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Tucson, AZ Social/Rankings Thread (Updated 5/7/10!)

For our Tucson Power Rankings, how should order be decided?

  • Panelist system

    Votes: 30 40.5%
  • Challenges system

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Weekly Round Robin results

    Votes: 27 36.5%

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
No johns is a **** good philosophy in my opinion. Basically, I throw it in as a way of saying 'that excuse is keeping you from improving'.

I could rant endless anybody's flaws. That doesn't mean I don't love 'em ;)

Ness mains aren't running around. But it's still good to be prepared for when a smart player randomly pulls out a back-up Ness because they think the opponent will be unprepared. Which is basically what I've done with Tucson. I've won some match-ups as Ness harder than I usually win with Marth. If I were to travel OoS and lose to a random Ness due to a lack of experience, I'd be frustrated. Since I've tried to prepare, I at least know I've done what I could instead so if that were to happen I wouldn't be so angry.

I said wake-up call to Tucson to step up its game. Beating people with Ness will humble them and make them more aware of how much room they have to improve.

You tell Elvis you voice your opinion to those who are narrow-sighted yet you tell me multiple times to shut up. This is where I call you a hypocrite. Lol.

I didn't say Chubz was a lot, I listed multiple examples to illustrate 'a lot'. Last time you said things like "never" and now you've changed it to "a lot of times". Az thread: "CHRIS GIVE ME A RIDE". And I have suggested other things, "Hey Spencer want to go to _____" and you'll think for a second and then say, "Sure." lol. I'll drive.

I say "I never said" because you say you quote in a sentence or two in your attempt to refute my points. Whenever I quote you, I use it in a paragraph as an supportive illustrative example instead.

I'm not going to start a meaning of the word 'quit' argument. But I will word it this way: Your actions lead me to believe that you will not abandon smash or the community anytime soon :p

Your last paragraph, I imagined you literally making that face, it was funny.

And finally, if you didn't care about smash you wouldn't be arguing about it :p

Jeff, I knew that was the one paragraph you would chip in on mufufufufu


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
whoa! alot of reading and personally i agree with jackie here. pretty much hes saying you suck and you need to get better. i think the reason he does this is so that you guys will finally be like whoa! im not as good as i think i am! but sorry if this isnt what jackies intentions are. but im pretty sure it is. BUT im better than everyone so it doesnt matter hahahahahah! you guys thought i was gonna say something else! TOO EASY!


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Nicknyte is the top 7 players in this state. Regardless, johns, in seriousness, are the pieces of mud that will drag your *** down to the depths of smash retirement the wrong way. If you are gonna quit a game, you gotta quit it gracefully. When I stopped playing for almost a year, there was no huge announcement, no I SUCK AT THIS GAME I AM GOING TO QUIT. Just, went on with my life. B-will, Azenith, Cutmet, they don't play, cause life hit em. But, no one wants to see a smasher go out like a b. If you are gonna quit, then take off your hat, and bow to the audience. Leave the stage. It's cool if we get to see you in Tour again. But, think of this, right now, you are giving the audience a bad performance. The audience could care less, but are throwing tomatoes at your bad performance, and you are getting mad at us because we are. I don't care if you read this, if you do, at least you will have read this advice out loud in your brain without trying. Ignore these people, and just leave the stage. Find another community to hang out with, this one show you no respect.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
you guys are ******s who cares about all this><><,..,.,.,.,.?!?!?!<.,.()()(**& am i punctuating right okami? And no! if youre gonna quit something make sure everyone knows who their master is! thats why you guys suck big weiner.


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
i consider it like a challenge to read his posts, sometimes

i give myself a pat on the back when i translate it haha :p

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
why are these 4 players arguably at least top 7 in the state?
im not disagreeing with your point, but i'm not sure if that's exactly the greatest example.

arizona seems to just be like a breeding ground for rare characters.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
hahahaha! i like your sig tai! and im going to cream DJ in our MM! than he'll owe more people money! and you guys being racist huh xander! ill bring out my roy again. or ill do the chop saki on your ***** ***. lol


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
For Shashin:

You should seriously watch this match!!!
Dude... wow. Those YoYo glitches were intense!

I take Pikachu very seriously. I never started playing Pikachu for "bragging reasons", but only because I felt the most comfortable playing him and he suits my playing style the best. Why does Taj play Mewtwo? Why does Vman play Mewtwo/Yoshi? Why does Jackie have such a large variety of excellent characters, including low tiers? Also, why are these 4 players arguably at least top 7 in the state?
This is an awesome statement. just wanted to quote it =D

Edit: Woops on the double post lol


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I am the n00b gate. Only Pros are before me, and only noobs are below it. Get past me and you should be on your way to Tucson's elite, fail, and be my underlings. You have been warned.

Signed the Luigiana Misfire Launcher.
I refuse the current Tucson Rankings until there is a tournament midweek to reclaim my spot. Silly Kyle, your spot is on the line. If you lose, you fall below the n00b gate.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
nice Sheena avatar, joey

i didn't really use her at all in ToS

is she actually good?

i'm obsessed with using characters in order of importance to the story

so i just used Lloyd, Colette, Kratos, and Rayne


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
I know! I am the coolest you know. So I'm guessing that you suck at RPG's and want my help huh Tai. lol and uhhhhh Sheena's a support character she lowers enemies stats and stuff. Her summons for the most part ****. Especially Maxwell. But whats better than that is her hi-ougi. Colette is good but i don't like her. Raine and Genis are a given you have to have them for prism stars! . Lloyd is obviously way too good but he gets boring to play but his hi-ougi is ****. I always play Sheena and shes hot and has purple hair! My favorite color. Kratos is a ***** to fight with his lighting blade to s.lightning blade. But it's fun doing it! So pretty much you use her.


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
and Sheena sucks. Regal and Presea ftw

anyway, if I make it, I'll put 5 on Kyle and 1 on Elvis

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Hey all I'll be checking here for a few days for a few things that you all can do to help me ~_^

I'm going to give some smasher(idc who) Sean's Melee disc to take to him to the tournament on the 31st. I would take it to him myself except that I'm going with my mom and bro on Saturday to Green Valley to see Inception with my grandpa :) if you want to come over to my place and smash with me one last time that's cool just call me in advance and then when you leave just take my Melee disc and remember to give it to Sean.

I also have two controllers I'll be selling. One of them the joystick is extremely loose and because it's so loose it may be harder to go left on it at times, I'll sell that one for $5 and if I get a newer/better joystick for it I'll be selling it for $10. I also have the main controller I use when I play nowadays. Everything works pretty good except the Z button may be a bit sticky, also selling that for $10.

I'll be keeping my Wavebird, my batteries recently died in it anyways. If I ever want to play any Gamecube games though I can buy batteries if I need to.

Thanks in advance and have a nice day everyone X_^


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
alright dude forget ness dittos you're not cool anymore lol you're just like tim! riding on those suck *** characters! do they have hi-ougis? NO! so they suck! well regal has good combos. presea's just strong thats it. but she takes hits like a *****. i give her p.guard i think it was and supress? dont remember. but dont challenge me in this game! or final fantasy games! ive spent too many hours on those! just look at my avatar! shes hot huh! and thats why you guys like bad animes! but i dont watch anime anymore cuse theyre all boring.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Hey all I'll be checking here for a few days for a few things that you all can do to help me ~_^

I'm going to give some smasher(idc who) Sean's Melee disc to take to him to the tournament on the 31st. I would take it to him myself except that I'm going with my mom and bro on Saturday to Green Valley to see Inception with my grandpa :) if you want to come over to my place and smash with me one last time that's cool just call me in advance and then when you leave just take my Melee disc and remember to give it to Sean.

I also have two controllers I'll be selling. One of them the joystick is extremely loose and because it's so loose it may be harder to go left on it at times, I'll sell that one for $5 and if I get a newer/better joystick for it I'll be selling it for $10. I also have the main controller I use when I play nowadays. Everything works pretty good except the Z button may be a bit sticky, also selling that for $10.

I'll be keeping my Wavebird, my batteries recently died in it anyways. If I ever want to play any Gamecube games though I can buy batteries if I need to.

Thanks in advance and have a nice day everyone X_^
I think that I might want to buy 1 or 2 of those controllers. I really want to test them out before I decide, but if I like any of them I will buy them.
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