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Twin Christmas Parties 3+4 Mafia {The Matryoshka Scandal.} ~ Over! Who had the merriest Christmas? Who got lumps of coal?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Also thanks for the game Nabe! I thoroughly enjoyed working out the clues and the present mechanic was interesting. Talking through all my ideas with Kat on Skype was awesome, and I haven't had this much fun in a game in a long time.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Can I just die through the night so I don't have to wake up to this depressed and without another day of content.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
We can still do some things though. My question I wanted is completely nullified however now....


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Whoa. Can't say I'm too upset about this because I definitely wanted Chuckie gone, but I didn't think he'd get hammered so soon. The good news is, we probably caught Ryker scum. I have a hard time believing he really just didn't notice that Chuckie was at L-1. You typically doublecheck that **** to make sure you don't do exactly what Ryker just did.

I did want Chuckie to answer me about JTB. Chuckie, if you are town, get at me about that (although the question matters more if you're the Inquisitor, so since you've already been hammered, this is kind of a wash).

I'm still kind of expecting you to flip Inquisitor when Nabe posts the flavor.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
If he does, he does. His flip isn't really that important to me. The fact that this happened in such a small amount of time is sickening. I don't feel they really have reason to lie either.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
If he does, he does. His flip isn't really that important to me. The fact that this happened in such a small amount of time is sickening. I don't feel they really have reason to lie either.
How is his flip not that important to you?

I was hoping to hear from J here but tomorrow regardless of Chuckie's flip we need to look at all the inactives. Everyone who hasn't been a big poster in this game needs to be prepared with a reads list for toMorrow. Some of us have content that can be read, but several players in this game (JTB, Red Ryu, looking at you) don't have hardly anything at all.

If Chuckie DOESN'T flip Inquisitor, town is likely up the creek without a paddle. With the amount of inactives in this game, some of them are bound to be mafia. I mean July has FOUR POSTS. JTB has fifteen but I don't remember a thing he's said. Ryker has a decent amount but they were all in the beginning and he was completely absent toDay until he decided to be an ****** and vote without refreshing the page or reading carefully, both equally dumb. Kary has a surprising number of prominent posts that I can remember off the top of my head, but still a grand total of 6 posts.

We need activity. I can make fun of Soup all day for sitting on his hands and saying "Don't blame me, the inactives haven't answered my questions yet", but at the end of the day they DO NEED TO POST. We don't have the luxury of lynching all of them since we're so far behind so please, if you're town, post.

If you're not, stay inactive so we can pick you out and lynch you.

Dead serious, come in with some reads tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
JTB had a present opening mechanic, where instead of guessing he could instead pick a player and get through the same number of layers that person had. JTB did this and got to the same layer we were on.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
JTB had a present opening mechanic, where instead of guessing he could instead pick a player and get through the same number of layers that person had. JTB did this and got to the same layer we were on.
Sorry mod! Don't modkill me :chuckle:


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Gee Overswarm, where did all that confidence go? :chuckle: According to you we scum slipped about watching Death Note so surely we must still be Le bateleur :b:


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Gee Overswarm, where did all that confidence go? :chuckle: According to you we scum slipped about watching Death Note so surely we must still be Le bateleur :b:
While it is possible you are just ****ing with me, you have no reason to lie about your role at this point that I know of. If you flip ???? or as indie or something than that confidence would return in full force. Planning for the next Day phase is important, especially when warning other players that they need to contribute.

I hope you realize that you were far and away the most likely to be La B, so much so that I am still thinking you will flip as the Inquisitor even after you were hammered.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Yeah I know I'm just messing with ya :chuckle:

I can't explain the Inquisitor thing, I literally have no idea how it's supposed to work considering that there is a Poisoner in the game.

I completely understand why people would think we were Le Bateleur over other players, however how this warranted our lynch over the stack of inactive slots is pretty funny to me.

I personally still think Le Bateleur is Nabe. Or a real life friend playing the game for Nabe. And that this indy hunting was all for nothing.

I would pay good money to have seen Nabe's reaction after your original case!


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
That's not good July :(, get better soon :b:

Also, Circus made me think of something in Ryker's post.

Alright, I'm caught up.

I read Day 2 before I read Day 1 and Overswarm's case holds up. The super jump in logic based on the man who was hung is still astounding. I buy the presence of the Inquisitor role and I buy that Chuckie makes the most sense with said role.

That being said, IT'S INDY HUNTING!!! Chuckie flipping Indy does absolutely nothing to help OS's credibility.

Vote Chuckie

I would absolutely adore an OS cop.

For now, Soup, what's your read on his slot?
Not only did he hammer me, but he's straight away deflecting all the "blame" for our lynch onto Overswarm's shoulders, when it's more like a 90% Ryker 10% Overswarm spread.

The fact that he's already trying to direct night actions so early in the day could be a slip that he knew he was in fact dropping the hammer on our slot. I mean who tries to tell the cop where to go so far away from deadline?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, what should the play be for tomorrow and what strategy should we use to find mafia?
For me, I still want Soup to be looked into and most definitely is my biggest target for a lynch. Next in line I would probably say looking into Circus/Ryker for their sloppy play thus far. Ryker because he also added that line of OS needing to be copped and that people shouldn't give him credit at all which is kind of common sense and seems he is trying to instigate taking thread power away from OS.

Circus for throwing Ryker straight under the bus and saying he needs to be looked at for the vote thing without much else to offer us. I also would like more clear stances from Circus. His vote seemed the weakest supported (besides BRB) when finishing up the Chuckie wagon.

Then again, there are just a bunch of people that didn't give really any reasoning to their vote and just hopped on like Ditzy, RR, PBJ, and Kary. The only other person I know to have backed up their reason for voting Chuckie was Raziek.

Speaking of PBJ, just ew vibes from him all over. His attempt to justify his vote on Chuckie wasn't good and read as grimy. I need to re-read his posts to double check what exactly is giving me these bad vibes but PBJ is definitely up there with Soup.

For me it is looking like this for my lynch/investigate line:


Not much else to go on and no one in the cast truly interests me as scummy.

Really pissed this day was thrown away like this, regardless.
You honestly cannot say this when you are just sitting on the sidelines doing nothing but "garnering information" when you haven't even done much of that.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Mind ninja'd by Chuckie.

Not only did he hammer me, but he's straight away deflecting all the "blame" for our lynch onto Overswarm's shoulders, when it's more like a 90% Ryker 10% Overswarm spread.

The fact that he's already trying to direct night actions so early in the day could be a slip that he knew he was in fact dropping the hammer on our slot. I mean who tries to tell the cop where to go so far away from deadline?
100% agree/endorse with these definitely as said in my previous post.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
BRB, Not Posting.
Private-Joker Brown
Red Ryu

I totally forgot Ranmaru was even in this game. The red people need to do more imo then just sit along here.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I swear to god if someone tells me I am not doing anything I am going to have a ****ing fit.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I sometimes feel personally insulted that I come back here and ask questions and tell people to hold their ****ing horses and I get greeted with "GEE SOUP SURE IS DOING NOTHING." Half of the people skimmed over me and didn't even see the questions I asked. I even got shafted by Chuckie. Infuriating.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Because he's either indy or town. I don't care what he flips. He doesn't give me scum. There's definitely scum on the wagon but him specifically doesn't tell me anything.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Indy = scum but that's being nitpicky.

So Soup, if you had to take stab at who could possibly be mafia on his wagon, then who would you pick? You keep saying "scum is deffo on the lynch's wagon" but not giving any names. You did it with the D1 lynch and now you are kind of starting to do it with the D2 lynch.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
D1 was confrontational based on how it played. D2 I'm ending it with absolutely nothing but guessing who could be scum on the wagon. It isn't all scum, and frankly if you can discern Red Ryu's vote between JDietz' vote on Chuckie, then you've lost me. I would bet money on players like PJB or Red Ryu to reference, and I can't say I like Ranmaru just forgetting about this game and simply not caring. I don't understand the heat Circus is getting in a sense because frankly him voting Chuckie isn't indicative of anything. OS lays out a case and both town and scum are going to sheep it. I'm glad we have players like you and Sword however who understand the importance of Day Phase. Don't make that dumb argument about Indy = Scum. I'm looking for connections.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Red Ryu, PJB and Ranmaru. Does that help? Red Ryu states he needs to re-read and then does nothing regarding it, just laying a vote on Chuckie. PJB comes back to huff and puff about the same thing but doesn't care about anything else. Ranmaru drops off the face of the earth. Then it's all up in the air with the goddamn inactives. I want to say TownJTB is playing inactive right now. I still don't like Raziek either even from his explanation. He gave a reason behind it but frankly it's easy to just copy+paste what OS already presented. That is where the day becomes completely useless.

Not telling. Do you think he did that on purpose? The statement on OS is troublesome. How are you reading players like Circus?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ranmaru (Inactive)
July (Inactive)
sneakytako Rajam
Ryker BRB, Not Posting. (Ryker/Gova) (Kind of Inactive)
Le Bateleur
Private-Joker Brown (Inactive)
Chuckie (Kataefi/vanderzant)(?)
Jdietz43 (Inactive)
JTB (Inactive)
Kary (Inactive)
Red Ryu (Inactive)

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Not telling. Do you think he did that on purpose? The statement on OS is troublesome. How are you reading players like Circus?
Here is my view on Circus.

Circus for throwing Ryker straight under the bus and saying he needs to be looked at for the vote thing without much else to offer us. I also would like more clear stances from Circus. His vote seemed the weakest supported (besides BRB) when finishing up the Chuckie wagon.
Slight scum lean.

On purpose? I don't know. Regardless, Ryker would do something like that on purpose which isn't indicitive of his alignment. What is telling, to me, is the fact that he tried to brush it under that he "thought" he was putting Chuckie at L-1. That seems fake especially with what Chuckie pointed out on copping OS and the like.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Chuckie []: Overswarm, Jdietz43, Raziek, PrivateJoker-Brown, Kary, Red Ryu, Circus, BRB

Literally, 7 people who are inactive on this lynch.

JDietz posted once about it.
Raziek responded to me .
PJB came back to fan the flames.
Kary ehhhhhhh what do you think of him J
RR says he needs to re-read and then votes chuckie randomly
BRB accidently hammers.

These all can't be scum.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Can we agree as enemies of this game to get lynch PJB lynched sooner or later? You can think I'm scum and we can just pretend I'm bussing him. I think it would be great.

RR, what did you ever gain from a re-read? Did you ever re-read?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I think Kary is a middle ground null. If I had to say where leaned more than the other people on the wagon, I would say he leans townier than others.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
And players like Ranmaru? Do you think his demeanor came off weird? I do. I really need to remember who all confirmed as having their alignments on D1. This would help immensely.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
And players like Ranmaru? Do you think his demeanor came off weird? I do. I really need to remember who all confirmed as having their alignments on D1. This would help immensely.

I literally don't remember anything Ranmaru posted. Bring it up and talk to me about it.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
J I am not scum and you could help me keep my sanity this game

You mean welcome back to D1.

RVS? Mafia NK Analysis?


Mafia NK Analysis:

Why Potassium??? (That's my analysis)
This seems really fake or just weird coming from Ran


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA

Read very, very carefully. I don't know if I have all the pieces together and this phase is by far the most important of the entire game. Soup is right that toDay really is the start of Day 1.

(courtesy of Sworddancer during my re-read)

There are 6 anti-town players.

La B, an inquisitor, and then likely four mafia. Three mafia and another indie is possible but I doubt this severely.

Twelve town.

Six anti-town.

Nabe told us the setup in the opening post and blatantly so.
This makes sense, not only with the 12/6 present distribution but if that really is the case then it's a set-up very similar to the first Nabe Halloween game.

We had TWO flips: Potassium and La Bateleur. Mafia obviously killed one, but why did the other die? Who would kill Le Bateleur? Mafia wouldn't waste a kill on that slot no matter how weird it was; it wasn't a threat to anyone and was a huge distraction during the Day phase.

Chances are the vig won us the game on N1 by killing Le Bateleur, chuckie's puppet role. I couldn't find a "mafia aspect", but I'd imagine that it's kind of like a hepalien type thing. It's important to note the role wasn't "inquisitor aspect" but "inquisitor'S aspect". That's possessive, meaning that slot was an "aspect" to an "inquisitor".

In short, there's an inquisitor role that was linked super strictly to Le Bateleur.
I can understand that and see the logic in this, especially when Chuckie laid out all those points about La Bateleur yesterDay, but what I don't understand is why Chuckie would do that if he's the inquisitor. If their linked he threw his partner thing to the wolves and presented a lot of information on him that seemed pretty highly focused on getting him killed or revealed as Nabe or something along those lines.

If someone acts like they have more information than they should, they have it. This is not the case of Chuckie being some savant, this is a case of Chuckie trying to earn town points by showing the theme to everyone. No one else has this information. NO ONE.
Good point.

I'm skimming through a lot of the evidence, a lot of it is speculative/kinda paranoid but I can see where the paranoia is coming from and how the pieces fit together in this theory of what's happened, even if I don't believe it is wholesale. I do think that (having already read what happened toDay and I know that Chuckie was quicklynched ;-;) that lynch did seem inevitable especially with this much speculation, evidence, and suspicion presented around the slot.

JDietz because he happened to know the theme and said he got it "from a friend" rather than knew it himself. On my reread this caught my eye because it seems like an attempt to make sure that he wasn't focused on. At the same time, JDietz didn't gain any town points from this. I'd consider him a distant possibility, possibly mafia with extra information. Take note of his play from now on.
I also noticed the "from a friend" comment and found it strange, so I'd agree to keeping an eye on him.

Soup because he advocated No Lynch so vigilantly when he damn well knew better. It's entirely possible that he was terrified of La B getting lynched and outing the true game, what with the theme coming out. I don't have enough evidence to put this together though. I'd consider this even more distant than JDietz.
Not agreeing with this though; I like Soup so far, he's been one of the most active players and I didn't see him advocating a No Lynch or being terrified of outing the true game. I saw him more as thinking before acting and trying to find the best approach to the Day rather than a knee jerk reaction.

I am completely ok with this.

Vote: Chuckie
:-/ I recognize that OS had a hella long wall and that there are some convincing points, but at least state what you agree with or add something to the conversation. My feelings of dislike for Raziek are only being reinforced toDay.

Non-commital. No interest to play. Same boat as J and the other players who just decided to throw D1 up.
Everyone who is voting Chuckie right now needs to give a reason.
I like this, I think this was a really important attempt to get the Chuckie wagon to talk and identify itself and what it's reasoning was. Some was clear while others was not and is not and needs to be looked at toMorrow.

Vote: Raziek

What a mooch. Lame wagon hops this game so far. Fine with being on him with Soup.

I haven't read all of Day 1 (yes I know I had all of last Night, shush), but I will just go on and state some things that have been on my mind. I'll fix myself some breakfast and then continue to read afterwards.

-Chuckie, why I don't buy all of OS's case, I do take issue with your slot, mainly because of how you acted (or how you didn't act) around the Tako slot (and if you did try to interact with the wagon in some way yesterday, I haven't read it yet). I know we already went over this, but it still bugs me. I haven't played with either Kat or vanderzant all that much, but just knowing how smart and insightful both of you are, I feel confident in saying that town Chuckie would play a more active role with the Tako wagon. Even if you truly had a hard time pinning a read to him, you guys didn't really make an effort at all to try to read him. Even when Rajam replaced in, no visible effort was seen on your part to get a read. Instead, you're focus was all on Le and mechanics. It's understandable to be caught up in mechanic talk of Day 1, but it's hard for me to swallow that you guys just let the Tako wagon build up like it did and not say a word about it until I asked for one. Also, your reply to my question about the Tako wagon was pretty safe, since you pretty much just said that "He's playing odd if he was town." Nothing was really committed to in your response (this is a more minor point, since Day was kinda ****ty for reads, plus I didn't even go in as hard on the Tako wagon as I should have [albeit due to inactivity], but it helps to paint a bigger picture for your slot that I'm not really liking).

Also, this may be a bit of a long shot, but I also get the feeling that a town Chuckie would have saw a town Tako like I did.

Another point that I'll like to bring up is that I DO agree with OS that it's suspicious that you unwrapped your present pretty quickly. Yes you are intelligent, as I said above, but not many should be THAT intelligent.

Can you go through your thought process for how you guessed through the layers of your present Chuckie? Also, which way did you lean overall on Tako/Rajam? I'm just looking for a simple "town lean/scum lean" here, nothing else.

One final thing. This is not really a knock against you, but I only give you minimum town points for helping out the theme (this applies to everyone btw). Scum could have TOTALLY helped out with the theme for the "town points." If they were smart, they would, since them sitting on their thumbs while everyone was discussing the theme seems like a bad move to me.

.People didn't really take Nabe's advice to "conserve information " to heart. As a result, people revealing their anime/tarot cards seems like a dumb or scum move to me

Dumb: "Hey scum, here's my anime/tarot card. I don't know what it means yet, but when we do find out the theme, you can use it as a road map to discover my character role.

Scum: "Hey town, here's the anime/tarot card for my safe claim. When the true theme is revealed, you guys can do your homework and find our what townie character I have flavor wise."

Points in favor of you Chuckie include your general activity (this may seem generic, but I do think activity, even from good players like Kat and Vandie, is townie), your wagon built up with too much speed (lotsa sheep this game), and the fact that there is a lot about OS's case that I don't agree with (might go over this later, don't feel like it right now).

-Another slots on my mind right now are Raz, Circus, and RR. RR just because his play has been pretty shallow/light so far.

Raz as stated above. His play has also been light and shallow, plus his wagon hops on both Tako and Chuckie have been incredibly sheepish. Yes I just stated suspicion of Chuckie above, but he hasn't really gone out of the way to justify the reasons for his votes. Anti town at best.

Circus because his 189 and the inactivity that assured rubbed me the wrong way. I won't hold him too accountable for RL issues, because God I know about that, but the last thing he said for a long while was pretty generic (gotta get through that first layer first to scum hunt!). His jump onto the Rajam/Tako wagon also didn't earn him any town points from me.

Also, J's slot annoys me right now. I don't think he's scum or anything, he's null, but the fact that the true theme has been revealed means that everyone has guessed it, and that means that J must have read the thread to some extent to know what the true theme is. Yet, he's been completely inactive since the game has started. I know that he's busy with RL stuff, and that he has been inactive before in Necromafia as town due to his IRL stuff, so I just wish he would replace out already before it gets too late. He knew that he couldn't keep up with this game before it even began, so he should have exercised some restraint in joining.

-One final thought, that being that I agree with OS that we are most likely dealing with 6 anti-town players. My guess is 4 mafia and 2 indies that are aligned (the Inquisitors).
I really, really like this post because I think it digs into a lot of the same things I'm feeling reading what's gone down toDay. I liked Chuckie yesterDay but many of the points which OS raised are valid.

However, what I particularly like about this is that Swords is one of the few people (Soup being another) who actually looked outside of Chuckie for toDay at who else is suspicious and why. I agree with Raziek being suspicious and I generally find his play this game knee-jerky and sparse of any information or analysis which actually indicates that he is scumhunting or gives even half a **** about scumhunting this game.

Circus I'm a little less sure of, I tend to read him as town but I like Swords points on him and I think Swords is really taking initiative to scumhunt here so I definitely think he should be looked at toMorrow. And RR:

vote: Chuckie

Is in a very similar boat to Raziek.

You should probably play VLR before you complain about that, Sword. I hear it's pretty amazing.

I don't really see why I need to give my own wall of reasoning on Chuckie here when OS makes a ton of strong points.

Chuckie set off obvious alarm bells as the first person to get significantly into their present, and when Soup and I were discussing the flavor in the opening posts of the game, he tried to get us to wait when we were talking about the animes, etc. He claimed directly that he wanted to "see if his information matched", which at that point just read to me like trying to butt his head into the ping-ponging Soup and I were doing for information at that point.

I don't honestly know how Chuckie can try to explain away the same-time post as La B, and La B was VERY clearly a puppet slot, no questions to be had there whatsoever.

One thing that DID bother me that I want to know if anyone else thought was strange. La B's posts typically didn't contain much content, but there were at LEAST a few that directly called out my aggressive attitude towards tako/others for no seemingly discernible reason. What motivation does a puppet slot have to do that? It's an easy way to discretely make people look at me if they never figure it out. And who comes in hard on me? Soup. Bleeeeeeh. I still think La B was Chuckie, but I'm making a note of that.

There are times to fight a wagon, and there are times to realize OS has a solid case, Chuckie is flailing, and OS isn't going to let the flow of the day go anywhere but a Chuckie lynch.

I don't see a reason to move my vote right now.
I see a little bit of explanation (which is mostly regurgitation of old information) here, but I also don't see a really strong commitment or belief to the Chuckie wagon. The last line is a very resigned, "I don't see a reason to move my vote", which clearly doesn't show much passion or belief in the actual legitimacy of the Chuckie wagon and he doesn't seem concerned with pushing it, talking about it and getting information from Chuckie or anything.

I want to like Circus, and I want to like his wall. I can't shake the feeling of something more there however.

Everyone give me an insight on if they have someone they want to lead on today, based on yesterday. Should we throw everything that happened prior out of the window? This question is completely rhetorical and I don't want to see this day end quite yet.
Main lead from yesterDay I'd like to follow up on Raziek. And no I don't think we should throw everything from yesterDay out the window, a lot of it isn't useful honestly but some of us could be helpful in looking at connections, attitudes, scumhunting, etc.

I can't think of any benefits we get, at all, in handling Batty Boi the way we did. It provides no longevity in our strategy - Batty Boi becomes at risk of lynch/Night kill/vig kill/investigation/genuine suspicion because of his enigma status... that we projected on to him first. Yes, we are responsible for making people think badly of Le Bateleur...

...For us to do this on Day 1 shows no longevity if we were in any way connected. This behaviour in spotlighting him the way we did should point to more of a disconnection than a connection actually. Oh, no one has common sense...

^ still very relevant

This was my main problem with buying 100% into OS' suggestion, but then OS posted this

Just found a scum slip by Chuckie when I was looking back.

Chuckie didn't use two browser windows because Chuckie is two people. Vanderzant used the Le Bateleur accoutn during this exchange (reverse chronological order):

I don't know why I didn't think of it before. I just thought of how a single person would post on two accounts simultaneously and forgot that a hydra isn't one person. Chuckie slipped and called his other half Kataefi instead of Chuckie when he was on the La B account, then he panicked and pointed it out himself and just made La B post more nonsense.
And I remember that moment when La B called Chuckie "Kataefi" and that makes a lot of sense. This is why I understand the Chuckie wagon and probably would have ended up on it if it had, you know, actually been a legit wagon and not got hijacked and resulted in a ql. So while there are certain people like Raziek, RR, and Ryker who need to be looked at for their hella suspicious jumps on the wagon, I do think other people genuinely had reason to get on the wagon.

That's not good July :(, get better soon :b:

Also, Circus made me think of something in Ryker's post.

Not only did he hammer me, but he's straight away deflecting all the "blame" for our lynch onto Overswarm's shoulders, when it's more like a 90% Ryker 10% Overswarm spread.

The fact that he's already trying to direct night actions so early in the day could be a slip that he knew he was in fact dropping the hammer on our slot. I mean who tries to tell the cop where to go so far away from deadline?
Thank you :)

And I agree that Ryker is someone to be looked at toMorrow, regardless of the flip.

Scum leans/suspicions I'd like to look into toMorrow: Raziek, RR, Ryker, JDeitz (to a lesser extent), Circus (to a lesser extent)

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
J you're good at reading July is she town I literally can't read her

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
She makes those walls and explains her logic so well, but I feel that she's dragging on about some things too simply. They're so damn likable though.
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