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Top 5 Best Games of 2008!

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Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
Greetings one and all! It’s that time of year again! That’s right! Time to name our best games of 2008! As the year 2009 begins, we already have an assortment of great games to look forward to. But what about this year? What were the games that made your jaw drop, your heart race, and your hands sweat? Bottom line, what are you top 5 best games of 2008? I’ll start us off with my personal list:

#5) The World Ends with You – Why change something that works so well? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, Square Enix took a departure from it’s more notable Final Fantasy series and tried something new. The result is It’s a Wonderfu---I mean, The World Ends with You. This game is quite odd, but in a good way. You control two characters at the same time, one on the top screen (with the D-pad) and one on the bottom (with the touch screen). At first glance it seems a bit weird and confusing, and it is. But after a while you get used to it and start having a boatload of fun. There’s many different power-ups to collect and lots of places to explore. Good, wholesome fun. The reason its number five is because slashing at the touch screen can be a little tiring after a while. The World Ends with You, Square Enix’s next great franchise?

#4 Grand Theft Auto IV – Hookers, drug dealers, gambling, murder…..but enough about my New Year’s Party! *BA DUM TSSSHHHH* The GTA series has been success after a success, and that is even more evident in Rockstar’s latest action-adventure. The open-world sandbox style of gameplay is nothing but entertaining. To think you can just branch off the main story and go for a drag race or steal a helicopter; the possibilities are endless. Even when you’ve beaten story mode, (and a great one might I add) YOUR story isn’t over. Liberty City is one massive playground you can utilize to its fullest. GTA IV proudly hotwires the number four spot.

#3) Mario Kart Wii – Bikes? In my Mario Kart? This series has always been about innovation, whether it’s adding two riders per kart or giving you a little plastic wheel to play with. Still, there’s no doubt in my mind that Mario Kart Wii is arguably the best Mario Kart to date. With its fact-paced racing, gut-slaughtering items, or it’s near perfect online system, veterans of the series, and casuals too, will have a blast playing it. Mario Kart Wii gets rammed with a Blue Shell and finishes in third place.

The number 2 game was a tough call it make. It was between Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Both stellar games in the series. While it was nice to return to the world born in Symphonia, I have to give my spot to…

#2) Tales of Vesperia – This game just blew me away with its breathtaking and colorful visuals. Who knew cel-shading could look this…..sexy? The combat stays true to Tales of the Abyss, with satisfying combos and a diverse selection of attacks, all done in real-time. It is immensely addictive and more importantly, just plain fun. While the story seems a little stiff, there’s no denying one true fact. Yuri Lowell is one bad*** mother******. (Sorry kids.) Yuri is easily one of the best heroes to come from this series. He’s bad, yet good at the same time. He wants to fight for justice, but in his own way. Forever fighting the man and those evil corporations, Tales of Vesperia is my number 2 pick.

All right boys and girls, this is it. Are you ready for my number one pick? The answer may surprise you.

#1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
– Are you surprised? No? Me either. Brawl is hands-down the most fun I’ve ever had from a video game. The wealth of new characters, modes, options, and features just boggles the mind. It’s the most jammed-pack game around and only gets better when you have three friends to play with. True, the online could be a bit better, but I’m not too picky. The word “perfection” is tossed around very rarely these days. Is Brawl really perfect? You be the judge on that. As for me, it’s my number 1 best game of 2008.

So, there's my list. You don't have to go into such vast detail like I did. Simply list them if you want. :p


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Meh 3/4th of my year was only playing 1 video game (World of Warcraft) but I can say now that Brawl isn't the best game of 2008 lol.

But this is your list so who am I to say anything :laugh:


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
For me, it's probably:

1.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
2.) Kirby Super Star Ultra (DS)
3.) Chrono Trigger (DS)
4.) Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
5.) Mega Man 9 (WiiWare)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
#1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl [/B]– Are you surprised? No?
Actaully, yes I am surprised that this game is even at number one considering how it turned out, but i'm being very opinionative of this, as for my top five well....

5.Bleach: Shattereed Blade (Wii): I know, I know, this game is from 2007 not 08' but I bought this game this year so yeah. At first I honestly thought this game was going to be another crappy fighting game considering it's system, but I misjudged it once I got used to it, it's actually kind of fun once you get into it.

4. Castlevania Judgement (Wii): This game is actaully pretty good, not bad for a Wii title version of it.

3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii): I won't say it's the best game i've ever played, but I won't say it's the worst either, this game stands at a neutral position, it's a good game along with some minor and major flaws such as online play, but overalll a fun, enjoyabe game.

2. Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories (PS2): Well being a typical RPG'er and a big Kingdom Hearts fanatic, I just couldn't resist not getting this game, even though I really don't like the card system, it's still proved to be a quite amusing game with a good plot.

1. Super Street Fighter II HD Remix (PSN): Yup, I know, this game is extraordinarly awesome, even though it's on the PSN rather than a physical copy of the game, I still enjoy playing and fighting all these tough battle against total strangers, this game simply brought back the goodness of what was Super Street Fighter back then.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
My list would be:

1) Persona 4
2) Metal Gear Solid 4
3) Tales of Vesperia
4) Street Fighter IV
5) Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Of course, this is my list of favorite games this year.
Best games of 2008 from the majority sounds like:

GoW 2, PoP, CoD 5, Fallout 3, Resisitance 2, etc.

Funny how I haven't played any of these games that I just listed.


Smash Hero
Jul 12, 2008
Umm, I'll probably list some from last year too seeing as that's pretty much all I have.

5.) Super Paper Mario
4.) Super Mario Galaxy
3.) Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time
2.) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
1.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
Minot, ND
5) Team Fortress 2, if we can do games from '07, if not, Soul Calibur 4
4) Megaman 9
3) The World Ends With You
2) Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom
1) Barlw


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
5)The World Ends with you
4)Call of Duty World at War: DS: The D.S version is an awesome portable shooter. The touch screen gives it the WASD and Mouse feel.
3)Call of Duty world at war Wii: It doesn't feel like a crappy PS2 port. It feels like a Xbox360 port. Almost similar campaign(black cats is missing for graphical reasons), Intense online and comes with Prestige mode adding replay value.
2)Pokemon Platinum: Its not a change to D/P Its a new different game. Fixed Pokedex that doesn't feel rushed, Battle Recorder, a story that goes after the Elite 4. It almost feels like 2nd gen.
1)No More Heroes: Despite its flaws, No more Heroes is a perfect mix of Humor and fountains of blood. Its too **** addicting.

What no Brawl surprised? No there are better games than Brawl. It feels too rushed despite its triple delay and 2 year dev period.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Brawl is hands-down the most fun I’ve ever had from a video game.
If that's truly the case, then you really need to play some more video games. (Read: Super Metroid) :p

Y'know, I've never heard of that game. Tell me more.

Was that on purpose or was that a typo? If it was a typo, you should really look over your posts...

Anyways, I haven't really played all that many games from '08. Not extensively, anyways. This has been pretty much a retro year for me; I played a lot of old games that I didn't get until this year, some old games I'd had, but never really touched that much, and even old games I had played a good amount that I just felt like playing even more. After all, I did get a Super Nintendo, a Game Gear, an original Game Boy, and a model 1 Sega Genesis this year. Nonetheless, I'll contribute my list of...just about the only five games that I own from '08, excluding Brawl. But I don't really want to put it on my list anyways, because that would appear to give it an honor which I don't think it deserves.

5: Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath

I'll admit, I haven't played this one very much at all. I've gone through the tutorial and played a few games with my friend (which were very annoying since my friend was rather acquainted with the game and built a massive army of Harvesters...but he still taught me and it was still amusing, so I'm not complaining), plus playing through some of the first level. Still, though, it is a fun game and seems like it's one of those games that really baffles you at first, but once you've grasped it and can really strategize is really fun and challenging.

4: Fable II

This is another one I haven't played very extensively. Nonetheless, I'm already intrigued and having fun with the game. I like the option to be good or evil, live a solo life or a family life, and to be able to use epic spells, sharp swords, or a variety of ranged weapons. The plot also has me -- I'm psyched to get revenge for my character already. I think my only complaint is that the movement feels sort of...awkward.

3: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2

This was my first game for 360, my first true FPS (as in, not Metroid Prime; it's really a First-Person Adventure), and my first M-rated game. A lot of firsts for me. But in addition to that, it is a fun game. I enjoy the stealth-shooter concept more than a regular shooter concept. Being thrown into a crowd of enemies to blow the crap out of feels less strategic to me. The storyline is interesting as well, and co-op with my friends is always a blast.

2: Animal Crossing: City Folk

When the game was unveiled at E3, I was very skeptical; the Mii Mask and city concepts really turned me off. Eventually, I got over them, only to discover a few days before release that the soundtrack had been dumped from the previous game. Since I wasn't a fan of its music in the first place, that irked me -- but also, taking into consideration the laziness this showed, I was disappointed. Nonetheless I got the game, and was pleasantly surprised. A lot like the past two games, yes; but it still felt different, and fun. Playing over Wi-Fi is definitely improved from Wild World, and I've had a blast playing with not just my buddies in real life, but a few of my friends here on SmashBoards. Plus, there're a wearable Samus helmet and a wearable Majora's Mask; what more could you ask for?

1: Mirror's Edge

Okay, let's face it; I don't think this game turned out to meet anyone's expectations. It certainly didn't meet mine; after playing the demo for literally 100 times (my friend challenged me to, and I did), I got the game and...well, the demo nailed the concept. The rest of the game could've been nearly flawless had it taken lessons from it. The demo, however, is in the final game -- so that still adds to my overall enjoyment of the game. I really love some of the locales of the game; everything from normal rooftops to a sewer to a shopping mall -- they're there. The art style is amazing. Some may argue it to be bland, but I actually think it's very artistic and really emphasizes what kind of society you're supposed to be in. Even the trees are a monotone, white color, and the only other colors you see -- even in the sewer -- are neon greens, deep reds, loud oranges, bright yellows, and cool blues. My complaints are that there are too many enemies and sometimes it's too hard to figure out where you're supposed to be going. Those may seem like they're supposed to add to the difficulty, but they just make it sort of aggravating. You're looking through a large room for where you're supposed to be going while three "blues" are firing machine guns at you...which usually ends up with you on the floor, dead. Had these been more true to the first level, I think it could've been a lot better. The paths were clear, but there were still hidden ones to discover. The enemies only appeared twice -- once where you had to run away, but you'd have to try hard to not get away, and another where it's possible, even viable to skip them altogether. Yet they still felt as if they posed enough of a threat to urge you to just keep running. So if I have a complaint about the majority of the game, why is it my pick for the best game of '08, you ask? First of all, it is a fun game regardless of my hopes and expectations. If I hadn't been expecting a game built on the concept of the demo, I don't think I'd have nearly as much of a complaint on the matter. Secondly, as IGN put it, it's "A bold leap that doesn't nail the landing." Sure, it may not have executed the concept perfectly, but it did bring a new concept to the table. And from the looks of the DLC coming soon, I think DICE has learned what people wanted from the game; fast-paced, no enemies...that exhilarating feel of just running, vaulting, swinging, etc. Despite not nailing the concept, such a truly innovative concept being thrown out there is great. These days, most of the innovation you see is either not actual innovation or just utter crap.
Wow, that was long.

That's my take on the best five games of '08.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2008
Hobart, Tasmania
Sure, I'll pay that. I look forward to the next Mirror's Edge.

I'm intrigued at yours, darkslash. World at War DS, you say? I'll admit I didn't see that one coming.

This was a good year for gaming. I bought my PS3 this year when my Xbox broke and it's been a fantastic console every step of the way. I also acquired housemates, who are good for multiplayer lulz. I'm gonna mix things up a little and instead of doing best releases of '08, do best newish games that I played for the first time this year.

5. NHL '09. Got me genuinely excited to get up and play my PS3 and there are very few games I can say that about. Kind

4. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. My god I got hooked by this. I relaxed with this one while on holiday back in February. It was my first castlevania, and despite my initial surprise that soul collecting wasn't a part of other castlevanias, it got me excited to play more. The new one comes out down here soon and I can't wait. Literally. So I imported it from Canada. It's in the mail.

3. Professor Layton and the Curious Village. I'll shut up about this game in a moment, because some inoccuous object that I've just spotted has reminded me of a riddle. I didn't turn my DS off until I finished this; it was either folded and charging by my desk or in my hand, causing me immense pleasure and damage to my giant ego by turns.

2. Resistance 1. This was supposed to be terrible. Instead it had a refreshing weapon choice and balance (which the sequel did away with), a fun health bar (which the sequel did away with) and what I thought was a pretty intriguing method of telling the story (which the sequel did away with). That said, I feel like part of my affection for this game stems from my expectations of it being so low and the fun I had with it being so high.

1. Burnout Paradise. Turns out I really enjoy smashing things up. It's weird, the more I played this game the more I grew to really respect it and what it does. It enjoys rich, continuous support from it's developer. It allows an instant transition between online and offline play. It's good for three hours or twenty minutes. There are so many different ways you can have fun with this game, that despite being a racing game, I feel like I'd recommend it to almost anyone. It's like a good dog; It's good.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
These are the games I had most fun playing, although I only got 4 of them for Christmas XD

5. Final Fantasy Chocobo Dungeon
4. Pokemon Explorers of Darkness
3. Crash Mind Over Mutant
2. Sonic Unleashed
1. Brawl

@urdailywater= Boo explorers of time, darkness is were it's at :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2007
#3) Mario Kart Wii

#1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
What kind of ***** to you like rammed up your ***?

Brawl sucks. Mario Kart wii SUCKS! Animal Crossing Wii sucks too.

Am I the only one left that has GOOD taste in games?


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
What kind of ***** to you like rammed up your ***?

Brawl sucks. Mario Kart wii SUCKS! Animal Crossing Wii sucks too.

Am I the only one left that has GOOD taste in games?
Those are just games that he liked in '08. Having fun is all that matters.

Plus if you have good taste in games, you should list them in this thread.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2008
In Synthesia
Brawl sucks. Mario Kart wii SUCKS! Animal Crossing Wii sucks too.

Am I the only one left that has GOOD taste in games?
Okay let's admit it, we all don't have the taste that we're supposed to have. We should be a slave to other people's opinions and don't give any games that deserve respect support. Heh, what a boring world that'll be.

5) Space Invaders Extreme - For 20$ (10 at GameStop) you get a whole lot. It keeps the old while putting the new in and it's not just pretty colors.

4) Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories- plz note that this is MY list. If you have any thing bad to say about my decision keep it to yourself. This port didn't dissapoint me and it's a whole lot better than the GBA version. Play for yourself....

3) Crisis Core: FF7 - This is a spin-off done right. No shocks, no crap, just filling the hole in the popular franchise. Play on easy mode and it'll play like it should (frequent level-ups and limits)

2) Super Smash Bros. Brawl - There's a lot of stuff for me to chew on even if it's not Melee. My dream of a Mario and Sonic team has come to pass and when the online play works it works.

1) LittleBig Planet - It gives and gives and gives and you can take, take, take. Along with other PS3 games, this one made me interested in the PS3 (finally). The stuff you can freakin' make is near infinite and you'll have a heck of a time w/ friends.



You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
What kind of ***** to you like rammed up your ***?

Brawl sucks. Mario Kart wii SUCKS! Animal Crossing Wii sucks too.

Am I the only one left that has GOOD taste in games?
No, but you're probably the only close-minded jerk acting like an eight-year-old who just got his toy taken away.

While I highly dislike Brawl, there are people who like it. Acknowledge that without saying that they can't be honestly saying it's good. I personally highly prefer Melee, but some people like the enhanced content, the physics, and lack of general ATs like wavedashing. Just read what JesseMeza said; he explained why he likes it.

Mario Kart Wii, I've only delved into a little bit myself -- I borrowed it from a friend for a few days. It was fun, however, and another one of my friends who I find to be very reliable, as well as the Video Game Critic, said it was good. In fact, my friend said it's probably the best game on the Wii -- which isn't saying a whole lot, since my friend doesn't like the Wii at all, but it does say something. Again, JesseMeza explained his reasoning as well.

As for Animal Crossing...this from the same person who said;

This game sucks ***. Just like all the Animal Crossings before it. Boring as hell.
in the thread for the game? Yeah, you sound trustworthy. If you thought all of the Animal Crossings were boring, you most likely either;

A) Didn't play them and just assumed they suck, or;
B) Simply are not a fan of that type of game.

Either way, there's no reason to be a jerk about it. At least explain yourself. I explained my reasoning for liking it. You can't come in telling us our tastes in games suck if you have nothing to say for why you believe you're right other than being high and mighty and yourself, apparently.

Also, when you try to make a crude statement (i.e. the first sentence), at least try to make grammatical sense, hm?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2007
While I highly dislike Brawl, there are people who like it. Acknowledge that without saying that they can't be honestly saying it's good. I personally highly prefer Melee, but some people like the enhanced content, the physics, and lack of general ATs like wavedashing. Just read what JesseMeza said; he explained why he likes it.
Well, some people are dumb. Them liking Brawl doesn't make Brawl any good. I can "Acknowledge" that they LIKE Brawl. I won't Acknowledge Brawl as a good game though. Becaue it's far from one.

As for Animal Crossing...this from the same person who said;

in the thread for the game? Yeah, you sound trustworthy. If you thought all of the Animal Crossings were boring, you most likely either;

A) Didn't play them and just assumed they suck, or;
B) Simply are not a fan of that type of game.

Either way, there's no reason to be a jerk about it. At least explain yourself. I explained my reasoning for liking it. You can't come in telling us our tastes in games suck if you have nothing to say for why you believe you're right other than being high and mighty and yourself, apparently.

Also, when you try to make a crude statement (i.e. the first sentence), at least try to make grammatical sense, hm?
Go back to the AC thread. Just explained why I hate it.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Well, some people are dumb. Them liking Brawl doesn't make Brawl any good. I can "Acknowledge" that they LIKE Brawl. I won't Acknowledge Brawl as a good game though. Becaue it's far from one.
Look, "good" is an opinion. You do not have to like Brawl. I don't. But don't tell people their taste in games sucks just because they like Brawl. That's all I'm asking.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2007
Look, according to what games have to offer nowadays, Brawl sucks. If this way the Atari days where no form of Depth would be expected from games, then Brawl would be a legend. Gaming has evolved, Standards should too.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
It depends on exactly what you would call depth in a game...just for clarification, how would you define it?


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
I really didn't play too many games this year (hate shooters, parents don't allow RPGs, etc.), but if I were to make a top 4 at least from what I've played:

4) Brawl: I never really got into brawl as much as melee, but it certainly was a fun experience. It was also my home away from my pokemon competetive scene home.

3) Mario Kart Wii: I never really liked racing games that much, but this was certainly one of the best racing games and wii games this year. Great racer overall, but it can't hold up to the rest of the games I've played.

2) Animal Crossing: City Folk: I just finished getting bored with the game. Certainly the best Wii game this year and for the system so far. I'd still be playing this if I had more people to play with and I wasn't playing with #1.

1) LittleBigPlanet: The only non-wii game on my list (and the only game on another system that has piqued my interest). Just the single player alone is a great game. Add on the level creator that is only as limited is the material limit and just wow.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
Some people on this thread fail to understand that we're posting our top 5 games of 2008, not top 5 games of all time or whatever.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2007
It depends on exactly what you would call depth in a game...just for clarification, how would you define it?
It's the options you have in a given time.

I may have missed an aspect. or Two. It's how much moves you can do, how many ways you can go through a level... etc


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
1. Brawl (wii)
2. Metal Gear Solid 4 (ps3)
3. No More Heroes (wii)
4. GTA 4 (360)
5. Soul Calibur 4 (ps3/360)

Guys, this is best games of 2008, plz dont post games that are NOT in 2008.
Could some one keep a tally of all the votes? plz!!!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2008
University of Maryland, College Park
How does only one of these lists have Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on it? If you haven't played that game yet, then get it now. It's awesome.

And I don't have a top 5, I spent most of this year playing older games. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and The World Ends With You would probably be up there. Pretty underwhelming year though.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
1) Fable 2
2) Rock Band 2
3) Civilization Revolution
4) Prince of Persia
5) Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise

meta master

Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2008
Lewis Center, OH
Greetings one and all! It’s that time of year again! That’s right! Time to name our best games of 2008! As the year 2009 begins, we already have an assortment of great games to look forward to. But what about this year? What were the games that made your jaw drop, your heart race, and your hands sweat? Bottom line, what are you top 5 best games of 2008? I’ll start us off with my personal list:

#5) The World Ends with You – Why change something that works so well? “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, Square Enix took a departure from it’s more notable Final Fantasy series and tried something new. The result is It’s a Wonderfu---I mean, The World Ends with You. This game is quite odd, but in a good way. You control two characters at the same time, one on the top screen (with the D-pad) and one on the bottom (with the touch screen). At first glance it seems a bit weird and confusing, and it is. But after a while you get used to it and start having a boatload of fun. There’s many different power-ups to collect and lots of places to explore. Good, wholesome fun. The reason its number five is because slashing at the touch screen can be a little tiring after a while. The World Ends with You, Square Enix’s next great franchise?

#4 Grand Theft Auto IV – Hookers, drug dealers, gambling, murder…..but enough about my New Year’s Party! *BA DUM TSSSHHHH* The GTA series has been success after a success, and that is even more evident in Rockstar’s latest action-adventure. The open-world sandbox style of gameplay is nothing but entertaining. To think you can just branch off the main story and go for a drag race or steal a helicopter; the possibilities are endless. Even when you’ve beaten story mode, (and a great one might I add) YOUR story isn’t over. Liberty City is one massive playground you can utilize to its fullest. GTA IV proudly hotwires the number four spot.

#3) Mario Kart Wii – Bikes? In my Mario Kart? This series has always been about innovation, whether it’s adding two riders per kart or giving you a little plastic wheel to play with. Still, there’s no doubt in my mind that Mario Kart Wii is arguably the best Mario Kart to date. With its fact-paced racing, gut-slaughtering items, or it’s near perfect online system, veterans of the series, and casuals too, will have a blast playing it. Mario Kart Wii gets rammed with a Blue Shell and finishes in third place.

The number 2 game was a tough call it make. It was between Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Both stellar games in the series. While it was nice to return to the world born in Symphonia, I have to give my spot to…

#2) Tales of Vesperia – This game just blew me away with its breathtaking and colorful visuals. Who knew cel-shading could look this…..sexy? The combat stays true to Tales of the Abyss, with satisfying combos and a diverse selection of attacks, all done in real-time. It is immensely addictive and more importantly, just plain fun. While the story seems a little stiff, there’s no denying one true fact. Yuri Lowell is one bad*** mother******. (Sorry kids.) Yuri is easily one of the best heroes to come from this series. He’s bad, yet good at the same time. He wants to fight for justice, but in his own way. Forever fighting the man and those evil corporations, Tales of Vesperia is my number 2 pick.

All right boys and girls, this is it. Are you ready for my number one pick? The answer may surprise you.

#1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
– Are you surprised? No? Me either. Brawl is hands-down the most fun I’ve ever had from a video game. The wealth of new characters, modes, options, and features just boggles the mind. It’s the most jammed-pack game around and only gets better when you have three friends to play with. True, the online could be a bit better, but I’m not too picky. The word “perfection” is tossed around very rarely these days. Is Brawl really perfect? You be the judge on that. As for me, it’s my number 1 best game of 2008.

So, there's my list. You don't have to go into such vast detail like I did. Simply list them if you want. :p
hmmm, i would have never[/U][/I][/B] guessed your number one ;)


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
What kind of ***** to you like rammed up your ***?

Brawl sucks. Mario Kart wii SUCKS! Animal Crossing Wii sucks too.

Am I the only one left that has GOOD taste in games?

What defines a good game? To me, it's all about fun. Sure, there's still great games like Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Dead Space, Guitar Hero, the list goes on. I guess with my list I was trying to name the games I thought had the best replay value. Games I played more than once, even after beating the main story.

In other news: Metal Gear Solid 4.
There's a reason I didn't count that. It's a movie, not a game. :p


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2007
What defines a good game? To me, it's all about fun. Sure, there's still great games like Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Dead Space, Guitar Hero, the list goes on. I guess with my list I was trying to name the games I thought had the best replay value. Games I played more than once, even after beating the main story.
Fun doesn't define a good game because it differs from one person from an other. You might find Brawl fun. I may not. But it is infact, a BAD game.

There's a reason I didn't count that. It's a movie, not a game. :p
almost 10 hours of Gameplay definitely does make it A game.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Fun doesn't define a good game because it differs from one person from an other. You might find Brawl fun. I may not. But it is infact, a BAD game.
which is your opinion.

Plus it is just me or do people who joined in 08 are more likely to post Brawl as number 1? Plus saying mario kart,Brawl and Animal Crossing suck with out evidence to say it sucks is just plain stupid. While i admit i don't like Brawl much any more, its still fun to play occasionally. What about GTAIV? From what I played it's still like GTA III. Is it a bad game? Its an okay game, but it doesn't feel much better than GTA III.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Everyone here is so biased <_<...
Wait, wait...everyone's biased? Oh my god, how will we ever be able to tell everyone's TRUE opinion if they're all...wait a minute.


These are opinions, and they are supposed to be. Bias is defined as a preference towards a specific thing. If we didn't have bias in picking our lists we'd just be regurgitating the same games and it would be a boring topic, wouldn't it?

Anyways...I tallied up the list, and it's really long.

The World Ends With You – 4
Grand Theft Auto¬ IV – 2
Mario Kart Wii – 3
Tales of Vesperia – 2
Brawl – 11
Kirby Super Star Ultra – 2
Chrono Trigger DS – 2
Mega Man 9 – 2
Castlevania Judgment – 1
Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories – 2
Super Street Fighter II HD Remix – 2
Persona 4 – 1
Metal Gear Solid 4 – 4
Street Fighter IV – 1
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time – 1
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom – 1
Call of Duty: World at War (DS) – 1
Call of Duty: World at War (Wii) – 1
Pokémon Platinum(JP) – 1
No More Heroes – 2
Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath – 1
Fable II – 2
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2 – 2
Animal Crossing: City Folk – 2
Mirror’s Edge – 1
NHL ’09 – 1
Professor Layton and the Curious Village – 1
Burnout Paradise – 1
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Dungeon – 1
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness – 1
Crash Mind Over Mutant – 1
Sonic Unleashed – 1
Space Invaders Extreme – 1
Crisis Core: FF7 – 1
LittleBig Planet – 3
Soul Calibur 4 – 2
Rock Band 2 – 1
Civilization Revolution – 1
Prince of Persia – 2
Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise - 1
Pixeljunk Eden - 1
Gears of War 2 - 1
Guitar Hero World Tour - 1
Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! EX 3 - 1
Wario Land Shake It - 1

I just want to thank everyone for picking every different game they possibly could to make this list about a page long in Microsoft Word. >.<
Seriously, though, people managed to pick a LARGE variety of titles. Unsurprisingly, Brawl is winning. If we had been given a list of five and we all picked our favorite, or a list of 10 or 15 and we picked our five favorites -- something to that effect -- it wouldn't be as likely. But since we're on a Smash Bros site and the votes are extremely varied, people seem to coincide most with Brawl.

Also, I did not count any games that were not released in '08 (not on purpose, anyways -- point it out if I did by accident), and if people only listed a few games or only had a few released in '08, I did add those.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Yay, someone other than me say that Command & Conquer 3 is a great game, thought I have it for PC too soon before it came out.

Alright I do multi systems, but I guess I'll say some some games out of my head:

1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
2) Kirby Super Star Ultra
3) Soul Caliber IV
4) Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! EX 3
5) Wario Land Shake It

Ok, I like too many Nintendo games, though I like a lot of PS3 and 360 games, oh well.

Last year, my top best was Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary.



Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
@Firus do you want Global dates or NA dates? Because some games where released in 07 in Japan before they came out here soo... I'm just gonna list Global dates and in brackets the NA year just because i feel like it :p
05 titles*wut?*
Dawn of Sorrow

06 titles(lol)
Resistance: FoM(Resistance 1)

07 titles
C&C:Kane's Wrath is technically a '08 expansion to a 07 title.
Kingdom Hearts:RE:CoM (JP)(08 NA)
PMD:Explorer of Time&Darkness(JP)(08 NA)
Brawl(JP)(08 NA)
No More Heroes(JP)(08 NA)
The World ends with you(JP)(08 NA)
Chocobo dungeon(1997 >_> its Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo dungeon*hear me go technical!* that was released in 08)

And Pokemon Platinum isn't going to released until March 22nd 09

to avoid confusion and dodge the extremist that will some how come here and say OMG RELEASED IN 2007 N00B!!!1 we should put in brackets (JP) and (NA) to show which version we played.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2008
Hobart, Tasmania
Yeah, I was a bit late getting to Dawn of Sorrow >.>. I WON'T CONFORM TO YOUR RELEASE DATES RULE, YOU TYRANTS.

Alright, if I'm discarding Resistance 1 and Dawn of Sorrow, then let me place votes for Pixeljunk Eden and Prince of Persia.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Gears of War 2
3. LittleBigPlanet
4. Guitar Hero: World Tour
5. Chrono Trigger DS


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Yeah, I'll put (JP) next to Platinum, and if there's another questionable title like that, put it there while making your list. The rest of them, I think we can depend on people having played the other versions. I mean, I don't think people are going to be circumventing things that intricately, it's just a list of your favorite games.

C&C3 WAS originally released in '07, but I haven't played the original, merely the expansion. Since it was released as a separate game for 360, I would argue that it counts.

Oh, and thanks for telling me the release dates for the ones that aren't a question of the JP/NA version.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2007
which is your opinion.
It's your opinion that it's my opinion. It's my opinion that it is fact. : p

Brawl and Animal Crossing suck with out evidence to say it sucks is just plain stupid.
I already explained why AC sucked. I'm sick and tired of argueing why Brawl sucks. Just go to one of these old Melee vs Brawl topics and go with the guy that makes the sense(that'd be the Melee guy).

What about GTAIV? From what I played it's still like GTA III. Is it a bad game? Its an okay game, but it doesn't feel much better than GTA III.
Personally, GTAIV bored me out. But yeah, it's pretty good game I'll admit.
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