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Twin Christmas Parties 3+4 Mafia {The Matryoshka Scandal.} ~ Over! Who had the merriest Christmas? Who got lumps of coal?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
First off, Overswarm's wall is one of the most cherry picked pieces of persuasive bull **** I have EVER seen. It conveniently disregards a ton of info, while playing up small inconclusive coincidences as "OMG HARD EVIDENCE!"

An inquisitor is a serial killing cultist.
I don't have much to respond to here, but note that just because there is an Inquisitor page on the MafiaScum Wiki, does NOT mean we can attempt to guess what exactly this role is. Considering how difficult it can be be to balance a cultist role, and the fact that there is a standard mafia faction (confirmed in the rules), we simply can not assume take the MafiaScum description as fact. We should NOT assume anything about Le Bateleurs role. Again for emphasis, do NOT assume how this role works.

I will concede that it is definitely possible that it works how Overswarm suggests, however we do NOT believe that the indy hunting path is one that Town should go down. In the event that we are lynched toDay, PLEASE do not play into Overswarm's hands by jumping straight to the next Inquisitor suspect like Overswarm is attempting to set up Town for.

While everyone else was stuck on layers 1 and 2, he somehow guessed the Tarot card meaning by a hanged man being in the game?

If someone acts like they have more information than they should, they have it. This is not the case of Chuckie being some savant, this is a case of Chuckie trying to earn town points by showing the theme to everyone. No one else has this information. NO ONE.
Pretend for one second you're on our level. Wii know this might be hard :chuckle:. You receive a pm from the mod that's addressed to multiple players in the game. One of these players has never played a mafia game. EVERYTHING on their profile screams fake. Wii have been through this a MILLION times. Yes, you've finally realised this possiblity after we'd painted it clear as day for you, but remember we thought they were suspicious BEFORE night 0 and BEFORE we received our role pm. This is key!

Wii will now explain, our obsessive compulsive user profile stalking has finally paid off! Before the game began, there was a group pm sent out that included Le Batueluer. Wii were curious after never seeing this player even post in dGames before. What were they doing in a game that Nabe obviously would of put a TON of work into?
^ Overswarm go ****ing read that three more times.

Considering Nabe's history with HepAlien, it is NO stretch of the imagination that he'd consider doing something similar for his game. You are in agreement with us here. So why is it such a stretch for us to freaking google what "Le Bateleur" means? If it IS a fake account created by Nabe (again, we're still WAY WAY WAY before N0 even began) and we're playing a Mafia game where a large part of it is to try and guess the theme from CLUES, then why would it be so difficult for us to conclude that the name "Le Bateluer" just MIGHT be a clue.

Your biggest claim is that we CAN'T have figured this out without extra information, yet as we've claimed the ENTIRE time we found this clue WELL BEFORE THE GAME BEGAN. Before we even had a role. Wii have made this clear all through yesterday.

You claim to have read the game back to front three times, so wii challenge you to find an inconsistency with our story? Oh wait, there is none.

It didn't even say "hanged man" like the tarot card. It said "a man hanging from the rafters". Nabe didn't say "hanged man" until his opening post for Day 1 after Chuckie was already on his 4th layer; chuckie votes for La B in his first post and says he's on his 4th layer immediately after.

Chuckie knew, and Chuckie played the long con by trying to get town on his side. It worked too, until La B flipped; Chuckie was the town bro. He made sure we thought it too.
The guy who died was almost the ONLY significant clue in the N0 story, apart from the N character who is "taking an active role in these proceedings." Considering we already had our biggest clue in Le Bateluer and had looked up Tarot Cards, it is NOT THAT HARD for us to make the next logical step, and realise that the Sample PM might be a Tarot Card himself.

Season's greetings!

I've decided to take an active role in these proceedings. I know you won't mind too terribly. I'm really looking forward to seeing the result.

I hope you'll all enjoy this present greatly. I know I enjoyed putting it together.

- N
You're also SEVERELY ignoring this clue in the OP. Why would Nabe randomly say this if it had NO significance at all? It is for this reason that I'm still clinging to the idea that Le Bateeleur was Nabe. If you contest this Overswarm, explain what you believe to be this "N" character's "active role."

Again, Chuckie comes in with some incredibly useful material by figuring out some obscure aspect of the setup.

According to Chuckie he looked up La B's profile, found it was suspicious based on activity, translated the name and happened to say "Hey, that's a major arcana tarot card, one of 22!"
Again, before the game began. You really make us sound so smart :chuckle:

N, otherwise known as Near.

Does anyone here seriously believe that Chuckie would see this:

and not believe that the theme was Death Note or at least aggressively pursue it?

Instead he picks STAR WARS and simply casually mentions Death Note. We know he's familiar with Death Note, N could be a clue (Near), tarot imagery is used in Death Note by his own suggestion, and he instead puts out the idea that Nabe is controlling La B?
Another one of your baseless assumptions. I have NEVER watched an episode of Death Note, despite being massive bros with Zen. NEVER. ANIME IS NOT REALLY MY THING. I'm assuming Kat hasn't either. We both made it clear we know next to nothing about anime at the time where Soup/Raz were discussing their own clues.

While browsing tv tropes or some site looking for ANYTHING that related to Tarot Cards, Death Note popped up. I gave it more relevance than other things due to it being an anime, and I thought MAYBE someone on dGames might be able to see a connection.

However, what the **** does this to do us being Le Bateluer? THis is like a massive point in your case, you use all these pictures and even changed your avatar, however it has NOTHING that even connects us to the Le Bateleur slot.

Seriously, unless I'm missing something from never watching that show, I don't see how this is AT ALL relevant to ANYTHING?! Please tell me I'm not the only one who is baffled by this persuasive irrelevant bull ****?

Chuckie was controlling La B the entire time and I caught on.

Know how?

Chuckie made sure we knew that he and La B were on at the same time. Easily done with two separate browsers or just incognito mode.
We posted at the same time. What does this even prove? That we complied with your request? So freaking what?!

How is this undeniable evidence that our slots are connected?!

La B hadn't posted before this simultaneous posting spree in some time; this is NOT random chance. This is telling a story, planting an idea. That idea is that Chuckie is not La B.
This is blatantly UNTRUE. Le battler and I had a full conversation going before your suggestion.


Go here and scroll up!

How is it impossible for both of us to do this if we aren't the same person? Posting in a 1 minute time frame with live chat is pretty ****ing simple.


Go look at this post. It was edited two minutes after being made.

Nabe wouldn't do this. There's no way that Nabe would post, edit it, and then chastise himself to put on a ruse that we had already figured out. What would be the point from a mod standpoint?
Again, this is NOT evidence! You can't claim to know what Nabe would or wouldn't do, and than claim that it's something we would do?

Continuing, next few things we say are basically complimenting us on being geniuses and doing inception and all that.

Now how do I know that La B is an information machine? Was he giving out relevant information AT ALL? Does anyone remember ANYTHING that La B said that was useful?

Oh right, it was Chuckie. (In #325)
WRONG! Soup had already taken the position that we should not lynch him due to information, in post #297. My post in #325 was contemplating this idea of leaving him alive, because it now conflicted with my earlier plan of lynching him. Here is Soup's post for reference:

Don't lynch him. He's crumbing information to me, especially things like
and Chuckie brings me in as a buffer against lynching La B being just as dumb. I didn't pick up on it because I don't look deeply into my own intentions. This really makes me mad.
No you klutz! Soup had already taken a stance on not lynching Le Bateluer. Did you actually reread the thread 3 times?

He is obsessed with this.

It's even his opening post of the day.
More persuasive fluff that holds no evidence.

LOOK THROUGH THE DAY. The only person, the only one that La B talks to is Chuckie. That is it. Back and forth and back and forth.
Again, WRONG. This is blatant miscontrusion. La Bateluer said stuff which was directed to other players. Did you actually reread the thread 3 times?

Why would Chuckie do this?

Why would Le Bateleur do this?

If Le Bateleur was ANYONE ELSE.... why would he do this? Why would he and Chuckie both go out of their way to make the post?
WOW look at all the EMPHASIS on something that you already brought up? Your case is so weak you have to repeat non evidence over and over again!!! :chuckle:

Chuckie is an Inquisitor; he is a serial killing cultist. Since we had two deaths toNight, it is possible that he attempted to get Kantrip and failed, killing him instead of absorbing him into the fold.

But that would mean mafia killed Le Bateleur. This is possible given that mafia know more information than town; it is entirely possible that they knew that La B was important and wanted to get that slot out of the way.

But I don't know that, so I'm assuming vigilante. If there's a vigilante that killed La B and Chuckie the Inquisitor killed Kantrip where was mafia's Night Kill?

Easy! Chuckie didn't kill Kantrip. The only other possibility is that mafia killed Kantrip, the vigilante killed La B (a vigilante wouldn't have killed Kantrip with so many other options on the table), and Chuckie recruited someone.
Again, it is dangerous to assume so much about the set up. So much NA speculation!!


Because I've read this Day three times now from cover to cover, I have to undercut my push here. I believe with 99.999% certainty that Chuckie is the Inquisitor. He WILL be lynched toDay.

That said, there were others. Two that stood out: Soup and JDietz.

JDietz because he happened to know the theme and said he got it "from a friend" rather than knew it himself. On my reread this caught my eye because it seems like an attempt to make sure that he wasn't focused on. At the same time, JDietz didn't gain any town points from this. I'd consider him a distant possibility, possibly mafia with extra information. Take note of his play from now on.

Soup because he advocated No Lynch so vigilantly when he damn well knew better. It's entirely possible that he was terrified of La B getting lynched and outing the true game, what with the theme coming out. I don't have enough evidence to put this together though. I'd consider this even more distant than JDietz.
Please note that OS is NOT hunting scum here, he's looking for replacement suspects that fit his Inquitor indy criteria. If we are lynched do NOT blindly follow him down this horrible path of indy hunting. It is reckless and utterly ******** to waste lynches on a faction we don't know the full nature of.

I caught you, Chuckie.
Good try, but not even close.

Now despite Kat's scum inkling on you, I'm very curious as to whether you actually believe your own bull **** or if this is just a scum facade to put town on the wrong track and get as many mislynches as possible before they wise up to your act. If you're Town you should read what I've said VERY carefully and realise the mistake you're making. If you're town I want to work with you OS. I want a solid read on you, but you're making it hard with all this stupid inquisitor theory.

To everyone else, I realise I've done nothing else but respond to this terrible case. I only actually posted this because Kat posted in our hydra qt that their was a big wagon on us. Truth be told, I should really be last minute studying as I have a 60% exam in 4 hours. I'll be back on thursday to respond to everything else directed at our slot, as well as give full scum reads.

J, not to totally single you out for this but I get the impression you haven't actually read the interactions between us and Le Bateleur. Go read them and tell me I faked them somehow (Day 1 chuckie is 90% candy). This situation is literally a mirror for Time Travellers when July flipped Mafia and we were wrongly lynched because of it. Except this time there is NO hard evidence whatsoever.

Swordancer please continue to be the voice of reason here.

Sorry for typos, no time for proof reading!

Vanz out, see you all on thursday :chuckle:

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I take offense from all the people saying stuff like "herpderp PJB used the phrase 'I skimmed' in his vote on Chuckie, therefore he didn't read anything and is blindly sheeping."

I read like 3/4 of that ****ing case, in depth, and skimmed very little of it. I've gone back and reread the parts I skimmed, just to satisfy the naysayers. My vote stands where it is. I think it's a sound case, and I agree with it. There were things in the case (like that Chuckie/LaBat "lets post at the same time" tapdance we saw) that I had concluded on my own, and was glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought it. Seeing Chuckie just go hard on the defensive, and OMGUS OS jus solifies my read further.

@Chuckie. What should we be doing differently? You say we're all fools for following OS, but all you've got to offer us is that OS must be scum for his case on you. Pretend OS didn't make a case, and there's no wagon on you. Who's scum?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Mfw you call us out on being overly defensive when we're at L2 and the complete focus of the day is on us

Mfw you ask me for reads when I clearly explained why I don't have time. Mfw you give no reads of your own (parroting what other people said about us doesn't count)

Mfw we omgus'd OS.

Mfw I'm postin this on the bus


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I take offense from all the people saying stuff like "herpderp PJB used the phrase 'I skimmed' in his vote on Chuckie, therefore he didn't read anything and is blindly sheeping."

I read like 3/4 of that ****ing case, in depth, and skimmed very little of it. I've gone back and reread the parts I skimmed, just to satisfy the naysayers. My vote stands where it is. I think it's a sound case, and I agree with it. There were things in the case (like that Chuckie/LaBat "lets post at the same time" tapdance we saw) that I had concluded on my own, and was glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought it. Seeing Chuckie just go hard on the defensive, and OMGUS OS jus solifies my read further.

@Chuckie. What should we be doing differently? You say we're all fools for following OS, but all you've got to offer us is that OS must be scum for his case on you. Pretend OS didn't make a case, and there's no wagon on you. Who's scum?
He voted OS first and is at L-2....

You reading bro?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, not to totally single you out for this but I get the impression you haven't actually read the interactions between us and Le Bateleur. Go read them and tell me I faked them somehow (Day 1 chuckie is 90% candy). This situation is literally a mirror for Time Travellers when July flipped Mafia and we were wrongly lynched because of it. Except this time there is NO hard evidence whatsoever.
I get why you are singling me out because only I would get the reference you are making and if I am being honest, I do get the vibe of TT when talking about your play this game. We thought we were town all game and got wrongly lynched. However, we were still indy in that game which makes me pause. That game was confusing but eh. However, the Kata side is giving me more of a RE4 vibe. That's why I am saying I have mixed vibes from you but leaning scummy. There isn't any hard evidence, that I agree on and it is speculation. You haven't though presented another alternative to the possibilty of someone who is better connected then you to Le B. You were also one of the only people to have a full conversation towards Le B which read faked with the enthusiam between the two of you.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
prod dodge

i skimmed up to here and ill do an actual read tomorrow

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
He voted OS first and is at L-2....

You reading bro?
Ok, I'll concede that calling it a straight up "OMGUS" isn't exactly accurate.

What I mean is, if he really thinks he's gonna die, it's in his best interest (as a townie) to give town information that will help us progress towards a scum lynch. Chuckie is going after OS, which would ordinarily be fine. The problem I have with that, however, is that the only evidence he's presenting us wrt OS is that he feels the case against him is exaggerated, and that OS is trying to force a mislynch on him. Where's the actual evidence that OS is scum, outside of him spearheading his wagon? Because he "has a plan"? I've never played with OS before, but my understanding is that he always "has a plan". Regardless, there's nothing wrong with "having a plan" as town. This is not a scumtell.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
In fact, I'm looking back, and this timing doesn't line up at all. Why did chuckie vote OS in the first place? He never gets around to it.

Chuckie voted OS, then went away, saying he'd explain it later.

OS made his giant wall about Chuckie.

A good chunk of the wagon forms.

Chuckie comes back and gets upset about the wagon, but tries to write the case off as being so ridiculous that it's not even worth addressing.

Chuckie then talks with soup about how scummy OS clearly is, still without explaining why.

Chuckie then proceeds to do nothing but address the case against him, without actually refuting anything about it.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
In fact, I'm looking back, and this timing doesn't line up at all. Why did chuckie vote OS in the first place? He never gets around to it.

Chuckie voted OS, then went away, saying he'd explain it later.

OS made his giant wall about Chuckie.

A good chunk of the wagon forms.

Chuckie comes back and gets upset about the wagon, but tries to write the case off as being so ridiculous that it's not even worth addressing.

Chuckie then talks with soup about how scummy OS clearly is, still without explaining why.

Chuckie then proceeds to do nothing but address the case against him, without actually refuting anything about it.
In all honesty, what have you been smoking? And can we have some?

We've refuted flopswarms case many a time now. Additionally we have included our reasoning on why he is a potential scummie.

I think you should be offended! The case is bad because it assumes the inquisitor outed its recruited member, willingly handing itself over to the town. Similar logic was used against sneaky who also flipped town.

Simply using ones head is all thats needed to work out we are in fact the most disconnected player here from le bat. But i think a majority of layers lust over big walls and are genuinely lazy, as seen with everyone on our wagon minus j...



Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
I can't think of any benefits we get, at all, in handling Batty Boi the way we did. It provides no longevity in our strategy - Batty Boi becomes at risk of lynch/Night kill/vig kill/investigation/genuine suspicion because of his enigma status... that we projected on to him first. Yes, we are responsible for making people think badly of Le Bateleur...

...For us to do this on Day 1 shows no longevity if we were in any way connected. This behaviour in spotlighting him the way we did should point to more of a disconnection than a connection actually. Oh, no one has common sense...

^ still very relevant



Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Overswam/circus/dietz/red ryu/rykers hydra would make very good lynches this day. I invite you all to get off us and hop on one of these unless town is a masochist this game and enjoys punishing active players who make smart decisions...

Im not at work today im in brighton so i cam only post from mobile!



Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
I did well in my exam :cool:. One more tomorrow night, gotta start studying soon :chuckle:

Ok, I'll concede that calling it a straight up "OMGUS" isn't exactly accurate.

What I mean is, if he really thinks he's gonna die, it's in his best interest (as a townie) to give town information that will help us progress towards a scum lynch. Chuckie is going after OS, which would ordinarily be fine. The problem I have with that, however, is that the only evidence he's presenting us wrt OS is that he feels the case against him is exaggerated, and that OS is trying to force a mislynch on him. Where's the actual evidence that OS is scum, outside of him spearheading his wagon? Because he "has a plan"? I've never played with OS before, but my understanding is that he always "has a plan". Regardless, there's nothing wrong with "having a plan" as town. This is not a scumtell.
Uh fine, I'll quote it for you.

Vanz said:
To everyone else, I realise I've done nothing else but respond to this terrible case. I only actually posted this because Kat posted in our hydra qt that their was a big wagon on us. Truth be told, I should really be last minute studying as I have a 60% exam in 4 hours. I'll be back on thursday to respond to everything else directed at our slot, as well as give full scum reads.
Like seriously dude do you even read? Kat has also been real busy and 99% of his posting has come from when he's working and thus has to be subtle about visiting smashboards at work.

It's like you're blaming us for being busy and not having had a chance to post reads yet.... without posting any of your own. Do you realise how big that OS wall was and how many questions and follow ups have been directed at us so far this phase? Why don't YOU offer some insight on who we should lynch toDay? (other than me :chuckle:, make it originial too, I'm sick of reading the same old stuff :b:).


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Chuckie then proceeds to do nothing but address the case against him, without actually refuting anything about it.
K, I get the feeling my #762 is going to be grossly skimmed because I didn't use pretty pictures like Overswarm :mad::mad::mad:. So here's a summary of my points:

-Overswarm's believes we required "extra info" to get to the 3rd layer in our present. As we have said all day, we figured out the Le Bateleur connection before the game began. Before the thread went up and before all role pms went out.

-Another large part of OS's "case" on us being Le Bateleur is that we didn't believe the theme was Death Note (or something like that, I'm really not ****ing sure). What in the flying **** does this have to do with anything?!

-Le Bateleur posted at the same time as us, after OS requested that we both do it. So ****ing what? This proves nothing. It's not difficult for two players to post in a 1 minute time frame in a live topic. To assume we HAVE to be the same person to pull of this ridiculously simple feat is pants down ridiculous.

-OS claims Le Bateleur only talked to Chuckie. That is blatantly wrong. They CLEARLY address other people in this game.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
You haven't though presented another alternative to the possibilty of someone who is better connected then you to Le B. You were also one of the only people to have a full conversation towards Le B which read faked with the enthusiam between the two of you.
Why again do we have to prove there is a better alternative to hunting an indy connected to Le Bat? When as I've stated previously we can't be sure one way or another if they exist or not?
fyi this isn't directed at you in particular J

The extent to which OS has inflated our "connection" to Le Bateuler is borderline ridiculous. Right now, the ONLY things that reasonably suggest that we are the "indy cult recruiting inquisitor" he claims us to be are:

-We were conversational with Le Bateleur, more so than anyone else.
-We guessed the Tarot Card thing first, based on clues that existed before we had our role pm
-I friend requested Le Bateleur, before the game thread went up and before I even had my role pm

I mean, is this seriously enough evidence for our slot to be at L-2 THIS EARLY in the Day? When there are slots like Ryker who have literally done next to nothing? When we don't even know the full extent of what the Inquisitor role Le Bateleur flipped actually is? Can they recruit multiple people or just one at a time? Can they not recruit at all, and was Le Bat their puppet? Something else entirely?!

Like, I know Overswarm has a way with words, but did anyone actually comprehend what he said? Do people realise that he has us chasing an indy that might not even exist?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Vote: PrivateJoker-Brown

I know this looks like I'm taking an easy out away from OS or something, but PJB's posts have been seriously bad this last page.

I take offense from all the people saying stuff like "herpderp PJB used the phrase 'I skimmed' in his vote on Chuckie, therefore he didn't read anything and is blindly sheeping."

I read like 3/4 of that ****ing case, in depth, and skimmed very little of it. I've gone back and reread the parts I skimmed, just to satisfy the naysayers. My vote stands where it is. I think it's a sound case, and I agree with it. There were things in the case (like that Chuckie/LaBat "lets post at the same time" tapdance we saw) that I had concluded on my own, and was glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought it. Seeing Chuckie just go hard on the defensive, and OMGUS OS jus solifies my read further.

@Chuckie. What should we be doing differently? You say we're all fools for following OS, but all you've got to offer us is that OS must be scum for his case on you. Pretend OS didn't make a case, and there's no wagon on you. Who's scum?

I don't like how concerned he his with people thinking he's sheeping, and this is exactly what it looks like he's doing. He seems solely focused on my slot yet he's not bringing anything solid and original to the table.

PJB said:
Chuckie then proceeds to do nothing but address the case against him, without actually refuting anything about it.
More so, he's basically trying to dismiss our response to the OS case (his reasoning for voting us) without any consideration.

So PJB, considering wii are your sole scum uspect at this time, do you think wii are more likely indy/cultist/le bat? Or do you think we could be mafia as well? If you think we've been scummy in of ourselves, does this reinforce our connection to Le bat, or more likely to be Mafia? Walk us through your thought process plz!


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Aaaaaaand I am literally done until I've finished my last exam :chuckle:. I promise I'll respond to everyone else's follow ups and work out my reads with Kat then.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
You didn't hand Le Bateleur over. He got shot unwillingly.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kat, why do you think Le Bateleur changed his avatar earlier on? It was a magician but then it was changed to Luigi. You still need to answer me regarding some things and you're still ignoring what I want out of you. :I

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
LA until tomorrow.

I saw Chuckie say something about people trying to rush through the Day. Don't lynch until I and others have caught up. Ending the Day now would be terribly anti-town.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
However, Soup, I will say this. Early on around the early 400s OS said something along the lines of you playing the gray lines. I kinda see that here. Don't just say "I wanta like Circus, BUT . . ." *drops point.* Say WHAT'S bothering you about Circus, don't just leave it half-baked.
Was about to say this. Soup, you're being terribly noncommital this game. If you have something to say to me, lay it on me. Between comments like "can't shake a feeling" and your No Lynch push yesterDay and your knee-jerk ignoring of OS' case, all I'm getting from you is that you don't want to glue yourself to a stance. At this point, I wouldn't peg you as definite scum for this (that would be pretty silly of me, considering games that don't exist), but just saying "Yes, I am being noncommittal because I can't figure out what to commit to" isn't acceptable. Find things to commit to. Quit giving players sideways glances and talk to them if you want to further your reads. The initial criticism you levied against Raziek and others ("you're hopping on a bandwagon for no reason!") could be levied against you as well, but in the opposite direction. ("you're dismissing a case with no given reason!"). Seeing you throw FUD on my slot instead of actually confronting me gives me the willies.

The connection between us and Le Bateleur is as weak as anyone else on the player list. We invite people to point out exactly how our interactions with BattyBoi are meaningful to us being its Inquisitor. Because I'm still shocked that apparently we committed suicide on Day 1 by being so undeniably obvious...
The red is proven false by the yellow. Within one paragraph, you state that there is NO connection between you and Labatt that is any stronger than any other potential connection between other players in this roster and state that the connection between you and Labatt is essentially too obvious to be true (which is a hilarious argument on its own). This is a contradiction. Figure out which defense you want to use and stick to it. Either your detractors are blowing smoke, or they're falling for an obvious ploy. You can't argue that they're doing both.

I can't think of any benefits we get, at all, in handling Batty Boi the way we did. It provides no longevity in our strategy - Batty Boi becomes at risk of lynch/Night kill/vig kill/investigation/genuine suspicion because of his enigma status... that we projected on to him first. Yes, we are responsible for making people think badly of Le Bateleur...

...For us to do this on Day 1 shows no longevity if we were in any way connected. This behaviour in spotlighting him the way we did should point to more of a disconnection than a connection actually. Oh, no one has common sense...
The word choice here is incredibly interesting. I think it's worth noting that you say "I can't think of any benefits we get...in handling Batty Boi the way we did," rather than something more like "I can't think of any benefits we would have gotten, had we actually been Batty Boi and handled him the way he was handled." The way you actually word the statement, you're essentially admitting that you did control Labatt. You're thinking in terms of him actually being an extension of you, rather than just the concept of him being an extension of you that others are accusing you of.

And again, you're sticking to the argument that you and Labatt are too obvious. That it doesn't make any sense for you to play him the way you did because it would naturally lead to the situation in which you find yourself. Yes, that's true; it's poor play. But the most logical conclusion to draw from this is that you played your other half badly, not that you must not be related to him.

Vote: Chuckie

I think that puts him at L-1. Chuckie doesn't need to die immediately, but I don't see my vote going anywhere else toDay.

prod dodge

i skimmed up to here and ill do an actual read tomorrow
Your avatar is perfect for the way you're playing.

Speaking of JTB, Chuckie, get at my question about JTB. What are you talking about when you reference "JTB's ability?" As far as I can tell, JTB hasn't outed an ability.

Have more to read, but game juggling.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'm gonna have to hit these one at a time. This one is the most condensed.

K, I get the feeling my #762 is going to be grossly skimmed because I didn't use pretty pictures like Overswarm :mad::mad::mad:. So here's a summary of my points:
You can drop the ad hominems, they aren't helping you. You're pushing the idea that everyone else in this town is bad and that isn't the case.

-Overswarm's believes we required "extra info" to get to the 3rd layer in our present. As we have said all day, we figured out the Le Bateleur connection before the game began. Before the thread went up and before all role pms went out.
Why are you pushing the assumption that no one had any information? You don't think that Nabe could have given the Inquisitor information right away?

What's more, the Inquisitor's Aspect flipped and I link to the role on mafia scum and you say "Hold up guys, just because it's CALLED an Inquisitor doesn't mean it has anything to do with that role".

Seriously? Why are you so evasive when it involves anything that could incriminate you but treat assumptions that help you like gospel?

You actually think it's more likely that the Inquistor role that was suggested isn't an Inquisitor more than the mod could have given the extra information to the mafia and independents prior to the game?

-Another large part of OS's "case" on us being Le Bateleur is that we didn't believe the theme was Death Note (or something like that, I'm really not ****ing sure). What in the flying **** does this have to do with anything?!
I think you misread my case. The point wasn't that you had to think it was Death Note. The point is that you obviously knew about Death Note and tarot imagery, but it didn't fit your story that N was for "Nabe", despite there actually being a character called "N" in Death Note. Any cursory glance at the show would tell you there was a character called N. Given that on a whim you claim to have looked up a translation of a player's name and then decided that "The Magician" meant you should look for Tarot Card related things... it doesn't add up.

Why would someone claiming to have made such insightful judgements about La B, tarot cards and the like out of thin air not think to research the theme?

Star Wars? Death Note? It doesn't add up that you wouldn't look into those after all the effort you put into the first three levels. Any cursory glance at Death Note would show there is a character called "L", kind of a warning sign with the whole one letter name, and a half second later you'd find out about "N".

My normal instinct would say that you were lying except you were right about the tarot cards.

So how else can it make sense? Someone told you about the tarot cards and you played it off like you had figured it out, making yourself look like the townie who helped us figure out the theme.

-Le Bateleur posted at the same time as us, after OS requested that we both do it. So ****ing what? This proves nothing. It's not difficult for two players to post in a 1 minute time frame in a live topic. To assume we HAVE to be the same person to pull of this ridiculously simple feat is pants down ridiculous.
You did it twice.

Once, La B posted first and then you posted showing that both you and La B were viewing the thread and no one else, asking where he was. This I find hard to be a coincidence.

So I asked you to do it. You both happily obliged. No questions, no "why" even from the La B slot that questioned all sorts of nonsense, just straight up "here's mah post".

That's sketchy.

-OS claims Le Bateleur only talked to Chuckie. That is blatantly wrong. They CLEARLY address other people in this game.

Graphs, mother****er.

Go and check my work if you want. Each time someone was directly quoted (total of one per post, no doubles) or I felt they were being referenced specifically, they got a mark. You are up to a whopping 20 interactions out of La B's 55 posts, meaning that you had 36% of all interactions with that player. In second place is "no one" nonsense posts, and then at 5.4% we have me, soup, ranmaru, sworddancer, raziek, tako/rajam, and Nabe (the mod).

Yeah, they quoted JTB once and said they liked that his name stood for Jake The Boy. Whoopdey do. The slot was clearly focused on its interactions with you, and you with it.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Circus, it's not just that. I'm waiting for people to respond to me. I'm still playing like this like a real D1. I have things I want answered and I haven't reached the right conclusions that I want. I will come around. We have plenty of daylight left.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Just found a scum slip by Chuckie when I was looking back.

Chuckie didn't use two browser windows because Chuckie is two people. Vanderzant used the Le Bateleur accoutn during this exchange (reverse chronological order):

...Is that addressed to me? :( I don't know what you're talking about, Kataefi is your nickname right? People call you Chuckie and Katefi and also vanderxant? I know forum people have a lot of nicknames and shortforms and stuff!
It says it under your name? Isn't those your nicknames?
To clarify: I want to know why you assumed I'm Kataefi, and not vanderzant? How are you distinguishing?
Quick response: Why do you call me Katafie? How do you know that?
Uh Katafie, my other mafia experiences are never online, but I played with my friends from massage class! We always RP though... <__< Which I guess you guys don't do!
Yes wii think Rajam could me mafia, read our earlier posts.

How are wii trying to set you up with mafia?

Who do you think is mafia?
Posting at 11:40 for Overswarm!!
Okay, done.
Chuckie and La B should both make a post at 11:40 p.m. EST

I don't know why I didn't think of it before. I just thought of how a single person would post on two accounts simultaneously and forgot that a hydra isn't one person. Chuckie slipped and called his other half Kataefi instead of Chuckie when he was on the La B account, then he panicked and pointed it out himself and just made La B post more nonsense.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Why again do we have to prove there is a better alternative to hunting an indy connected to Le Bat? When as I've stated previously we can't be sure one way or another if they exist or not?
fyi this isn't directed at you in particular J
Just because an Inquisitor's Aspect flipped doesn't mean there's an Inquisitor right? This role that was obviously a puppet of another player certainly wasn't linked to the role it said it belonged to, right?


You don't even have a suggestion or even an example of an Inquisitor working differently. This is like saying just because someone flipped vigilante doesn't mean he has a killing ability.

The extent to which OS has inflated our "connection" to Le Bateuler is borderline ridiculous. Right now, the ONLY things that reasonably suggest that we are the "indy cult recruiting inquisitor" he claims us to be are:

-We were conversational with Le Bateleur, more so than anyone else.
-We guessed the Tarot Card thing first, based on clues that existed before we had our role pm
-I friend requested Le Bateleur, before the game thread went up and before I even had my role pm

I mean, is this seriously enough evidence for our slot to be at L-2 THIS EARLY in the Day? When there are slots like Ryker who have literally done next to nothing? When we don't even know the full extent of what the Inquisitor role Le Bateleur flipped actually is? Can they recruit multiple people or just one at a time? Can they not recruit at all, and was Le Bat their puppet? Something else entirely?!

Like, I know Overswarm has a way with words, but did anyone actually comprehend what he said? Do people realise that he has us chasing an indy that might not even exist?
The last haven of a scoundrel. You can't be the Inquisitor because it doesn't exist, we shouldn't be chasing the Inquisitor because we don't know what the role is, we can't chase someone with this much evidence on them because there are other inactive slots, is there information we don't know.... Did I cover everything?

You're just spreading doubt and throwing out random questions. You don't have any answers, any theories. You just want this to go away, but it will not.

BRB Not Posting.

May 14, 2012
Alright, I'm caught up.

I read Day 2 before I read Day 1 and Overswarm's case holds up. The super jump in logic based on the man who was hung is still astounding. I buy the presence of the Inquisitor role and I buy that Chuckie makes the most sense with said role.

That being said, IT'S INDY HUNTING!!! Chuckie flipping Indy does absolutely nothing to help OS's credibility.

Vote Chuckie


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
BRB....you just hammered Chuckie.

Smooth move. Circus put him at L-1 and then BRB just hammered them.

Well that sucks. :/

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
8/15 to lynch.

Chuckie [
]: Overswarm, Jdietz43, Raziek, PrivateJoker-Brown, Kary
Raziek [
]: soup, Sworddancer.
Overswarm [
]: Chuckie
BRB, Not Posting. [
]: Ranmaru
soup [
]: J

Not voting [
]: Circus, July, BRB, JTB, Red Ryu
Vote: Chuckie

I think that puts him at L-1. Chuckie doesn't need to die immediately, but I don't see my vote going anywhere else toDay.
Vote Chuckie

No, but seriously, this is annoying, Ryker, because that was just a terrible move on your part.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

J town.
Sword town.
Dislike RR, PJB.
Dunno about Circus. Lean town.
The rest aren't really conclusive and I'm still waiting from more regarding other slots. I think Chuckie is gonna flip Indy but that doesn't really help me. You hammered before I could even get anything going....


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Well this is cool, only lost about three to five days.

J is my strongest town read at the moment so on the off chance that J dies during the Night:

J, what should the play be for tomorrow and what strategy should we use to find mafia?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Votecount 2-2

8/15 to lynch.

Chuckie [
]: Overswarm, Jdietz43, Raziek, PrivateJoker-Brown, Kary, Red Ryu, Circus, BRB

Raziek [
]: soup, Sworddancer.
PrivateJoker-Brown [
]: Chuckie
BRB, Not Posting. [
]: Ranmaru
soup [
]: J

Not voting [
]: July, JTB


[collapse=Vote Log] Circus > Chuckie
Overswarm > Chuckie
Ranmaru > Ryker
Sworddancer. > Raziek
J > soup
BRB, Not Posting. > Chuckie
PrivateJoker-Brown > Chuckie
Raziek > Chuckie
Chuckie > Overswarm > PrivateJoker-Brown
Jdietz43 > Chuckie
ѕoup > Raziek
Kary > Chuckie
Red Ryu > Chuckie

A majority lynch has been reached!

It is now the Dark Hour (i.e. Twilight). The Dark Hour will end no earlier than 12 hours from now, and no later than 24 hours from now.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Btw, wii are Yukiko Amagi, Town Posu-Doctor

Wii can target a player and if they are poisoned, they will no longer be poisoned. So we assume there is likely to be two scum factions, one killing one poisoning.

Uh, Circus and BRB deserve intensive scrutiny for their votes. They seriously have NO business putting someone past L-2 this early on when there are so many inactive slots. Saying you still want to use the day and putting us at L-1, wtf. Even if they did believe OS's case, there's no reason for them to have to put votes down like that.
Either way it's piss poor play from two players who should know better.

Circus is pretty scummy in general. He's attacking specific parts of Kat's word choices or phrasing instead of looking at the actual arguments. I don't think he responded to a single thing I wrote. That and the slot just seems to bug me in general. Keep two eyes on him.

Overswarm is anti town as **** but I don't know if this equates to him being scum. He has to realise that indy hunting is not worth it. That said he's twisting the points I'm making and playing up useless things as "scum slips." Town has to ask themselves, "Is overswarm good enough to pull off this stunt as scum?" I dunno though, I never had a solid read on him.

Soup is scum or really needs to get his a into gear. He has all these soft reads and he's tip toed around a lot of things. He keeps claiming he wants to get stuff done but he's just sitting there, content to waste the Day away.

PJB is also very likely scum, a **** load of tells in the post I quoted last night. And he lurks a lot.

Hard to say much else as I haven't even read everything and don't plan to because I've still got an exam left. Maybe Kat will help out, I dunno though.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm waiting for people to respond to me. Throw me a bone.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Really pissed this day was thrown away like this, regardless.
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