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**ToS Presents: CLASH OF THE TITANS Melee/Brawl Tourney - DISCUSS COT DATES NOW**

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Ok, I keep changing my mind on the stages to be legal for Brawl singles for this tourney (I've yet to think about doubles)

Here is what I'm sure on so far:

-Final D
-Yoshis Island (Brawl)
-Pokemon Stadium
-Lylat Cruise
-Isle Delfino
-Castle Siege

-Green Greens
-Jungle Japes
-Rainbow Cruise
-Luigi's Mansion
-Official CoT3 Custom Stage

Now the stages in question...

-Mario Circuit
Should it be banned or counterpick? The cars aren't that bad, but the fact that it's an always walk off (on both directions) stage that's not too big, it gives Dedede way too much of an advantage. My guess is banned but it could go either way.

-Frigate Orpheon
Should it be counterpick, or dare I say.... neutral?? I was playing it more recently and the stage flip isn't that bad. It's random so it can happen once in a match, or 3-4 times. Plus, theres a siren that gives you a clear like 2-3 second warning that the stage is gonna flip. There aren't any other obstacles.

Stages I think that should be banned that some may argue could be counterpick

I think this stage is terrible and I'm against it being counterpick, though some believe it should be. I've yet to see a good reason why.

-Port Town
Some people don't think it's that bad but the cars kill at low-mid percents, they are extremely fast with not much warning at all, and it's quite random compared to Mute City in Melee.

-Shadow Moses Island
I say banned for the fast it's so hard to kill horizontally and that a Metal Gear can appear. I mean, it's not TERRIBLE, but I still think banned worthy. idk, I mean if anyone wants to argue for it to be counterpick, it's open to discussion.

-Yoshi's Island (Melee)
I dunno what to think for this one. The middle blocks on the floor are still kinda stupid, and the steep slope to the right that's also walk off isn't that friendly for anyone really. I personally think banned, but again, open for discussion.

Also, I'm almost sure I'm going to switch back to the old stage select rules with 2 bans and only one of the two being able to be a neutral stage. Afterall, there are many more stages this time around, especially with 7-9 neutrals.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Isn't castle siege a walkoff half the time? If so I think it should definitely not be nuetral and should be up for counterpick at least.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Isn't castle siege a walkoff half the time? If so I think it should definitely not be nuetral and should be up for counterpick at least.
its a walk off during the inside the castle and in transition times. the transition times dont matter as theres not enough time for a dedede to get a grab on you and full chain grab you to the end, especially without putting him in jeopardy either if hes far out there when it switches.

as for the inside the castle, its a generally big area so if you happen to be going against a ddd thats chain grab crazy, then just stay away, it's quite easy to not get grabbed. and the outside and below the castle sections are great. iv been playing with it on random for a while now and have had no problems at all. if a buncha ppl have a problem with it i guess it could become counterpick, but i just dont think theres that much of a problem.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
its called fawken yoshis island jesus fawken christ
fawk i messed up. i knew that tho lol, just a typo. else i wouldnta put (brawl) next to it as it has the same name as the melee stage. sooo stupid tho, the entire level is themed from the game yoshis STORY


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
GOTM, I hope I didn't offend you....I just don't like the eagles. Probably because they have a problem with winning when they should, like Chibo said. They are a good team, and if they make it farther than the cowboys I will cheer for them. But I think the fans and their rudeness is probably my biggest problem. I'm really sick of hearing how much they rock and yet they don't have the Superbowls to back it up. They ARE a good team, but they tend to choke when the time comes. At least they aren't as bad as the Buffalo Bills....their superbowl record is HORRENDOUS. Eagles are an impressive team, I just wish the fans would be a little nicer. Seriously, though, sorry if I offended you, lol. I respect them as in a team, they are solid, I just think they need to step it up in the clinch. Oh, and the Giants....they earned that one, for real. Eli almost choked and screwed the season up for them, but he pulled through. I give respect to teams that aren't my own, and realize when my own team blows it. (Yes, the cowboys did blow it towards the end. *shrugs* it happens) Anyhow, enough sports, back to smash. ^_^

Oh and thanks about the Sonic, Chibo. *sigh* So I guess I've gotta finish this bloody maze. CURSE YOU MAZE!!!!! One of my favorite parts of SSE was DeDeDe vs. Bowser, ROFL!!!

"Crank that Roy"


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
ame i have a counter argument to everything you just said about the greatest football team alive. but i will refrain on the terms of possibly writing more text than i have have before and having wasted a whole 2 hours of my day doing so.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
fawk i messed up. i knew that tho lol, just a typo. else i wouldnta put (brawl) next to it as it has the same name as the melee stage. sooo stupid tho, the entire level is themed from the game yoshis STORY
yeah let's just call lylat system "star fox" and castle siege "fire emblem"

also, the eagles suck and are really just an embarrassment to the otherwise amazing nfc east


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
LOL@ Talwind. Dude, GOTM, I said I respect the Eagles. They almost always have a good team. Ignore the "Eagles suck". If I exploded at everytime someone said the cowboys suck, I'd be like Broly, ROFL. Seriously, not worth the time. I understand how you <3 your team. I actually respect you for not being like the average Eagles fan. So GOTM, whenever my tournament hits....I have to postpone, I'll have a special prize for you. *nods*

"Crank that Roy"


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
please don't hold back, i LOVE arguing about how bad the eagles are

i mean how are you in a division with 11 super bowl wins and not have a single one of them?


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
there's no debate, the eagles are an embarrassment

not just to their division/conference, but even to their own fans (ask mogwai how he feels about the eagles lolz)


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
when your team's best player is a kicker, you're pretty awful

even though wait, who was the nfc's pro bowl kicker this year?

geez the cowboys are awesome (and the eagles suck)


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
tsk.... eagles fans, they still make those??..... and u dont have to camp to win in brawl... ur brain works lol its so sad how many ppl dont like brawl.... it kinda seems like ppl are mad overall bcuz they're losin ppl who play melee and they're playin brawl now and its like they want them to think the same way they do so they still have more ppl to play with. i think brawl could be competetive.... honestly i think any game can be competetive. its just that brawl is easier and u dont have to push a billion buttons to win. but hey thats my own opinion


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
The eagles fans are the best fans. And yes i'm a proud eagles fan. We are winning the super bowl next season, watch for us. I don't like brawl simply because I get bored playing it really fast. And I"m not mad cause I suck at it or anything or cause I can't press buttons. I just hate not having options, I did nearly beat azen at the one and only brawl tournament i've entered. He said "You were my hardest match in that tournament."


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Hinesville, GA
eagle fans make me laugh, i have to deal with them every year, but its ok. im a packers fan btw, so i have like a innate hatred towards the eagles, and one was just recently created with the giants and eli manning as well...


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
My friend who was even with me in Tekken is giving me a hard time with his Metaknight in Brawl. He takes basic tactics I taught him in Melee which include sheild grabbing, roll predicting running grabs, and camping. It's pissing me off. In Melee I can at times 4 stock him so it's frustrating to be having trouble with him now. I'm just going to have to step it up.
Stuff like this is going to happen a lot in brawl. For example that random guy forte who came outta no where and ***** at the chu bwieekly.

or like when i practiced for 3 hours total, and came the closest to beating azen in the first chu biweekly.

Interesting comment coming from you. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Yes it is. ^^ However if you ask m2k he says I don't spam that bad. And he says silent wolf spams way harder. Also scar said reik spams harder than me vs CF. I actually have pretty good approaches and i'd say offense is my strongest point in melee.

Now brawl LOL, all I do is spam thunderbolts like a jerk, ask m2k he saw me play azen LOL I literally NEVER approach in that game, theres no reason to.

Oh and the eagles are going to **** this coming season. They had an off year, it happens. They've out placed the giants for like 4-5 years before that, call it a fluke.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
yo, ken34. I clicked on your sig, but it was some game from the 80s. I got confused.

Everyone come to Montage's tourn on the 29th and crew battle us!

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
i got an update everyone. weve finally got a meeting scheduled for someone from my school to organize this event. the meeting is this next tuesday, so hopefully we can get cot3 sometime around April 19th or 26th.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Stuff like this is going to happen a lot in brawl. For example that random guy forte who came outta no where and ***** at the chu bwieekly.

or like when i practiced for 3 hours total, and came the closest to beating azen in the first chu biweekly.
I kicked the kid's *** 8 times in a row after some practice so nevermind :laugh:

Its all that Spam training!!

It takes trash to put out the garbage :dizzy:

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
im just bumping this so it doesnt get lost lol. unfortunately, still no details from drexel, however were DEFINITELY meeting with them this week. there were complications this past week.
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