is possible since no Poison death occured last night, but I'm not going to hold that over Ran's result.

N3 happens and I got Chemist Vig, where I make a chemist bomb and lob it at someone. But there is no delay or anything but my kill did not go through on PBJ.

That said, Ran yes or no for sure, is OS a strongman? I am will lynch on that alone, and if he dies and I get a strongman shot tonight I want you to direct my shot before we enter the night phase,


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Oh no, there is no third protective that was me n1 and n2, and I don't believe for a second a townie used their doc on you.

I'm Shu Nakajima, town genius.

Whoever gets lynched I turn into a one night back up for them or in N2s case whoever dies first.

N1 I found out I was a doctor and protected OS.

This is why I questioned if Chuckie was actually trolling or not when they looked serious about it.

N2 I turned into the poison protection doctor, it removes poison or stops it from targeting the player, that was what I was told.

N3 happened and I turned into a chemist vig and shot you.

I back up protectives so I seriously doubt there is a fourth one.

I'm damn sure Nabe tells people when they are token locked bass on Halloween mafia.

So why are you alive?

Why did you turn into a doctor Night 1?

Why is your role the exact same as Raziek's, given that there is no way in hell that Raziek would choose to backup Rajam when he originally flipped ???? (jailer), meaning it was automatic?

There is a pretty big inconsistency here. No doctor has died. More importantly, you were never a detective like Kantrip, nor a Shadow Inquisitor's Aspect like Le B.

Either you're lying about the lynch only aspect of your role and was backup to some other role each Night and simply messed up your fake claim, or you are lying about some other aspect of your role.

Red Ryu, are you a permanent backup? Answer this yes or no, no other information, and this'll clear up a lot for me.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Well, there is a degree of ingenuity in his search, which is townie. But there are parts of me that feel he was too hasty to come to a decision and to push it as hard as he did. For example, I feel that a puppeteer would keep his hands as far away from the marionette as his strings would let him...Chuckie would have to have been too bold to play the way he played as Inquisitor.

I also did not like that OS was pushing against a lot of slots that have flipped Town thus far, or are Town as we speak (he voiced suspicion against me and Soup for instance.)

So, in short, hastily jumping at IndyChuckie while pushing against other town slots on D2 make me suspect him the most right now.
Oh **** that. Did you read? "Hasty" does not begin to describe me. If you don't recall, there were 9 other people voting for Rajam and Chuckie, and neither cases were without reasons. -_-;;

Chuckie was acting so indy I'm still surprised he didn't flip indy. I do not disagree with that case in the slightest.

Rajam's case could have been better, but given his guessing flub where he had a missing guess after he replaced in and the fact that not everyone knew their roles let alone their alignment made it a pretty good case.

Bardull said:
In all honesty, this very concept makes me wonder why we didn't just No Lynch. :/
quick mafia lesson. Probability is important in terms of balance. You have a higher probability of killing town the more town there are. Lynching on D1 will result in town a high % of the time.

So why lynch at all?

Because if you don't lynch you don't get those chances back. Sure, you may only have a 30% chance. But that's nearly 1 in 3 chance of hitting scum, and that's just picking randomly. When someone makes a mistake that makes you go "hmmm", the later phases dictate you ask questions while the early ones say to just get rid of 'em. Same chance of being scum, no headache later.

As for why "no lynch" is a bad idea on this game in particular's day one?

Bardull said:
Mafia wouldn't want to accidentally lynch their partners if they didn't know who they were. If nothing else, they'd be trying to set themselves up as individuals of influence, but that's about the short of it.
Mafia would be fine with "no lynch" if they didn't know their partners because no lynch only helps mafia, and lynching only helps mafia if they cna lynch town nad not get any flak for it. That's why so many mafia hide in the background rather push bad slots, as it brings them more attention.

On day one, you get nothing but attention and a possibility of killing a scum partner. No reason for mafia to lynch at all except to just hop on a wagon that is guaranteed to go.

Sworddancer. said:

You said that if Chuckie didn't flip Inquisitor that you would eat your hat.
*looks longingly at hat*

I'm waiting until the end of the game, he might still flip indy post-game. :(

A man can hope.

Bardull said:
Rise Kujikawa, mostly known to the world as Risette, is a famous teen idol in the Persona 4 universe. "Risette" is Rise's "idol name."

Basically, "she doesn't know if the Rise that everyone admires is the 'real' Rise, or the persona of Risette that she presents to the masses."

So maybe you're in the process of "facing" yourself, or maybe someone's role has the ability to bring out the "shadow" in others. This is all speculation though.
Why did you say to bring out the "shadow" in others?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Wait, I just figured out Red Ryu's goofup. Red Ryu was a jailer, not a doctor, and jailed me.

Ryu, why did you think you were a doctor exactly? If you've said this before I want an open agreement with my above statement and then a re-explanation.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'll get to Ran's stuff soon, but I'd like to hear more from him first.

I'm also surprised no one has figured out how mafia works this game. Regardless, I'm cleared as town thanks to the actions presented, but we've got enough information to where we can find scum.

Sworddancer, you've always been sharp. Riddle me this: what is mafia's setup this game?

How did each individual this game die? Just go down the list and, using the knowledge you have currently, explain their deaths.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
OS were you role blocked N1?

Because I was told specifically I was a doctor N1 and nothing about role blocking came up in that role PM.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
aight i'm here

i have about an hour but i'm also running very light on details this game. apologies for only just getting here toDay, v/la should be ending in a few days so expect some thunder to be brought.

someone catch me up because for the love of god there is too much weird setup **** for me to be trawling through this game. I'm pretty sure I still just wanna lynch OS.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
OS all I know is that after the day phase or if it gets skipped I get a be role PM. There is a pattern of I get a variant of someone's power who just died.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I don't perminanely change into a role.

I thought I was a doctor because my first Role PM after I open the final layer told me I was town genius doctor. It didn't state when certain situations happen my rolePM changes, thought I noticed my more recent one states this.


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sworddancer, you've always been sharp. Riddle me this: what is mafia's setup this game?

How did each individual this game die? Just go down the list and, using the knowledge you have currently, explain their deaths.
Why are you asking me this specifically?

Kantrip died from either a mafia or an indy kill. I'm pretty sure that Soup shot Le Night 1 (I remember a post where he suggested that the vig shot the indy, which I'm interpreting as him crumbing that he killed Le. I can pull it up if you want.). Night 2 I'm guessing that Soup shot Raz since Raz was his one big scumread. Again this means that either mafia or the indy tried to kill Soup.

So either both the indie and mafia targetted the same person Night 1 & 2, or their kill failed for whatever reason. This is speculation, but this may mean that one of the indie or mafia (leaning indie with Ran's claim) targetted YOU OS. And you were protected. Huh.

Btw OS, what lead you to believe that there was a vig Day 2? In your case against Chuckie, you said that the vig and the mafia killed two people, and that Chuckie recruited someone else. Tell me, why did you think that there was a vig in the game? Why not just assume that the two kills were the result of the mafia and indy, respectively?

@RR: If you're telling the truth about that doctor thing, then you were being awfully sloppy not to mention that before.

Btw, just to be clear RR, you're saying that you targeted OS Night 2, right?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
OS, you still haven't explained to me why Chuckie would actually play as boldly as he did as the Inquisitor. Put yourself in the role of the Inquisitor; any potential link to the Aspect would merely get you killed, so there's no reason for Chuckie to put himself out there as the Inquisitor. The Aspect is merely a tool that is too much of a liability to make connections with when there was so much hinting at Le Bateuler being an account created specifically for this game. I just don't understand why you didn't take this into account when pushing for Chuckie if you are Town.

Why did you say to bring out the "shadow" in others?
It's a part of Persona 4, which I recommend you try out when you're not playing with your Wii...U. Basically, personas act as "masks" that people wear to deal with life's many troubles, and "shadows" are essentially the truths and ideals that lay behind one's mask that are being suppressed because these truths/ideals aren't accepted by society.

"Those who face their own personal Shadows in the Midnight Channel and accept them can use their power as Personas while those who deny their shadows as part of themselves will be attacked and killed by them or disappear completely if the person was malicious and cruel, and Igor eventually states outright that they are one and the same."


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Red Ryu

I need solid reads from these players. Opinions on J, OverSwarm, Circus, and Sworddancer would do nicely.
Kary, please respond to this when you have time. I don't want you getting policy'd just because your slot is pretty empty. :\

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

Exactly. How does strongman OS = scum OS if there was no NK last night? Doesn't add up.
Presumably this clears OS. Except even strongman can be rb'd so OS isn't clear

which is why I don't like the setup spec business

the only thing that interests me about this is whether scum RR has a motive for claiming a shot toDay

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
The reason why I voted OS is because I targetted him D1.

I can only use my action during the day. I get results during twilight.

OS had these characteristics:

Strongman, Potential, Persistence.

I was just asking RR if he was a strongman or not out of curiousity.
I take it this is a guilty on OS then. Unless redirect etc.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Am I the only one who thinks OS jumped the gun on Chuckie? Like as though he didn't really care about whether or not Chuckie was the Indy?
Oh, now things just got interesting.

One of RR/PBJ toDay most definitely now but this got fun.
Don't agree with narrowing it to these two toDay, but whatver
(example: RR is roleblocked, they're both town)

Originally, I was able to check any one during the day, and find something related with their character.
Ran can you talk to me about when this change happened?

My opinion on OS so far is that he was definitely hunting for the Indy on D2, but I also feel that he was being hasty in pin pointing Chuckie mostly on the premise that Chuckie did not have any good reasons to be making himself that vulnerable if he was the Inquisitor, so he is somewhat suspicious.

@Kary: From the second post I quoted from you, can you go into why you didn't like OS "butting heads" while making "mechanic cases?" That seems like an interesting point, but I don't quite get what's exactly scummy about it.
The argument is loosely that OS, as scum, will make an effort to do seemingly-townie things that don't actually progress the game, provided the game is going in a direction he likes.

i.e. set up a chuckie lynch with a big case no-one can really be bothered to read in full. then proceed to argue with people for the sake of it

OS, you still haven't explained to me why Chuckie would actually play as boldly as he did as the Inquisitor. Put yourself in the role of the Inquisitor; any potential link to the Aspect would merely get you killed, so there's no reason for Chuckie to put himself out there as the Inquisitor. The Aspect is merely a tool that is too much of a liability to make connections with when there was so much hinting at Le Bateuler being an account created specifically for this game. I just don't understand why you didn't take this into account when pushing for Chuckie if you are Town.
how many +1 do you want, for real?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
@OS, do you feel that Ranmaru is clear?


Presumably this clears OS. Except even strongman can be rb'd so OS isn't clear

which is why I don't like the setup spec business

the only thing that interests me about this is whether scum RR has a motive for claiming a shot toDay
That does not clear OS.

Secondly, I'm pretty sure we are definitely dealing with a scum team that has a delayed kill (or the option), otherwise Yukiko (Chuckie) would be useless.

Scum RR has a motive in that if a delayed kill was used N3, then we're screwed if we ML here.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

i was trying to make exactly that point, to whit;

that OS being a strongman + no kill does not clear OS

whilst showing that it might look like it does



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh. First you said he was clear, then he wasn't, so I was more or less posting for clarity for your sake and mine. @_@

Kary, who are your scum picks right now? Any strong town reads?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
riight if you want in depth reads im afraid their gonna have to wait
i gotta run

Red Ryu

I need solid reads from these players. Opinions on J, OverSwarm, Circus, and Sworddancer would do nicely.
town, scum, null, town

bardull also town

no other strong reads to speak of



#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I take it this is a guilty on OS then. Unless redirect etc.
Yep yep.

I'll get to Ran's stuff soon, but I'd like to hear more from him first.

I'm also surprised no one has figured out how mafia works this game. Regardless, I'm cleared as town thanks to the actions presented, but we've got enough information to where we can find scum.

Sworddancer, you've always been sharp. Riddle me this: what is mafia's setup this game?

How did each individual this game die? Just go down the list and, using the knowledge you have currently, explain their deaths.
"Like to hear from him more first." Yeah you go on and stall for time OS while you make yourself up a pretty little safeclaim.

Sorry OS, but you don't have the benefit of getting to wait at this point in the game

More votes on OS please? Don't ****in' quick lynch like you guys did with Chuckie, but one or two more won't hurt.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
riight if you want in depth reads im afraid their gonna have to wait
i gotta run

town, scum, null, town

bardull also town

no other strong reads to speak of


That's fine. Just need something tangible and I'll roll with it.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Why are you asking me this specifically?

Kantrip died from either a mafia or an indy kill. I'm pretty sure that Soup shot Le Night 1 (I remember a post where he suggested that the vig shot the indy, which I'm interpreting as him crumbing that he killed Le. I can pull it up if you want.). Night 2 I'm guessing that Soup shot Raz since Raz was his one big scumread. Again this means that either mafia or the indy tried to kill Soup.

So either both the indie and mafia targetted the same person Night 1 & 2, or their kill failed for whatever reason. This is speculation, but this may mean that one of the indie or mafia (leaning indie with Ran's claim) targetted YOU OS. And you were protected. Huh.

Btw OS, what lead you to believe that there was a vig Day 2? In your case against Chuckie, you said that the vig and the mafia killed two people, and that Chuckie recruited someone else. Tell me, why did you think that there was a vig in the game? Why not just assume that the two kills were the result of the mafia and indy, respectively?

@RR: If you're telling the truth about that doctor thing, then you were being awfully sloppy not to mention that before.

Btw, just to be clear RR, you're saying that you targeted OS Night 2, right?
Because I'm a vigilante backup, and I have the strongman characteristic. Hard to see why there wouldn't be a vig if I'm a backup of one. I was confused at Ranmaru's claim because I am a strong man, but it doesn't say so in my role name. It's a modifier within my role.

Regardless, I have soup's vigilante ability. I didn't use it because shooting incorrectly would have been game over.

With 9 players left (assuming I shot + mafia kill) and 4 mafia (6 presents, 1 inquisitor, 1 La B, 4 mafia), that would have resulted in a 4 man voting block of scum needing 5 to lynch, meaning they could alpha strike almost immediately after someone voted. 8 left, followed by a mafia night kill would mean 7, add in a vig kill and we're at 6. Mafia wins by default with or without the vig kill.

I asked you specifically because you've taken a leading role in my absence and that's pretty notable. I wanted to hear your take on things. If you're going to get lynched, it's going to be because I'm attacking you in thread and currently I've got nada on you. That's not good if you're scum, so I need to watch you.

I'm cleared of being a mafia strongman because if I had just killed someone we would have been in lylo and, being a strongman, there's nothing that could have stopped me. If someone wants to openly claim they roleblocked me, go for it, but our jailer is dead and I'm positive nothing of the sort occurred because there has been no suspicion on me since the beginning until Ranmaru's claim.


Given our situation of mislynch + lylo I believe scum can win this with a single mislynch. Given this I can see scum attempting to fake claim something incriminating to get another lynch as it'd be the easiest way to guarantee a win. Given that I ended the previous Day criticizing the list of inactives, the fact that Red Ryu came up with something on PJB (another inactive) seemed too good to be true. Ranmaru's claim on me was another one that caught my eye; why would he openly claim out of the blue like that and only had that result shown? But he seemed to be really bouncing around with it. It wasn't focused, and the strongman additive was true for my role. After reading how his role works, I have no problem with Ranmaru.

Red Ryu is my primary scumpick for toDay. I believe he messed up his claim because he didn't think about our perception of the setup. I think mafia tried to kill someone and it didn't work and they're using that to their advantage.

We had a poison doctor. Who is doing the poisoning? Scum! The inquisitor doesn't poison, soup didn't poison. Unless there's a town poisoner somewhere (doubtful given my role), that is mafia's method of killing. We know that they don't have poison + night kill + inquisitor night kill + vig kill in this game going on simultaneously due to the amount of death that has shown up.

There was no kill last night, yet our poison doctor is dead. This means that scum failed on someone who was bulletproof or scum was roleblocked not last Night, but the PREVIOUS Night. Poison on N3, death on N4.

If someone roleblocked someone on N3, btw, claim? Because that's who we'd want to lynch.

Red Ryu claims that he gets the role that was previously lynched, yet he gives himself doctor, not jailer, on the first night? I still do not get this. Chemist vig? Do not understand the chemist modifier. Why was it added when he describes that he is literally a standard vigilante?

red ryu said:
I'm Shu Nakajima, town genius.

Whoever gets lynched I turn into a one night back up for them or in N2s case whoever dies first.
In this case he would have gotten Raziek's role, not Soup's, as Raziek died first! I do not understand how he could possibly mess this up with a fake claim.

That is the only thing that gives me pause: how damn sloppy Red Ryu's claim has been. I could understand there being two vigilante backups in that Red Ryu doesn't have the same role for more than one Night, but I can't understand him claiming "I get the role of whoever was lynched or night killed first" and claiming he got different roles.

Red Ryu, are we getting your night actions correctly?

Please claim all the roles you've received and in what order, and what you did with them, in a nice clean list.

Because so far I see this:

Day 1 - Rajam, town jailer, dies.
Red Ryu gets DOC role for night 1. Protects Overswarm.

Night 1 (start of day 2)- Kantrip, town Detective, dies. La B, shadow inquisitor aspect, dies.
Red Ryu gets... nothing

Day 2 - Chuckie, town Posu-Doctor, dies.
Red Ryu gets... poison doctor. Protects Overswarm.

Night 2 - Raziek, town volunteer backup (jailer), dies. Soup, town vig, dies. Ryker, shadow inquisitor, dies.

No Day 3.

Night 3 - No one dies.
Red Ryu gets... Chemist Vig role. Shoots PJB.

Day 4 begins.

Is this right?

You didn't get any other roles?

Also, why did you shoot PJB when that would have ended the game for town if you hit town?

Bardull said:
It's a part of Persona 4, which I recommend you try out when you're not playing with your Wii...U. Basically, personas act as "masks" that people wear to deal with life's many troubles, and "shadows" are essentially the truths and ideals that lay behind one's mask that are being suppressed because these truths/ideals aren't accepted by society.

"Those who face their own personal Shadows in the Midnight Channel and accept them can use their power as Personas while those who deny their shadows as part of themselves will be attacked and killed by them or disappear completely if the person was malicious and cruel, and Igor eventually states outright that they are one and the same."
So do you think this is just flavor then? The independents were listed as "Shadow". I wouldn't expect Ranmaru to claim his role as being modified if he was recruited though.

Kary said:
who do you want to lynch toDay?
At the moment Red Ryu, but not until we use the day phase to its fullest. Even if we kill Red Ryu scum we still have to do this all again tomorrow. No sense in rushing a lynch on anyone even if we have a guilty cop call on them at this point.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Private-Joker Brown
Red Ryu

I want a reads list from everyone that is bolded. You'll note this is everyone but me and Sworddancer.

For your reads list, just list one person you'd be down with lynching today and one person you don't know anything about and one person you think is town.

I think J is town, I don't know anything about Bardull, and I think Red Ryu is scum.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
How would it result in a gg for town? Mafia would have to have two kills for that to work.

Oh you vig back up with strongman? Can strongman be a town role? Me thinks no.

+1 to swordancer.

Swordancer of OS scum who are his mates? Same to Bardull.


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

I'm more or less in the same boat with Bardull. OS claim lines up with everything really well. Its just . . . ****ing OS man. I hate letting this guy off the hook for a good claim. :urg:

While I think this over (and play Dragon Nest), OS, can you humor me and tell me your flavor claim?
Also, can you go on and tell us what your other modifiers do? b
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