Smash Hero
No prob.Super ultra late reply, but I forgot about this thread, and don't particularly like being called out on some rather valid points.
Dude rushdown=/=not playing smart.Punisher = rushdown in this case. Sonic camps out of range of the opponent, waits for a mistake, and races in. Unless you're saying that he uses his fast tilts/other moves to punish missed attacks by the opponent, in which case you're actually talking about lucas and not sonic. Now the fact that when I said rushdown, you assumed I was talking about NOT playing smart isn't my problem, that's all you.
Rushdown is using aggressive play which sonic does NOT due.
Sonic stays out of range, baits the move then moves in and acts upon the move. That is punishing, he is taking advantage of the characters behavior, he isn't using an agressive style. And yes you can poke with his tilts due to their nice range.
Again Sonic is not a rushdown get your terms straightened out.
look at Tenki's Sonic then compare it to Anther's. Its not that itsbad, but just not great.Anther may not take advantage of everything has to offer, but saying he's bad is funny. I see you've already had this discussion, so I'll leave it at that.
i think its more the issue that people tend to go WOMG SO WRONG when they come to the Soic boards. So we are rather used to having to deal with people on the offensive.Ness icon =/= maining ness. I don't main ness. For that matter, I made a valid point using ness as an illustration. If you have a problem with me coming to "your" part of the boards and saying stuff, then something's wrong here
Its wrong but can't blame them either.
i agreed with you thoughThe argument against ness was a differently stated "all ness players are bad". Good call. And I'm the one who's getting called out for disputing that argument.
This proves what>Of course. Because it makes sense to use your secondary who is much worse than your main through an entire tournament
hat just says Anther used Sonic throughout an entire tournament it doesn't necessarily mean Anther's Sonic may be good.
[/quote]Feel free to point out other valid arguments I've made and decide they're wrong because you feel like it again.
pointed out.
Of course you would know if you actually SAW MY POST!