I'm workin on it
Must be one of the smartest monkeys on the net by now
And there are a LOT of monkeys
I totally just realized that this post and yours @
are like the perfect example of what I'm talking about in the previous post lol
What an epic paradox
Like... anyone who says "don't follow the metagame/be a monkey
And instead develop yourself and break ahead of it"
is like the perfect DK for other Diddy's and even other DK's, because that's all DK's are, and so DK's are DK's for each other ONLY IF THEY TEACH THIS
If you be a Diddy to a DK, a DK who tells you and helps you learn to not be a Diddy, and break ahead of the/your metagame then you become a DK for more Diddy's to evolve into DKs, and for other DK's to keep evolving.
I'm gonna edit this again cause reading that after posting sounds confusing to even me lol
A DK that teaches others how to be more like DK, is the best DK to be Diddy for. All DK's then perpetuate this DK-hood to each other, and the DK-hoodiness keeps getting more epic, and more Diddy's become DK's.
It's like when goenka says about buddah
"It was the Buddahs contribution. Whatever he taught, he practiced, and he taught only practice."
It's like the perfect analogy for smash metagames!!!
That's badass, and no wonder I love everyone so much. A bunch of crazy DK's/Diddy's to each others DK's/Diddy's all the way through life. Heck yeah! Vipassana literally translated means "As it is" and it's a practice at the experiential level to feel like your particles of your body exploding trillions of times a second moment to moment for extreme presence and crap, and it's the practice the buddah taught and practiced.
Sounds... even more badass when you use smash characters.
Also **** yeah to people like bamesy/nausicaa and all you other ****ers that I love
Perpetuate me and everyone in to DK-hoodiness/LESS MONKEYNESS forever plx <3
LOL so good being a monkey and free from it all at the same time