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Top 10 SSB4 Top Roster Canidates


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
After taking a few steps back in time when Mewtwo once shined... I have to say, I miss him more now than ever.

Mewtwo... please.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 24, 2007
confirmed. Sending Supplies.
^ I don't think the poll was referring to meta ridley, so there goes the robot part. The giant part also casues some problems, as you have to make him small enough to make him playable, yet big enough to keep his epicness. The Dragon bit is still accurate. Ridley is often referred to as a space dragon.

1 vote for Geoform 187. Ridley for the non-metroid fanatic.
Meta Ridley as a final smash would be awesome! But hopefully finalsmashes wont be so cheap in SSB4


Smash Cadet
Jan 19, 2009
I still don't understand how Ridley would be a playable character. He's ****ing huge.

Geno vote.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
Why Geno? So much fuss about this one guy in this little part of Super Mario RPG....
I'll assume you never played the game? Because he had a major role in said game... but made a brief cameo in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
Why so much fuss over him? Because his sleeping fanbase saw his time to shine. Just about everyone who played SMRPG enjoyed Geno, and being now that all of us were kids back around the time of Melee and are now grown near the release of Brawl... catching wind of allowing a character in, why not an old favorite? I know I'd still love to see how he'd look modernized, and how he would sound.



Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2008
Zora's Domain
it was asked how ridley would be a playable character? well thats a really good question lol. they'd have to make him smaller. i see no other option. if he was actual size he'd be so broken it would be like taking on two MKs at once :psycho: but apparently some sylux guy if from the metroid series? (never played it lol) if he could be playable then that wouldnt be bad. they just need another metroid character.

btw this isnt a vote i already voted today


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2008
I'll vote for Mega Man today.

About Roy. All of the other characters on that list are way better canadites for SSB4. If you want Roy in a Smash game, then just play Melee and beat Classic or Adventure as Marth. After that, beat Roy and you can play as him in a Smash game.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
About Roy. All of the other characters on that list are way better canadites for SSB4. If you want Roy in a Smash game, then just play Melee and beat Classic or Adventure as Marth. After that, beat Roy and you can play as him in a Smash game.
About Megaman. All of the other character on that list are way better candidates for SSB4. If you want Megaman in a fighting game, then just play Marvel vs. Capcom 1 or 2, then just go to the character select screen. After that, Megaman is a starting character and you can play as him in a fighting game.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
it was asked how ridley would be a playable character? well thats a really good question lol. they'd have to make him smaller. i see no other option. if he was actual size he'd be so broken it would be like taking on two MKs at once :psycho: but apparently some sylux guy if from the metroid series? (never played it lol) if he could be playable then that wouldnt be bad. they just need another metroid character.

btw this isnt a vote i already voted today
Yes, shrinking him is obviously the only option. the real problem isn't his size (olimar was the size of a quarter), but keeping him epic along with shrinking him. This could be problematic. Stylux was a character from Metroid Prime Hunters, as one of 6 rival bounty hunters. Stylux's background is unknown, to the point that nobody knows Stylux's species, and the exact gender is unknown, but it's presumable that Stylux is a male. There are only two things that are known about him, He hates the Galactic federation, and he hates Samus. Outside hunters, he hasn't had an appearance, outside the possible appearance of his ship in Corruption (this has not been proven). In full reality, almost every hominid creature that has been in the Metroid series has only been in one game, with only two noteworthy exceptions, Samus (well duh), and a Phazon clone named Dark Samus. Ridley has been in seven games, more than any villain, and even most major characters, even outdoing entire species. The metroid itself has been in nine (It was absent in hunters for some reason), and only one real living organism has been in all 10 games, Samus.

Anyway, 1 vote for Ridley, I guess...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2008
About Megaman. All of the other character on that list are way better candidates for SSB4. If you want Megaman in a fighting game, then just play Marvel vs. Capcom 1 or 2, then just go to the character select screen. After that, Megaman is a starting character and you can play as him in a fighting game.
You're forgetting that Mega Man never got to be in a Smash game and that he's much more signifigant than Roy. Mega Man is 3rd party, but he was known for having some great games while Roy is only known for being the non-girly version of Marth and his removal in Brawl. Roy never had any good games and he's not a villian, a female, or the most likely Fire Emblem character to have a very unique moveset to make up for it.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
About Megaman. All of the other character on that list are way better candidates for SSB4. If you want Megaman in a fighting game, then just play Marvel vs. Capcom 1 or 2, then just go to the character select screen. After that, Megaman is a starting character and you can play as him in a fighting game.
After reading Krayo's, I loled really really hard.

You're forgetting that Mega Man never got to be in a Smash game and that he's much more signifigant than Roy. Mega Man is 3rd party, but he was known for having some great games while Roy is only known for being the non-girly version of Marth and his removal in Brawl. Roy never had any good games and he's not a villian, a female, or the most likely Fire Emblem character to have a very unique moveset to make up for it.
1) Fire Emblem 6 was an amazing game. it's all opinion, I guess, but 10 bucks says you've never played it.
2) Roy was a lord so that already makes him important
3) Roy was one of only two lord's in the whole series who could heal himself with attack moves, and having a flame sword is pretty original if you ask me.

But if Megaman was in, he'd probably just be a clone of Samus (LOL), third-party or not. but frankly, I'm against most third-party characters. Nintendo has enough good ones. I don't like Geno or Krystal or Ridley or a lot of the other popular SSB4 picks, but at least they're nintendo.
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