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**ToS Presents: CLASH OF THE TITANS Melee/Brawl Tourney - DISCUSS COT DATES NOW**


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Woot, I have a ride to this tournament. See everyone there :D.

EDIT: WTF WITH THE STAGE RULES!? Poke Floats can't be counterpicked AND JUNGLE JAPES CAN BE!?? wtf klaptrap is RANDOM INSTANT KILL, there is NOTHING like that on Floats. Unban Floats.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Ok, I'm about to sleep to so I can be up early and good to play one question.

Is it for sure that the venue is a block away from the 30th station? Cause I'm going alone and I dont wanna get lost.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Ok, I'm about to sleep to so I can be up early and good to play one question.

Is it for sure that the venue is a block away from the 30th station? Cause I'm going alone and I dont wanna get lost.
i made a guide for a reason. read it

o and spammer - pokefloats is legal. i just forgot to put it there lol


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Hinesville, GA
Woot, I have a ride to this tournament. See everyone there :D.

EDIT: WTF WITH THE STAGE RULES!? Poke Floats can't be counterpicked AND JUNGLE JAPES CAN BE!?? wtf klaptrap is RANDOM INSTANT KILL, there is NOTHING like that on Floats. Unban Floats.
lol, I agree, I like watching you counterpick pokefloats, that match against tec0 tonight at the rutgers tourny was insane, lol.

um, I might be bringing a vcr for a recording setup, does anyone have any blank vcr tapes?:laugh:


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
lol, I agree, I like watching you counterpick pokefloats, that match against tec0 tonight at the rutgers tourny was insane, lol.

um, I might be bringing a vcr for a recording setup, does anyone have any blank vcr tapes?:laugh:
You were at the Rutgers Tourney???? :confused::confused::confused:.

Anyway no it was just gay Spam = Gay :(

EDIT: Getting 4 stocked by m2k when your falco by getting gimped 4 times feels better.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Hinesville, GA
You were at the Rutgers Tourney???? :confused::confused::confused:.

Anyway no it was just gay Spam = Gay :(

EDIT: Getting 4 stocked by m2k when your falco by getting gimped 4 times feels better.
yea, we got there sooo late, like around 8:30pm, so we didnt get to chill with everyone that we wanted, we were a bit sad. I wasnt even in the match and i was frustrated, that was a spamfest, lol.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
You were at the Rutgers Tourney???? :confused::confused::confused:.

Anyway no it was just gay Spam = Gay :(

EDIT: Getting 4 stocked by m2k when your falco by getting gimped 4 times feels better.
man wtf I SDed too, how can you not like that match?

Your edit is mad gay.

And thanks Chibo, Poke Floats FTW!


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
i made a guide for a reason. read it
You know your starting to really...........

Simple question, simple answer. Is it a block away or not. First time in P.A. So feed back from poople would be nice. More simple and I'll be set. But w/e man.....

I'll figure this out myself


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
And once again, another road block. I need a state ID which I dont have to by a ticket for the bus. So This is not gonna work. Nothing I can do. I tried but every plan I had to this point failed for me going. Sorry boys, hope your tournament goes well.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2007
Vineland,New Jersey
And once again, another road block. I need a state ID which I dont have to by a ticket for the bus. So This is not gonna work. Nothing I can do. I tried but every plan I had to this point failed for me going. Sorry boys, hope your tournament goes well.
Way to not be there teach but its ok. the tournament was fun even though i didnt do teams lol.

Chibo; very well done u won most of our fights, which were close but the one i won was by a big margin... lol good fights

Doteater; i want to play u again when u are felling better cuz u looked off.

Vexx; i want to play u some more

every one else that was there good stuff i hope to see everyone again

Shakugan, maybe im a lion

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
what about xzax i almsot beat you and sorry but i sandbagged in pools not by much but

M2K: LOL toushi= 54 secs. nice job m2k you win one more tournament!

Cactuar: Good **** man second nice job, and we recorded! cant wait to see that 3 stock, 3 stock, 4 stock =[

Scar: i heard you did good in teams, like 4-5 place im assuming? and how'd you do in singles me and vex left before you =[!

Chibo: lol chibo charges up his gun, xzax attempts to shine spike him, chibo falls of almost dies he shoots his gun..REFLECTED! lol funny stuff tht got recorded nice tournament!

GOTM: wow good **** hanging out with you man, what did you place in singles i think igot last o_o lol well like 2nd 3rd to last but o well i had fun! see ya at smashpocalypse 4!

Chocobo: lol sexy mc( not callnig you sexy but thats what it said on the drawing board...lol) wow i never knew you mained samus, your pretty good!

Toushi: LOL your awesome m2k ***** the **** out of you... sorry but that was funny and m2k was smiling pointing at the tv for like 10 mins lol

Roykid: You lost to Vex? wow hes better than i thought >.> sorry vex lol. i almost fell of that square chair thingy! r2k is a nice name. your the ****!

To everyone else im tired so im not typing everyone work work! See you all at Smashpocalypse IV


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
First things first....Chibo about the pot split. Me and Ryoko each got $15 for 2nd in doubles and I'm pretty sure Velocity/Eggm got $10 each for 3rd. If it's 10% for 3rd and 20% for 2nd then we got shortchanged $5 each. I kind of forgot about it during the day and I'm not gonna hound you guys until you pay us, but in the future you might want to make sure you hand out all of the pot at the same time. Since 3rd got $ like 30 minutes before us, I imagine 10% of the pot went to them. Then I think what happened was that someone took 20% of the remaining pot and gave that to Ryoko and me.


Ryoko - I had a great time teaming with you :).

M002KEENG - God **** you're SO gay wtf. "Why don't you roll behind me?" wthell is that? And you're not allowed to run forward powershield a laser into grab at the start of two matches in a row. Didn't you know that's banned?

Cactuar - You prickly fellow, you! I'll get you someday! And work on the Cactuar dance :)

Grandma Oorah - Thanks for squeezing me in the back, I had a really fun time today.

DC Scribz - lol, waveshining tec0 in the car, too good.


Vanz - GJ owning me on Brinstar. Fun set.

Scar - :( wtf, Falco is not gay. He's the saviour of the universe. btw, those matches you recorded, are you going to upload them on youtube? I want to see those of me.

Eggm - :( I hope you're not still mad at me. I had to be gay to win that set.

Pakman - We NEED TO PLAY at Smashpocalypse. I haven't played you in forever, not counting the teams set vs you.


Chocobo - I finally played you :). Fortunately for the universe, Samus is no match for Commodore Douglas Jay Falcon.

LK - You can't stop a TRUE HERO!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2007
COT2 was alot of fun

tensai-your great in 1v1s but teams ehh..... lolol

shakugan- that peach is getting better and better

slikvik- we had so good matches your peach is fast as **** good stuff

scar- your too good with falcon i will beat you one day (i hope) lol. falcon brothers!

vexx- your pretty good with your spacies. but its always falcon ftw. lol. good playing with you

gotm- "shut the fawk up" always a pleasure

m2k- it sucked you beat my falco in 54 seconds >_<

ken34- your a cool guy

shoryusowrdsman- good stuff i need to play you when your on your game

xzax- falcon dittos on FD lol. thanks alot fo the vault

teczero- sorry when we teamed in friendlies you did almost all the work and i killed you LOL

Meximadnez- one of these days soon i shall win a ditto. lol. good stuff man

classic yayo- your too cool. too bad we didnt friendly

chocobo- always the entertainment

velocity- *** parking tickets they will never catch you alive

eggm- you ***** my characters. at pound 3, my falco will be ready for the challenge lol

wingzero- luigi= too much priority

talwind- your too funny. "run away!"

roykid- for being roykid


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Hinesville, GA
That tourny was fun yesterday, unfortunately, i played like crap during pools and brackets, but for some odd reason in friendlies, my execution was fine, makes no sense, but it is a problem i need to fix. anyways, it was nice playing with everyone, hope to see most of you at smashpocalypse IV.

Vids I recorded:
Spamerer vs Eggm

and you can find the rest of matches(all friendlies) on my account.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
CoT was awesome, and some people couldn't believe it was my first tournament :p

I would like to leave just a few shoutouts

Mexi - Your falcon is awesome and your a fun guy to play, almost had you in the pools >: )

Vanz - I can't believe you can use so many characters at a competitive level like that, your sheik still scares me the most lol. we had a great set in the singles bracket 1-2, ill be ready for you next time :p.

Teczero - Stop gimping me in friendlies lol, your sheik is so deadly to falco.

Tensai - Had alot of fun playing you in friendlies, your too good in marth dittos.

Toushi - The friendlies way before the tournament happen were really fun stop moon walking with falcon please :p, and your falco is getting there, keep practicing.

Ryoko - Your peach is just too good, had fun playing you in friendlies, and the FFA items match :p

Shakugan - For an extremely close end of a singles bracket set at brinstar, you almost had me. Your peach is good just needs alittle more practice.

Roy2kid - For another extremely close singles bracket set, your marth is really good. I still cant believe I won.

And the list goes on and on, GGs you anybody that I played but didnt give a shoutout too.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Clash of the Titans II Results


1: Mew2King (Mew2King + Cactuar)
2: Zelda's Kick Got Buffed In Brawl (Ryoko + Teh_Spammer)
3: Extacy (Eggm + Velocity)
4: Blue Lazer (Scar + Pakman)
5: Blood Lust (Arbak + DC Scribz)
5: Insanely Large Breasts (Teczero + Vanz)
7: Pimp &Hoe (ClassicYayo + Kupo)
7: Snapple's Apple (Wendiesel + Slikvik)
9: These Guys (Toushi + TenNoTensai)
9: Not So Fast Kaiba (Chocobo + RoyKid)
9: Super Goepel 'o Brothers (Jollies + Lil' Goepel)
9: Tru Swords (Shoryuswordsman + Tru)
13: Zero Wind (ZeroWing + Talwind)
13: Andy and the Tuna (ChiboSempai + GOTM)
13: Vexzax (Xzax + Vex Kasraini)

Singles Pools:

1: Mew2King
1: Cactuar
1: Eggm
1: MexiMadnez
1: Slikvik
1: Pakman
1: Teh Spammer
1: Scar
9: Talwind
9: Teczero
9: RoyKid
9: Velocity
9: Lord Knight
9: TenNoTensai
9: Arbak
9: Vanz
17: Cless
17: GOTM
17: Shakugan
17: Vex Kasraini
17: Chocobo
17: Shoryuswordsman
17: ChiboSempai
17: Tru
25: B-Ry
25: Ken34
25: Lil' Goepel
25: Xzax
25: Jollies
25: ---
25: DC Scribz

Singles Bracket:

1: Mew2King
2: Cactuar
3: Eggm
4: Teh Spammer
5: Pakman
5: Vanz
7: Scar
7: Velocity
9: Slikvik
9: TenNoTensai
9: Lord Knight
13: Teczero
13: MexiMadnez
13: Arbak
13: Vex Kasraini
17: DC Scribz
17: Chocobo
17: Cless
17: Talwind
17: ChiboSempai
17: RoyKid
17: Tru
17: Shakugan
25: Shoryuswordsman
25: Ken34
25: ---
25: Lil' Goepel
25: Jollies
25: B-Ry
25: Xzax

My shoutoutz are coming soon

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
First off I would like to thank everyone that came to CoT2! We were expecting a larger turnout, but between the venue change and SmashBoards being down for 3 days right before the tournament, our attendance was hurt quite a bit. However, I'm glad to see the amount of pro players that attended the tournament.

Next, back to Spammers comment earlier, I guess I didn't notice that, and I remember what happened. Bottom line is your winnings for 2nd place are correct. Eggm + Velocity should have had a little less money, and M2K + Tuar a little more. Eggm and Velocity were supposed to get $7 each, so I just rounded it up to $10. You guys were supposed to get $14 each, so I bumped it to $15. There really weren't that many ppl in doubles for a big pot.

Mew2King - 41 seconds to kill me on DK64. Stop controlling the barrel. Killing me with it at 0% with it while edgeguarding u = wrong

Cactuar - I saw that you beat M2K in winners bracket. No one else knows the truth.

Eggm - Great job in singles. I'll see ya next week at Pound

Teh Spammer - First time smashing with you. You're crazy good.

Pakman - We didn't get to play at all. I need Luigi practice and you have to make that guide lol.

Vanz - All of your characters are ridiculous. I'm scared of all of them lol.

Scar - Good **** at the tournament. You did mad nice. And your 3 TVs, so nice.

Velocity - I heard you lost to Mexi 0-2 in pools?

Slikvik - Didn't get to play you this time... and I need more Peach practice.

GOTM - One of these days Andy and the Tuna won't have a very hard bracket. You motorboatin son of a ***** you! You old sailor you!

TenNoTensai - We need a smashfest soon, havent played u in a while

Lord Knight - Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Money Match was made of all kinds of awesome. Don't call people on Sonic when I'm in the room lolz. Such a close match, although I know you shouldn't have died on Green Forest. Best of 3 going to the 4th match, lol now thats close. We need to create the official rules for SA2B official matches. Amy Rose is the WORST.

Teczero - My SD's are ridiculous lol

MexiMadnez - See? You finally enter your first tournament and you get 1st in your pool. Then you go and blow it in bracket haha jk

Arbak - Your mad nice. Darn your crazy Samus practice from being in Triads old crew lol.

Vex Kasraini - First tournament!? GO TO MORE! You did really good. And I want to play you.

Chocobo - That makes 4 out of 5 of my tournaments you've played Scar lolz.

Cless - I've seen his post counts, they're like 2000!

Talwind - M2k in pools... haha. what is this? I dont even...

(finish my shoutout)

RoyKid - We had some nice friendlies. Your skill is rapidly increasing like crazy. Young Tuar.

Shoryuswordsman - Where was Clown Yoter!?

Jollies - You say your not that good, yet everytime I see you you're better and better lol. You're gettin' that Ken Combo down.

Xzax - Keep goin to more tourneys. You're awesome.

Ryoko - You should have entered singles. You won the last CoT lol

Dot Eater - You sandbagged me with Roy... Too bad you got sick. You should have stayed for singles, or got Will to get there earlier for doubles.

Will - Who else is in Pimp Taxi!?

Yayo - You're Sheik is getting really nice, but I need to see more Scam from your Scamus lol

Kupo - Nice stuff with your Ganondorf. I'll MM you next time we meet at a tourney lol.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
LOL cot2 was lotsa fun :).

Ryoko - O_O YL vs zelda was soooooooo much fun STOP THE BREAKING OF SHIELDS LOL. Great games Ryoko I had a lot of fun playing you hopefully I can play you in some more friendlies:p. Also so we should play ACTUAL MELEE. :laugh:

Scar - I <3 you man btw when did you get soooooooo much better? I have to admit I was REAL surprised I got rocked like that :(. Its a good thing I <3 you
though ;). Nice games sexy wall of b-airs ;).

Eggm - You play falco :(.

mew2gay - :( your sheik is apparently in god mode friggin sheik's d-throw jump transform f-air O_O.

Misspelled article_Spamerer - GET IN THE PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vex - LOL :) sheik is soooo fun :) actually you played real well I was surprised because i never heard of you before good stuff go to more stuff ;).

Grandma Oorah - Thanks guy :) you drove me all the way down to philly that was real generous of you <3. Btw AIM me later for moar smash :)

DC scribbz- :( we got bracket gayed :( lol remember 7-11 for TOP TIER LOL. and also do the same as grandma Oorah for moar smash :).

(ToS - gotm - Chibo) - It was fun playing you guys :) I had fun teaming with Toushi and friendlying all of you mad fun :).

Gotm - LOL me and you in POOLS and i went jiggs LOL epic :) and stop avoiding Marth's gimps its not allowed. :cry:

Chibo - LOL at your falco for 0:51 or something like that. Nice gay samus spammer :(.

Yayo - <_< AIM me sometime maybe we can setup a time to play sometime man :).

Cactus - <3 I had soo much fun in those Fox dittos I shoulda just kept playing you LOL we did pretty sick combos on each other LOL you like Thunder comboed me across YS and back my fox took offense to that :(.

Pakman - LOL at the Pakman hat it was soo cool and ridiculous O_O.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Mew2King - I enjoyed watching your "Super Zelda" vs. Ryokos "Super Peach" :laugh:
Cactuar - I'm your fox, just...a lot slower and less technical ;)
Eggm - Fun set, even though I got *****, one of these days.
Pakman - Fun set man, your always fun to play and your mad cool. Almost took that first one!
Scar - Scar****induzio, you are the man.
Velocity - Gameroom, this week, be there, and bring that pizza.
Slikvik - I wanna friendly you sometime, playing you in teams is not enough :laugh:
TenNoTensai - Good stuff man, didn't play you today but representing as always.
Lord Knight - I love your Falco, it doesn't shine.
Teczero - Pools again! Yay! Did you even enter? :dizzy:
MexiMadnez - Close as hell match, and good stuff for your first singles tourney.
Arbak - I also wanna friendly you, teams doesn't do anyone justice :laugh:
Vex Kasraini - Dude I'm so mad I didn't get to play you, first tourney seemed to have ended well, I'm glad you could make it. Your Falco is mad technical.
Chocobo - Good announcing, but I think Waluigi could have done better.
Cless - Jamie!! Stop watching anime porn and practice smash.
Talwind - Mitri!!!!!!!
ChiboSempai - We never seem to have teamwork, :laugh: but w/e it's always fun anyway.
RoyKid - Good stuff RoyKid, freakin kid started this game 2 months ago, he's not human.
Shoryuswordsman - Good set man, keep it up, you got potential.
Lil' Goepel - Your IC's use Paul tricksies (you won't get that but Talwind will)
Jollies - Goepel = fighting game master.
B-Ry - Your Samus has a lot of potential man, like seriously, keep it up, you can be really good.
Xzax - Glad you could make it. Keep practicing with Vex! :laugh:


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Gotm - YES I did ENTER :evil: actually I dunno lol.

Also for reference Spammerer throws Inui plushies at your face during his matches watch out for them I mean do you really want to be hit with a flying plushie that looks like inui?




Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Next, back to Spammers comment earlier, I guess I didn't notice that, and I remember what happened. Bottom line is your winnings for 2nd place are correct. Eggm + Velocity should have had a little less money, and M2K + Tuar a little more. Eggm and Velocity were supposed to get $7 each, so I just rounded it up to $10. You guys were supposed to get $14 each, so I bumped it to $15. There really weren't that many ppl in doubles for a big pot.
Ah ok, this explains everything pretty well. I was just surprised that 3rd got 2/3 of what 2nd got, but if this is why then it all makes sense.

Also, for reference, Tec0 gets aroused and starts moaning when he sees Inui's hair.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Newark De
I couldn't make it to this tournament, there's alwasy next time.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
even though the tournament is over, i added a new rule to the front page that will be used for future tourneys. its a new rule in the competitive scene that i think will catch on, named GOTM's rules. guess who came up with it lol


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Hinesville, GA
Shoryuswordsman - Where was Clown Yoter!?
remember we discussed this already..he was the one that was able to take the rare day off on the 19th, since they always set his schedule a month in advance, he always has to give a month's notice before he can call out. and since the tourney got changed to the 26th, he was basically SOL.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Scar - I <3 you man btw when did you get soooooooo much better? I have to admit I was REAL surprised I got rocked like that :(. Its a good thing I <3 you though ;). Nice games sexy wall of b-airs ;).
Your shoutouts are made of win. Love you too pal, and I'm serious: I have to visit you one of these weekends.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Your shoutouts are made of win. Love you too pal, and I'm serious: I have to visit you one of these weekends.
Yes you definitely have to one of these days. Me, you, vanz, my brother, and probably some other smashers should come down record vids and make a bunch of combo vids out of each other like DBR did ;).

Spam - Your gay :( go squander and do 50 cent MM with random people. Pick fox more falco is the failure of this game.
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