- In the description you mention a specific point in which Fair would be used. I was confused on how in any ground encounter Fair could be used to break the CC. Initiated from the ledge and used like that, yes, it can lead into a grab if done quickly. Now that I see where this complaint comes from I'm kind of reconfirming my belief that it's fine. In this specific situation Sonic can't do a rising Fair because he won't get the meteor hitbox. You can say, that doesn't matter it's only a couple frames before he fast falls Fair to grab but it does. Not exactly sure on this but from instinct/lolplaygame in the video/normal game Sonic would lose his invincibility at the peak of his jump. This point also happens to be where Sonic starts his Fair (actually a bit earlier, the very top hitbox should come out in a couple frames). In a typical edgeguarding situation (let's use Sheik because you used her in the video) Sheik would be SH'ing to cover a ledge dash (get Faired). If Sonic did the ledgehop Fair then he would get stuffed by Sheik's Fair. If Sonic switched up the timing so that Sheik was landing Sheik would just F-Tilt, a trade at worst (and still favors Sheik). Sonics typically mixup between (at least I do) a ledgejump -> WL to platform escape, ledgedash -> grab/whatev, or a spin mixup (Side B or spinshot prob). If Sonics do a rising Fair from an Up-B then he's rising so lol and it doesn't affect the edgeguard pretty much (He should get Naired/Faired anyway). I'll go into more detail on Sonic edgeguarding if you seem to have trouble (if you upload a match between you guys).
- Regarding Side B. From what I can tell Sheik can escape the grab followup from it, I don't have a Wii + Person on me so I can't do anything about a video though. If I can get anything on it later I'll do that. For now I'm just letting it roll (roll, Sonic, going to do feel bad for doing that accidentally). Regarding the dumbness on Bowser I'm assuming you were just showing that to show how lolzy Bowser's armor is and how he has no options (besides Up-B). If it were a normal character it would be fine (lolNairunlessyou'reZeldaorG&Winwhichcasefeelbadbecauseyou'reZelda/G&W). Speaking of which the Sonic's non-float Side B game wasn't on point. This further reminds me @
can Sonic do the Side B -> Nair -> Side B thing still or did the IASA frames mess it up?
- Regarding endlag on Side B/Down B. Both Zelda and G&W are slow, yeah they can't really juggle Sonic. They can't really juggle ZSS or M2 either though (Unless sick DACUS read by G&W on SV or something, not really a juggle though). Down B has endlag, you can punish it if you aren't a slow character (you kind of just want to Nair it during the duration though). If Sonic has a DJ then DJ -> Side B or whatever yeah. If he doesn't have a DJ and Side B's to the ground (just assume SV so don't factor in platforms) you can follow the Side B and then punish the WD endlag (unless you're slow af. G&W DACUS though?).
- Neutral game as slow character vs. Sonic: You're screwed. Then again, what slow character isn't screwed by fast moving characters that can bait everything? G&W: Try to move slowly forward while being ready to D-Tilt/Jab. If he jumps at you then retreating Fair/WD Back. If you're just ending a move then mash shield/Up-B/whatev.
- Fair should only really trade if he predicts the direction you drift while you're Nairing/Fairing. If you stay still while doing the Nair then yeah, it'll trade pretty much every time.
- Regarding the Down B mash thing and you're trying to CC. You can start mashing Down B on a standing person and they can move to a CC. Once they move to a CC they can shield. Once they shield if Sonic stops charging then free grab. Once Sonic is forced to release WD then follow because lol. Down B mash -> knockdown shouldn't really ever happen. I learned that Sonic can cancel the turn around animation with the shield "cancel" though (or that's what it looked like at 1:03 at least).
- There's a space between the "r" and the hyphen. It's supposed to be Player Negative Zero not Player-Zero