I won 2 locals and beat some wifi champs so by the rules of PM that not only makes me the best pit it also makes me one of the best players in the world.
nah but seriously, the reason my name is on this list is because this list is copied from another thread that basically was for people trying to pick up a character...and what players they should watch. It's pretty obvious that I know my way around the character because...well I just do. Time has passed an I'm not one of the only ones to watch anymore but for awhile Me and Rubyiris(now Mizuki) and Walk were literally the ONLY ones with video footage. Rubyiris went off the radar and Walk started playing other characters so aside from armada who got footage up later for awhile it was only me. Therefore I was kinda alone until Mizuki returned, other players showed up...but I know my way around the character. Watch and it's kinda obvious.
just don't watch my really old matches where I was learning the character in like 2.0...they are horribad.
actually do...just for lolz
it's funny to rewatch me losing to Bowser...who gets countered by grabs.....oh pit..oh 2.0 noobness so fun to watch.
I didn't upload nor do I have any other matches from that time period just because I wasn't sure about the rate of updates and I didn't want to put up videos and then have to remove them or put "out dated" on them.
but in a highlight video I put up a month and 3 days later my pit was visibly better but...they are just highlights.
but then they removed the 2nd glide and I was emo for a bit...but I improved in other things as a result.