Smash Master
I'd like to thanks all the fans for always having my back
And always taking care of me. Even loving me when I would
Get too drunk or not try or lose the big tourney. I love my fans
Way cooler then any other nation. M2k nation blows. Isai has a good nation.
Presedent of mango nation - Joey
Strong supporters - zac , Hugo , most fox players , Alex , scar , my mom , and pps mom
Gonna try and win everything
And always taking care of me. Even loving me when I would
Get too drunk or not try or lose the big tourney. I love my fans
Way cooler then any other nation. M2k nation blows. Isai has a good nation.
Presedent of mango nation - Joey
Strong supporters - zac , Hugo , most fox players , Alex , scar , my mom , and pps mom
Gonna try and win everything