Why is Pikachu not considered top tier? Pika has a good dash dance, a good combo starter(uair) a good gimp game with a quick spike(uair again) a way to set up edgeguard situations(bair) a good vertical finisher(usmash) an alright projectile and one of the best recoveries in the game. I'm assuming there's something I'm missing because Pikachu seems ridiculously good to me but nobody other than Nausicca seems to feel that way.
Secondary question, why is Kirby awful? Does Kirby have anything going for him, like he's got decent edguards and he can duck under a lot of attacks but other than that it feels like his recovery is meh he has no way to get in and even when he does it's not like Kirby's bout to drop some sick combos. Maybe I'm missing something here too, but I feel like Kirby is a terrible character who soft counters a couple of decent ones
I'm definitely not the only one about Pika. I've just been very vocal about it since like... PM 2.1. I don't get it either though, still...
I think Kirby gets too much of a bad taste in mouths to get a proper look. There's a bizarre stigma or something about characters that can't recover (not as big of a deal as OTHER parts of the edge-game as mentioned above about Pika stuff), characters that can't drop sick touch-of-deaths of any conversion, characters that can't break neutral or 'get in' whenever they feel like it, or whatever.
If Kirby has a couple good match-ups, obviously he's good at SOMETHING other than gimping or ducking grabs or whatever people talk about.
By the logic that everyone spits at Kirby being bad, Samus SHOULD be bad too. There is MORE to this game than sword-dashing. Not everyone needs a banana-dash to be as good as the spacies. Samus has the stuff. Kirby has SOME of the stuff. Figure out what that is. Kirby 'mains' who say he's in 'trouble' included in this.
Why does he do okay against who he does okay against?
Like how the heck does he beat Falco? Ike? Whoever?
Somebody (more than 1 person I would expect) explain why Kirby does well against who he does well against, and we can begin discuss Kirby in a meaningful manner for the first time in this thread.
If that is understood, maybe we can figure out if Kirby miiiiiiiight be able to play to that enough to beat others. Or what the heck is ACTUALLY holding him back, and if it's ACTUALLY 'duh... dash speed solves everything' like the last 2+ years of people looking to get more Dash Speed on characters like Ness and G&W (both went through serious 'buff dash speed plz' eras too)
Hint: At no point will Kirby, in match-ups he isn't a counter for, will he be trapping or cornering Fox with aerials and then catching him with an APPROACH in the middle of F-Airs that lead to a Grab and then dropping a sick fully-in-hitstun combo off tech-chase reads. This is not old patches with busted D-Throws and terribly non-interactive counter-approach Inhales.
Start by thinking more like... Dash into D-Tilt > full-jump F-Air > WD U-Tilt and dash back to neutral type of game. Can THIS be the starting point in how Kirby can clip Fox enough to get some kind of knock-down into edge-guard?
DON'T start with the idea that Dash-Attack, B-Air Walls, or Grab/Aerial mix-ups should be what you're aiming for to break neutral against a campy-aggressive TL/Fox/Wario. Those traits, contrary to popular belief it seems, have NOTHING to do with Kirby's game.
Samus has a good Dash-Attack, can mix it up with Grab. What do you see her do? Pivot/WD F-Tilts.
What's Kirby's version of that? The rest will come into play AFTER THIS IS ESTABLISHED. NOT before.
It's NOT DD Grabbing into U-Air > Knees.
You're playing smart-footsies-for-life if you pick this character.
Don't listen to me though, I'm a hater when it comes to neutering interesting DIVERSITY and the last thing I want is to lose a quirky character when they CAN work with their quirks.
About Kirby: you're right. He is a terrible character who soft counters a few decent ones. That's why he sucks right now.
Some things I think he needs to be better are a faster dash speed, maybe more air speed, a forward aerial based off of Smash 64 as well as his down tilt. Maybe if he were overall faster they could rework his dash attack. Those could be a few decent starting points though, by making him more like the only strong iteration of him ever.
Agreed on maaaaybe more air speed. I'd prefer more aerial control in the sense that his 64 F-Air type of aerial wall incorporated into his kit somehow, without removing what's already there, would be great. Air-Speed can kind of answer that in a way, but I'd rather not alter that in a way that makes something like F-Air/N-Air/U-Air/B-Air chains even better than they are now.
Though a trait like a 64 F-Air wall-esque move is a niche that I think would allow Kirby match-ups to be a lot more interesting from both sides. Kirby can SERIOUSLY threaten space in front of him, and use that to encroach on the opponent, which means they SERIOUSLY need a way to engage Kirby.
This would obviously be only one of his many tools, but it's an 'addition' to a kit that allows him to creep into other arche-types without encompassing anything but what he is at the moment.
More inter-activeness from what's on-paper a very non-interactive move.
Weird, but that's what's up.
Screw Dash Speed. He's already got a fast enough run for a pink ball. It's not very Kirby-like anyway.
That's maybe just me though...