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This world... - The Subspace Emissary


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
I was just thinking. We're talking about Sakurai now. We know about his mind-games. What if everything was just a mind-game, that the enemies we've just seen were just the distraction to the real threat? What if it's someone or something that is neither part of the smashers nor part of these creatures? Very unlikely, but still.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
great writting Xaron. very well done.

Also, I was thinking (which is rather rare for me), when you first get the game, what are ou gonna do first with it? go on this, or do something else? For me, before I rush into the adventure mode, like I did with the previous game, I'm gonna check out the features and have a quick brawl, just so I can get used to the controls. then I'll begin the awesomely epic adventure which is to be subspace.

what about you guys?
Well for me is check to see if the game as online, if it does then i'll go ahead and get a good account name. Then go to vs. mode and check if pit is there. If not I might go online to see if anybody has figured out how to get pit. Once I have pit, then play with him for a while, then play the awesome subspace.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
i doubt Paletunia or whatever will be playable as she is transparent in the pic to suggest that she will just give Pit advice or ask for help or something.. at least that's how i saw it


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
i doubt Paletunia or whatever will be playable as she is transparent in the pic to suggest that she will just give Pit advice or ask for help or something.. at least that's how i saw it
QFT. She will most likely be part of the story line. My guess is she gives pit his arrow/sword thing back. Notice how he isn't carrying it. My guess is he was in retirement of sorts then the whole modea fiasco happened. Mario asks Pit to help out. Pit goes to Palutena for his arrow/sword back. But I don't know why she is transparent though.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2006
Mississauga, ON
This subspace emissary mini game looks really fun, considering it's different of each character. What I'm wondering is would there be different cg movies at the end of each character's triumph?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
that might be possible, but if all the Smashers come together at the end, then there could be one cinematic ending, but even then, there could be a specific add on for each character you use.I actually have a feeling that finishing this with any character on any leve, and then doing it with all the characters but one will unlock a character or stage or two.

either way, I'm hyped


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2007
I think it will have a Hero Story and a Villain Story. And once both of those are beat then it will have a Last Story where the kick the final bosses butt

Metaknight X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2001
Reading, England
I think it will have a Hero Story and a Villain Story. And once both of those are beat then it will have a Last Story where the kick the final bosses butt
And I think you've been playing too much Sonic Adventure 2 lol.

But seriously now, I am SO fired up for this mode. Adventure in Melee was along the right lines, but ultimately it was too short and it just got boring after a while to go through the levels just to unlock new trophies. This new mode, on the other hand, looks like it will provide hours and hours of fun. I personally hope there's save points throughout this mode, so you don't have to finish it in one hit, but instead can take your time over it and take it all in the first time you play.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Palutena is The Goddess of Pit's world. She is a deity, a heavenly entity, of course she's going to be transparent. Gods always do that, it gives them more dramatic and cinematic effect.
A more DYNAMIC effect and why to gods do that? They think they're soooo special!!!!

I think it will have a Hero Story and a Villain Story. And once both of those are beat then it will have a Last Story where the kick the final bosses butt
I don't even understand that lol

And I think you've been playing too much Sonic Adventure 2 lol.

But seriously now, I am SO fired up for this mode. Adventure in Melee was along the right lines, but ultimately it was too short and it just got boring after a while to go through the levels just to unlock new trophies. This new mode, on the other hand, looks like it will provide hours and hours of fun. I personally hope there's save points throughout this mode, so you don't have to finish it in one hit, but instead can take your time over it and take it all in the first time you play.
Yes, it should be an adventure so good that you actually have to save it cause it should take longer to beat than TP lol


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
yeah, and it'll need zelda style puzzles too, to mke it last longer. I got a bit bored from the first version as it was just run from one end of the stage to the other, attacking things. I need to be tested mentally!


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2007
And I think you've been playing too much Sonic Adventure 2 lol.

But seriously now, I am SO fired up for this mode. Adventure in Melee was along the right lines, but ultimately it was too short and it just got boring after a while to go through the levels just to unlock new trophies. This new mode, on the other hand, looks like it will provide hours and hours of fun. I personally hope there's save points throughout this mode, so you don't have to finish it in one hit, but instead can take your time over it and take it all in the first time you play.
Yeah thats were i stole the idea from but i mean it be awesome. having each charachter have an individual story would be confusing

Xaron Fisk

Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2004
The story is finished. It's pretty long, broken into multiple sections. I'm not writing this as a prediction. It's just for fun and I hope you enjoy it.

The Subspace Emissary

Part 2

They stood at the edge of a deep, dark forest. There were three separate roads, running north directly through the forest. B.F inflated his balloons and rose high in the air, surveying the land.

“There’s a structure,” said Balloon Fighter upon returning. “Big. About 10 miles north on the other side of the forest. The middle path is the straightest. The others are shaped like arches. The three together looked much like an eye.”

“That’s it,” said Mewtwo. “It drew me here. That is where the Masters are. They are suffering, growing weaker.”

“Couldn’t your psychic mojo thing draw us a little closer to where we need to be?” asked Wario, unhappy with the prospect of a 10-mile hike. He looked longingly at Yoshi, wondering if it would let him ride on its back. Yoshi noticed his stare and shot him a no-freakin-way look.

“No,” said Metaknight. “It would be better if we traveled on foot. That will give our allies back home more time to finish their task there, and then come here. We will need a great deal of reinforcements.

“One thing is clear,” said Pit. “We can’t go tromping around en-masse like this. We should split up.”

Wario and some of the others didn’t like the sound of this, but they reluctantly agreed. They decided upon three groups, one for each path. The leaders were determined by a very short vote to be Mario, Kirby, and Link, and each group was arranged as follows:

This way each team had at least one a psychic capable of producing portals for quick escapes, an aerial specialist for reconnaissance, and a long range marksman. Everything else was decided on the fly. Then the teams wished each other luck. There was a bit of joking now, as some attempted (mostly obviously Wario) to conceal their worry at the possibility of seeing a friend for the last time.


The leftmost path that group B chose was wide and full of hazards seemingly tailored to push everyone’s skills to their limits, such as high walls for the non-flyers to struggle over, stretches of narrow road where sharp thorns ripped at Pit’s feathers and Kirby’s soft body, and places where the ground seemed magnetic, slowing down Samus. Lucario complained that at times he lost psychic contact with the other groups, as if something or someone was intentionally dampening his powers. Now and then they heard screams and distant fighting.

They fought the usual mimicks, who seemed to especially enjoy using Samus’ cannon. But there were different enemies as well, enemies whom each of them only recognized individually as obstacles from adventures past.

The group often marveled at Mike’s deadly skill with his yoyos, and wondered why he was not more famous. Everyone was impressed when Luigi obliterated an entire line of strange boar-like creatures in one attempt with his rocket misfire. They had never seen Mario do anything like that.

They progressed up the path quickly and without much event. Captain Falcon and Lucario blazed the trail, swiftly cutting down all enemies in their paths. It seemed as if the two had begun to make a game of it, each of them counting their kills aloud to the other.

“The wave is in me,” said Lucario, suddenly halting. “There is something waiting for us. I do not believe it is human.”

“Look out!” cried Kirby, quickly taking Lucario into his mouth to save him from the oncoming fireball. Lucario quickly squirmed free.

“It smelled weird in there,” he said.

“Never mind that,” said Kirby. “Who fired that at us? I t looked like a Mewtwo attack!”

“No,” said Lucario. “It wasn’t psionic. It was some form of ammunition.”

A point of light in the distance grew slowly brighter. A short, blue metal man strode out of the shadows. Everyone drew their weapons--in Mike’s case, his toys.

“I am Megaman, subspace emissary of the Trespasser. Join us. I can help you understand.”

“You try to kill us and then ask us to join you?” exclaimed Mike. “Are you out of your mind?”

“I think he is,” said Captain Falcon.

Mike laughed. “Well, anyway the answer is no, ya overgrown toaster!”

“Does this one speak for you all?” asked Megaman.

“On this subject, yes,” said Pit.



Redeads everywhere. Link regretted taking the rightmost path. His spinning slash destroyed fives zombie at once. Marth was also faring well. His long slender blade held the sluggish undead at bay with ease. Ness hurried here and there healing who ever needed it. Arrows emerged from the woods from unseen archers. Most unnerved by this was B.F, but Ness could protect everyone within his shield as long as he was not being directly attacked. Zelda’s Nayru shield came in handy as well. Tired of this display of cowardice, Donkey Kong took to the trees, where he was well versed. The others could hear DK’s enraged ape cries as he throttled their hidden attackers in the darkness. Then he emerged with a blood-stained tie grinning as if nothing had happened.

Further the group pressed up the road, ever increasing their speed. They could see the light ahead. Now four stalfos blocked their path. Little Mac, to the surprise of all, charged directly at them. He dodged their heavy swords swiftly, his small fists crumpling their metal shields like tin. He leapt, swinging so hard he spun in the air, decapitating one of them, its useless body crumpling to the ground. Another tried slashing him from behind, but Mac ducked and the stalfos he had been fighting fell apart, chopped in half by its own partner. Then Mac turned and put his fist through the chest cavity of the one that tried to sneak him. The body fell apart as he yanked his hand back out. Then he turned around, a cocky half-grin on his face, as the others stood agape.

Wario charged with surprising speed at the last stalfos, his strong shoulder angled down. The stalfos stabbed at the exposed shoulder, but Wario didn’t feel it. The blade bent against his skin and he kept coming. Bones flew in all directions like bowling pins. Several feet away Wario stopped, sucking in air and snorting. Now it was his turn to be the center of attention.

“Well, what’re you all waiting for? Let’s go!”

“Your progress ends here, I’m afraid.” A tall man with a beard and a patch over one eye stood at the edge of the wood. Behind him stood a throng of mimicks.

Wario stepped forward. “Them sounds like fightin’ words, Mr. Pirate. How’s that depth perception workin’ out?”

The man seemed to ignore this. “I am Solid Snake, subspace emissary of the Trespasser. You must surrender to him. I can help you understand.” It seemed to Link this would have been the response no matter what was said.

“Yes,” said Link. “We will surrender.” The others started to protest, but he shot them a just go along with it look.

“That is wise,” said Snake. He obtained a helmet from one of the mimicks and offered it to Link, who was watching Ness from the corner of his eye, nodding ever so slightly.

At once Ness mentally yanked at the helmet on Snake’s head, but Snake caught it just in time. He threw something down and gray smoke filled the air.

“Wrong decision,” said Snake.

There was a click in the fog followed by an explosion and a cry. At once, Zelda used her wind to blow the fog away, but what they saw was not pretty: Ness badly burned on the ground, unmoving. Zelda knelt by him, touched him.

“Is he?” asked B.F

“No,” she said, “but it’s bad. He has to go back. He needs mew.”

“Be careful,” said Link.

“That is all I ever am,” Zelda replied. She took up the small boy in her arms before Faore’s Wind spirited them down the road.

“Where did that box come from?” asked Marth. He pointed at a cardboard box lying on the ground nearby. No one remembered seeing it. It was possible they just hadn’t noticed it before.

“Marth, wait…” Link said.

Marth nudged it with his foot. “I think there’s….”

“No, noooooo!”

Up from under the box Snake rose like a shadow. In no time at all he was holding Marth by his hair, a knife to the prince’s neck. DK started to attack.
“Donkey Kong, no!” said Link. “Not now.

“Put on the helmets, all of you,” commanded Snake. “Now!” Pressing softly, expertly, Snake drew just enough blood from the soft neck to scare them. They hastily took the helmets from the mimicks and prepared to put them on.

Suddenly Snake fell forward, groaning. The helmet was off. Everyone looked up. Balloon Fighter had taken the helmet from above! Everyone stared at him now, amazed.

“Hey, I saw an opening and I went for it,” he said.

Link and the others explained everything to a still dazed Snake.

“I’m sorry about your friend,” replied Snake when they had finished. “The Trespasser summoned me here on the pretense that the Master wants to enslave all worlds for the benefit of their own people. I quickly realized that the Trespasser is insane. I don’t know when he got the drop on me, I don’t know how. I do know that he ultimately wants to render barren all other worlds and fatten this one, turning everyone against each other, and then watch in amusement the war and carnage that follows. I understand now that the Master had their own battle game which they took part in, but there were rules there, fairness, restraint. The Trespasser just wants to get his sicko jollies watching everyone kill each other, and then he’ll bring them all back and watch it again. He has to be stopped.”

Xaron Fisk

Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2004
The third and final part of The Subspace Emissary.

The A team found the trek down the middle road a nerve-wracking experience, not because they were under attack, but because they weren't. They heard no sounds but for occasional explosions and shouts in the distance. This magnified their anxiety, and Mario's guilt. The others were being hunted down and he was enjoying a peaceful stroll. All they could do is move faster.

Not much time passed before they emerged from the woods into the courtyard of an enormous fortress, a blazing red T marked upon the center of the facade, the front door tall and wide enough to fit a small building through.

"The lair of the Trespasser," said Metaknight. "Nexus Fortress."

"Stolen from the Masters," added Mewtwo. "I can feel their life force waning. We must hurry."

Suddenly, Link, Snake, and rest of group C came running out of the wood, their eyes wide with worry. It took Mario less than a moment to realize not everyone was accounted for. They quickly told him what happened. They could not stop to enjoy the reunion.

Bright lights flashed back in forest. A fight was taking place there, not far back into the woods.

"They need our help,” said Mario.

"That is your burden," said Metaknight. "I will go aid the Masters." He searched the faces of everyone present. "Who will aid me?"

Mewtwo, Yoshi, Marth, Mac, Balloon Fighter, Wario, and Snake agreed to come. They disappeared into the fortress, leaving Mario and the rest to sprint down the road toward the flashing lights.

Samus was dueling furiously with a blue metal man as they arrived down the path, and at once they could see she was having trouble, but before they would help her they were assailed by countless mimicks, all wielding different weapons. The fight spread out wide, with most of the heroes having to fight many enemies at once.

Megaman proved too slippery to hit, sliding and dashing and dodging, bounding off the sides of the walls which had sprung up along the sides of the path. The forest had once again seemed to mold itself into an arena advantageous for the enemy's style, bringing strange new fire-throwing minions. The battle field was a confusing mishmash of light and sound.

Again and again Megaman pelted her with plasma bolts. He was too fast. All she could do was draw herself into a tight ball to become less of a target, but the cyborg's sliding attacks hit her every time, and if he wasn't enough to deal with, the minions were there to get in the way as well. Fatigue claimed her now. Samus' suit had received so much damage certain components were malfunctioning. Another plasma blast sent her to the ground, her sight blurring. Megaman stood over her, a glow appearing within its handless arm. "Surrender."

"Never!" said a high-pitched squeal. There was a great sucking sound, and Megaman tumbled backwards through the air into a dark hole. There was a flash of gold light.

Kirby's body now looked like Megaman's blue helmet, and one of his hands had become a cannon.

Samus, staggering to her feet, removed the smoking armor, revealing nothing more than a blonde woman in a blue body suit.
She looked up. "What is it, Pit?"

Pit had not even noticed himself staring. "N-Nothing. Look out!" He drew his bow and sniped a mimick that was trying to sneak up behind her. Snapping the bow into two short blades, his movement became a poem of flashing blue metal. Mimics fell apart right and left, seemingly before he even touched them.

"Thank you," said Samus. She whipped out a gun in a blink, firing three shots. Pit turned and three mimicks fell down behind him.

"Thank you," he said.

The plasma beams of Kirby and Megaman drove against each other, a hole developing in the ground from the force of it. The cyborg was gaining the upper hand, pushing the head of the beam dangerously close to Kirby's soft body. Sparks clawed across the surface of the rapidly swelling bubble. Kirby's lungs cried in agony; the heat and light was so intense that no one else could get close. Except one.

"Faaaalllllconnnnnnn Puuuuuunch!!" Captain Falcon did not fear heat; fire surrounded his body, his fist. The punch came from the side, deflecting the beam off into the distant sky, where it exploded, illuminating the world more than the fiercest lightning.

Kirby fell into his arms, exhausted.

"You will surrender one way or another." said Megaman, falling back. The mimicks left the heroes they had been fighting
and assembled themselves into an enormous mech-suit, with the cyborg as its operator. A dark hole opened in the chest cavity of the suit, a bright light appearing deep within.

"Take cover!" commanded Mario. He stood at the forefront with his cape, Lucario with his psionic barrier, Link with his mirror shield, Mike Jones with his magic mirror, Fox with his reflector, and everyone else got behind them.

The beam emitted by the mech-suit was frighteningly large and hot, melting the ground like wax. Fox knew that the shields of the others would not repel an attack of this magnitude. His reflector could hold, at least for a little while, long enough for the others to escape.

Disregarding his own safety, Fox threw himself in front of the oncoming blast. His reflector flashed out brilliant blue, hoping to send the attacks back where they came from. But he knew that could not be. The plasma beam was too strong and focused, straining the protective barrier. He was ready to die.

"Run!" Fox cried, cracks appearing in his shield as it faltered. "Leave me!"

"Pika!" Pikachu ran to Fox's side, unexpectedly latching his mouth upon the reflector generator, electricity surging from
his cheeks into the device. "Peeeekaaaaaaaachhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!"

Fox's reflector shone with a power never seen before or since that day. The entire world bathed in the fierce blue light.
The energy beams of Megaman and the mimicks reversed direction, roaring through the air, swallowing them all.

A deep trench appeared as the smoke cleared. The mimicks and other enemies were gone, vaporized.

Fox looked down at pikachu with a newfound respect. "I'll never say another bad thing about Pokemon again."

Pikachu flashed him a you'd-better-not grin, breathing hard.

Megaman lay bent at the bottom of the trench like a crippled insect. The mind control helmet was gone. Mario climbed down into the trench and went to him.

"Wait, what are you doing?" asked Luigi.

"Don't worry," said Mario. "He's on our side now, if a he's alive."

Not surprisingly, Megaman was alive, though barely. Pikachu and Lucario brought him back to consciousness with a combination of psionic energy and electricity.

Soon Megaman was able to sit up and speak. "There are many heroes on my world," he told them, "Just like your world. We fight tirelessly to protect the ones we love just as you. I was honored to be chosen as the lone representative of my world to fight against an evil force, the Trespasser as he called it. He referred to himself as the Master and said that this world belonged to him, that it had been stolen from him by those who would destroy my world and all other worlds, until only his remained.
He was very persuasive and I was eager to help. Eager for glory too, I admit." He bowed his head. "Now I learn that he himself is the Trespasser. I am a fool."

"It might have been any of us," said Mario.

Megaman managed a sad smile. "If only you believed that. The things I did... I helped to hurt the Master. Snake and I--"

"You mean Masters, don't you?" asked Peach. "There are two of them. The Hands."

"No, the Master is a single entity. Yes, there were two hands, but there was also a giant disembodied Head that controlled them. Two of us subdued the hands, Snake attacked the head, and finally the Master fell."

Everyone looked shocked.

"I am truly sorry for what I've done."

"Redemption is close at hand, friend," said Link. "Help us overthrow the Trespasser. Regain your honor."

"I will."


Mario and the others entered Nexus Fortress. Once inside, they stood in a long corridor. Directly on the other side of the hall was a double door. Light shone between the cracks and Mario peeked inside.

“Trespasser!” said a vaguely familiar voice. “Your plans will inevitably lead to your people rebelling, whether you succeed today or not.”

Mario could see Mewtwo through the door, but not who was speaking. He sighed and opened the door.

“Mar ii!” said Yoshi.

All of his friends were there, some looking nervous, some defiant. The Trespasser was small and pale upon his throne, an old man by all appearances. His earlobes were exceptionally long, as if he’d been hanging weights from them. His eyes shined, glittering black round stones set into his face, no whites at all. "Oh, good, everyone is here,” he said.

The great bodiless head of the Master hovered overhead, his hands floating nearby. He had thick black hair and eyebrows, and he wore thin black rimmed glasses.

The Trespasser spoke. "All that I required of you was to spread out across the subworlds, bringing the inhabitants of all the worlds into this one for to share in glorious battle forever. No death, just endless and constant war. I know many of you desire this. You desire this, do you not, Metaknight?"

"Admittedly, I enjoy combat, Trespasser, “said Metaknight. "But that is not all I enjoy, unlike you. You only take pleasure in war and violence, not competition."

"Yes, we can only aspire to become anything more than tools of competition," said Mewtwo. "We are meant to compete, and such endeavors must always end, for one side or the other. That is the way of this world, and the way it must be again, lest all the worlds crumble into despair. Nothing done endlessly and constantly is ever healthy."

"Arrogant mutant," said Trespasser, sneering. "No doubt your so-called Master approves of this foolishness."

"I am proud," said Master. "They do not need me anymore."

"And nor will they have you. Mine was a humble request, a benevolent invitation. You could have lived as legends in my world, and I would have been a kind Master, not like this one who gives you death and regret. Instead you come here to usurp me, and such indignity will not be tolerated." To the horror of all present, Trespasser began to grow, leaving behind all traces of the old man he had once been. Muscles bulged out of nothing, transforming his legs into crooked goat-like monstrosities, his arms like veiny tree trunks replete with sword-like claws. "YOUR LITTLE GHETTO OF SUBSPACE WAS NOT THE FIRST, NOR WILL IT BE THE LAST." Long serrated tentacles sprouted from his back, writhing as it themselves alive. The stitches and scars of past self-improvements covered his entire body, the result of his many journeys though the subspaces, incorporating the qualities of alien creatures by grafting their flesh to his. He glowered down at them with glowing, serpentine eye slits. "WHEN I AM FINISHED NO ONE WILL REMEMBER YOUR NAMES."

Striking forward with his long neck, he plunged his dripping fangs into the top of the Master's head.

"No!" cried Mario.

The Master began to fall. Mewtwo caught him and eased him to the ground.

The laughter of the Trespasser seemed like thousands of voices at once, and that was probably true. "Those idiots have lost control of the stadium," he said, summoning more mimicks they had ever seen at once, and immediately they attacked the Master's Alliance. "Sonic, the girl!"

The masked blue creature seemed to disappear. Everyone looked around but could not find him. Then someone shrieked. Mario's head pounded with rushing blood. Peach.

"PEACH!" He saw it now, the blue runner carrying her as she struggled.

"Mario, help!"


The blue creature handed Peach to Trespasser, who held her like toy in his hand.

Logically, his actions were madness, running toward a creature twenty times his size. Mario had come to the conclusion long ago that love was a form of madness, a necessary madness. He saw Luigi in the corner of his eye, also running. But neither of them were fast enough, and she was gone, gone with the Trespasser in a flash of light.

Angry tears filled Mario's eyes and he charged the blue emissary. "Face me!" he said. "Stop a this running and fight, since you a like fighting so much!"

That was one of many things Mario didn't know about Sonic the Hedgehog. Even when in his right mind there was little that could keep him from running. The mimicks were too numerous for anyone to be able to focus their efforts on catching the blue blur. Sonic's frequent laps around the room stirred the air into a tornado, and the chaos deepened.

All Kirby could do to stay grounded was transform into a brick. Mario and others stayed close to Mewtwo and Lucario. Their shields diminished the effect of the wind somewhat.

Wario laughed suddenly. "Look! The idiot's making our job easy! The mimicks are going batcrap!" He was right. The tornado, along with Sonic's sheer speed seemed to have confused the mimicks, who, having copied his speed, were crashing into the walls and each other.

There was also a downside. Mimicks were slamming into Mewtwo and Lucario's barriers with the force of cannonballs. The shields began to shrink.

"ENOUGH." Suddenly everything went still. Master was up again, one of its eyes swollen shut, a side effect of Trespasser's poisonous bite. "I have deemed the speed of this combatant excessive." Groaning, Master sank to the ground. That would be his last rule.

Sonic, now only a few notches faster than Captain Falcon, was quickly cornered and deprived of his helmet, while others dismantled the remaining mimicks. They filled Sonic in as quickly as possible.

Now everyone surrounded the Master as he lay facing the sky, his hands folded upon a chest that wasn't there. “I have two gifts,” said the Master. “Upon all of you I bestow Overworld. Mario... is Master now. I leave to you... all that is needed to defeat your enemy…” The eyes of the great head closed and the hands went limp, and then he disappeared with a sigh into thin air. All that remained was a glowing ball. Mario just stared at it

“Take it, Mario,” said Link, coming up next to him.

Mario picked up the ball and felt an inhuman power course through him. All of his senses seemed heightened. He put the ball in his pocket.

“That is no trinket you carry,” said Mewtwo. “That is the most powerful object one can possess. It is all the power of the Master condensed into matter. It is called the Finality Sphere.”

"You a took her," said Mario at last, gritting his teeth as he restored the hedgehog's true speed. "You a have to bring her back to me."

Sonic nodded. "I always come through, you'll see."

"To Nintendo Stadium!" said Mario.

An emphatic "YEAH!" arose from everyone present. Mewtwo opened the portal and away they went.

Nintendo Stadium lay in ruin. The walls were almost entirely torn down and the massive battle had spilled out into the surrounding fields. Mimicks and all manner of creatures swarmed like locusts. Only Krystal noticed their arrival.

"Mario! Fox!" she said.

"News?" asked Fox.

Krystal frowned. "Doc and GW are hurt bad. R.O.B's missing. A lot of dead pokemon. (pika!!) Slippy too. It would be worse if the villains didn't join our side after we took the Halberg. They've got their minions helping."

"Where is my ship?" cried Metaknight?

"Well, there some over there, and some over there." She pulled out her staff, anxious. "I'm sorry, but I don't care about your ship right now. People are dying. I have to go."

"My ship..." Metaknight.

"It can be rebuilt," said Link. "As can this world, but first we must succeed."

“We’ll clear the way, Mario,” said Pit. “You finish the task.”

“Let’s do it!” exclaimed Wario, barreling fearlessly toward the sea of mimicks. “I GOT SEVEN WORDS FOR YOU COPYCATS:TEN.CANS.OF.BAKED.BEANS.FOR.BREAKFAST!” They completely surrounded him, covered him.


Shafts of light emerged through the gaps of mimicks, and there was a momentary pause. Then the world erupted in a smelly blast of smoke and debris. Broken mimicks flew hundreds of feet in the air before raining back down. Minutes later Wario climbed out of the crater he had made and looked around. “Anyone got a moist towelette?” he asked.

“We’re losing time, Mario!” said Kirby. “You have to act!”

“I can’t do anything…he still has Peach.”

“I’m on it!” shouted Sonic. The blue blur rocketed toward the Trespasser, cutting through mimicks and tentacles as fast as they regenerated, swiping Peach from his grasp. “I got her! Now get the lead out, chubby!” he shouted as he passed.

Trespasser gave a frightening wail that shook the ground beneath them. “Traitorous vermin!”

But Sonic was long gone, and the words probably hadn’t caught up to him yet.

Mario, seeing Peach rushed to safely now had no fears. Fire blazed in his thought and his eyes. He had to hold on, allow the creature a chance to relent. That was the way he did things. He wasn’t a destroyer—he preferred to let his enemies destroy themselves. That was the way…wasn’t it?

“Now, Mario!” cried Little Mac. “Do it now!”

No, this one couldn’t be spared. It was too dangerous, too evil. No world would be safe as long as he lived. No, that was just an excuse. It could be imprisoned. It could be reformed.

“He’s in your head, Mario! You have to take control!” Mac took a swerving tentacle the ribs and skidded through the dirt. His body took on sickly pink cast, but he staggered to his feet, clutching his side.

“Yes, that’s it, Mario,” said the Trespasser. “I’m only misguided…like all the others. I am truly good, deep down inside. You see it.” He slowly advanced, his snakelike body swaying slightly, hypnotically.

Sweat beaded on Mario’s brow. All sound but the voice of the Trespasser seemed faint. Everything was slow and confusing but the soft words of the monster before him. He saw Link fruitlessly firing light arrows and slashing tentacles. Pit was above, fighting mimicks in the air. At last Mario’s eyes fell on a shard of plastic at his feet, bearing the name R.O.B. Someone had blown the little robot to bits. Something snapped inside Mario then. Sound returned to the world, and the poison of the Trespasser’s voice had lost its potency. The monster now loomed only yards away, almost close enough to reach and kill Mario with a single strike.

The legions of Overworld and the emissaries poured everything they had into the creature, but his power had mutated out of control. The Trespasser merely grimaced and trudged forward despite all their efforts. The air was awash with the lasers of Fox and Falco, the explosives of Snake, arrows and eggs, peanuts and various other indeterminable objects. The paperboy had even soaked his newspapers in gasoline from Exite’s dirtbike and was flinging them with expert accuracy at the mimicks around him. Dedede, Eggplant Wizard, and King Hippo fought together like three kindred spirits, hurling their weight around, smashing, crushing, and hammering thorough the fog of enemies with no regard to the gashes and bruises covering their bodies.

Hammer brothers pelted the great hide. Mike Jones and Donkey Kong stood back to back, DK pounding the ground, sending mimicks flying in all directions. Mike batted projectiles away with his mirror, flicking out his yoyo with deadly accuracy. Pikachu brought down a massive thunder attack directly atop Trespasser’s head, and this seemed to slow it down a bit. Mewtwo, Lucario, and Ganondorf hurled balls of light at him. Popo and Nana made an ice slick at his feet and he went down hard, but this only served to enrage him. His tentacles whipped furiously all around, their pads sticky, the edges like blades.

Mac still pleaded. “Come on man, remember who you fight for. He’s got nothing, only himself. You’re bigger than he is, Mario!”

“Shut up, you!” Trespasser lashed out its tentacles again, wanting desperately to grab the pest and wring it until it was dry. But Mac weaved in, out and under the sticky arms again. But quick as he was he still got hit, a proboscis raking him across the face. He sputtered and blinked against the blood pouring into his eyes, but he did not fall.

Suddenly the Trespasser cried out in pain. Ridley had flown full speed into the creature’s back, stabbing into him with razor sharp talons. The Trespasser spun and struck Ridley across the face. He flew far and lay still where he landed. Ike’s sword came flying, piercing the Enemy’s chest. Ike soared after it, wrenching the sword free and somersaulting to the ground. Mega Man and Samus fired fully charged blasts, both hitting the mark. Bowers crashed down upon his head from above, but then lost his hand to a mimick swinging a sword. Hockey players stabbed at the massive legs with their skates. Diddy climbed into Trespasser’s face, clawing at his eyes. Lowering his head, B.F. released the nozzles of his balloons, rocketing helmet-first into the massive gut. The mouth gasped and the gigantic body fell to one knee. Glaring at Mario with unbridled hatred, blood streaming from the many holes in his body, Trespasser prepared to lunge. Zelda bound him with her power, but she could feel his desperate strength tearing through her magic.

“I can’t… hold him much longer,” she said.

“Knock him out!” cried Mac.

And Mario at last listened.

Many years later, those involved in the Battle of Nintendo Stadium would recount Mario’s Final Blaze as the greatest display of fireworks the world had seen and would ever see again. Mario, they say dreamily, only then rose to the stature of Master, cloaked fully in fire and unharmed by it. The Trespasser seemed small and frail then, withered and frightened by the approaching heat, but too arrogant to run away. In this final act of defiance he was consumed and never seen again, his ashes lost to the wind.

After a month had passed, and all had been honored or laid to rest, Mario and Peach threw the greatest celebration any world had ever seen. Guests from many lands, many worlds swelled the borders of Mushroom Kingdom. These were not times to be alone. These were times to celebrate victory, to remember those lost, and to not be alone.

In time everything was rebuilt much as it had been, and soon even Nintendo Stadium reopened its doors. Mario thought it was almost poetic that his first opponent in the new stadium should be the same one he faced when it all began.

The crowd cheered. It was their purpose to cheer.

As Kirby’s cutter approached, Mario wondered whether he should shield it or dodge. He smiled. It was their purpose to fight, but he was glad to know that this fight would come to an end.


The sun was shining. Mario lay asleep on the warm sand of Isle Delfino. He opened his eyes and rolled over to look at Peach, and saw that her big eyes were watching him as well.
“I had strangest dream,” she said. “A nightmare, even. It was a terrible battle.”
“I know,” said Mario, reaching into the pocket of his overalls. Yes, it was there. “A dream?” Mario said, closed his eyes, smiling. “Oh, I don’t know about that.”
They sat in silence for a few moments.
“Mewtwo was right,” Mario said with the same bushy grin from long, long ago. “This might a have been our greatest adventure, and a we didn’t have a to go anywhere at all. My kind of adventure.”
“My silly, brave, little plumber,” said Peach, playfully pulling his hat over his eyes, and she kissed him on the nose.



Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
Xaron, that story makes me want Brawl 10x more. That it a really exciting, thought out, and just amazing story. I couldn't have ever thought of that. Kudos to you.


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2006
Good job Xaron!

I'm pretty sure the game will have co-op play because I find Yoshi and Link a very odd combonation and it seems obvious to me that it leads to co-op play


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
Apologies if this has been mentioned before.

Judging by the title of the mode I am guessing that Mario/Kirby or whatever character you choose has to go on a mission through space possibly on the Halberd itself. (Subspace - going through space; Emissary - a representative sent on a mission or errand).

On the way you could fight through the usual stages until you reach the enemy at the top whoever that might be.

However, emissary can also mean someone sent on a mission as a spy. Maybe Metaknight is serving as a spy?

I don't know just throwing up ideas.


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2007
Hyrule, Right next to the Triforce
You did a very good job, and I appreciate that you care about this game series a lot, but I'm afraid that it will be quite inaccurate because, like always, Nintendo will probably edge with the "silent protaganist" way, most likely have only the characters who have spoken (in a full sentence) in the past will talk in cinematics. (i.e. Fox, Ike, Samus...)


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I agree, but there can be some problems with that, meaning that Mario, Pikachu, Link, Kirby, Pokemon Trainer, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Pit wouldn't be able to say anything? Now some characters fameous for their silence, (ie. Link, Kirby, Yoshi etc.) would be acceptable, but I thik that others should finally get their voice (Personally I'd like to see some sort of tension between Mario and Sonic [If he gets in])


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
Say... Does anyone think there will be another update this week about the Subspace Emissary? Perhaps more on one of the characters stories? Or maybe another cutscene? I do like the cutscenes!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007

Everyone knew the Halberd was even in the first pics of the SE Get wit it Dood....
XDXDXD(dare I say "rofl"??)XDXDXD.

Another SE update would rule, but probably not for while....(watch, it'll be tonight and I'll have to eat my freakin words ><)
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