ok so i just watched the two nietono vs rain sets... hes good but three things...
(from least important to most important)
1. he ALWAYS short hop pikmin tossed D: he shoulda mixed in some grounded pikmin tosses in there, especially for the yellows who most of the time woulda gone right over the reflector
2. he hardly EVER naired, there were so many good opportunities to nair, but instead he would airdodge, or whistle to airdodge
3. he rolled A LOT. well maybe not like a lot a lot, but there were quite a few times were he retardedly rolled right into rain >___>
but other than that they were very fun to watch, i learned so new things for the falco mu (like camp your balls off)
@supreme dirt
just a few things i noticed, dont roll so much. there were times where you would roll right into him, and other times when you would roll away when you could have stood your ground with a fsmash or grab. its a hard habit to break, i know, but work on it, its definitely very important to roll as little as possible. also, you need to improve your DI, when you lost your first stock i noticed that he was very obviously gonna hit you after you whiffed an attack, but didnt di well so your tether didnt reach. just another thing you should constantly try to improve. dont pivot grab just for the lulz, there were a few times i saw you pivot grab in the opposite direction of marth xD. also, dont dash grab so much, cuz marth will punish that shizz always. oh, and lastly, there was a point where i saw you beautifully nair him, then you landed, and tried to nair again, even though you werent like close enough to him for the nair to connect. so basically you just gotta learn to turn auto-pilot off. its tough, it took me a long time, but yeah.
basically, work on not rolling so much, work on your di, and work on being "in the match" and not just throwing out moves just because. hope that helped!
oh! and also i noticed you had some white pikmin... and they had flowers on them! no bueno! whites should always either be thrown away, or throw at your opponent so they can kill them off. the first step to being conscious of your line, is knowing where your whites are at all times.