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This world... - The Subspace Emissary


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
sure is interesting to finally know who the final boss of smash is, I sure can't wait to PWN the subspace army with Bowser


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
If they treat Petey, or any other Brawl "bosses" for that matter, like a standard (ie Mario, Link...NOT MASTER HAND) character, then it is completely possible that he'll be playable. It would be like having Bowser only as the last boss of adventure mode in melee, but not be playable in any form. I'm sure most of you would be pissed if that happened.

Size is the only argument against his inclusion at this point, but that argument is invalid when you logically look at the smash series. We fought a Giant DK in SB64 and a REGULAR sized Bowser that had to be enlarged to get to his original size at the end of SSBM. Both characters were enlarged for those fights, why couldn't Petey Piranha be?
I agree with you in almost every way with this statement. however, I think it would be wise to say that with Petey's size, he could be considered to be something like Giga Bowser and/or the wire frames. perhaps he is playable, but only through cheats or a super secret unlockable that takes alot of effort and time to master.


Smash Champion
Jul 26, 2006
Yea, I don't THINK that he's playable, but you never know. I don't really have a problem against him being playable, except for he's a boss fight, and it wouldn't be as fun knowing you can switch to him anytime.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
I think the story is planet being taken over by bad guys... now everyone must ban together to help/save everyone.

Bad Guys =
Dee-Dee (Kirby)
The Croc (From DK Series)
Andross (Star Fox) = The Ancient Minister.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
I think the story is planet being taken over by bad guys... now everyone must ban together to help/save everyone.

Bad Guys =
Dee-Dee (Kirby)
The Croc (From DK Series)
Andross (Star Fox) = The Ancient Minister.
It's King Dedede.

And the "Kroc" you're thinking of is King K. Rool.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
sure is interesting to finally know who the final boss of smash is, I sure can't wait to PWN the subspace army with Bowser
I'm not sure if the Subspace Emissary is like Melee's adventure mode. I think you just start it, and you go through stages. Each stage would have a different character used. That way, every character can be fleshed out.


Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2006
I'm not sure if the Subspace Emissary is like Melee's adventure mode. I think you just start it, and you go through stages. Each stage would have a different character used. That way, every character can be fleshed out.
It may be like Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects. Anyone else here play that game?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
yeah, and I hope it isn't too much like that. the idea is more probable, but I would rather have a character select screen for each character. then, each character gets their own story to follow, with unique cutscenes. that would keep me entertained.

it would basically be like this

so, here we have peach Zelda Mario and kirby, right? well, if you play as mario, it works like this

Mario's intro scene -> initial fight -> bomb scene and mario is blasted out of the arena, for his own set of missions

however, if you play as peach or zelda, it works like this

Zelda/Peach scene -> initial fight -> zelda and peach are captured by petey, and they continue with a break out of the halberd

while kirby plays out like this

Kirby intro -> initial fight -> bomb scene -> fight with petey -> captured/blasted/fleeing scene, which leads into the subspace bomb going off.

with this in mind, I would preffer to play a story mode out like this, rather than a "first character, then this one, then this one" sort of thing, because the individual story idea leave more open for development.


Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2006
yeah, and I hope it isn't too much like that. the idea is more probable, but I would rather have a character select screen for each character. then, each character gets their own story to follow, with unique cutscenes. that would keep me entertained.

it would basically be like this

so, here we have peach Zelda Mario and kirby, right? well, if you play as mario, it works like this

Mario's intro scene -> initial fight -> bomb scene and mario is blasted out of the arena, for his own set of missions

however, if you play as peach or zelda, it works like this

Zelda/Peach scene -> initial fight -> zelda and peach are captured by petey, and they continue with a break out of the halberd

while kirby plays out like this

Kirby intro -> initial fight -> bomb scene -> fight with petey -> captured/blasted/fleeing scene, which leads into the subspace bomb going off.

with this in mind, I would preffer to play a story mode out like this, rather than a "first character, then this one, then this one" sort of thing, because the individual story idea leave more open for development.
I like that idea of yours. That's exactly what I'm hoping for.


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007
My thoughts exactly. That's what I personally believe it is. It would also fit, seeing as characters would cross paths, I.E. Link and Yoshi.
In fact, if you play as Petey (if he's playable)...
Petey intro -> Some generic stuff happens -> Bomb scene -> fight with Kirby
That way it would really work!


Smash Cadet
Aug 9, 2005
Like You've Heard of It, WI
Dammit, my post didn't work...Well, as I tried to say, I'm not too worried about how it'll all work. But anyway, with all this info about it, I bet SE is gonna have some KH stuff in it. :) It's beggin' for it. Also, I doubt the bad guys' boss is THE boss...


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Actually FF stuff I mean Nobuo Uematsu??? DO I sense FInal Smashes being a Spin off of limit Breaks? Ike's is gonna be Braver then


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2002
I don't know about anyone else, but i am DYING to know what some of the characters/stages/items might have to do with the Subspace Emissary.

Since we already know we AT LEAST have an Animal Crossing stage, and an AC item, I am really curious to know how AC will come into play with Adventure mode. It also makes me doubt that the lame humans from AC will be playable, since they don't really have much personality or "unique burdens" to deal with, maybe besides lots of debt.

I also wonder how Ike gets himself involved in the story mode, too. Or the pokemon/ pokemon trainer?? I mean, I can see how a pokemon trainer can have the motivation to save the "world," but why would a single pikachu take it upon itself to fight?

Also, I wonder what Sakurai means by "world" when he says the subspace army is gunna cut apart the "world" with subspace bombs. I mean, its hard to imagine Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Mario/DK/Wario, and L.o.Z. all co-existing on the same planet. Plus, Samus and Kirby are space travelers, and Pit is from a pseudo-heaven place, so there is no way they could hail from the same planet!

Or do you think it is OUR world that they are fighting to save....o.O


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007
I don't know about anyone else, but i am DYING to know what some of the characters/stages/items might have to do with the Subspace Emissary.

Since we already know we AT LEAST have an Animal Crossing stage, and an AC item, I am really curious to know how AC will come into play with Adventure mode. It also makes me doubt that the lame humans from AC will be playable, since they don't really have much personality or "unique burdens" to deal with, maybe besides lots of debt.

I also wonder how Ike gets himself involved in the story mode, too. Or the pokemon/ pokemon trainer?? I mean, I can see how a pokemon trainer can have the motivation to save the "world," but why would a single pikachu take it upon itself to fight?

Also, I wonder what Sakurai means by "world" when he says the subspace army is gunna cut apart the "world" with subspace bombs. I mean, its hard to imagine Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Mario/DK/Wario, and L.o.Z. all co-existing on the same planet. Plus, Samus and Kirby are space travelers, and Pit is from a pseudo-heaven place, so there is no way they could hail from the same planet!

Or do you think it is OUR world that they are fighting to save....o.O
I'd say it might be our world.
That would be interesting, really.

However, i think that by "world" Sarkurai means "dimension". Such as the Dark World and Light World concept from many games aren't really different planets as much as they are dimensions.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007

okay, so now we know for sure that petey is the first boss in the game. this most probably means that after playing as one character for a while, you get automatically switched to another.

however, what really made me cringe in anticipation is a new decision point in this battle. you have to choose between Peach and Zelda to save. after seeing this at the end of the update, I knew who I was going to save. for me, Zelda seemed like the more logical choice. but, as we don't know the full story line yet, I could be wrong. And pluss, I'ver never been found of peach. Partly because Zelda actually put up a fight when ganon captured her. plus, canon wise, I guess I found peach rather annoying.

so, here I ask three questions

1. which of the two would you save and why?

2. why didn't you save the other one?

3. what do you think would happen to the one you didn't save?


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
Although I'm glad this update has put the Petey argument to rest, the fact that we get to save only either Zelda or Peach should have been revealed only when we play the game IMO. But hey thats the risk of checking the Dojo and I can't lie, I'm addicted to it.

so, here I ask three questions

1. which of the two would you save and why?

2. why didn't you save the other one?

3. what do you think would happen to the one you didn't save?
1. I'm going to save one on impulse as I play the game.

2. ^

3. She's probably going to escape somehow and end up kicking Kirby's large pink buttcheeks for not saving her.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007

okay, so now we know for sure that petey is the first boss in the game. this most probably means that after playing as one character for a while, you get automatically switched to another.

however, what really made me cringe in anticipation is a new decision point in this battle. you have to choose between Peach and Zelda to save. after seeing this at the end of the update, I knew who I was going to save. for me, Zelda seemed like the more logical choice. but, as we don't know the full story line yet, I could be wrong. And pluss, I'ver never been found of peach. Partly because Zelda actually put up a fight when ganon captured her. plus, canon wise, I guess I found peach rather annoying.

so, here I ask three questions

1. which of the two would you save and why?

2. why didn't you save the other one?

3. what do you think would happen to the one you didn't save?
1. For me Zelda becuase i'm hoping it leads to learning about link's story.

2. Cause i'm not interested in seeing thier story.

3. My guess is that he/she turns into a trophy, and you must fight him/her later in the game. Like if you don't save peach you must fight with Mario against her later in the game. I'll probaly save Metroid, Pokemon, Zelda, and Fox characters cause I want to see thier stories.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
A sub space rift has caused a dimension paradox and he finds him self in the Nintendo world... so he trys to find a way to get back but Dr.Wiley has also come... and is planning on taking over this worlds while all the heroes are away BUT MM decides to stop him and around half way through Dr.Wiley joins up with the SA and the rest of the bad guys sooooooo... MM teams up with the rest of the heroes and they set out to liberate the Nintendo world MM gets teamed up with er... Mario and Sonic and they set off to try and free the halberd (While the other heroes go to the other lands in Nintendo world) after an epic fight the halberd has been taken back from the SA and the Subspace minister flees into a sub space rift so the Halberd goes around the world picking up all the Nintendo heroes and then they head into Subspace and reach the subspace city... the gates are locked and there is no way in so Meta knight stays on the ship and rams into the walls of the city (Which are giant) there by sacrificing him self to give the other Heroes a way in.

Wow i need more paragraphs...

Anyways MM and the rest of the heroes rush into the city and storm the ministers castle... all the heroes take different routes throughout the castle and the character you chose (And their partners) go to the throne room (Which is in this case MM Mario and Sonic) they encounter the minister and a fight ensues... eventually you defeat him and before he dies he says "Spare me master... for i have failed you".

<<..<< V.EASY AND EASY ENDING >>..>>

The castle starts to crumble and all the heroes rush out and are standing out side the ruins of the castle BUT before the game ends it shows clips of all the lands (Hyrule, mushroom kingdom etc) still in ruins and devastated by the Subspace bombs


As all the heroes stand outside the ruins they start to shake... and Crazy hand emerges from them and hits all the other heroes unconscious while you are the only one standing and thus a fight ensues ... after you have defeated him he summons his last remaining strength and shoots abeam at you but as it hits you it gets absorb into you and you turn into your super form and Crazy hand dies... them out of no where Master hand comes and says "Stranger you have done well but you do not belong here... it is my duty to guards the gates to these lands and you have crossed them... prepare to die!" and a fight ensues again.

Now after you beat master hand the credits go on...


All the heroes are standing around the defeated Master hand he says "You all have proven your self worthy... i shall grant you your wishes and turn you into your real selves... no longer are you confined to the rules of this world... live free" and as does that he dies and the gates to the trophy world are closed forever and all the character returned to their real worlds with no memory of what happened.

The trophy world is gone and all the characters live in their real worlds (Hyrule and such).. and that is the end of smash bros.


... I am presuming this is the last Smash game and i doubt the next ones will be the same anyway seeing as this will be Sakurai's last.

What do you think?

This is something i done when someone asked me what MM would do in the SE... i got a little carried away.

What do you think?


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i like this. not only is Petey not a playable character, but it looks like the story branches out, so it won't be the same everytime. that's gonna add a lot of depth and replay value to single player mode


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007

okay, so now we know for sure that petey is the first boss in the game. this most probably means that after playing as one character for a while, you get automatically switched to another.

however, what really made me cringe in anticipation is a new decision point in this battle. you have to choose between Peach and Zelda to save. after seeing this at the end of the update, I knew who I was going to save. for me, Zelda seemed like the more logical choice. but, as we don't know the full story line yet, I could be wrong. And pluss, I'ver never been found of peach. Partly because Zelda actually put up a fight when ganon captured her. plus, canon wise, I guess I found peach rather annoying.

so, here I ask three questions

1. which of the two would you save and why?

2. why didn't you save the other one?

3. what do you think would happen to the one you didn't save?
1. Zelda, because Peach gets kidnapped so much that I don't really give a **** anymore.
2. See above
3. Hopefully Petey will eat her.


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
Looking at the cutscene, it looks like you will be forced to fight Petey Pirahna as Kirby.

Does this mean that you will only be able to select a limited amount of characters while playing the Subspace Emissary, depending on your choices and the level.

What I think is that the princess that you save in the first boss battle will be the one that you will be able to use later in the game.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
I have a hard time imagining the boss fight...Will it be like the normal vs matches? From a specific point of view? Petey's going to be huge, and since you "damage" the cages, getting to him may be hard....ARRGh. I can't wait. ><


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
I have a hard time imagining the boss fight...Will it be like the normal vs matches? From a specific point of view? Petey's going to be huge, and since you "damage" the cages, getting to him may be hard....ARRGh. I can't wait. ><
Well, Sakurai said that he attacks with the cages...

So you will probably have to dodge the cage when he swings it at you, then hit it back.

It's probably going to be something very simple, since it's the first boss.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
The picture of Kirby fighting Petey is at a weird angle (I'd post the pic here, but I'm feeling lazy now, so go to my thread where I lay it all out). I wonder if that is just some funky camera work or if it means that we have a semi-mini-game on our hands......


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2007
Viva Mexico Cabrones!
I think you will unlock characters story modes while playing hte game, example:
you start Kirby's adventure mode and depending of whish princess you choose, is the story you'll unlock,
like, if I save zelda (which I will, she's my main :p) I'll unlock her story mode...thats my guess


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i honestly don't think this will be linear at all. i think you pick whatever character you want and choose whatever path you take, it's just a matter of connecting the dots.

it's like one of those "Choose your adventure" books. sometimes one way will lead to this and this set of events happen, while another does something else, but at one point might connect with the first, if you get what i'm saying.

here is my theory of what might happen, and i'm going to stick with the four characters shown, and worry about the others later. say, for example, you pick kirby. you'll fight mario first, the halberd comes and drops the primid, and zelda and peach come to fight. the next level you play as kirby, but you can see the other 3 in the background fighting other primid, while if you pick someone else, you just switch kirby and the other character.

the next part is tricky. if you chose to play as mario, then the story branches off and you'll play as mario somewhere else. if you play as kirby, you'll obviously fight petey and pick which princess to save. however, if you pick one of the princesses, i think it will show the cutscene of them in the cage, and immedietely after show a cutscene of them getting rescued, since you couldn't do anything anyway. then it proceeds to whatever will happen, so Zelda's storyline is the same as Kirby's ONLY IF kirby rescues her, and the same for peach. again, maybe later you'll see peach (if you rescued zelda) playing as kirby and she fights you, and if you're zelda you'll face peach anyway (unless the story branches off at some point)

now going back to mario, maybe on, let's say DK's first level, it's a run through a jungle setting, and at the end he sees Mario knocked out due to the cannonball blast, DK wakes him up, Primids show up, they fight, etc. It's all about connecting the dots.

however, secret characters cause a problem, cause will they show up somewhere even when you haven't unlocked them yet? frankly, i believe this to be so. maybe this is a mode only unlocked after all characters are unlocked, similar to all star mode. then again, why would sakurai hype this so much, and have it be unlocked? my guess, i think secrets will be shown, but their playable part won't show up. so this could ruin secrets, but we won't know their full story until you unlock them.

anyway, that's my personal opinion on how the adventure mode could work

The Subspace Muffin

Smash Cadet
Aug 23, 2007
Because of the fact that the two princesses are both in cages, I'm of the opinion that you don't play through the same story with different characters. I think each character has a different story, just with some similarities and an amount of choosing your path. But the main story remains the same for each character througout.

For example, if you choose Mario: You begin with a fight against Kirby. If you beat Kirby, you fight the Primids from the Halberd. Then you get knocked into the sky by a cannonball, and your story continues from wherever you land.

If you choose Kirby: You fight against Mario. If you beat Mario, you fight the Primids (and Mario does not fight them) from the Halberd. Then you fight Petey Piranha and free one of the princesses, and perhaps she acts as an ally.

If you choose Zelda: You fight against Peach. Then you fight the Primids (and neither Mario nor Kirby fight them). Then you get caught by Petey Piranha, and a little cut scene shows what Kirby does. Then your story either follows as if Kirby saved you or, more likely, as if he didn't.

If you choose Peach: It's the same thing as Zelda, except reversed.

If you choose Link: You fight against Yoshi. Then you fight against the Primids.

And so on and so on. The stories intertwine, and you'll part from characters and meet up with them later. Basically, it's kinda like that Sonic Adventure game. In theory.


Salt Lord
Writing Team
Aug 10, 2007
For the secret characters there could be more story, it just won't be unlocked until all the characters are available. Think of it like chapters ^^;
The Subspace Emissary is really Adventure Mode mixed with Event matches~
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