Well, at least you're putting in effort. Good stuff stepping up. Every day the gap between us decreases more and more. That goes for the whole crew . . .
except Wind, and now I get to the point where I have to be blunt and speak out the open.
Wind has been to a grand total of THREE smash tourneys. One W2Z weekly. One Gaming World weekly. And Terrabite 2. He's never placed significantly, but more importantly, puts NO effort into this game. In fact, I'd say it's safe to say that outside of the basics, he knows NOTHING about this game.
Matt has been my friend since the 4th grade, but let's have some real talk here. Does he really care about competative smash? Does he really belong in a smash crew? Everything I go out there, I'm remembering that I represent each and every one of you, and you're all representing me. I teach you all I can teach you, and hope that you'll put in enough work to carry THE TEAM the rest of the way. When I place well, I want you all to personally feel like you placed well, because you taught me and helped me get there. When you place well, I feel like I placed well, because I like to think that I helped teach you, and help you improve.
Wind does not in any way represent ANY of these characteristics. I understand that people have lives, and I'm not telling anyone to prioritize Smash over life (which I may be guilty of doing myself. I mean, look at my schedule). However, there is a limit. Wind NEVER plays. I no longer really train any of you as I did at one point (except maybe 4fit, and he's stepping his game up hard). I continue to teach, mentor, and spread knowledge, but fighting you all is hard (EVEN YOU 4Fit) and it helps me improve as well.
If I were to sit down and play with Wind, it wouldn't even help me improve. I'd basically have to teach him the game from scratch. I could pick up a random, and train them better. Hell, I could pick up Jacob, and teach him to be better than Matt. He shows WAY more enthusiasm and dedication, and has been more active in the recent scene than Wind by a long shot.
I'm not saying cut off our friendship with Wind. He'll be one of my best friends forever, but I personally don't think he's adequate to represent me in this arena (which is IMPORTANT to me), because he really doesn't care. He never comes to crew meets, never comes to tourneys, and never plays this game.
Perhaps his life is difficult at the moment (I dunno. I've never been inside his house, don't know what his home life is like, and really don't know a lot of things about the kid, I just like him a lot so we're friends.) and if he's really interested in Smash, he can reapply at a later, more suitable time to join the Zodiac Braves.
Real talk, it's mad embarrassing when people ask me to join the crew, and I'm like, "Well, you're just not good enough," and they go, "Well, I'm MUCH better than that guy, so what's the deal?" and I have no good answer.
I can't make any final decisions without Munk's approval, because at ZB's foundation, we ALL agreed Munk to be our leader, and he appointed me second in command. However, I would like to heard what ALL of you think on this matter. I'd also like to hear what Wind has to say about this, but hell, I don't even know if the man ever comes on Smashboards.