I quit DK for SOOOO many reasons. If only one of these many reasons existed, I probably wouldn't have quit DK. There were just so many small reasons I decided to quit him. Believe it or not, his spot on the tier list has nothing to do with it. I still think DK can win a national, but I just do not want to be the person to do it lol. So please, all the DK players out there, don't quit him. I'm NOT quitting him because he's bad. I still think he is hella underrated as a character, it just takes a certain kind of person to be able to show it. The reasons I quit him all have to do with me specifically as a player/person, here they are...
I realized the optimal way to play him isn't the fun/desirable way to play him, for many reasons. For example (and this is just one example), theoretically, if I was playing for my life, I would just run around charging my punch until it was charged, and then look to combo into it. If i missed, run away til it's charged again, repeat infinitely. DK does have the mobility to accomplish this, but it would just take SOOO LOONG and would not be fun for either player. However, I found that when I was in desperate situations, this strategy was always my go-to one and eventually I realized I could just do that all the time. That's not fun at all though.
I wanted to improve as a player. I felt like I had weaknesses as a player that I got away with due to my DK expertise. Also, on the flip side, I felt like I had a lot of STRENGTHS as a player that I couldn't show with DK due to his limitations. Earlier this year, I made a decision to go ham with Smash this summer, try to become the best I can be, then take a break when school starts. I felt that dropping DK and switching to Sheik (lots of reasons I chose Sheik of all characters, but i won't get into that) was the best decision in order to accomplish my goal of becoming a top player. I accepted the fact that I would be worse in the short term because even a few weeks after making this decision, DK is probably still my best right now.
I got bored. this and the first thing I mentioned go hand in hand. DK just got boring to me, and I didn't see it getting any more fun in the future after realizing that the way to play him optimally isn't very fun for me or the opponent (just my opinion). I would have so much more fun playing other characters, but would end up playing DK in big sets just because he was my best. Sometimes, I would even choose secondaries in grand finals just because I had zero desire to play DK. I got such a reward for playing DK (RESULTS, publicity, people getting hyped for me, even had a decent number of fans lol) and towards the end, that started becoming the only reason to play him. Look up internal v.s. external motivation if you don't know what that is. I had almost all external motivation to play DK, and my internal motivation was elsewhere. It was like a clash of motivations and eventually I just decided to do what I wanted, main Sheik, even if no one else supported it.
Little room for error. You could argue that there's ALWAYS little room for error when you consider top level play, and after all it's my goal to be a top player, but there's soooo much less room for error as DK. The other day I thought of an easy, accurate way to word it: Against DK, you have to worry about not getting grabbed. As DK, you have to worry about not getting hit.
Think about it. Sure, I can kill you off a grab. But DK is such combo food and with a s*** vertical recovery, that most characters can consistently combo him offstage and into death or an easy edgeguard situation off of virtually ANY stray hit assuming the opponent knows what they are doing(which is always the case at top level play). Whereas DK gets the majority of his punishes off of grabs. Almost always, DK's goals in neutral are much harder to accomplish than the goals of his opponent, and if you fail you will get bodied hard. Thus, "little room for error". Honestly, I don't have the patience to deal with that anymore, especially with a character who's become so stale to me. The more I play Sheik, the more I have these "I would be dead if I was DK" epiphanies.
Those are probably the biggest four reasons. I know there were others but i just can't think of them right now. These are the main ones though. As you can see, it's a very complicated answer when someone asks "why did you quit DK?" lol I gota figure out a short way to answer that question.. because when @
asked me, I just responded with "he has too low of a ceiling." That's why he said that in this thread. However, I don't actually believe that. It's more just, his ceiling is lower with ME as a player compared to potential i see in myself with other characters.
Oh yeah, I also changed my tag to Shane because POOB is too associated with DK and I don't want that DK identity anymore. Oops, time to get a new Smashboards account